Bad news of the GW front: Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’

Ah, now I think I understand why you picked a chart that stopped at 2008. Because that was the bottom of a short term dip. In 2009, it skyrocketed.


If your cut off time was an accident, it was a mighty convenient one.
Just so we're clear......this is chart represents global cooling, huh?

Don't really know and it isn't the point of the OP.

Oh. Then if its just the baseless opinion of some guy, why should I care?

The point is that here we have on of the co-founders of Greenpeace, which isn't exactly a conservative hot spot, saying that warmer is better then colder. This is exactly what I have been saying all along.
Sounds to me like you're trying to switch from 'there is no global warming' to 'warming is better than cooling'.

Is the weight of the evidence finally getting to you? Or are you just finally realizing that America and the pretty much the rest of the world isn't buying the 'grand coincidence theory' that American conservatives have been trying to shill?

But if you want to look at data supplied by NOAA Look at this site. Go to global, then put in the dates 1998 to 2014 land and sea temperature and look at the info. Hard to say it cooled but equally hard to say it has warmed, since 1998.

Actually, its quite easy. 1998 was an outlier, a spike in temperature well outside the global trendline. Our *average* temperatures have now risen so much that they've almost matched the outlier. With the trend line going up from 1998 to 2014.

Your theory only works if we use 1998 as our baseline temperature for the last 135 years. And no one with a scrap of intellectual integrity would use an outlier as a baseline.

And remember you are doing this for yourself. You are not just believing what someone tells you, other then the numbers they supply. Keep an open mind.

Given that your source didn't provide any numbers, your point is kinda moot. You posted him because he agrees with what you want to believe. Even if he has no particular expertise, nor presents any data to back up his points. Do the words 'confirmation bias' mean anything to you?

Worse, what you're attributing to him is an easily debunked and deeply dishonest argument that uses a one time spike as the global baseline. And ignores the fact that our trendline has continued to rise during the entire time he speaks of 'cooling'.

Rising global temperatures aren't global cooling.

Why would anyone with an 'open mind' use the outlier of 1998 as our baseline for all global temperatures, both before that year and after? Why would anyone with an open mind ignore the ascending trendline that has continued to climb for 2 decades? Why would anyone with an open mind ignore the fact that our global averages are now so high that it nearly matches one of the highest temperature spikes in recorded history?

I can't think of a single reason.

Sigh, What I actually said that looking at the NOAA site:

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

That just looking at the graph it would seem to indicate no warming or cooling. Now I have found that if you plot the trend it does show some small amount of warming, about .02 which does not seem to be enough to indicate warming as the models predicted.

I also said that it doesn't matter what the guy got his data, the interesting part is that he is saying it.

I am not sure why people like you are so condescending. You put words into my posts that were not there then attacked those words. Really ridiculous.

BTW according to YOU 1998 was an outlier but if go to actual data, and feel free to provide something other then NOAA 1998 is not an outlier. 2000 and 2001 were much colder. But those are only fact that can be verified, at least according to NOAA.
Now I hope that the fearist can see why any of us that grew up in the 60s and 70s give ourselves a good old palm smack to the forehead when we read things like the following.

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’ – Rips Obama for ‘hollow’ climate claims

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ?I fear a global cooling? ? Rips Obama for ?hollow? climate claims | Climate Depot

Ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, warned “I fear a global cooling,” during his keynote address to the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas on Tuesday. Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986 because he felt it had become too radical, is the author of “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist.” (Watch climate conference live here)

Moore noted that a cooling would adversely impact agriculture, and said: “Let’s hope for a little warming as opposed to a little cooling. I would rather it got a little warmer.” (Watch Moore video here at the Heartland Institute event)

Moore noted that “the U.S. is currently been cooling” and noted that there has been “no global warming for nearly 18 years.” He also mocked the notion that “everything is due to global warming.”

“If it warms two degrees, hopefully more in Canada in the North…maybe it would be a good thing if it did,” Moore explained.

They will purge him for his disloyalty to the earth goddess. and her profit algore!!!
gh, What I actually said that looking at the NOAA site:

What you actually said was to use 1998 as my baseline. Only now are you backpedalling from using an outlier as your global temperature baseline for the last 135 years. And well you should. It was pretty ridiculous.

That just looking at the graph it would seem to indicate no warming or cooling. Now I have found that if you plot the trend it does show some small amount of warming, about .02 which does not seem to be enough to indicate warming as the models predicted.

Actually, it shows significant warming from 1998. So instead of our average temperatures almost meeting the 1998 outlier, your own source shows that we now EXCEED them.

But global cooling, huh?
gh, What I actually said that looking at the NOAA site:

What you actually said was to use 1998 as my baseline. Only now are you backpedalling from using an outlier as your global temperature baseline for the last 135 years. And well you should. It was pretty ridiculous.

That just looking at the graph it would seem to indicate no warming or cooling. Now I have found that if you plot the trend it does show some small amount of warming, about .02 which does not seem to be enough to indicate warming as the models predicted.

Actually, it shows significant warming from 1998. So instead of our average temperatures almost meeting the 1998 outlier, your own source shows that we now EXCEED them.

But global cooling, huh?

Now you must just be lying. I never said it was cooling, if I did then post where I said it or admit you do what most global warming fearist do.

Clearly 1998 is NOT an OUTLIER according to NOAA. Here are the numbers:

Year, Anomaly, Rank

1998 0.54°C 4
1999 0.63°C 15
2000 0.44°C 1
2001 0.44°C 1
2002 0.57°C 7
2003 0.61°C 12
2004 0.61°C 12
2005 0.58°C 8
2006 0.64°C 17
2007 0.63°C 15
2008 0.54°C 4
2009 0.54°C 4
2010 0.61°C 12
2011 0.64°C 17
2012 0.53°C 3
2013 0.59°C 9
2014 0.63°C 15

That is a direct cut and paste from the NOAA site. Actually there would be no warming, or cooling if 2000 and 2001 were not so cold. But that is NOT me that is NOAA.
Environmentalists have regarded Moore as a liar and clown for the past 20 years, being that he's just a paid shill for various industries. Anyone saying environmentalist like Moore is either a liar or moron. Hence, most deniers will say that. It's just another reason why most of the world correctly considers denialism to be a liars' cult.

Anyone who thinks the USA is cooling, much less the world, is also either lying or retarded. Hence, all deniers will say that as well. They literally don't care that it's bull. To a herd animal like your average denier, exile from the herd would be like a death sentence, so none of them dare contradict anything the cult says.

Spoken like a true empty-headed sycophant: "Our scientists are true, yours are bunk."
Just so we're clear......this is chart represents global cooling, huh?


Certainly has pretty colors, certainly isn't referenced to any site or organization. How about instead of someone's 12th grade science project we look at what NOAA is saying.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

If you follow the image address, it takes you to Columbia university.

But hey, why bother with the 7 seconds of trivial research necessary to verify that when you can just dismiss it arbitrarily.

What happened to that empty lip service to being 'open minded'?
Clearly 1998 is NOT an OUTLIER according to NOAA. Here are the numbers:

First, where on the NOAA site is that from? Cut and paste the page so we can know what we're looking at.

Second, you just debunked your claim that there's been no heating since 1998.
Sure, listen to the Ecologist. By chance, do you know what one of those studies? Hint, it isn't climate...

Michel Mann's education: A.B. applied mathematics and physics (1989), MS physics (1991), MPhil physics (1991), MPhil geology (1993), PhD geology & geophysics (1998)[1

Nope don't see anything about climate in that resume.

Really? Nothing about climate in physics, geology, and geophysics? Are you truly that stupid. In just this month's issue of Geology, the peer reviewed journal of the American Geological Society, 6 out of 21 articles dealt with climate or climatic effects.

If you truly believe that geology, geophysics and physics do not deal with climate, you are truly deeply ignorant.
Just so we're clear......this is chart represents global cooling, huh?


Certainly has pretty colors, certainly isn't referenced to any site or organization. How about instead of someone's 12th grade science project we look at what NOAA is saying.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Very good site, one can see at a glance that there has been major warming since 1998;

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

And by the chart, it appears that 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record thus far. And summer and the current El Nino have just began.
Now I hope that the fearist can see why any of us that grew up in the 60s and 70s give ourselves a good old palm smack to the forehead when we read things like the following.

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’ – Rips Obama for ‘hollow’ climate claims

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ?I fear a global cooling? ? Rips Obama for ?hollow? climate claims | Climate Depot

Ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, warned “I fear a global cooling,” during his keynote address to the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas on Tuesday. Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986 because he felt it had become too radical, is the author of “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist.” (Watch climate conference live here)

Moore noted that a cooling would adversely impact agriculture, and said: “Let’s hope for a little warming as opposed to a little cooling. I would rather it got a little warmer.” (Watch Moore video here at the Heartland Institute event)

Moore noted that “the U.S. is currently been cooling” and noted that there has been “no global warming for nearly 18 years.” He also mocked the notion that “everything is due to global warming.”

“If it warms two degrees, hopefully more in Canada in the North…maybe it would be a good thing if it did,” Moore explained.

Awesome post!

You call Leftists "Fearists" when only THIS YEAR the majority of Rightists acknowledged that Global warming is actually happening. I know your media paints scientists as "FEARISTS", it's why there wasn't a round globe for so long.......That round globe was SCARY..

Even Republicans have openly stated they realize Global Warming is a fact. Only Libertarians lack in the education because in "infringes their liberty" like a seat belt......
Now I hope that the fearist can see why any of us that grew up in the 60s and 70s give ourselves a good old palm smack to the forehead when we read things like the following.

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’ – Rips Obama for ‘hollow’ climate claims

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ?I fear a global cooling? ? Rips Obama for ?hollow? climate claims | Climate Depot

Ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, warned “I fear a global cooling,” during his keynote address to the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas on Tuesday. Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986 because he felt it had become too radical, is the author of “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist.” (Watch climate conference live here)

Moore noted that a cooling would adversely impact agriculture, and said: “Let’s hope for a little warming as opposed to a little cooling. I would rather it got a little warmer.” (Watch Moore video here at the Heartland Institute event)

Moore noted that “the U.S. is currently been cooling” and noted that there has been “no global warming for nearly 18 years.” He also mocked the notion that “everything is due to global warming.”

“If it warms two degrees, hopefully more in Canada in the North…maybe it would be a good thing if it did,” Moore explained.

Awesome post!

You call Leftists "Fearists" when only THIS YEAR the majority of Rightists acknowledged that Global warming is actually happening. I know your media paints scientists as "FEARISTS", it's why there wasn't a round globe for so long.......That round globe was SCARY..

Even Republicans have openly stated they realize Global Warming is a fact. Only Libertarians lack in the education because in "infringes their liberty" like a seat belt......

I am sorry, could you point out where I called leftist, fearists? I am assuming you are making that leap because most fearist are leftists.

Note also I never made the claim that the world was cooling. What I did, later, was state that maybe warming a few degrees wouldn't be a bad thing.

I use the term fearist because that is what I think most are doing. They have no more idea of the actually data then anyone else. They don't take into consideration that at times in the past the world has been warmer. Just like in the 70 when the claim was made that the world could not support the population we had 10 years ago let alone today. It all sounded so logical, so based on numbers and facts but turned out to be BS.
Just so we're clear......this is chart represents global cooling, huh?


Certainly has pretty colors, certainly isn't referenced to any site or organization. How about instead of someone's 12th grade science project we look at what NOAA is saying.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Very good site, one can see at a glance that there has been major warming since 1998;

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

And by the chart, it appears that 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record thus far. And summer and the current El Nino have just began.

I posted the data right from the site, how can you say there has been major warming? First of all what is major? 2014 might be the warmest but so far the data indicates that 1999, 2006, 2007, and 2011 were as warm if not warmer. Never the less, I didn't make the claim we were not warming. My observations are, that since 1998 it could be argued that the temperature has not changed that much to indicate warming or cooling although there appears to be a trend upwards. I also hold that warm is better then cold, things live in warmth, most things die in the cold.
Sure, listen to the Ecologist. By chance, do you know what one of those studies? Hint, it isn't climate...

Michel Mann's education: A.B. applied mathematics and physics (1989), MS physics (1991), MPhil physics (1991), MPhil geology (1993), PhD geology & geophysics (1998)[1

Nope don't see anything about climate in that resume.

Really? Nothing about climate in physics, geology, and geophysics? Are you truly that stupid. In just this month's issue of Geology, the peer reviewed journal of the American Geological Society, 6 out of 21 articles dealt with climate or climatic effects.

If you truly believe that geology, geophysics and physics do not deal with climate, you are truly deeply ignorant.

Here is Geology. com website, If there is one story on the climate change I missed it: News and Information for Geology & Earth Science

Seems they are more interested in rocks and how to fend off a bear attack.

ge·ol·o·gy [jee-ol-uh-jee]

noun, plural ge·ol·o·gies.

1. the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing.

2. the study of this science.

3. the geologic features and processes occurring in a given region on the earth or on a celestial body: the geology of Mars; the geology of eastern Kentucky.

Even if I give you that geology deals somewhat with the climate then why would ecology not deal with climate? That was the claim made not by me but another poster.
Clearly 1998 is NOT an OUTLIER according to NOAA. Here are the numbers:

First, where on the NOAA site is that from? Cut and paste the page so we can know what we're looking at.

Second, you just debunked your claim that there's been no heating since 1998.

My claim has always been that a look at the chart does not indicate either way. Although if charted on the site the trend is upwards. I also never made the claim we were warming or cooling you just keep repeating that I did.

I have posted the data cut and pasted directly from the site twice now. Here it is again.

Year, Anomaly, Rank

1998 0.54°C 4
1999 0.63°C 15
2000 0.44°C 1
2001 0.44°C 1
2002 0.57°C 7
2003 0.61°C 12
2004 0.61°C 12
2005 0.58°C 8
2006 0.64°C 17
2007 0.63°C 15
2008 0.54°C 4
2009 0.54°C 4
2010 0.61°C 12
2011 0.64°C 17
2012 0.53°C 3
2013 0.59°C 9
2014 0.63°C 15

Now this is for Global, 12 month Land and Surface temperature for 1998 to 2014. Make of it as you will. (the higher the number of rank the warmer)
Environmentalists have regarded Moore as a liar and clown for the past 20 years, being that he's just a paid shill for various industries. Anyone saying environmentalist like Moore is either a liar or moron. Hence, most deniers will say that. It's just another reason why most of the world correctly considers denialism to be a liars' cult.

Anyone who thinks the USA is cooling, much less the world, is also either lying or retarded. Hence, all deniers will say that as well. They literally don't care that it's bull. To a herd animal like your average denier, exile from the herd would be like a death sentence, so none of them dare contradict anything the cult says.

Braindead ^^^^ :2up:

The level of absurd drivel from the religion has gotten more and more angry and more and more phoney. Nobody cares about this religion anymore and indeed, in 2014, these people have become the "cult". The latest poll on "consensus science" tells us all we need to know...........

Only 20% of Americans think the science is settled >> Only 20% Think Debate About Global Warming Is Over - Rasmussen Reports?

80% think the "settled science" is a bunch of hysterical bull shit!!! 80%:eek::eek:

So now, evidently........80% = "cult".............but only to the AGW internet nutters.:fu::fu::fu::up:

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