Bad news of the GW front: Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’

Sure, listen to the Ecologist. By chance, do you know what one of those studies? Hint, it isn't climate...

Michel Mann's education: A.B. applied mathematics and physics (1989), MS physics (1991), MPhil physics (1991), MPhil geology (1993), PhD geology & geophysics (1998)[1

Nope don't see anything about climate in that resume.

Really? Nothing about climate in physics, geology, and geophysics? Are you truly that stupid. In just this month's issue of Geology, the peer reviewed journal of the American Geological Society, 6 out of 21 articles dealt with climate or climatic effects.

If you truly believe that geology, geophysics and physics do not deal with climate, you are truly deeply ignorant.


Mann holding his Global Warming diploma
Now I hope that the fearist can see why any of us that grew up in the 60s and 70s give ourselves a good old palm smack to the forehead when we read things like the following.

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’ – Rips Obama for ‘hollow’ climate claims

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ?I fear a global cooling? ? Rips Obama for ?hollow? climate claims | Climate Depot

Ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, warned “I fear a global cooling,” during his keynote address to the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas on Tuesday. Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986 because he felt it had become too radical, is the author of “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist.” (Watch climate conference live here)

Moore noted that a cooling would adversely impact agriculture, and said: “Let’s hope for a little warming as opposed to a little cooling. I would rather it got a little warmer.” (Watch Moore video here at the Heartland Institute event)

Moore noted that “the U.S. is currently been cooling” and noted that there has been “no global warming for nearly 18 years.” He also mocked the notion that “everything is due to global warming.”

“If it warms two degrees, hopefully more in Canada in the North…maybe it would be a good thing if it did,” Moore explained.

Every degree of average warming melts x amount of additional sea ice which means y amount of solar radiation isn't being reflected back out into space adding even more warming. So just a few degrees can have a devastating effect. Plus, hurricanes, droughts, wildfires are all effected. Storms become more severe, droughts occur more often, as do fires. It isn't just more shorts and tanktops days out of the year.
Now I hope that the fearist can see why any of us that grew up in the 60s and 70s give ourselves a good old palm smack to the forehead when we read things like the following.

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘I fear a global cooling’ – Rips Obama for ‘hollow’ climate claims

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: ?I fear a global cooling? ? Rips Obama for ?hollow? climate claims | Climate Depot

Ecologist Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, warned “I fear a global cooling,” during his keynote address to the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas on Tuesday. Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986 because he felt it had become too radical, is the author of “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist.” (Watch climate conference live here)

Moore noted that a cooling would adversely impact agriculture, and said: “Let’s hope for a little warming as opposed to a little cooling. I would rather it got a little warmer.” (Watch Moore video here at the Heartland Institute event)

Moore noted that “the U.S. is currently been cooling” and noted that there has been “no global warming for nearly 18 years.” He also mocked the notion that “everything is due to global warming.”

“If it warms two degrees, hopefully more in Canada in the North…maybe it would be a good thing if it did,” Moore explained.

Every degree of average warming melts x amount of additional sea ice which means y amount of solar radiation isn't being reflected back out into space adding even more warming. So just a few degrees can have a devastating effect. Plus, hurricanes, droughts, wildfires are all effected. Storms become more severe, droughts occur more often, as do fires. It isn't just more shorts and tanktops days out of the year.

OK, the reason for the OP was to point out that after all these years of being pounded over GW/CC/CD here is a guy who is stating just the opposite.

BTW, since the bolded in your post has not happened on what basis do you predict it will?
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Sucks to see the foundation of your religion crumbling before your very eyes, eh Warmies? You folks are like flat earthers, not those who say the science behind your Gaia worshipping cult movement, masquerading as science...lacks credibility.
Because people a lot smarter than me say it will. And around here we do what our smart people tell us.

"The fifth edition of Global Strategic Trends, prepared for the U.K. Ministry of Defence, says climate change will likely create a lengthy list of defence and security implications in the next three decades.

Key predictions include more sexual violence in war zones, failed and failing cities posing major security repercussions for nations and more extreme weather events causing widespread damage and loss of life. The report also raised the prospect of the increased use of nuclear energy increasing the likelihood of fissile material being obtained by non-state actors,

Written for military and political leaders, the 172-page report is stark, frightening and pulls no punches."
Because people a lot smarter than me say it will. And around here we do what our smart people tell us.

"The fifth edition of Global Strategic Trends, prepared for the U.K. Ministry of Defence, says climate change will likely create a lengthy list of defence and security implications in the next three decades.

Key predictions include more sexual violence in war zones, failed and failing cities posing major security repercussions for nations and more extreme weather events causing widespread damage and loss of life. The report also raised the prospect of the increased use of nuclear energy increasing the likelihood of fissile material being obtained by non-state actors,

Written for military and political leaders, the 172-page report is stark, frightening and pulls no punches."

As I have witness through life the only thing that changes with the experts is the goal post. Over 10 years ago Gore was saying we only had 10 years to act, well I guess there is nothing that can be done so let's party. It is always "gonna happen" with the most dire of predictions. US Co2 emissions are on a steep downward trend what more do you think can be done?

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