Baker must make gay cakes

If you offer a service to the public, then you are subject to public accommodation laws.
If the service you offer to the public includes baking cakes, then you are subject to public accommodation laws pertaining to baking cakes.
No, you cannot be forced to bake "mature themed" cakes as that is another type of service.
No, you cannot be forced to write "The questions in this thread are mostly an admission ignorance with some on the conservative side being deliberately obtuse" because that too would be a different kind of service.
If you opened up a shop that offered adult themed cakes with offensive messages, then that service would be subject to public accommodation... and special zoning!...laws.

Except this is not about public accommodation laws because these businesses do not meet the constitutional definition of public accommodations.

Excuse me? What business does not meet the definition of public accommodation, the baker? Did you completely miss the ruling that the thread is about?

it depends on the liberal judge interpreting the statue. What they were meant to protect was a business where you walk in, and get the exact same service/product, and walk out, lunch counters, gas stations, hotels, etc.

What it has been stretched to is any business, which is in my opinion, not part of the laws in question.

So I guess the 2nd amendment is not the only one you hate.

Not a first Amendment issue, guy.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Businesses don't have religions. Businesses have to comply with all the laws applicable to businesses.

The people in the business can have a religion, and these laws inhibit their free exercise. What is it about forcing people to do something they don't morally agree with via government action that gives you such a hard on?

So I guess the 2nd amendment is not the only one you hate.

Not a first Amendment issue, guy.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Businesses don't have religions. Businesses have to comply with all the laws applicable to businesses.

The people in the business can have a religion, and these laws inhibit their free exercise. What is it about forcing people to do something they don't morally agree with via government action that gives you such a hard on?

corporations are incorporated in order to shield their owners from personal liability and were never viewed as people for any purpose other than the ability to sue in court or be the subject of the jurisdiction of the courts. corporations have no religion. and any judge saying they were "people" for any purpose would have been laughed off the bench until the wingnut brigade's terrible decision in citizens united.

and while it is amusing to see people use religion to justify hatred and bigotry, it's no more legal than not serving someone black because you don't like them... or someone jewish or anything else that offends your sensibilities.
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Not a first Amendment issue, guy.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Businesses don't have religions. Businesses have to comply with all the laws applicable to businesses.

The people in the business can have a religion, and these laws inhibit their free exercise. What is it about forcing people to do something they don't morally agree with via government action that gives you such a hard on?

corporations are incorporated in order to shield their owners from personal liability and were never viewed as people for any purpose other than the ability to sue in court or be the subject of the jurisdiction of the courts. corporations have no religion. and any judge saying they were "people" for any purpose would have been laughed off the bench until the wingnut brigade's terrible decision in citizens united.

and while it is amusing to see people use religion to justify hatred and bigotry, it's no more legal than not serving someone black because you don't like them... or someone jewish or anything else that offends your sensibilities.

Show me in the bible a condemnation of a person because of their skin. However there is plenty of condemnation of homosexual acts in all 3 monotheistic religion's basic texts.

Jim Crow laws were forced on businesses by the government, even if a lunch counter wanted to serve people together they couldn't. And a serving a gay person at a lunch counter is not the same as being forced to attend and endorse their wedding, which being a baker or a photographer for one does.

Tell me what is easier, going through all this to purge people who disagree with you out of normal society, or just going to another damn baker/photographer who WILL take their business?
Ahhh - So the law says if a baker sells wedding cakes they can't refuse to sell wedding cakes to a customer because they are black, asian, Jewish, Muslim, straight or gay, male or female, a service veteran, etc.

On the other hand a baker does not have to bake a penis shaped cake to either gays or straights for a bachelor party.

OK, ya I agree that's a valid application of the law.
That wasn't my point.
The law in Colorado protects sexual orientation in public accommodation. You are not going to overturn public accommodation law. You aren't going to overturn Colorado's equal protection.
It isn't equal protection to make a guy bake a gay themed cake if he doesn't want to. And don't be so quick about the 'thou shall never overturn...' mantra. Many states have had laws that proved to be unconstitutional. All it takes is the right catalyst to make it to the Supreme Court where I don't believe it will pass muster.

The baker was asked to make a wedding cake, period. Not a "gay" cake, a wedding cake. The baker was not asked to provide a product or item they don't normally provide.
I'm not in Denver or Seattle, here you can't force a baker to make a Bob and Joe wedding cake with two males on it, do you get it? That would be a gay cake, not that the cake itself engages in homosexual unions. Gays are not the only people who's opinions matter and pretending that there's a national law that says so is wrong. You are free to be as wrong as you want for as long as you want.
The people in the business can have a religion, and these laws inhibit their free exercise. What is it about forcing people to do something they don't morally agree with via government action that gives you such a hard on?

corporations are incorporated in order to shield their owners from personal liability and were never viewed as people for any purpose other than the ability to sue in court or be the subject of the jurisdiction of the courts. corporations have no religion. and any judge saying they were "people" for any purpose would have been laughed off the bench until the wingnut brigade's terrible decision in citizens united.

and while it is amusing to see people use religion to justify hatred and bigotry, it's no more legal than not serving someone black because you don't like them... or someone jewish or anything else that offends your sensibilities.

Show me in the bible a condemnation of a person because of their skin. However there is plenty of condemnation of homosexual acts in all 3 monotheistic religion's basic texts.

Jim Crow laws were forced on businesses by the government, even if a lunch counter wanted to serve people together they couldn't. And a serving a gay person at a lunch counter is not the same as being forced to attend and endorse their wedding, which being a baker or a photographer for one does.

Tell me what is easier, going through all this to purge people who disagree with you out of normal society, or just going to another damn baker/photographer who WILL take their business?

When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia

Because the Bible Tells me So
It isn't equal protection to make a guy bake a gay themed cake if he doesn't want to. And don't be so quick about the 'thou shall never overturn...' mantra. Many states have had laws that proved to be unconstitutional. All it takes is the right catalyst to make it to the Supreme Court where I don't believe it will pass muster.

The baker was asked to make a wedding cake, period. Not a "gay" cake, a wedding cake. The baker was not asked to provide a product or item they don't normally provide.
I'm not in Denver or Seattle, here you can't force a baker to make a Bob and Joe wedding cake with two males on it, do you get it? That would be a gay cake, not that the cake itself engages in homosexual unions. Gays are not the only people who's opinions matter and pretending that there's a national law that says so is wrong. You are free to be as wrong as you want for as long as you want.

The baker doesn't put the topper on if they don't carry them...they just bake the cake. Many localities protect gays and lesbians in public accommodation.
The gays in Colorado are just delusional! There is no other way to put it. They actually think that Jack Phillips is going to bake wedding cakes for same sex couples! The couple who brought the complaint actually think that they are benefiting future same sex couples!

Bakery Will Stop Making Wedding Cakes After Losing Discrimination Case « CBS Denver

For the couple, they said they always believed they were in the right and it was important to pursue the case for future customers.

“We’ve already been discriminated there,” Mullins said. “We’ve already been treated badly.

“The next time a gay couple wanders in there asking for a wedding cake, they won’t have the experience we had.

“They will have a responsible experience and leave feeling respected.”

They will respectfully be told that Masterpiece Bakery doesn't make wedding cakes. I hope that the gays in Colorado appreciate all the respect they will get.
The homosexual couple could have just gone to a business that actually wanted to work with them, but they chose to make an issue out of it. It's how the PC Police operates - when someone dares to cross them, they choose to punish them. They are not required to do so, but they pretend as if they are.

It's all about control.

By the time the Left has achieved its goal of a pure European-style Social Democracy with an Authoritarian central bureaucracy -- maybe, what, 15 to 20 years -- most of us will have been conditioned to conform to their sanctioned worldview or else. A nice, comfortable little mediocrity for which we will all have to settle. Tough shit.


or he could have just adhered to the law and made the cake.



Do not question authority.

Do not challenge that with which you disagree.

The American Left truly has become what it used to hate.


They have become ideological serfs who will knuckle under to any demagogue with a (D) after their names.
Anytime you want to get humiliated on the whole "bible permits for chattel slavery" debate, bring it to the clean debate boards & Ill handle you swiftly & as painless as possible, Wenchy. Just PM me when you're ready.

corporations are incorporated in order to shield their owners from personal liability and were never viewed as people for any purpose other than the ability to sue in court or be the subject of the jurisdiction of the courts. corporations have no religion. and any judge saying they were "people" for any purpose would have been laughed off the bench until the wingnut brigade's terrible decision in citizens united.

and while it is amusing to see people use religion to justify hatred and bigotry, it's no more legal than not serving someone black because you don't like them... or someone jewish or anything else that offends your sensibilities.

Show me in the bible a condemnation of a person because of their skin. However there is plenty of condemnation of homosexual acts in all 3 monotheistic religion's basic texts.

Jim Crow laws were forced on businesses by the government, even if a lunch counter wanted to serve people together they couldn't. And a serving a gay person at a lunch counter is not the same as being forced to attend and endorse their wedding, which being a baker or a photographer for one does.

Tell me what is easier, going through all this to purge people who disagree with you out of normal society, or just going to another damn baker/photographer who WILL take their business?

When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia

Because the Bible Tells me So
The gays in Colorado are just delusional! There is no other way to put it. They actually think that Jack Phillips is going to bake wedding cakes for same sex couples! The couple who brought the complaint actually think that they are benefiting future same sex couples!

Bakery Will Stop Making Wedding Cakes After Losing Discrimination Case « CBS Denver

For the couple, they said they always believed they were in the right and it was important to pursue the case for future customers.

“We’ve already been discriminated there,” Mullins said. “We’ve already been treated badly.

“The next time a gay couple wanders in there asking for a wedding cake, they won’t have the experience we had.

“They will have a responsible experience and leave feeling respected.”

They will respectfully be told that Masterpiece Bakery doesn't make wedding cakes. I hope that the gays in Colorado appreciate all the respect they will get.
are you so simple that you believe that this case doesn't have implications for other businesses?
corporations are incorporated in order to shield their owners from personal liability and were never viewed as people for any purpose other than the ability to sue in court or be the subject of the jurisdiction of the courts. corporations have no religion. and any judge saying they were "people" for any purpose would have been laughed off the bench until the wingnut brigade's terrible decision in citizens united.

and while it is amusing to see people use religion to justify hatred and bigotry, it's no more legal than not serving someone black because you don't like them... or someone jewish or anything else that offends your sensibilities.

Show me in the bible a condemnation of a person because of their skin. However there is plenty of condemnation of homosexual acts in all 3 monotheistic religion's basic texts.

Jim Crow laws were forced on businesses by the government, even if a lunch counter wanted to serve people together they couldn't. And a serving a gay person at a lunch counter is not the same as being forced to attend and endorse their wedding, which being a baker or a photographer for one does.

Tell me what is easier, going through all this to purge people who disagree with you out of normal society, or just going to another damn baker/photographer who WILL take their business?

When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia

Because the Bible Tells me So

It was used, but abolitionists used the bible as well. There is no clear cut language condemning being black as sinful. There IS clear cut language condemning homosexuality as sinful.
corporations are incorporated in order to shield their owners from personal liability and were never viewed as people for any purpose other than the ability to sue in court or be the subject of the jurisdiction of the courts. corporations have no religion. and any judge saying they were "people" for any purpose would have been laughed off the bench until the wingnut brigade's terrible decision in citizens united.

and while it is amusing to see people use religion to justify hatred and bigotry, it's no more legal than not serving someone black because you don't like them... or someone jewish or anything else that offends your sensibilities.

Show me in the bible a condemnation of a person because of their skin. However there is plenty of condemnation of homosexual acts in all 3 monotheistic religion's basic texts.

Jim Crow laws were forced on businesses by the government, even if a lunch counter wanted to serve people together they couldn't. And a serving a gay person at a lunch counter is not the same as being forced to attend and endorse their wedding, which being a baker or a photographer for one does.

Tell me what is easier, going through all this to purge people who disagree with you out of normal society, or just going to another damn baker/photographer who WILL take their business?

When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia

Because the Bible Tells me So

Fringe elements have always found some Biblical pretext to justify whatever their leadership wants to do.

The main stream catholic Christian thought has not supported racism in any significant way. While the rest of Protestant Europe was talking about superior races, the Roman Catholic Church was opposed and fought against it at every level. In fact, the RCC was the biggest ally to the Civil Rights movement prior to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was one of the earliest opponents to the slave trade and helped to lead Europe into a ban on slavery.

Show me an atheist movement that legally and peacefully abandoned its own property claims in order to advance social justice. No, they will only advance their cause at the expense of their opposition and then enslave those they rule in all but name when they win, and then commence slaughter. The same pattern in every leftwing revolution since the French Jacobins instituted the Reign of Terror.

When PC Nazis like you talk about civil rights it is only posturing to cause division among workers and the rise of those you recognise to be your weakest opponents; corporations.
It isn't equal protection to make a guy bake a gay themed cake if he doesn't want to. And don't be so quick about the 'thou shall never overturn...' mantra. Many states have had laws that proved to be unconstitutional. All it takes is the right catalyst to make it to the Supreme Court where I don't believe it will pass muster.

The baker was asked to make a wedding cake, period. Not a "gay" cake, a wedding cake. The baker was not asked to provide a product or item they don't normally provide.
I'm not in Denver or Seattle, here you can't force a baker to make a Bob and Joe wedding cake with two males on it, do you get it? That would be a gay cake, not that the cake itself engages in homosexual unions. Gays are not the only people who's opinions matter and pretending that there's a national law that says so is wrong. You are free to be as wrong as you want for as long as you want.

Your profile says "Washington State", the State Public Accommodation law is not just limited to Seattle. If you sell goods and services in the state you cannot refuse based on the customer being Alack or Asian, Christian or Jew, Mexican or Irish, male or female, gay or straight, etc.

RCW 49.60.215
Unfair practices of places of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, amusement — Trained dog guides and service animals.

(1) It shall be an unfair practice for any person or the person's agent or employee to commit an act which directly or indirectly results in any distinction, restriction, or discrimination, or the requiring of any person to pay a larger sum than the uniform rates charged other persons, or the refusing or withholding from any person the admission, patronage, custom, presence, frequenting, dwelling, staying, or lodging in any place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement, except for conditions and limitations established by law and applicable to all persons, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, status as a mother breastfeeding her child, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability: PROVIDED, That this section shall not be construed to require structural changes, modifications, or additions to make any place accessible to a person with a disability except as otherwise required by law: PROVIDED, That behavior or actions constituting a risk to property or other persons can be grounds for refusal and shall not constitute an unfair practice.

RCW 49.60.215: Unfair practices of places of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, amusement ? Trained dog guides and service animals.

Show me in the bible a condemnation of a person because of their skin. However there is plenty of condemnation of homosexual acts in all 3 monotheistic religion's basic texts.

Jim Crow laws were forced on businesses by the government, even if a lunch counter wanted to serve people together they couldn't. And a serving a gay person at a lunch counter is not the same as being forced to attend and endorse their wedding, which being a baker or a photographer for one does.

Tell me what is easier, going through all this to purge people who disagree with you out of normal society, or just going to another damn baker/photographer who WILL take their business?

When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia

Because the Bible Tells me So

It was used, but abolitionists used the bible as well. There is no clear cut language condemning being black as sinful. There IS clear cut language condemning homosexuality as sinful.

On the contrary, there is clear cut language that says that there is no division among those who follow Christ.

Colossians 3:10-12
New King James Version (NKJV)
10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.

Galatians 3:27-29
New King James Version (NKJV)
27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
She won't challenge you on this, she doesn't know what she is talking about.

Show me in the bible a condemnation of a person because of their skin. However there is plenty of condemnation of homosexual acts in all 3 monotheistic religion's basic texts.

Jim Crow laws were forced on businesses by the government, even if a lunch counter wanted to serve people together they couldn't. And a serving a gay person at a lunch counter is not the same as being forced to attend and endorse their wedding, which being a baker or a photographer for one does.

Tell me what is easier, going through all this to purge people who disagree with you out of normal society, or just going to another damn baker/photographer who WILL take their business?

When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia

Because the Bible Tells me So

It was used, but abolitionists used the bible as well. There is no clear cut language condemning being black as sinful. There IS clear cut language condemning homosexuality as sinful.
Hm. Who cares ? But ill try and go there. Years ago when I was a framer and home builder I got shit for building homes for a man who was not only gay, but had for over 30 years considered him self married. I was given shit by a dude who was at the time my parser and like a father to me. My reply was that the guys money spent just fine, and me taking his money was fine biblically. I point to Solomon's dealings with non Jews for matreials to construct the temple. This is really a stupid issue. If gay people cant get this guy to make them a cake then they can just hit the yellow pages and find one who will. Simple. This is just another shiny object to distract the public from what failures there elected officials are.
The baker was asked to make a wedding cake, period. Not a "gay" cake, a wedding cake. The baker was not asked to provide a product or item they don't normally provide.
I'm not in Denver or Seattle, here you can't force a baker to make a Bob and Joe wedding cake with two males on it, do you get it? That would be a gay cake, not that the cake itself engages in homosexual unions. Gays are not the only people who's opinions matter and pretending that there's a national law that says so is wrong. You are free to be as wrong as you want for as long as you want.

Your profile says "Washington State", the State Public Accommodation law is not just limited to Seattle. If you sell goods and services in the state you cannot refuse based on the customer being Alack or Asian, Christian or Jew, Mexican or Irish, male or female, gay or straight, etc.

RCW 49.60.215
Unfair practices of places of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, amusement — Trained dog guides and service animals.

(1) It shall be an unfair practice for any person or the person's agent or employee to commit an act which directly or indirectly results in any distinction, restriction, or discrimination, or the requiring of any person to pay a larger sum than the uniform rates charged other persons, or the refusing or withholding from any person the admission, patronage, custom, presence, frequenting, dwelling, staying, or lodging in any place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement, except for conditions and limitations established by law and applicable to all persons, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, status as a mother breastfeeding her child, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability: PROVIDED, That this section shall not be construed to require structural changes, modifications, or additions to make any place accessible to a person with a disability except as otherwise required by law: PROVIDED, That behavior or actions constituting a risk to property or other persons can be grounds for refusal and shall not constitute an unfair practice.

RCW 49.60.215: Unfair practices of places of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, amusement ? Trained dog guides and service animals.


Which is why Christians should leave such states and migrate to states that allow people to peacefully follow their conscience.
The gays in Colorado are just delusional! There is no other way to put it. They actually think that Jack Phillips is going to bake wedding cakes for same sex couples! The couple who brought the complaint actually think that they are benefiting future same sex couples!

Bakery Will Stop Making Wedding Cakes After Losing Discrimination Case « CBS Denver

For the couple, they said they always believed they were in the right and it was important to pursue the case for future customers.

“We’ve already been discriminated there,” Mullins said. “We’ve already been treated badly.

“The next time a gay couple wanders in there asking for a wedding cake, they won’t have the experience we had.

“They will have a responsible experience and leave feeling respected.”

They will respectfully be told that Masterpiece Bakery doesn't make wedding cakes. I hope that the gays in Colorado appreciate all the respect they will get.
are you so simple that you believe that this case doesn't have implications for other businesses?

they don't even understand that Loving v Virginia applies

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