Bad Instructions


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I just received another consumer electronic device that came with instructions written by someone who clearly has no understanding of English. The instructions with this device were so bad, the original instructions must have been pretty shitty, and then translated into English by a guy who fooled his bosses into believing he knows English.

This seems to be a very common practice with consumer electronics companies these days.

So I went to this particular company's Facebook page, and guess what? There is all kinds of marketing bullshit on their Facebook page written in perfect English. So it isn't like there are no people around in the company who know English.

You know what that communicates to me? It says a big, "FUCK YOU" to the customer from the company. Somewhere along the way, someone made the conscious decision to provide shitty instructions to go along with their product. They are saying they don't give a flying fuck if you ever figure out how to use it and have to spend hours trying to dick with it on your own.

"We got you to buy our piece of shit with our slick marketing, but now you are on your own."

So I have a policy of my own. If I receive a device with instructions that are that screwed up, I send it back for a refund. Automatically.
Oh. The company in this case is Tronsmart, for those who want to know.

Fuck Tronsmart.
Oh. The company in this case is Tronsmart, for those who want to know.

Fuck Tronsmart.

I don't fuck inanimate objects.

But I have encountered many wild and wooly Japanese or Chinese instruction manuals translated into, äääh, very creative English....

"Insert sword of Yukishara into the soft lotus petal of recharge"....
Oh. The company in this case is Tronsmart, for those who want to know.

Fuck Tronsmart.

Tronsmart makes robot sex dolls?

Who knew?
It's not just electronics, instructions for anything requiring assembly or that has high functionality are a joke. I also love it that they print stuff in 12 languages all printed so small that an insect could read it.

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