Bad news and worse news

So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

I see. So what you're saying is that polls favored Trump for the EC, and this analysis took those Trump favorability polls and determined that Hillary was far ahead of Trump?

How did they do that I wonder?

No, that is not what I said at all. I said that in the early review of polls you posted Clinton was leading and that was likely accurate. In the review of polls from right before the election,after the Comey surprise, they reflied that many states that were once thought to be Clinton were now a toss up or leaning Trump.

I understand that the GOP talking points Emails you all get tell you to beat the fake polls drums, but it ignores reality.

Yes, you moved the goal posts once you realized you were wrong. Your original comment was this:

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll ever claimed to be representing the EC.

After I posted the link you said this:

So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

Because you couldn't admit you were wrong, you changed the parameters to just before election day.

I did not change anything because your link does not go to a poll but to an analysis of polls. So, my statement is still accurate, no poll ever claimed to represent the results from the EC. You do understand the difference between a single poll and an analysis of hundreds of polls? Right? Or am I giving you too much credit?

I brought up the close to election day analysis to show you that even your link was accurate in what they were reporting.

Very well.......... if you need more, let me know:

AP: Polls show Clinton in commanding position in battle for 270

Do you even read the things you link or just go by the headline...

The Democratic nominee enjoys big leads over Republican foe Donald Trump in states that add up to 213 electoral votes, according to an analysis by the Associates Press; she also leads in Democratic-leaning states that total 59 electoral votes.

According to an analysis, not according to a poll.
I see. So what you're saying is that polls favored Trump for the EC, and this analysis took those Trump favorability polls and determined that Hillary was far ahead of Trump?

How did they do that I wonder?

No, that is not what I said at all. I said that in the early review of polls you posted Clinton was leading and that was likely accurate. In the review of polls from right before the election,after the Comey surprise, they reflied that many states that were once thought to be Clinton were now a toss up or leaning Trump.

I understand that the GOP talking points Emails you all get tell you to beat the fake polls drums, but it ignores reality.

Yes, you moved the goal posts once you realized you were wrong. Your original comment was this:

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll ever claimed to be representing the EC.

After I posted the link you said this:

So, no poll claimed to be representing the EC. This project took multiple polls and analysed and gave their opinion. And also Nov 3 they noted swing states that were once in Clinton's favor had now become toss ups. Which was accurate as well.

Because you couldn't admit you were wrong, you changed the parameters to just before election day.

I did not change anything because your link does not go to a poll but to an analysis of polls. So, my statement is still accurate, no poll ever claimed to represent the results from the EC. You do understand the difference between a single poll and an analysis of hundreds of polls? Right? Or am I giving you too much credit?

I brought up the close to election day analysis to show you that even your link was accurate in what they were reporting.

Very well.......... if you need more, let me know:

AP: Polls show Clinton in commanding position in battle for 270

Do you even read the things you link or just go by the headline...

The Democratic nominee enjoys big leads over Republican foe Donald Trump in states that add up to 213 electoral votes, according to an analysis by the Associates Press; she also leads in Democratic-leaning states that total 59 electoral votes.

According to an analysis, not according to a poll.

The Democratic nominee enjoys big leads over Republican foe Donald Trump in states that add up to 213 electoral votes, according to an analysis by the Associates Press; she also leads in Democratic-leaning states that total 59 electoral votes.

Victories in those states alone would give Clinton 272 electoral votes, two more than necessary to win.
No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

That's hilarious!!!

I am glad the truth is funny to you.

View attachment 166315

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House


You're an idiot. RCP according to the map you posted was only wrong about one state.

The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.

Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.
Same polls that showed Hillary winning the election I believe.

The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote, which she did. No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

That's hilarious!!!

I am glad the truth is funny to you.

View attachment 166315

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House


You do understand that map is not the result of a single poll?

Thank you for showing how accurate the polls were. All the states reported as being likely Clinton went to her. All of the states they reported as leaning Clinton went to her but one and that one she lost by less than 1%.

You do understand that map is not the result of a single poll?

You do understand that they were able to take the polls in individual states, add up the projected winner of those Electoral College votes and show that Hillary was going to easily win 320 or more Electoral College votes?

To say, after the fact, that all the polls, all summer, showed Hillary would win the popular vote and lose the EC is silly.

Thank you for showing how accurate the polls were.


All the states reported as being likely Clinton went to her.

What about all the states reported as being likely Clinton in September? In August?

You're an idiot. RCP according to the map you posted was only wrong about one state.

The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.

Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

What about all the states reported as being likely Clinton in September? In August?

Shit changes, people change their minds. A lot took place between Aug and Nov in case you missed it. Hell the first debate was not till late Sept.

You're an idiot. RCP according to the map you posted was only wrong about one state.

The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.

Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.
What about all the states reported as being likely Clinton in September? In August?

Shit changes, people change their minds. A lot took place between Aug and Nov in case you missed it. Hell the first debate was not till late Sept.

Shit changes, people change their minds.

One thing that changed was the polls that showed Hillary easily winning the EC.
You're an idiot. RCP according to the map you posted was only wrong about one state.

The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.

Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.

The polls were generally correct. 47 out of 50 states were predicted correctly, the national popular vote polls were also pretty accurate. What wasn't as accurate were 3 states, 2 of them were close with the exception being Wisconsin which was about 7 points off.

So, for the most par the polls were correct.
There’s bad news and there’s worse news for President Donald Trump in new polls released this week. First comes the latest round of polling showing that Trump is the most unpopular president on record.

Keep believing your polls, chowder-head! What is this, poll #1,663 that has predicted doom and gloom only to later be shown wrong and/or irrelevant! Trump's ratings are based on his personal appeal, much of it driven by artificial issues forced by the Dems and Media; just as Obama's personal rating were high---- people liked THE GUY, but they thought his policies and effect on the country and world SUCKED, Trump's personal ratings are low, but people love what he's doing for the country and world. BTW, I didn't vote for the guy because I wanted to swap spit with the man! I hired him to DO A JOB.

And he is just getting started, he's done all of it with perhaps the most resistance and opposition from the others in DC than perhaps all of history. Just wait till 3 more years from now once this phony Russiagate, Muellergate, and DOJGate have all been busted wide open for the shams they are and his policies have had a chance to work! You see nothing but bad news; I see nothing bit good!

You're an idiot. RCP according to the map you posted was only wrong about one state.

The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.

Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

A few days before! No no no. She had a 98% change of winning on the very night of the election.
The earlier RCP maps showed Hillary with a huge lead in the EC.

Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.

The polls were generally correct. 47 out of 50 states were predicted correctly, the national popular vote polls were also pretty accurate. What wasn't as accurate were 3 states, 2 of them were close with the exception being Wisconsin which was about 7 points off.

So, for the most par the polls were correct.

The polls were generally correct.

Not the polls taken all summer.
Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.

The polls were generally correct. 47 out of 50 states were predicted correctly, the national popular vote polls were also pretty accurate. What wasn't as accurate were 3 states, 2 of them were close with the exception being Wisconsin which was about 7 points off.

So, for the most par the polls were correct.

The polls were generally correct.

Not the polls taken all summer.

Sure they were, they accurately reflected the people's views at the current time. The fact that people changes as time went by does not equate to the polls in the summer being wrong.
Key being 'earlier'. You posed a map that was pretty accurate, most likely because you didn't understand it.

Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.

The polls were generally correct. 47 out of 50 states were predicted correctly, the national popular vote polls were also pretty accurate. What wasn't as accurate were 3 states, 2 of them were close with the exception being Wisconsin which was about 7 points off.

So, for the most par the polls were correct.

The polls were generally correct.

Not the polls taken all summer.

Great, now that we both agree the polls taken just before the election were more likely to be correct than not.

Now, since you made the claim that the polls taken in the summer were not correct it's now up to you to prove it. Prove that during the summer the polls didn't accurately reflect the opinion of voters at that time.
Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.

The polls were generally correct. 47 out of 50 states were predicted correctly, the national popular vote polls were also pretty accurate. What wasn't as accurate were 3 states, 2 of them were close with the exception being Wisconsin which was about 7 points off.

So, for the most par the polls were correct.

The polls were generally correct.

Not the polls taken all summer.

Sure they were, they accurately reflected the people's views at the current time. The fact that people changes as time went by does not equate to the polls in the summer being wrong.

Hundreds of polls taken all summer were wrong, they got less wrong the last few days before the election.
Key being 'earlier'.

Key being, refuting the idiotic claim.....

No poll every claimed to be representing the EC.

You posed a map that was pretty accurate

Yup. And the earlier ones that showed Hillary with a 100+ vote lead in the EC still make me chuckle.
So did the ones that showed her with a 98% chance of winning......a few days before the election.

Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.

The polls were generally correct. 47 out of 50 states were predicted correctly, the national popular vote polls were also pretty accurate. What wasn't as accurate were 3 states, 2 of them were close with the exception being Wisconsin which was about 7 points off.

So, for the most par the polls were correct.

The polls were generally correct.

Not the polls taken all summer.

Great, now that we both agree the polls taken just before the election were likely to be correct than not.

Now, since you made the claim that the polls taken in the summer were not correct it's now up to you to prove it. Prove that during the summer the polls didn't accurately reflect the opinion of voters at that time.

Great, now that we both agree the polls taken just before the election were likely to be correct than not.

Same as it ever was.
Those were predictions, not polls and yes, they were far off. Nobody predicted Trump could win the electoral college and lose the popular vote by 3 million. It's never happened before and for good reason as we are all now finding out (well, most of us anyway).

Those were predictions, not polls

Predictions based on polls.

It's never happened before and for good reason

One of the big reasons was the change in California.

The polls were generally correct. 47 out of 50 states were predicted correctly, the national popular vote polls were also pretty accurate. What wasn't as accurate were 3 states, 2 of them were close with the exception being Wisconsin which was about 7 points off.

So, for the most par the polls were correct.

The polls were generally correct.

Not the polls taken all summer.

Sure they were, they accurately reflected the people's views at the current time. The fact that people changes as time went by does not equate to the polls in the summer being wrong.

Hundreds of polls taken all summer were wrong, they got less wrong the last few days before the election.

They were not wrong, the reflected the views of the people at the time the polls were taken. The fact that people changed as time went by does not make them wrong, no matter how many times you repeat it

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