Baker must make gay cakes

If you live in Washington State outside Seattle and own a printing business and routinely accept commissions to do wedding invitations you can't refuse to print wedding invitations based on the customers race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, status as a mother breastfeeding her child, etc.

What part of the State level law are you not comprehending?
The part you made up. The gal that refused to print homosexual wedding invitations moved her business out of the Seattle area. Repeating your error won't make it true.

#1 I have no idea about the "gal" you are talking about. Care to provide a link to a news story so I can gain understanding.

#2 What part of the following did I make up? This is the Washington State Statute on Public Accommodations.

RCW 49.60.215
Unfair practices of places of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, amusement — Trained dog guides and service animals.

(1) It shall be an unfair practice for any person or the person's agent or employee to commit an act which directly or indirectly results in any distinction, restriction, or discrimination, or the requiring of any person to pay a larger sum than the uniform rates charged other persons, or the refusing or withholding from any person the admission, patronage, custom, presence, frequenting, dwelling, staying, or lodging in any place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement, except for conditions and limitations established by law and applicable to all persons, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, status as a mother breastfeeding her child, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability: PROVIDED, That this section shall not be construed to require structural changes, modifications, or additions to make any place accessible to a person with a disability except as otherwise required by law: PROVIDED, That behavior or actions constituting a risk to property or other persons can be grounds for refusal and shall not constitute an unfair practice.

RCW 49.60.215: Unfair practices of places of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, amusement ? Trained dog guides and service animals.

the gay terrorist network strikes again. I thought we lived in a nation of majority rule, minority rights. Now its "majority has no right, minority tyranny." can't we just go back to the good ol' days that if these people wanted to terrorize this family owned bakery...they would get their asses stomped. I would say "pounded" but they get that all the time anyway.
are you so simple that you believe that this case doesn't have implications for other businesses?

It has implications for many other businesses. The photographer who no longer admits to wedding photography. The Florist who will provide flowers but no wedding arrangements. The caterer who will come for the birthday party but no weddings.

The advertisement of services is what's impacted. Not the services themselves. The services will still be available, but you just will have to know the right people and get a personal recommendation.

And Biblical Christians will grow their own underground economy that will specify filters such as they only serve members of their church or club.

This is merely dividing America against itself and insuring the demographic collapse of the main stream protestant denominations that once made this nation great.

There isn't a totalitarian country that has not developed an underground economic stream only serving itself and certain invitees. It's one of the hallmarks of a totalitarian country.
Wow...sort of veered off topic

But I wonder...will they make a devout muslim bake a gay wedding cake? How about a devout catholic? These inquisition panels like to pick on protestant christians but what about the real McCoy? Will they tell the Pope for instance what members of His flock must do, in grave violation of key edicts of their faith? [See Jude 1 & Romans 1]

I live in heavily muslim area. They call it Tehrangeles. I go to the muslim bakery all the time. They have already limited their services. They started off limiting their services. They don't bake wedding cakes. They won't bake a cake for a Christian wedding. They won't bake a cake for a same sex wedding. However, anyone can walk in and buy a cake. What they do with that cake is none of the bakery's business. They will make decorated cakes, they put some frosting flowers on the cake and it's decorated. If someone asks for a wedding cake, they will get suggestions to adapt one of the cakes offered for sale in the display case.

A friend of mine just had a birthday party for their son who just turned one. They wanted a jungle themed cake. The bakery gave them a bare cake and a couple of bags of frosting with directions on how to decorate the cake. The little plastic animals were purchased at Toys R Us.

Muslims have this covered already.
Wow...that's a little hyperbolic isn't it? "Renounce" your faith? Who would Jesus refuse to serve?
I would not refuse to serve anyone, and have in fact worked with gays before. What I will not do is participate in any type of gay themed event, or support of any such event. If someone were to ask me to attend a gay wedding, I'd politely decline, same goes for preparing a gay wedding cake. If I were ordered by a court of law to renounce my faith and attend a gay wedding, or bake a gay wedding cake, I'd chose to go to jail, hands down. There is no contest, my faith always comes first.

Don't open a bakery in a locality with public accommodation laws that cover the gheys and you'll be fine. You'll still have to bake cakes for the blacks, Muslims, and the cripples, but hey, you'll be saved from getting the ghey on ya!

Would you bake a cake for a divorced and remarrying couple?
I would not bake any type of divorce cake, or attend any type of divorce ceremony, if such a ceremony even exists. In fact, my church will not allow re-marriage if divorced.
The homosexual couple could have just gone to a business that actually wanted to work with them, but they chose to make an issue out of it. It's how the PC Police operates - when someone dares to cross them, they choose to punish them. They are not required to do so, but they pretend as if they are.

It's all about control.

By the time the Left has achieved its goal of a pure European-style Social Democracy with an Authoritarian central bureaucracy -- maybe, what, 15 to 20 years -- most of us will have been conditioned to conform to their sanctioned worldview or else. A nice, comfortable little mediocrity for which we will all have to settle. Tough shit.


or he could have just adhered to the law and made the cake.

And Rosa Parks could have sat in the back of the bus.

But she didn't.
lol you are using this argument...
Except that the laws are not actually necessary or proper, not to mention constitutional.

neat!im sure this would work well at the court case...

Judge: wel he is breaking the law.

QW: i dont like that law so we shouldnt follow it.

Judge: stares at QW, realizes he is serious and finds the baker at fault, and disbars QW.

Funny how that is exactly what the lawyer argued, yet he didn't even get disbarred from the fake court he was in.

The fake court...hahahahahaaha dude you have issues
The homosexual couple could have just gone to a business that actually wanted to work with them, but they chose to make an issue out of it. It's how the PC Police operates - when someone dares to cross them, they choose to punish them. They are not required to do so, but they pretend as if they are.

It's all about control.

By the time the Left has achieved its goal of a pure European-style Social Democracy with an Authoritarian central bureaucracy -- maybe, what, 15 to 20 years -- most of us will have been conditioned to conform to their sanctioned worldview or else. A nice, comfortable little mediocrity for which we will all have to settle. Tough shit.


or he could have just adhered to the law and made the cake.



Do not question authority.

Do not challenge that with which you disagree.

The American Left truly has become what it used to hate.

Or vote for people that will repeal the law!
Or whine about the left like you did...
Yay! Now there will be gay cakes everywhere, and I will be able to record the agonizing screams of Republicans as they are beaten and whipped until they make them. 'Help me please!', 'save me!', 'no more caaakes!', 'I don't want HIV, noooo!' and so on. So oppressed, will be sure to take pictures and sign you all up to the cake gulag when Obama becomes the emperor of the universe.
So you can weep for the bigots having to mind their Ps and Qs, but frankly, I'm all for living in a civil society.

Not me.

I don't mind -- let me put this more accurately, I cherish -- a messy society in which people are free to actually say what they're thinking without fear of some kind of retribution. That's what made America so dynamic and exciting and (yes) progressive. Freedom is messy and difficult, and it inspires brilliance and innovation. Sure, there are some who use that freedom to lie and distort and retard that brilliance (partisan ideologues, for example), but I'll take that over what you want.

The American Left wants everyone to just shut up and conform to the Central Authority. That's nice and easy and comfy. Shut up ad get in line. Gawd. Freedom isn't easy, I'm afraid, and it requires personal responsibility. That is why the Left has put so much effort into making "personal responsibility" a negative, and you're getting what you want.

In a generation you'll have what you want - a country of dispirited people who gave away their freedom in return for "easy". Congrats.


Oh my are using personal responsibility as your argument?

Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk yooooou. .

That's some hack shit. Again you want the freedom to say what you want when you want without any consequences. Taking zero personal responsibility for your words.

You called me a partisan hack for saying that and yet here you are attempting to use it in the fashion you are.

Fuck you mac...fuck you..
So you can weep for the bigots having to mind their Ps and Qs, but frankly, I'm all for living in a civil society.

Not me.

I don't mind -- let me put this more accurately, I cherish -- a messy society in which people are free to actually say what they're thinking without fear of some kind of retribution. That's what made America so dynamic and exciting and (yes) progressive. Freedom is messy and difficult, and it inspires brilliance and innovation. Sure, there are some who use that freedom to lie and distort and retard that brilliance (partisan ideologues, for example), but I'll take that over what you want.

The American Left wants everyone to just shut up and conform to the Central Authority. That's nice and easy and comfy. Shut up ad get in line. Gawd. Freedom isn't easy, I'm afraid, and it requires personal responsibility. That is why the Left has put so much effort into making "personal responsibility" a negative, and you're getting what you want.

In a generation you'll have what you want - a country of dispirited people who gave away their freedom in return for "easy". Congrats.


Oh my are using personal responsibility as your argument?

Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk yooooou. .

That's some hack shit. Again you want the freedom to say what you want when you want without any consequences. Taking zero personal responsibility for your words.

You called me a partisan hack for saying that and yet here you are attempting to use it in the fashion you are.

Fuck you mac...fuck you..
He can complain all he wants, he is a baker forced to make me gay cakes. That is what Mac believes anyway. ;)

Democrats should say: 'Get to it bitch! Get baking!' :tongue:
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If you live in Washington State outside Seattle and own a printing business and routinely accept commissions to do wedding invitations you can't refuse to print wedding invitations based on the customers race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, status as a mother breastfeeding her child, etc.

What part of the State level law are you not comprehending?
The part you made up. The gal that refused to print homosexual wedding invitations moved her business out of the Seattle area. Repeating your error won't make it true.

#1 I have no idea about the "gal" you are talking about. Care to provide a link to a news story so I can gain understanding.
It was in the local news here. No, I don't care to look for a link, why should I? Your ignorance isn't my problem.
#2 What part of the following did I make up? This is the Washington State Statute on Public Accommodations.
The part that makes you think a sign man turning someone down because they are a homosexual means that he has to make a banner celebrating homosexuality. That's a special kind of stupid.
The part you made up. The gal that refused to print homosexual wedding invitations moved her business out of the Seattle area. Repeating your error won't make it true.

#1 I have no idea about the "gal" you are talking about. Care to provide a link to a news story so I can gain understanding.
It was in the local news here. No, I don't care to look for a link, why should I? Your ignorance isn't my problem.
#2 What part of the following did I make up? This is the Washington State Statute on Public Accommodations.
The part that makes you think a sign man turning someone down because they are a homosexual means that he has to make a banner celebrating homosexuality. That's a special kind of stupid.
Less talk, more baking. You have to make millions of Democrats free gay cakes, so get to it.
The part you made up. The gal that refused to print homosexual wedding invitations moved her business out of the Seattle area. Repeating your error won't make it true.

#1 I have no idea about the "gal" you are talking about. Care to provide a link to a news story so I can gain understanding.
It was in the local news here. No, I don't care to look for a link, why should I? Your ignorance isn't my problem.
#2 What part of the following did I make up? This is the Washington State Statute on Public Accommodations.
The part that makes you think a sign man turning someone down because they are a homosexual means that he has to make a banner celebrating homosexuality. That's a special kind of stupid.

So you have nothing to show what you are blathering about. Then you are not even consistent. Before it was a "gal that refused to print homosexual wedding invitations moved her business out of the Seattle area", now it's a man and and signage.

Here's the difference. I posted the law you posted some vague recollection about something and even then things change.

See the difference?

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The gays in Colorado are just delusional! There is no other way to put it. They actually think that Jack Phillips is going to bake wedding cakes for same sex couples! The couple who brought the complaint actually think that they are benefiting future same sex couples!

Bakery Will Stop Making Wedding Cakes After Losing Discrimination Case « CBS Denver

They will respectfully be told that Masterpiece Bakery doesn't make wedding cakes. I hope that the gays in Colorado appreciate all the respect they will get.
are you so simple that you believe that this case doesn't have implications for other businesses?

they don't even understand that Loving v Virginia applies

gay rights IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE and Loving v. Virginia should NOT apply.
So you can weep for the bigots having to mind their Ps and Qs, but frankly, I'm all for living in a civil society.

Not me.

I don't mind -- let me put this more accurately, I cherish -- a messy society in which people are free to actually say what they're thinking without fear of some kind of retribution. That's what made America so dynamic and exciting and (yes) progressive. Freedom is messy and difficult, and it inspires brilliance and innovation. Sure, there are some who use that freedom to lie and distort and retard that brilliance (partisan ideologues, for example), but I'll take that over what you want.

The American Left wants everyone to just shut up and conform to the Central Authority. That's nice and easy and comfy. Shut up ad get in line. Gawd. Freedom isn't easy, I'm afraid, and it requires personal responsibility. That is why the Left has put so much effort into making "personal responsibility" a negative, and you're getting what you want.

In a generation you'll have what you want - a country of dispirited people who gave away their freedom in return for "easy". Congrats.


Oh my are using personal responsibility as your argument?

Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk yooooou. .

That's some hack shit. Again you want the freedom to say what you want when you want without any consequences. Taking zero personal responsibility for your words.

You called me a partisan hack for saying that and yet here you are attempting to use it in the fashion you are.

Fuck you mac...fuck you..

Yikes, how old are you?

"Consequences"? As I've said a few hundred times, you people choose to punish, you don't have to.

It's all about control for you. Conformity. Do not question authority or there will be "consequences".

The world has seen this before.

You provide a vivid example of what I'm saying. Thanks. I already knew I was right, but thanks.

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Anytime you want to get humiliated on the whole "bible permits for chattel slavery" debate, bring it to the clean debate boards & Ill handle you swiftly & as painless as possible, Wenchy. Just PM me when you're ready

There is nothing to "debate". Was the bible used to justify slavey and anti miscegenation, yes or no? The answer is yes...end of "debate".

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