Bad news and worse news

Same polls that showed Hillary winning the election I believe.

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

That's hilarious!!!

I am glad the truth is funny to you.

View attachment 166315

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House


Not a poll dummy.

A collection of state level polls doesn't count as a poll? DERP!
I think communism is a dead issue.

Is that why Hillary and Obama were kissing Putin's butt?

Don't think I recall, they put the sanctions on that Trump is trying to take off....just sayin'

Don't think so...

Hillary's reset button wasn't butt kissing?
Obama's promised flexibility after the 2012 election wasn't butt kissing?


More like fellating.....
I think communism is a dead issue.

Is that why Hillary and Obama were kissing Putin's butt?

Don't think I recall, they put the sanctions on that Trump is trying to take off....just sayin'

Don't think so...

Hillary's reset button wasn't butt kissing?
Obama's promised flexibility after the 2012 election wasn't butt kissing?


More like fellating.....

No just politics.

Every president hopes to improve relations with Russia. Then reality hits. Remember when Bush looked into Putin's soul or something?
Is that why Hillary and Obama were kissing Putin's butt?

Don't think I recall, they put the sanctions on that Trump is trying to take off....just sayin'

Don't think so...

Hillary's reset button wasn't butt kissing?
Obama's promised flexibility after the 2012 election wasn't butt kissing?


More like fellating.....

No just politics.

Every president hopes to improve relations with Russia. Then reality hits. Remember when Bush looked into Putin's soul or something?

Every president hopes to improve relations with Russia.

So it was okay for Hillary and Obama to try to improve relations with Russia but bad when Trump tries?
Don't think I recall, they put the sanctions on that Trump is trying to take off....just sayin'

Don't think so...

Hillary's reset button wasn't butt kissing?
Obama's promised flexibility after the 2012 election wasn't butt kissing?


More like fellating.....

No just politics.

Every president hopes to improve relations with Russia. Then reality hits. Remember when Bush looked into Putin's soul or something?

Every president hopes to improve relations with Russia.

So it was okay for Hillary and Obama to try to improve relations with Russia but bad when Trump tries?

I don't have a problem when Trump tries....unless it's based on removing sanctions that were imposed for good reason.
There’s bad news and there’s worse news for President Donald Trump in new polls released this week.

First comes the latest round of polling showing that Trump is the most unpopular president on record.

Just 32% of respondents to a new Associated Press-NORC poll said they approved of the job Trump is doing as president, while an overwhelming 67% they disapproved.

Among those who don’t think the president is doing a good job, more than half say they “strongly disapprove” of his work.

The poll — conducted earlier this month — also suggests that nearly 70% of Americans believe the United States is “heading in the wrong direction.”

Trump’s poor poll numbers are nothing new.

But as his first year in office draws to a close, he also appears to be losing his base.

A Suffolk University poll released this week suggests Trump’s once strong popularity among Fox News viewers like himself is plunging.
Polls are funny.
View attachment 166319

That's not from a poll.
Donald Trump’s chances of winning are approaching zero

Analysis: Trump has 1% chance of nomination - CNNPolitics

Donald Trump has no serious chance of winning

Once again, not polls.
The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

That's hilarious!!!

I am glad the truth is funny to you.

View attachment 166315

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House


You're an idiot. RCP according to the map you posted was only wrong about one state.

The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.

Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.
No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

That's hilarious!!!

I am glad the truth is funny to you.

View attachment 166315

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House


You're an idiot. RCP according to the map you posted was only wrong about one state.

The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.
All the polls correct themselves the last couple of days so they can say how close they were. It's all fake news until then.

You guys need to get your shit together. Before the polls were inaccurate and now you are saying the last polls before the election were correct. The way you bend your arguments around is incredibly cynical.
What's this about banning words???
From the CNN article:
Alternative word choices reportedly were presented in some cases. For instance, in lieu of "evidence-based" or "science-based," an analyst might say, "CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes," the source said. But those working on the Zika virus's effect on developing fetuses may be at a loss for appropriate -- or acceptable -- words.

"In consideration with community standards and wishes"? What the hell does this mean? Is this a thinly-veiled directive to a scientific organization to not do anything the cults don't like?
There’s bad news and there’s worse news for President Donald Trump in new polls released this week.

First comes the latest round of polling showing that Trump is the most unpopular president on record.

Just 32% of respondents to a new Associated Press-NORC poll said they approved of the job Trump is doing as president, while an overwhelming 67% they disapproved.

Among those who don’t think the president is doing a good job, more than half say they “strongly disapprove” of his work.

The poll — conducted earlier this month — also suggests that nearly 70% of Americans believe the United States is “heading in the wrong direction.”

Trump’s poor poll numbers are nothing new.

But as his first year in office draws to a close, he also appears to be losing his base.

A Suffolk University poll released this week suggests Trump’s once strong popularity among Fox News viewers like himself is plunging.

SHIT!!! Wron all of the campaign with your polls, but by damn you got it now!
Same polls that showed Hillary winning the election I believe.
they were figuring on the over all vote not the electorial so they were right
As we don't elect the President with the popular that was stupid and wrong.

Trump was lucky.


He ran against the most qualified candidate in the history of America........lucky.

She ran a terrible campaign, but her qualifications to do the job were unquestionable. Trump has no qualifications to do the job.

Hmmm. To my understanding, the qualifications to be President are listed in the US Constitution; not that you leftists respect the document. So do tell us, what are the qualifications to be President?
Same polls that showed Hillary winning the election I believe.

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

That's hilarious!!!

I am glad the truth is funny to you.

View attachment 166315

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House


You do understand that map is not the result of a single poll?

Thank you for showing how accurate the polls were. All the states reported as being likely Clinton went to her. All of the states they reported as leaning Clinton went to her but one and that one she lost by less than 1%.
Last edited:
The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

Clinton far ahead in Electoral College race: Reuters/Ipsos poll

The Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project was not a poll, it was an analysis of polls.


So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

I see. So what you're saying is that polls favored Trump for the EC, and this analysis took those Trump favorability polls and determined that Hillary was far ahead of Trump?

How did they do that I wonder?

No, that is not what I said at all. I said that in the early review of polls you posted Clinton was leading and that was likely accurate. In the review of polls from right before the election,after the Comey surprise, they reflied that many states that were once thought to be Clinton were now a toss up or leaning Trump.

I understand that the GOP talking points Emails you all get tell you to beat the fake polls drums, but it ignores reality.

The Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project was not a poll, it was an analysis of polls.


So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

I see. So what you're saying is that polls favored Trump for the EC, and this analysis took those Trump favorability polls and determined that Hillary was far ahead of Trump?

How did they do that I wonder?

No, that is not what I said at all. I said that in the early review of polls you posted Clinton was leading and that was likely accurate. In the review of polls from right before the election,after the Comey surprise, they reflied that many states that were once thought to be Clinton were now a toss up or leaning Trump.

I understand that the GOP talking points Emails you all get tell you to beat the fake polls drums, but it ignores reality.

Yes, you moved the goal posts once you realized you were wrong. Your original comment was this:

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll ever claimed to be representing the EC.

After I posted the link you said this:

So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

Because you couldn't admit you were wrong, you changed the parameters to just before election day.
The Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project was not a poll, it was an analysis of polls.


So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

I see. So what you're saying is that polls favored Trump for the EC, and this analysis took those Trump favorability polls and determined that Hillary was far ahead of Trump?

How did they do that I wonder?

No, that is not what I said at all. I said that in the early review of polls you posted Clinton was leading and that was likely accurate. In the review of polls from right before the election,after the Comey surprise, they reflied that many states that were once thought to be Clinton were now a toss up or leaning Trump.

I understand that the GOP talking points Emails you all get tell you to beat the fake polls drums, but it ignores reality.

Yes, you moved the goal posts once you realized you were wrong. Your original comment was this:

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll ever claimed to be representing the EC.

After I posted the link you said this:

So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

Because you couldn't admit you were wrong, you changed the parameters to just before election day.

I did not change anything because your link does not go to a poll but to an analysis of polls. So, my statement is still accurate, no poll ever claimed to represent the results from the EC. You do understand the difference between a single poll and an analysis of hundreds of polls? Right? Or am I giving you too much credit?

I brought up the close to election day analysis to show you that even your link was accurate in what they were reporting.

So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

I see. So what you're saying is that polls favored Trump for the EC, and this analysis took those Trump favorability polls and determined that Hillary was far ahead of Trump?

How did they do that I wonder?

No, that is not what I said at all. I said that in the early review of polls you posted Clinton was leading and that was likely accurate. In the review of polls from right before the election,after the Comey surprise, they reflied that many states that were once thought to be Clinton were now a toss up or leaning Trump.

I understand that the GOP talking points Emails you all get tell you to beat the fake polls drums, but it ignores reality.

Yes, you moved the goal posts once you realized you were wrong. Your original comment was this:

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll ever claimed to be representing the EC.

After I posted the link you said this:

So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

Because you couldn't admit you were wrong, you changed the parameters to just before election day.

I did not change anything because your link does not go to a poll but to an analysis of polls. So, my statement is still accurate, no poll ever claimed to represent the results from the EC. You do understand the difference between a single poll and an analysis of hundreds of polls? Right? Or am I giving you too much credit?

I brought up the close to election day analysis to show you that even your link was accurate in what they were reporting.

Very well.......... if you need more, let me know:

AP: Polls show Clinton in commanding position in battle for 270
We'll know a lot more after the 2018 elections.
The Trumpers were so eager to get help from Wikileaks and the Russian Secret Police when it came to disclosing private emails.

Now they are all upset when Mueller obtains emails from the GSA (which, happily is run by a Trump appointee).

Sweet payback!

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