Bad news for America, Worse news for ISIS

It looks like an ISIS inspired terror attack. When and if this is confirmed I think it`ll be another nothing-will-be-the-same-again moment for America. Since 9-11 a terrible tension has built between those trying to focus attention on active Salafi-jihadist groups and those who aren`t prepared to make subtle distinctions between this or that strand of Islam. Most of the latter group don`t care to hear about the Sunni-Shia divide for example, their enemy is Islam, period. If President Bush received criticism from the right it was as often as not for his ``Ìslam is a religion of peace`` stance. That opinion never gained much traction with the majority of Americans as far as I can see. A large section of the Republican party and even a significant percentage of Democrats has been open to the demonization of Islam as a whole. A majority of Americans has been willing to see Constitutional safeguards of individuals rights sacrificed to counter threats of attack like this one in San Bernardino.

What now that it`s obvious even invasive laws like the Patriot Act can`t guarantee protection from terror. I`ve seen people call for measures like internment of all Muslims. That`s a chilling reminder of the cruel treatment of the Japanese during WWll.

I really fear this attack, if Islamic Terror, will push America further to what some of us consider ``the dark side``. I don`t know how Obama can quiet the Fox News type calls for retribution against Muslims as a group after this. There`s certainly not going to be much sympathy for Syrian refugees, Americans are going to be a lot less open to ``Islam is a religion of peace`` sentiments than they were.

I think that`s all bad news for America. However I think an attack like this could be even worse news for ISIS. The legend is Admiral Yamamoto said about the attack on Pearl Harbor "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." This San Bernardino mass shooting may silence Islam`s defenders and unleash America`s and a reluctant Obama`s wrath against ISIS. His resolve was demonstrated with his order for Operation Geronimo to go ahead considering the landslide of criticism failure would have brought. Look at the damage President Carter suffered as the result of the disastrous Operation Eagle Claw. Bush`s wrath against bin Laden was distracted by Iraq. I`ve seen no sign that Obama suffers from attention deficit to the same degree. The destruction of ISIS may very well become his prime motivator, I suspect he won`t want to leave office and have his legacy be ISIS at America`s throat. That`s bad news for ISIS.

With all due respect, Searcher...Barry seems "resolved" to blame this on the NRA and the GOP. He was already calling for stricter gun control before the facts in this case were known.

As to where you've seen Obama demonstrate "resolve" for going after'll have to explain that concept because to be quite blunt he's shown more "reluctance" than resolve. Will he be forced to act if this is indeed an ISIS inspired attack? Quite frankly...I don't think he's got the spine for it.

I`m thinking you`re going to be surprised. Sure he`s spent a lot of energy trying to keep America from giving into it`s worst instincts - like avoiding ``bombing the shit`` out of Iran. Gun control for most, not all, liberal-minded is a natural inclination. If guns could have been kept out of the hands of these San Bernardino attackers hands....maybe that`s a fools Utopian dream, maybe not, but it`s one of those fair arguments that define democracy and should be decided ideally at the ballot box.

I'm you really think passing stricter gun laws will deter someone who is willing to murder dozens of people? How does that work exactly? You WILL take guns out of the hands of people who abide by the law...but that simply makes them defenseless against those that don't. I think you already know that IS a fool's dream, Searcher...yet you still want it to happen?

Did you notice I`m Canadian, we don`t have any right to bear arms here and most of us don`t believe anybody should possess automatic weapons or assault rifles. We are at high risk from ISIS terror and still think that an armed citizen preventing an attack like this is a fools dream also. Neighbors of the attackers observed suspicious activity, middle eastern men active in their garage late at night, moving in suspicious packages, I don`t remember what else. How the hell isn`t this reported and if reported why not acted on. As I`ve said you`ll have to use brains to defeat these people, it appears something stupid happened here. Smarts are a lot better defense than more assault weapons in a population already armed to the teeth. Spending billions capturing useless information about fellow Americans from cyberspace isn`t the answer either.
Then you being Canadian you don't have a dog in the fight concerning America.

I thought this ``Then you being Canadian you don't have a dog in the fight concerning America`` would be a more common reaction to my posts``. Surprisingly it isn``t. On this specific topic the reason for our concern should be obvious, our asses are targets of ISIS almost as much as yours. And naturally what America does in the world affects the world, most AmericaFirsters may be shallow under-informed ultra-nationalists, that doesn`t negate the fact that America is still the number one influence on Canada and everyone else. Besides, as I`ve explained before I`m an old fashioned Americanophile.
It looks like an ISIS inspired terror attack. When and if this is confirmed I think it`ll be another nothing-will-be-the-same-again moment for America.

First, ISIS would love nothing more than for the US to come after them with boots on the ground. This is precisely their aim.

Second, if this is ISIS related, it is most likely some dipshit loser who watched too many ISIS online videos and took it upon himself to go on a jihad against his co-workers. If so, this does not rise to the level of America putting boots on the ground over it.

But, in a moment of supreme irony, the retards will take it out on the refugees who are fleeing ISIS, which is another ISIS goal.
I`m thinking you`re going to be surprised. Sure he`s spent a lot of energy trying to keep America from giving into it`s worst instincts - like avoiding ``bombing the shit`` out of Iran. Gun control for most, not all, liberal-minded is a natural inclination. If guns could have been kept out of the hands of these San Bernardino attackers hands....maybe that`s a fools Utopian dream, maybe not, but it`s one of those fair arguments that define democracy and should be decided ideally at the ballot box.
Wrong. Dupes should not be able to vote rights away, that's why we have a constitution. So knee jerk reactionaries like obama, or you, cannot strip us of our rights to further their wet dreams.

Did it work in France? If you were attacked would you rather have a gun or no gun? I know what my choice would be, you can exercise your choice but you cannot exercise mine away. Period.

Your SCOTUS has determined that some gun control regulations are constitutional.
If you think the left will come to their senses, think again. The more terror attacks like this that go down, the more they will support Muslims.

Progressive c_nts share the same goals as Islamists. They want to see Western civilization fall, socially, economically, and militarily. The progressives are finally seeing their wishes come true, you think they will stop now?

Complete nonsense.

The right started this. The right is the one that needs the fear in order to get regressive laws in place.

Already hearing Cruz state what this country needs is a WAR PRESIDENT elected.....

We are no longer the home of the brave.....

we are yellow belly cowards that give up our own constitutional rights like they were candy on Halloween, with Patriot Acts and New Patriot Acts to come all because the previous patriot act that we gave up our right to privacy on DIDN'T WORK....

terrorism is winning alright....Americans are wussies, and no longer willing to stick up for what we once thought was right and just, our constitution.

I'm not saying we should not take every precaution in protecting ourselves, and am not saying we should not reevaluate our security etc....

But I'll be damned... if I will let something like this mass shooting, change us even further than we've been changed by 9/11, nor will I agree that we need a WAR PRESIDENT.....that's just signing an agreement to be FLEECED OF TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in taxes for the beloved perpetual war, that will never, ever, solve a it hasn't for nearly 1500 years, just create more terrorist groups....and just kill more of our Dads and Sons and Husbands for ZILCH....

we don't need for our next president a haphazard .....pounding of the marching drums... WAR PRESIDENT with no end game, we need a WISE PRESIDENT.
It looks like an ISIS inspired terror attack. When and if this is confirmed I think it`ll be another nothing-will-be-the-same-again moment for America.

First, ISIS would love nothing more than for the US to come after them with boots on the ground. This is precisely their aim.

Second, if this is ISIS related, it is most likely some dipshit loser who watched too many ISIS online videos and took it upon himself to go on a jihad against his co-workers. If so, this does not rise to the level of America putting boots on the ground over it.

But, in a moment of supreme irony, the retards will take it out on the refugees who are fleeing ISIS, which is another ISIS goal.

That`s all very rational. Do you think rationality is a large factor in this equation?
I bet your second paragraph is right on. Although boots on the ground is a top of the list reaction for many.
Another terrorist apologist thread.
Nothing in the Constitution requires coddling any religion.
Any reasonable person has a moral obligation to hold any Muslim suspect at this point and no insulated left wing agenda should get in the way of that.
The OP is essentially a politically biased terrorist abettor.
As a Hillary supporter you are a Nixon apologist, too.
If you were a 'reasonable person,' you would realize how ludicrous it would be for you or anyone to 'hold any Muslim suspect.' That's asinine. There are over 1 and a half BILLION Muslims on this earth. A very tiny, miniscule portion of those are terrorists and need to be feared. Anyone who is capable of thinking logically realizes that.
5% of muslims support jihad. 5% of 1.6 billion is 80 million. Anyone who is capable of thinking logically knows that 80 million terrorists is not tiny or minuscule. But lefties are math and logic challenged.
Another terrorist apologist thread.
Nothing in the Constitution requires coddling any religion.
Any reasonable person has a moral obligation to hold any Muslim suspect at this point and no insulated left wing agenda should get in the way of that.
The OP is essentially a politically biased terrorist abettor.
As a Hillary supporter you are a Nixon apologist, too.
If you were a 'reasonable person,' you would realize how ludicrous it would be for you or anyone to 'hold any Muslim suspect.' That's asinine. There are over 1 and a half BILLION Muslims on this earth. A very tiny, miniscule portion of those are terrorists and need to be feared. Anyone who is capable of thinking logically realizes that.
The queen of ding bat platitudes once again.
"Anyone who is capable of thinking logically realizes that."
Don't worry, she wasn't talking about you.
You just stepped in it, too.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Dr. Grump...but don't the UK and France have stricter gun controls? So when terrorists attacked there...the citizenry are totally defenseless and got slaughtered like sheep. Terror groups like ISIS are going to attack Western civilization at it's most vulnerable points.

They do have strict gun controls, but they are not completely unarmed. Also they have armed police forces. And what did the second do to stop yesterday's massacre? or 9-11? or oklahoma bombings? or the other 354 mass shootings in the US this year alone? Not a lot it seems. You have a dangerous gun culture. More guns is not the answer.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Dr. Grump...but don't the UK and France have stricter gun controls? So when terrorists attacked there...the citizenry are totally defenseless and got slaughtered like sheep. Terror groups like ISIS are going to attack Western civilization at it's most vulnerable points.

They do have strict gun controls, but they are not completely unarmed. Also they have armed police forces. And what did the second do to stop yesterday's massacre? or 9-11? or oklahoma bombings? or the other 354 mass shootings in the US this year alone? Not a lot it seems. You have a dangerous gun culture. More guns is not the answer.
Drones is the answer.
Constant armed drone surveillance in the skies of the US.
With electronic eavesdropping, metadata collection, mid-city black sites...
I`m thinking you`re going to be surprised. Sure he`s spent a lot of energy trying to keep America from giving into it`s worst instincts - like avoiding ``bombing the shit`` out of Iran. Gun control for most, not all, liberal-minded is a natural inclination. If guns could have been kept out of the hands of these San Bernardino attackers hands....maybe that`s a fools Utopian dream, maybe not, but it`s one of those fair arguments that define democracy and should be decided ideally at the ballot box.
Wrong. Dupes should not be able to vote rights away, that's why we have a constitution. So knee jerk reactionaries like obama, or you, cannot strip us of our rights to further their wet dreams.

Did it work in France? If you were attacked would you rather have a gun or no gun? I know what my choice would be, you can exercise your choice but you cannot exercise mine away. Period.

Your SCOTUS has determined that some gun control regulations are constitutional.
Sure, we can't own nukes. But they upheld the right to bear arms for defense, hunting, government smack down, etc.
Im confused, and I hear this all the time. How are stricter gun laws taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens? More intensive background checks only delay getting a gun, but it isnt taking the gun out of anyones hands. Ive never understood this, at all.
Yes, you are confused. We have had background checks for some time now, when was the last time you bought a gun? How would we have prevented the asshole from buying his guns before he went on his spree?

there are no background checks for gun shows or online sales

and your reply didnt really answer my question. How are stricter background checks and delaying purchases taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?
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Im confused, and I hear this all the time. How are stricter gun laws taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens? More intensive background checks only delay getting a gun, but it isnt taking the gun out of anyones hands. Ive never understood this, at all.
Yes, you are confused. We have had background checks for some time now, when was the last time you bought a gun? How would we have prevented the asshole from buying his guns before he went on his spree?

there are no background checks for gun shows or online sales

and your reply didnt really answer my question. How are stricter background checks and delaying purchases taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?
Wrong. Most sellers are dealers and follow FFL laws. There's no check with private sales anywhere. Sell to your neighbor and you are not obligated to research his history. Most of the shootings have been with legal guns, all as far as I know. It's just a liberal way to feel like they did something without understanding the issue.
Im confused, and I hear this all the time. How are stricter gun laws taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens? More intensive background checks only delay getting a gun, but it isnt taking the gun out of anyones hands. Ive never understood this, at all.
Yes, you are confused. We have had background checks for some time now, when was the last time you bought a gun? How would we have prevented the asshole from buying his guns before he went on his spree?

there are no background checks for gun shows or online sales

and your reply didnt really answer my question. How are stricter background checks and delaying purchases taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?
Sell to your neighbor and you are not obligated to research his history.

I know, thats the problem...

And just because most of the shootings are done with legally registered guns, doesnt mean anything. Look at Sandy Hook....guy stole his moms legally registered guns, does that make it better?
Im confused, and I hear this all the time. How are stricter gun laws taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens? More intensive background checks only delay getting a gun, but it isnt taking the gun out of anyones hands. Ive never understood this, at all.
Yes, you are confused. We have had background checks for some time now, when was the last time you bought a gun? How would we have prevented the asshole from buying his guns before he went on his spree?

there are no background checks for gun shows or online sales

and your reply didnt really answer my question. How are stricter background checks and delaying purchases taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?
Sell to your neighbor and you are not obligated to research his history.
I know, thats the problem...

And just because most of the shootings are done with legally registered guns, doesnt mean anything. Look at Sandy Hook....guy stole his moms legally registered guns, does that make it better?
What would make it better is if they didn't prescribe mood altering drugs like candy and let the zombie play violent video games all day while keeping your AR within reach. Blaming the guns is what leftists do because they can see and touch things like "guns".
Im confused, and I hear this all the time. How are stricter gun laws taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens? More intensive background checks only delay getting a gun, but it isnt taking the gun out of anyones hands. Ive never understood this, at all.
Yes, you are confused. We have had background checks for some time now, when was the last time you bought a gun? How would we have prevented the asshole from buying his guns before he went on his spree?

there are no background checks for gun shows or online sales

and your reply didnt really answer my question. How are stricter background checks and delaying purchases taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?
Sell to your neighbor and you are not obligated to research his history.
I know, thats the problem...

And just because most of the shootings are done with legally registered guns, doesnt mean anything. Look at Sandy Hook....guy stole his moms legally registered guns, does that make it better?
What would make it better is if they didn't prescribe mood altering drugs like candy and let the zombie play violent video games all day while keeping your AR within reach. Blaming the guns is what leftists do because they can see and touch things like "guns".

oh, I agree with that, 100%. Im not blaming the gun, but I do think measures could be taken to make guns harder to obtain, and still uphold the 2nd Amendment. Now, whether or not that will relate in decreased mass shootings, or any type of violent crime, for that matter, remains to be seen. But I think we owe it to ourselves to at least try.
Yes, you are confused. We have had background checks for some time now, when was the last time you bought a gun? How would we have prevented the asshole from buying his guns before he went on his spree?

there are no background checks for gun shows or online sales

and your reply didnt really answer my question. How are stricter background checks and delaying purchases taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?
Sell to your neighbor and you are not obligated to research his history.
I know, thats the problem...

And just because most of the shootings are done with legally registered guns, doesnt mean anything. Look at Sandy Hook....guy stole his moms legally registered guns, does that make it better?
What would make it better is if they didn't prescribe mood altering drugs like candy and let the zombie play violent video games all day while keeping your AR within reach. Blaming the guns is what leftists do because they can see and touch things like "guns".

oh, I agree with that, 100%. Im not blaming the gun, but I do think measures could be taken to make guns harder to obtain, and still uphold the 2nd Amendment. Now, whether or not that will relate in decreased mass shootings, or any type of violent crime, for that matter, remains to be seen. But I think we owe it to ourselves to at least try.
How do you explain France? I don't trust the government to decide what law abiding citizens should have for defense.
Any muslim terrorist who wants to get their hands on a few AA's can drive into Mexico. Walk into virtually any bar and in an hour they'll be in possession of AA's and as many rounds as they can afford.
DHS/NSC/CIA/FBI seizes these war weapons EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the Mexico border.
The HILARIOUS irony which all you stupid fucking LIBs will NEVER understand is THE LAST PLACE a budding jihadist terrorist is going to go to find his/her fucking war weapons is at the local gun show at the Moose Hall on a Sunday afternoon!
100% of the people who go to these 'gun shows' are Obama hater/REPs/and deeply suspicious of any rag head.
A couple of rag head muslims go into a gun show to buy AA's? It's like the beginning of a fucking joke!!!!!!!!!!! This is not Uranus. This is planet earth.
Fucking wise up!
Any muslim terrorist who wants to get their hands on a few AA's can drive into Mexico. Walk into virtually any bar and in an hour they'll be in possession of AA's and as many rounds as they can afford.
DHS/NSC/CIA/FBI seizes these war weapons EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the Mexico border.
The HILARIOUS irony which all you stupid fucking LIBs will NEVER understand is THE LAST PLACE a budding jihadist terrorist is going to go to find his/her fucking war weapons is at the local gun show at the Moose Hall on a Sunday afternoon!
100% of the people who go to these 'gun shows' are Obama hater/REPs/and deeply suspicious of any rag head.
A couple of rag head muslims go into a gun show to buy AA's? It's like the beginning of a fucking joke!!!!!!!!!!! This is not Uranus. This is planet earth.
Fucking wise up!

calm down, Toto

for the record, almost every weapon used in a mass shooting is registered, legally. Hardly any of the shooters travelled to Mexico and bought them in a bar. Most were bought at gun shows or places like WalMart. Sound slike you are limiting your research to just Muslim attacks, totally leaving out incident slike Sandy Hook where the shooter usd his moms legally registered firearms
for the record, almost every weapon used in a mass shooting is registered, legally. Hardly any of the shooters travelled to Mexico and bought them in a bar. Most were bought at gun shows or places like WalMart. Sound slike you are limiting your research to just Muslim attacks, totally leaving out incident slike Sandy Hook where the shooter usd his moms legally registered firearms
Huh? Where's this registration you speak of? Walmart and gun shows sell most of the guns? WTF?
Any muslim terrorist who wants to get their hands on a few AA's can drive into Mexico. Walk into virtually any bar and in an hour they'll be in possession of AA's and as many rounds as they can afford.
DHS/NSC/CIA/FBI seizes these war weapons EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the Mexico border.
The HILARIOUS irony which all you stupid fucking LIBs will NEVER understand is THE LAST PLACE a budding jihadist terrorist is going to go to find his/her fucking war weapons is at the local gun show at the Moose Hall on a Sunday afternoon!
100% of the people who go to these 'gun shows' are Obama hater/REPs/and deeply suspicious of any rag head.
A couple of rag head muslims go into a gun show to buy AA's? It's like the beginning of a fucking joke!!!!!!!!!!! This is not Uranus. This is planet earth.
Fucking wise up!

calm down, Toto

for the record, almost every weapon used in a mass shooting is registered, legally. Hardly any of the shooters travelled to Mexico and bought them in a bar. Most were bought at gun shows or places like WalMart. Sound slike you are limiting your research to just Muslim attacks, totally leaving out incident slike Sandy Hook where the shooter usd his moms legally registered firearms
The thread is regarding ISIS. 'Mass shootings' carried out by deranged, mentally ill people like at Sandy Hook have NOTHING to do with radicalized jihadist muslims murdering innocent 'non-believers' in the name of some fucking pedophile misogynist.
These rag head terrorists can get weapons of war legally or illegally. It doesn't matter to them.
There are enough hidden weapons of war including high explosives hidden in 'peace-loving' muslim homes and mosques in Dearborn to equip the fucking Swiss army.

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