Background checks and increase age to own a gun.

Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Do any of these changes have a direct impact on any previous shooting?
I don’t know, what do you think? Why do you think trump was promoting those ideas?
mostly "because something must be done" and if he doesn't more people scream.

i'm down for changes. i honestly am. but we need to look deeply into what we're changing and will it have the effect we're after. if not, it makes zero sense to change it.

background checks for all! great. only *at least* 3 shooters in the last several years all got through background checks that should not have. extrapolate that out to people buying guns and only shooting a few people at a time in chicago. so wheee - we did something and now all will be ok.

only it won't be. someone will buy a gun this way and abuse it and we go back to looking for ways to stop them from getting guns again. that doesn't work so we rinse, repeat. how many times do we pass new laws or get more strict? chicago and LA are the most stringent against guns and they have the worst problems.

we need to figure out why people are so angry and work on that. stop worrying about what tool they choose to use to express that anger and address the anger. right now in our society the left and right extremes have people so worked up both sides go out on shooting sprees in the name of their side. *this* is why i feel we're already at a form of a modern day civil war. wars don't have to just use guns to kill. they can use media and lies to morph things into what they want. google is looking to see how they can alter elections. while gun violence is way too much these days, that to me is a much bigger issue. but it's also why people are so angry. if it's NOT happening as the left says and it's all just a lot of conspiracy theories, then why the huge pushback and their own attack on the right? the left is wanting to change everything up and the right says stop it.

and it's gotten WAY out of hand thanks to technology around us we're not mature enough to use properly.

we need to bolster our background checks and make sure all data that should be there in fact is there. then we need to look for profiles of what all these shooters have in common and much like the FBI in the 70s, work to understand why it's happening and learn to predict behaviors and patterns to help us understand the problem.

i've never known too many effective solutions to problems we didn't identify and understand first. gun control has become a political issue and not many problems get fixed at this point but a lot of useless "compromises" are made to appease the masses.
Figuring out why people are so angry that they would resort to shooting people and doing something about it would be a monumental task because the root problems they have are no different than the ones most of us encounter in our life, loss of jobs, rejection by loved ones, failures in life, rejection by peers, drugs, alcohol, etc.
true. however we've had those problems since the first caveman got stood up by his cavebitch for a caveman with a better wheel and a spear. why now? what is different about today that makes people want to go shoot up so many others? why mostly young males? what are the links between them?

we had guns in the backwindows of gun racks for over a decade yet no one that i recall took one out of the truck to shoot his fellow caveman.
Oh, but indeed it does, and that qualifies as an admission.
I don’t really do labels. If you need to label me as a lib for some reason then go ahead. How is it relevant?

Infringing on gun rights is not the answer. The answer is more Jesus and reopening Sanitariums for people that are obviously crazy. Other countries have Sanitariums, I bet even Cuba does. We used to, until big Pharma talked the government into closing them all because they had some magic beans (pills).
Well it doesn't work like that, obviously.
Although we probably need more psychiatric hospitals, they are not the answer to preventing these mass killings for several reasons. First being, most mass killers would not meet the requirements for admission.

Unfortunately, many people do not have access to proven interventions. Too many people have no health insurance or health insurance with very restrictive mental health care; there have been too many budget cuts to treatment dollars, and there are too few providers available to deliver care. These obstacles should lead to a call to action, not a call to further confine more people.

Most of the shooters are not raving maniacs nor are they criminally insane. They are simply people that have problems that are often no different than that of millions of other people. What this means is that if we are to attack the mass shooter problem via mental health, then we are going to have to provide better mental health counseling for everyone because there is just not that much difference between the metal health problems of most shooters and other people.
Thank you! That was right on. Social emotional learning and mental health counseling during early childhood development is key. Learning coping strategies and methods to deal with the struggles that our youth are facing will give these kids outlets and support so they don’t build up like ticking time bombs.

You'd have to pry their noses out of their phones and off social media long enough to pay attention. Of course shrinks say making kids go cold turkey off their pones for even a school day is too stressful for the little snowflakes, they would need tech breaks during the day. There's your primary problem.


About 20 years ago, educators decided putting a computer in front ever student in America would solve our problems in education. IMHO, it was a miserable failure. Instead of stimulating kids interest in learning, it introduced them to the Internet and social media. Along came smart phones and kids disappeared into a virtual world of games, anonymous online friends, and propagandists of violent and destructive behavior.
I don’t really do labels. If you need to label me as a lib for some reason then go ahead. How is it relevant?

Infringing on gun rights is not the answer. The answer is more Jesus and reopening Sanitariums for people that are obviously crazy. Other countries have Sanitariums, I bet even Cuba does. We used to, until big Pharma talked the government into closing them all because they had some magic beans (pills).
Well it doesn't work like that, obviously.
Although we probably need more psychiatric hospitals, they are not the answer to preventing these mass killings for several reasons. First being, most mass killers would not meet the requirements for admission.

Unfortunately, many people do not have access to proven interventions. Too many people have no health insurance or health insurance with very restrictive mental health care; there have been too many budget cuts to treatment dollars, and there are too few providers available to deliver care. These obstacles should lead to a call to action, not a call to further confine more people.

Most of the shooters are not raving maniacs nor are they criminally insane. They are simply people that have problems that are often no different than that of millions of other people. What this means is that if we are to attack the mass shooter problem via mental health, then we are going to have to provide better mental health counseling for everyone because there is just not that much difference between the metal health problems of most shooters and other people.
Thank you! That was right on. Social emotional learning and mental health counseling during early childhood development is key. Learning coping strategies and methods to deal with the struggles that our youth are facing will give these kids outlets and support so they don’t build up like ticking time bombs.

You'd have to pry their noses out of their phones and off social media long enough to pay attention. Of course shrinks say making kids go cold turkey off their pones for even a school day is too stressful for the little snowflakes, they would need tech breaks during the day. There's your primary problem.


About 20 years ago, educators decided putting a computer in front ever student in America would solve our problems in education. IMHO, it was a miserable failure. Instead of stimulating kids interest in learning, it introduced them to the Internet and social media. Along came smart phones and kids disappeared into a virtual world of games, anonymous online friends, and propagandists of violent and destructive behavior.

And that was made easier by fatherless homes...
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Do any of these changes have a direct impact on any previous shooting?
I don’t know, what do you think? Why do you think trump was promoting those ideas?
mostly "because something must be done" and if he doesn't more people scream.

i'm down for changes. i honestly am. but we need to look deeply into what we're changing and will it have the effect we're after. if not, it makes zero sense to change it.

background checks for all! great. only *at least* 3 shooters in the last several years all got through background checks that should not have. extrapolate that out to people buying guns and only shooting a few people at a time in chicago. so wheee - we did something and now all will be ok.

only it won't be. someone will buy a gun this way and abuse it and we go back to looking for ways to stop them from getting guns again. that doesn't work so we rinse, repeat. how many times do we pass new laws or get more strict? chicago and LA are the most stringent against guns and they have the worst problems.

we need to figure out why people are so angry and work on that. stop worrying about what tool they choose to use to express that anger and address the anger. right now in our society the left and right extremes have people so worked up both sides go out on shooting sprees in the name of their side. *this* is why i feel we're already at a form of a modern day civil war. wars don't have to just use guns to kill. they can use media and lies to morph things into what they want. google is looking to see how they can alter elections. while gun violence is way too much these days, that to me is a much bigger issue. but it's also why people are so angry. if it's NOT happening as the left says and it's all just a lot of conspiracy theories, then why the huge pushback and their own attack on the right? the left is wanting to change everything up and the right says stop it.

and it's gotten WAY out of hand thanks to technology around us we're not mature enough to use properly.

we need to bolster our background checks and make sure all data that should be there in fact is there. then we need to look for profiles of what all these shooters have in common and much like the FBI in the 70s, work to understand why it's happening and learn to predict behaviors and patterns to help us understand the problem.

i've never known too many effective solutions to problems we didn't identify and understand first. gun control has become a political issue and not many problems get fixed at this point but a lot of useless "compromises" are made to appease the masses.
Figuring out why people are so angry that they would resort to shooting people and doing something about it would be a monumental task because the root problems they have are no different than the ones most of us encounter in our life, loss of jobs, rejection by loved ones, failures in life, rejection by peers, drugs, alcohol, etc.
true. however we've had those problems since the first caveman got stood up by his cavebitch for a caveman with a better wheel and a spear. why now? what is different about today that makes people want to go shoot up so many others? why mostly young males? what are the links between them?

we had guns in the backwindows of gun racks for over a decade yet no one that i recall took one out of the truck to shoot his fellow caveman.


Really....? How do you know how they identified themselves? Putting your patriarchal views of otherness on past individuals of less technological advantage than you
just reinstate the assault weapons ban that was in place under Clinton and Congress or Bush2 let expire...

enough already....

yes, bad guys could still get a gun on the black market, but when they are banned, the price on the black market will sky rocket, making it much much harder for these 20 to 30 yr old guys to afford them....

if it cuts these mass murders with assault/rapid fire/destructive powered weapons, it's good enough for me, for now.

yes, some rich guy like the Las Vegas shooter may still be out there, able to afford black market prices, but parkland, el paso, and Dayton, the synagogue etc mass murders would likely not have occurred by these young men, or likely to not have been as destructive without semi automatics, by these young men.
It's already illegal for felons to buy or own a gun, so which "bad guys" are you referring to?

It won't cut a fucking thing. Clinton's "assault weapons" ban was a joke. It only banned certain cosmetic characteristics. You could still buy a gun with the same exact performance characteristics as the weapons that were banned.

As always, leftwing solutions have no effect or they violate the Constitution.
Do any of these changes have a direct impact on any previous shooting?
I don’t know, what do you think? Why do you think trump was promoting those ideas?
mostly "because something must be done" and if he doesn't more people scream.

i'm down for changes. i honestly am. but we need to look deeply into what we're changing and will it have the effect we're after. if not, it makes zero sense to change it.

background checks for all! great. only *at least* 3 shooters in the last several years all got through background checks that should not have. extrapolate that out to people buying guns and only shooting a few people at a time in chicago. so wheee - we did something and now all will be ok.

only it won't be. someone will buy a gun this way and abuse it and we go back to looking for ways to stop them from getting guns again. that doesn't work so we rinse, repeat. how many times do we pass new laws or get more strict? chicago and LA are the most stringent against guns and they have the worst problems.

we need to figure out why people are so angry and work on that. stop worrying about what tool they choose to use to express that anger and address the anger. right now in our society the left and right extremes have people so worked up both sides go out on shooting sprees in the name of their side. *this* is why i feel we're already at a form of a modern day civil war. wars don't have to just use guns to kill. they can use media and lies to morph things into what they want. google is looking to see how they can alter elections. while gun violence is way too much these days, that to me is a much bigger issue. but it's also why people are so angry. if it's NOT happening as the left says and it's all just a lot of conspiracy theories, then why the huge pushback and their own attack on the right? the left is wanting to change everything up and the right says stop it.

and it's gotten WAY out of hand thanks to technology around us we're not mature enough to use properly.

we need to bolster our background checks and make sure all data that should be there in fact is there. then we need to look for profiles of what all these shooters have in common and much like the FBI in the 70s, work to understand why it's happening and learn to predict behaviors and patterns to help us understand the problem.

i've never known too many effective solutions to problems we didn't identify and understand first. gun control has become a political issue and not many problems get fixed at this point but a lot of useless "compromises" are made to appease the masses.
Figuring out why people are so angry that they would resort to shooting people and doing something about it would be a monumental task because the root problems they have are no different than the ones most of us encounter in our life, loss of jobs, rejection by loved ones, failures in life, rejection by peers, drugs, alcohol, etc.
true. however we've had those problems since the first caveman got stood up by his cavebitch for a caveman with a better wheel and a spear. why now? what is different about today that makes people want to go shoot up so many others? why mostly young males? what are the links between them?

we had guns in the backwindows of gun racks for over a decade yet no one that i recall took one out of the truck to shoot his fellow caveman.


Really....? How do you know how they identified themselves? Putting your patriarchal views of otherness on past individuals of less technological advantage than you
I get crazy sometimes
Trump went on air this morning promoting background checks, increasing the age to purchase a gun, and getting rid of the policy that expunges the records of minors when they turn 18.


Trump: Congress discussing 'meaningful' gun background checks, NRA will have input
Do any of these changes have a direct impact on any previous shooting?
I don’t know, what do you think? Why do you think trump was promoting those ideas?
mostly "because something must be done" and if he doesn't more people scream.

i'm down for changes. i honestly am. but we need to look deeply into what we're changing and will it have the effect we're after. if not, it makes zero sense to change it.

background checks for all! great. only *at least* 3 shooters in the last several years all got through background checks that should not have. extrapolate that out to people buying guns and only shooting a few people at a time in chicago. so wheee - we did something and now all will be ok.

only it won't be. someone will buy a gun this way and abuse it and we go back to looking for ways to stop them from getting guns again. that doesn't work so we rinse, repeat. how many times do we pass new laws or get more strict? chicago and LA are the most stringent against guns and they have the worst problems.

we need to figure out why people are so angry and work on that. stop worrying about what tool they choose to use to express that anger and address the anger. right now in our society the left and right extremes have people so worked up both sides go out on shooting sprees in the name of their side. *this* is why i feel we're already at a form of a modern day civil war. wars don't have to just use guns to kill. they can use media and lies to morph things into what they want. google is looking to see how they can alter elections. while gun violence is way too much these days, that to me is a much bigger issue. but it's also why people are so angry. if it's NOT happening as the left says and it's all just a lot of conspiracy theories, then why the huge pushback and their own attack on the right? the left is wanting to change everything up and the right says stop it.

and it's gotten WAY out of hand thanks to technology around us we're not mature enough to use properly.

we need to bolster our background checks and make sure all data that should be there in fact is there. then we need to look for profiles of what all these shooters have in common and much like the FBI in the 70s, work to understand why it's happening and learn to predict behaviors and patterns to help us understand the problem.

i've never known too many effective solutions to problems we didn't identify and understand first. gun control has become a political issue and not many problems get fixed at this point but a lot of useless "compromises" are made to appease the masses.
Figuring out why people are so angry that they would resort to shooting people and doing something about it would be a monumental task because the root problems they have are no different than the ones most of us encounter in our life, loss of jobs, rejection by loved ones, failures in life, rejection by peers, drugs, alcohol, etc.
true. however we've had those problems since the first caveman got stood up by his cavebitch for a caveman with a better wheel and a spear. why now? what is different about today that makes people want to go shoot up so many others? why mostly young males? what are the links between them?

we had guns in the backwindows of gun racks for over a decade yet no one that i recall took one out of the truck to shoot his fellow caveman.
Probably the biggest difference today is communications.

Put powerful weapons in the hands of people with common problems who spend much of their free time on social media and they begin to see their problems as just part of a much larger problem, oppression by the wealthy and power brokers, destruction of society by racial, ethnic or religious minorities.

If there is any common thread between shooters it is a history of antisocial, sometimes violent conduct.
Do any of these changes have a direct impact on any previous shooting?
I don’t know, what do you think? Why do you think trump was promoting those ideas?
mostly "because something must be done" and if he doesn't more people scream.

i'm down for changes. i honestly am. but we need to look deeply into what we're changing and will it have the effect we're after. if not, it makes zero sense to change it.

background checks for all! great. only *at least* 3 shooters in the last several years all got through background checks that should not have. extrapolate that out to people buying guns and only shooting a few people at a time in chicago. so wheee - we did something and now all will be ok.

only it won't be. someone will buy a gun this way and abuse it and we go back to looking for ways to stop them from getting guns again. that doesn't work so we rinse, repeat. how many times do we pass new laws or get more strict? chicago and LA are the most stringent against guns and they have the worst problems.

we need to figure out why people are so angry and work on that. stop worrying about what tool they choose to use to express that anger and address the anger. right now in our society the left and right extremes have people so worked up both sides go out on shooting sprees in the name of their side. *this* is why i feel we're already at a form of a modern day civil war. wars don't have to just use guns to kill. they can use media and lies to morph things into what they want. google is looking to see how they can alter elections. while gun violence is way too much these days, that to me is a much bigger issue. but it's also why people are so angry. if it's NOT happening as the left says and it's all just a lot of conspiracy theories, then why the huge pushback and their own attack on the right? the left is wanting to change everything up and the right says stop it.

and it's gotten WAY out of hand thanks to technology around us we're not mature enough to use properly.

we need to bolster our background checks and make sure all data that should be there in fact is there. then we need to look for profiles of what all these shooters have in common and much like the FBI in the 70s, work to understand why it's happening and learn to predict behaviors and patterns to help us understand the problem.

i've never known too many effective solutions to problems we didn't identify and understand first. gun control has become a political issue and not many problems get fixed at this point but a lot of useless "compromises" are made to appease the masses.
Figuring out why people are so angry that they would resort to shooting people and doing something about it would be a monumental task because the root problems they have are no different than the ones most of us encounter in our life, loss of jobs, rejection by loved ones, failures in life, rejection by peers, drugs, alcohol, etc.
true. however we've had those problems since the first caveman got stood up by his cavebitch for a caveman with a better wheel and a spear. why now? what is different about today that makes people want to go shoot up so many others? why mostly young males? what are the links between them?

we had guns in the backwindows of gun racks for over a decade yet no one that i recall took one out of the truck to shoot his fellow caveman.
Probably the biggest difference today is communications.

Put powerful weapons in the hands of people with common problems who spend much of their free time on social media and they begin to see their problems as just part of a much larger problem, oppression by the wealthy and power brokers, destruction of society by racial, ethnic or religious minorities.

If there is any common thread between shooters it is a history of antisocial, sometimes violent conduct.

And a lack of fathers in the home.......
I don’t really do labels. If you need to label me as a lib for some reason then go ahead. How is it relevant?

Infringing on gun rights is not the answer. The answer is more Jesus and reopening Sanitariums for people that are obviously crazy. Other countries have Sanitariums, I bet even Cuba does. We used to, until big Pharma talked the government into closing them all because they had some magic beans (pills).
Well it doesn't work like that, obviously.
Although we probably need more psychiatric hospitals, they are not the answer to preventing these mass killings for several reasons. First being, most mass killers would not meet the requirements for admission.

Unfortunately, many people do not have access to proven interventions. Too many people have no health insurance or health insurance with very restrictive mental health care; there have been too many budget cuts to treatment dollars, and there are too few providers available to deliver care. These obstacles should lead to a call to action, not a call to further confine more people.

Most of the shooters are not raving maniacs nor are they criminally insane. They are simply people that have problems that are often no different than that of millions of other people. What this means is that if we are to attack the mass shooter problem via mental health, then we are going to have to provide better mental health counseling for everyone because there is just not that much difference between the metal health problems of most shooters and other people.
Thank you! That was right on. Social emotional learning and mental health counseling during early childhood development is key. Learning coping strategies and methods to deal with the struggles that our youth are facing will give these kids outlets and support so they don’t build up like ticking time bombs.

You'd have to pry their noses out of their phones and off social media long enough to pay attention. Of course shrinks say making kids go cold turkey off their pones for even a school day is too stressful for the little snowflakes, they would need tech breaks during the day. There's your primary problem.


About 20 years ago, educators decided putting a computer in front ever student in America would solve our problems in education. IMHO, it was a miserable failure. Instead of stimulating kids interest in learning, it introduced them to the Internet and social media. Along came smart phones and kids disappeared into a virtual world of games, anonymous online friends, and propagandists of violent and destructive behavior.

And when their self esteem is tied to "likes", "retweets" and "followers", with no personal interaction, that's nothing but a recipe for trouble. One poster told me in another thread that when the US became more civilized and technologically advanced mass shooting would go down, so far just the opposite is true. Of course we have vastly different opinions of what civilized means.

Infringing on gun rights is not the answer. The answer is more Jesus and reopening Sanitariums for people that are obviously crazy. Other countries have Sanitariums, I bet even Cuba does. We used to, until big Pharma talked the government into closing them all because they had some magic beans (pills).
Well it doesn't work like that, obviously.
Although we probably need more psychiatric hospitals, they are not the answer to preventing these mass killings for several reasons. First being, most mass killers would not meet the requirements for admission.

Unfortunately, many people do not have access to proven interventions. Too many people have no health insurance or health insurance with very restrictive mental health care; there have been too many budget cuts to treatment dollars, and there are too few providers available to deliver care. These obstacles should lead to a call to action, not a call to further confine more people.

Most of the shooters are not raving maniacs nor are they criminally insane. They are simply people that have problems that are often no different than that of millions of other people. What this means is that if we are to attack the mass shooter problem via mental health, then we are going to have to provide better mental health counseling for everyone because there is just not that much difference between the metal health problems of most shooters and other people.
Thank you! That was right on. Social emotional learning and mental health counseling during early childhood development is key. Learning coping strategies and methods to deal with the struggles that our youth are facing will give these kids outlets and support so they don’t build up like ticking time bombs.

You'd have to pry their noses out of their phones and off social media long enough to pay attention. Of course shrinks say making kids go cold turkey off their pones for even a school day is too stressful for the little snowflakes, they would need tech breaks during the day. There's your primary problem.


About 20 years ago, educators decided putting a computer in front ever student in America would solve our problems in education. IMHO, it was a miserable failure. Instead of stimulating kids interest in learning, it introduced them to the Internet and social media. Along came smart phones and kids disappeared into a virtual world of games, anonymous online friends, and propagandists of violent and destructive behavior.

And when their self esteem is tied to "likes", "retweets" and "followers", with no personal interaction, that's nothing but a recipe for trouble. One poster told me in another thread that when the US became more civilized and technologically advanced mass shooting would go down, so far just the opposite is true. Of course we have vastly different opinions of what civilized means.


Fatherless homes created this media just gives it an outlet...
Although we probably need more psychiatric hospitals, they are not the answer to preventing these mass killings for several reasons. First being, most mass killers would not meet the requirements for admission.

Unfortunately, many people do not have access to proven interventions. Too many people have no health insurance or health insurance with very restrictive mental health care; there have been too many budget cuts to treatment dollars, and there are too few providers available to deliver care. These obstacles should lead to a call to action, not a call to further confine more people.

Most of the shooters are not raving maniacs nor are they criminally insane. They are simply people that have problems that are often no different than that of millions of other people. What this means is that if we are to attack the mass shooter problem via mental health, then we are going to have to provide better mental health counseling for everyone because there is just not that much difference between the metal health problems of most shooters and other people.
Thank you! That was right on. Social emotional learning and mental health counseling during early childhood development is key. Learning coping strategies and methods to deal with the struggles that our youth are facing will give these kids outlets and support so they don’t build up like ticking time bombs.

You'd have to pry their noses out of their phones and off social media long enough to pay attention. Of course shrinks say making kids go cold turkey off their pones for even a school day is too stressful for the little snowflakes, they would need tech breaks during the day. There's your primary problem.


About 20 years ago, educators decided putting a computer in front ever student in America would solve our problems in education. IMHO, it was a miserable failure. Instead of stimulating kids interest in learning, it introduced them to the Internet and social media. Along came smart phones and kids disappeared into a virtual world of games, anonymous online friends, and propagandists of violent and destructive behavior.

And when their self esteem is tied to "likes", "retweets" and "followers", with no personal interaction, that's nothing but a recipe for trouble. One poster told me in another thread that when the US became more civilized and technologically advanced mass shooting would go down, so far just the opposite is true. Of course we have vastly different opinions of what civilized means.


Fatherless homes created this media just gives it an outlet...

I have to disagree, taking discipline out of schools, threatening parents who disciplined at home created this mess, fatherless homes were just a contributing factor. The commies have institutionalized the lack of consequences and personal responsibility, culminated in the everyone gets a trophy generation. Have you seen families eating in a restaurant and everyone has their nose buried in a phone, personal interaction isn't required anymore. It's no accident that the everyone gets a trophy generation is the ones committing the mass shootings today.

Last edited:
Oh, but indeed it does, and that qualifies as an admission.
I don’t really do labels. If you need to label me as a lib for some reason then go ahead. How is it relevant?

Infringing on gun rights is not the answer. The answer is more Jesus and reopening Sanitariums for people that are obviously crazy. Other countries have Sanitariums, I bet even Cuba does. We used to, until big Pharma talked the government into closing them all because they had some magic beans (pills).
Well it doesn't work like that, obviously.
Although we probably need more psychiatric hospitals, they are not the answer to preventing these mass killings for several reasons. First being, most mass killers would not meet the requirements for admission.

Unfortunately, many people do not have access to proven interventions. Too many people have no health insurance or health insurance with very restrictive mental health care; there have been too many budget cuts to treatment dollars, and there are too few providers available to deliver care. These obstacles should lead to a call to action, not a call to further confine more people.

Most of the shooters are not raving maniacs nor are they criminally insane. They are simply people that have problems that are often no different than that of millions of other people. What this means is that if we are to attack the mass shooter problem via mental health, then we are going to have to provide better mental health counseling for everyone because there is just not that much difference between the metal health problems of most shooters and other people.
Thank you! That was right on. Social emotional learning and mental health counseling during early childhood development is key. Learning coping strategies and methods to deal with the struggles that our youth are facing will give these kids outlets and support so they don’t build up like ticking time bombs.

Actually, intact families are the key......for regular children, and especially for children with mental illnesses...... having a mother at home for the first 5 years, instead of working, and a father in the home...raising his children with the mother, is the key.......
Intact families with healthy relationships is key but that’s not really in our control. What we can control is the available support info coping strategies we teach our children at home and in school

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