Background checks and increase age to own a gun.

they asked Pelosi if she thinks mental illness is a problem. she said: "yes, how do you think i keep getting elected?"
As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

I don't accept any government infringement on my right to keep and bear arms. If the government does it then it is acting illegally.

Background checks are oppressive and worthless. Why should any American have to get permission from the government filth to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to them under the Constitution?

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then the BORs really isn't a Bill of Rights, is it? Not worth the parchment it is written on, is it?
Gun advocate's claims that background checks don't work is just a bit disingenuous. Either thorough lawmakers or the courts, they have rigged the laws so they can't work as intended. These laws are mostly just an inconvenience for the very people they are suppose stop from buying guns. The most dangerous firearms, semiautomatic rifles are excluded from background checks like most guns if bought from individuals, guns shows, or online.

Background checks will only work if they are nationwide without the loopholes.

Most of these high profile shooters passed the NICS background check so it was pretty much a failure.

Passing a background check is absolutely no guarantee that you won't commit a crime in the future. The background check is simply a waste of time.

I buy several guns every year. I get the stupid NICS check several times a year.

I have never been arrested, in jail or committed a crime. I have had several high level Federal government security clearances including a "Q" that gave me access to nuclear weapons technology. I have CWP, which included a more robust background check.

However, I have been turned down three times by NICS checks in the last few years. They were eventually cleared because there is somebody with a name like me in Texas that has failed but it was a hassle. Most of my gun buddies that have never been in trouble have also failed the check from time to time. It is very flawed system and an infringement upon my right to keep and bear arms.

Expanding the checks will do nothing to make Americans more safe. It is a waste of time.

I think you are confused about buying guns.

If you buy it from a LLC then you have to have the NICS check. If the gun is transferred from out of state from either a LLC, private seller or Internet sale then it must be sent to a LLC and the NICS check performed.

There is only one way that you can buy a firearm from over the Internet and not have to go through a background check. That is for the private buyer and private seller to both be in the same state. By the way, those kind of sales are rare. I would never make a sale that way. I would want to meet the individual in person and have them show me an ID that he is a Florida resident.

It is true that you can buy a firearm thought an in state private sale and not go through a NICS check. ( By the way I think that is a good thing as somebody that buys, trades and builds several firearms each year mostly among my buddies.) However, that is not the case with almost all of these high profile shooters. Almost all of them bought their firearms from a LLC and went through the NICS check.

The only thing that a UBC will do is make it more difficult for law abiding people like myself to transfer firearms. It will do nothing of substance to stop any crime. The people that want to use the firearms for a crime will get them regardless of the laws.
Art of the Deal. Start out with extreme wide positions then narrow them down once you get people in the room. Age change, thats possible. Checks? We already have them. Records? You cannot take away a constitutional right from a citizen just because he did something dumb as a kid. Mixed bag.
Ok, so what’s this middle ground he is looking to get to? And who is he negotiating with?

Well, his offer will decide who he is negotiating with. Obviously he needs the Dems.

Where will he get too? Maybe a few changes to background checks that the NRA is okay with. Possible age change but that's doubtful.

He is currently winning independents, and a deal here would push that along.
What makes you think he is winning independents? And are you suggesting that independents support gun control?
Art of the Deal. Start out with extreme wide positions then narrow them down once you get people in the room. Age change, thats possible. Checks? We already have them. Records? You cannot take away a constitutional right from a citizen just because he did something dumb as a kid. Mixed bag.
Ok, so what’s this middle ground he is looking to get to? And who is he negotiating with?

Well, his offer will decide who he is negotiating with. Obviously he needs the Dems.

Where will he get too? Maybe a few changes to background checks that the NRA is okay with. Possible age change but that's doubtful.

He is currently winning independents, and a deal here would push that along.
What makes you think he is winning independents? And are you suggesting that independents support gun control?
We don't.

As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

I don't accept any government infringement on my right to keep and bear arms. If the government does it then it is acting illegally.

Background checks are oppressive and worthless. Why should any American have to get permission from the government filth to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to them under the Constitution?

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then the BORs really isn't a Bill of Rights, is it? Not worth the parchment it is written on, is it?
Gun advocate's claims that background checks don't work is just a bit disingenuous. Either thorough lawmakers or the courts, they have rigged the laws so they can't work as intended. Over 25% of all gun sales are outside of background checks. These laws are mostly just an inconvenience for the very people they are suppose stop from buying guns. The most dangerous firearms, semiautomatic rifles are excluded from background checks like most guns if bought from individuals, guns shows, or online.

Background checks will only work if they are nationwide without the loopholes.

It isn't conservatives, the NRA or prosecutors do not prosecute straw buyers. That is the problem. When gangs get guns they use friends and family to make the buy, because they are the ones with clean records. They either pay them, or force them....and prosecutors don't see any good to come from putting a baby momma of a gang banger on the stand where she states she was threatened by the gang to buy the guns.

And no, 25% of sales are not outside background checks, that is a lie.....all sales from straw buyers to gang members are illegal.....and we already have laws against it.

And no, semi-automatic guns are not excluded from background checks or any are either lying or you don't know what you are talking about.

Criminals do not get their guns from private sales with strangers, they are afraid of stings by the police....they use straw buyers who are friends and family, or they steal the guns. In L.A. the gangs have robbery crews dedicated to stealing guns....getting the records of gun owners from their relatives who work at the DMV and other state agencies....

You have no idea what you are talking about, you are making it up...

Federal Background checks are already mandated for all gun purchases through gun stores..... but straw buyers can pass them. Mass shooters can pass them.

Background checks are security theater for people like you who have no idea what you are talking about.
As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

I don't accept any government infringement on my right to keep and bear arms. If the government does it then it is acting illegally.

Background checks are oppressive and worthless. Why should any American have to get permission from the government filth to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to them under the Constitution?

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then the BORs really isn't a Bill of Rights, is it? Not worth the parchment it is written on, is it?
Gun advocate's claims that background checks don't work is just a bit disingenuous. Either thorough lawmakers or the courts, they have rigged the laws so they can't work as intended. Over 25% of all gun sales are outside of background checks. These laws are mostly just an inconvenience for the very people they are suppose stop from buying guns. The most dangerous firearms, semiautomatic rifles are excluded from background checks like most guns if bought from individuals, guns shows, or online.

Background checks will only work if they are nationwide without the loopholes.
You are a filthy liar.
As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

I don't accept any government infringement on my right to keep and bear arms. If the government does it then it is acting illegally.

Background checks are oppressive and worthless. Why should any American have to get permission from the government filth to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to them under the Constitution?

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then the BORs really isn't a Bill of Rights, is it? Not worth the parchment it is written on, is it?
Gun advocate's claims that background checks don't work is just a bit disingenuous. Either thorough lawmakers or the courts, they have rigged the laws so they can't work as intended. These laws are mostly just an inconvenience for the very people they are suppose stop from buying guns. The most dangerous firearms, semiautomatic rifles are excluded from background checks like most guns if bought from individuals, guns shows, or online.

Background checks will only work if they are nationwide without the loopholes.

Most of these high profile shooters passed the NICS background check so it was pretty much a failure.

Passing a background check is absolutely no guarantee that you won't commit a crime in the future. The background check is simply a waste of time.

I buy several guns every year. I get the stupid NICS check several times a year.

I have never been arrested, in jail or committed a crime. I have had several high level Federal government security clearances including a "Q" that gave me access to nuclear weapons technology. I have CWP, which included a more robust background check.

However, I have been turned down three times by NICS checks in the last few years. They were eventually cleared because there is somebody with a name like me in Texas that has failed but it was a hassle. Most of my gun buddies that have never been in trouble have also failed the check from time to time. It is very flawed system and an infringement upon my right to keep and bear arms.

Expanding the checks will do nothing to make Americans more safe. It is a waste of time.

I think you are confused about buying guns.

If you buy it from a LLC then you have to have the NICS check. If the gun is transferred from out of state from either a LLC, private seller or Internet sale then it must be sent to a LLC and the NICS check performed.

There is only one way that you can buy a firearm from over the Internet and not have to go through a background check. That is for the private buyer and private seller to both be in the same state. By the way, those kind of sales are rare. I would never make a sale that way. I would want to meet the individual in person and have them show me an ID that he is a Florida resident.

It is true that you can buy a firearm thought an in state private sale and not go through a NICS check. ( By the way I think that is a good thing as somebody that buys, trades and builds several firearms each year mostly among my buddies.) However, that is not the case with almost all of these high profile shooters. Almost all of them bought their firearms from a LLC and went through the NICS check.

The only thing that a UBC will do is make it more difficult for law abiding people like myself to transfer firearms. It will do nothing of substance to stop any crime. The people that want to use the firearms for a crime will get them regardless of the laws.
There are no laws that will guarantee a crime will not be committed but that is no reason to do away with them.

In my post above, I pointed out the problem of exclusion of large numbers of sales of firearms from background checks but that is just one of the problems.

A second problem just as bad if not worse is data contained in the NICS data bases. The system only works if
federal agencies, the military, states, courts and local law enforcement do a much better job of sharing information with the background check system. Both required data and important data on potential shooters never gets reported. This is due to state privacy laws and a near total lack of enforcement of laws requiring data submission.

I doubt if there has ever been any laws that have been so sabotaged both purposefully and inadvertent as background check laws.

So, you are correct when you say background checks do not work in spotting these mass killers. Considering what has been done to see that they don't work, it's a miracle they work at all.
Libs still don't get it. More guns make us safer.
No way dude! making as many people as possible unable to defend themselves is the only way to go. Once everyone is disarmed criminals will turn in their guns and get jobs.
As an owner of many hunting rifles and shotguns I don't see a problem with background checks. That's a head scratcher. And why does a hunter need an assault style rifle. A bolt action is a much better choice.

I say you lie! What kinda guns you got?
You've never ad your home broke into? never had anyone make a threat?
Well, one day because statistically speaking you'll need the police.
I've never needed a gun for anything. Those of us with brains don't get victimized. I think somebody stole my bike once when I was a kid, that's the last time I have been victimized.
Great for you but somewhere someone does need one
Yes and he's fending off attacks from a rival gang.
You truly are ignorant
Statistically I'm am absolutely right. Most people shooting at each other are criminals.

Statistically, you're a gun-grabbing piece of shit, always.
America is so berhind the times. Let the fucktards grab all the guns, we haven't even started on the carbomb craze, er, yet.
And those of us who have them, are?


Quit molesting children.

Those who need them sure are. If you aren't involved in criminal activity its very unlikely you will need one. And since you seem so worried....
I'm sorry if I don't take your stupid word for it. You ignore history, after all.

Yes I'm in the reality where we regularly have masses of people killed. People are dying now and you are worried about Nazi's. Just stay in that burning house dumbass....
So many people are dying.

But, out of the same mouth, you say they are not.

Which is it, cleatus?

We know mass killings are real. It's all the law abiding people dying in home invasions that are not real. Every victim in Dayton could have been armed and it wouldn't have mattered, they would be just as dead.
No law-abiding citizens fight back and are killing the invaders its sheeple like you that are being victimized
I posted this on another thread but it is worth repeating on this one.

When we Conservatives say that the Moon Bats are bat shit crazy and can never be trusted with their definition of "reasonable gun control laws" this is the kind of oppressive shit we are talking about.

The sad thing is that just about all the other Moon Bat clowns running for President propose similar polices.

Elizabeth Warren outlines sweeping new gun control plans

Elizabeth Warren outlines sweeping new gun control plans

The new plan is among Warren’s broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.

But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers “strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action” — opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.

As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation — typically associated with bankers — designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean “holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable” over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
Art of the Deal. Start out with extreme wide positions then narrow them down once you get people in the room. Age change, thats possible. Checks? We already have them. Records? You cannot take away a constitutional right from a citizen just because he did something dumb as a kid. Mixed bag.
Ok, so what’s this middle ground he is looking to get to? And who is he negotiating with?

Well, his offer will decide who he is negotiating with. Obviously he needs the Dems.

Where will he get too? Maybe a few changes to background checks that the NRA is okay with. Possible age change but that's doubtful.

He is currently winning independents, and a deal here would push that along.
What makes you think he is winning independents? And are you suggesting that independents support gun control?

He's not winning independents I know and that voted for him in 16. They will not vote for him again.
As a certified RTKABA supporter I don't think we need any background checks at all. The crime should never be the possession of a gun but the crime that was done with the gun. That is reasonable.

Given the fact that we do have the despicable NICS checks I can live with the fact that we expand it to include more of the crazies which is what I think Trump is talking about. I don't like it but I can live with it. However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter. Not only him but any Republican Senator that votes for it.

We hire Republicans to protect our Liberties from the filthy Liberals. If they can't do it then we need to find somebody else to do it.
However, if he is talking about some stupid Universal Background Check for the transfer of any firearm then he has lost me as a supporter.
Why, if you will accept the NICS checks?

I don't accept any government infringement on my right to keep and bear arms. If the government does it then it is acting illegally.

Background checks are oppressive and worthless. Why should any American have to get permission from the government filth to enjoy a right that is guaranteed to them under the Constitution?

If you have to get permission from the government to enjoy a right guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then the BORs really isn't a Bill of Rights, is it? Not worth the parchment it is written on, is it?
Gun advocate's claims that background checks don't work is just a bit disingenuous. Either thorough lawmakers or the courts, they have rigged the laws so they can't work as intended. These laws are mostly just an inconvenience for the very people they are suppose stop from buying guns. The most dangerous firearms, semiautomatic rifles are excluded from background checks like most guns if bought from individuals, guns shows, or online.

Background checks will only work if they are nationwide without the loopholes.

Most of these high profile shooters passed the NICS background check so it was pretty much a failure.

Passing a background check is absolutely no guarantee that you won't commit a crime in the future. The background check is simply a waste of time.

I buy several guns every year. I get the stupid NICS check several times a year.

I have never been arrested, in jail or committed a crime. I have had several high level Federal government security clearances including a "Q" that gave me access to nuclear weapons technology. I have CWP, which included a more robust background check.

However, I have been turned down three times by NICS checks in the last few years. They were eventually cleared because there is somebody with a name like me in Texas that has failed but it was a hassle. Most of my gun buddies that have never been in trouble have also failed the check from time to time. It is very flawed system and an infringement upon my right to keep and bear arms.

Expanding the checks will do nothing to make Americans more safe. It is a waste of time.

I think you are confused about buying guns.

If you buy it from a LLC then you have to have the NICS check. If the gun is transferred from out of state from either a LLC, private seller or Internet sale then it must be sent to a LLC and the NICS check performed.

There is only one way that you can buy a firearm from over the Internet and not have to go through a background check. That is for the private buyer and private seller to both be in the same state. By the way, those kind of sales are rare. I would never make a sale that way. I would want to meet the individual in person and have them show me an ID that he is a Florida resident.

It is true that you can buy a firearm thought an in state private sale and not go through a NICS check. ( By the way I think that is a good thing as somebody that buys, trades and builds several firearms each year mostly among my buddies.) However, that is not the case with almost all of these high profile shooters. Almost all of them bought their firearms from a LLC and went through the NICS check.

The only thing that a UBC will do is make it more difficult for law abiding people like myself to transfer firearms. It will do nothing of substance to stop any crime. The people that want to use the firearms for a crime will get them regardless of the laws.
There are no laws that will guarantee a crime will not be committed but that is no reason to do away with them.

In my post above, I pointed out the problem of exclusion of large numbers of sales of firearms from background checks but that is just one of the problems.

A second problem just as bad if not worse is data contained in the NICS data bases. The system only works if
federal agencies, the military, states, courts and local law enforcement do a much better job of sharing information with the background check system. Both required data and important data on potential shooters never gets reported. This is due to state privacy laws and a near total lack of enforcement of laws requiring data submission.

I doubt if there has ever been any laws that have been so sabotaged both purposefully and inadvertent as background check laws.

So, you are correct when you say background checks do not work in spotting these mass killers. Considering what has been done to see that they don't work, it's a miracle they work at all.

Guns sold to criminals are already crimes.....we can already arrest people who do this...and we arrest them using police sting operations, following leads from criminals captured in other crimes...just like every other crime fighting technique used for other crimes..... we don't need any new laws to do this, we are already doing it.

Background check laws are not sabotaged, the government is just incompetent and isn't due to privacy laws....the Texas Church shooter should have been in there, but the Air Force was just lazy....... the Parkland shooter should have been in there, but Obama's "Promise Policy" encouraged local law enforcement and the school to not arrest the kid for felony charges at the school....

so you are just wrong...we have the system in place.....but your god, "government," is the part that is failing, and just making background checks on private sales isn't the solution....since criminals don't go through background checks, and mass shooters will pass background checks....
Libs still don't get it. More guns make us safer.
And more arsenic in our drinking water makes us healthier:cuckoo:

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

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