Baker must make gay cakes

are you so simple that you believe that this case doesn't have implications for other businesses?

they don't even understand that Loving v Virginia applies

gay rights IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE and Loving v. Virginia should NOT apply.

Why not? No one chooses to be gay. If you are correct, why doesn't the baker appeal the decision by taking the matter into the civil Court?
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I would not refuse to serve anyone, and have in fact worked with gays before. What I will not do is participate in any type of gay themed event, or support of any such event. If someone were to ask me to attend a gay wedding, I'd politely decline, same goes for preparing a gay wedding cake. If I were ordered by a court of law to renounce my faith and attend a gay wedding, or bake a gay wedding cake, I'd chose to go to jail, hands down. There is no contest, my faith always comes first.

Don't open a bakery in a locality with public accommodation laws that cover the gheys and you'll be fine. You'll still have to bake cakes for the blacks, Muslims, and the cripples, but hey, you'll be saved from getting the ghey on ya!

Would you bake a cake for a divorced and remarrying couple?

I would not bake any type of divorce cake, or attend any type of divorce ceremony, if such a ceremony even exists. In fact, my church will not allow re-marriage if divorced.

I'm not asking that question. Divorce is a sin...Jesus himself said so. A divorced person remarrying is a sin. Would you bake their cake? How about a fat person. Gluttony is one of the actual listed "deadly sins". Would you bake a cake for a fatty wedding?
...why doesn't the baker appeal the decision by taking the matter into the civil Court?

The origianal hearing was before an ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) who then writes his/her decision. That decision has no real "weight" it is simply a recommendation. That decision goes to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission who then can accept or reject it, they then issue their final ruling on the matter. The defendant can then choose to accept their ruling or appeal to the State Court of Appeals.

Since the ruling just came down on May 30th (last Friday) they are probably still deciding whether they will take it to the State Appeals Court and after that the State Supreme Court.

Anytime you want to get humiliated on the whole "bible permits for chattel slavery" debate, bring it to the clean debate boards & Ill handle you swiftly & as painless as possible, Wenchy. Just PM me when you're ready

There is nothing to "debate". Was the bible used to justify slavey and anti miscegenation, yes or no? The answer is yes...end of "debate".

It was also used to argue against both of those things, let the debate begin anew.
...why doesn't the baker appeal the decision by taking the matter into the civil Court?

The origianal hearing was before an ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) who then writes his/her decision. That decision has no real "weight" it is simply a recommendation. That decision goes to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission who then can accept or reject it, they then issue their final ruling on the matter. The defendant can then choose to accept their ruling or appeal to the State Court of Appeals.

Since the ruling just came down on May 30th (last Friday) they are probably still deciding whether they will take it to the State Appeals Court and after that the State Supreme Court.


Except that the Commission has no legal authority to issue any decision other than giving the aggrieved party the right to sue.
A wise person wouldn't eat the cake of the person that hates them. Who knows what the baker did to the cake.
A wise person wouldn't eat the cake of the person that hates them. Who knows what the baker did to the cake.

ah... a lawsuit waiting to happen.


a wise person would remember their business is licensed and not want to lose that license.

the use of religion to justify hate borders on evil....
A wise person wouldn't eat the cake of the person that hates them. Who knows what the baker did to the cake.

The baker isn't going to adulterate the cake. He just won't bake one. A gay couple comes in and asks for a wedding cake. They will be told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A straight couple come in and gets told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A couple from church asks the baker if he will make them a wedding cake and, as a favor, the baker will make them an elaborate wedding cake.
A wise person wouldn't eat the cake of the person that hates them. Who knows what the baker did to the cake.

The baker isn't going to adulterate the cake. He just won't bake one. A gay couple comes in and asks for a wedding cake. They will be told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A straight couple come in and gets told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A couple from church asks the baker if he will make them a wedding cake and, as a favor, the baker will make them an elaborate wedding cake.


The homosexual couple has exacted their retribution, their "consequences", they don't care about the damn cake.

A wise person wouldn't eat the cake of the person that hates them. Who knows what the baker did to the cake.

The baker isn't going to adulterate the cake. He just won't bake one. A gay couple comes in and asks for a wedding cake. They will be told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A straight couple come in and gets told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A couple from church asks the baker if he will make them a wedding cake and, as a favor, the baker will make them an elaborate wedding cake.


The homosexual couple has exacted their retribution, their "consequences", they don't care about the damn cake.


The end result is the same. The baker didn't make wedding cakes for same sex couples before and won't make them now.
The baker isn't going to adulterate the cake. He just won't bake one. A gay couple comes in and asks for a wedding cake. They will be told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A straight couple come in and gets told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A couple from church asks the baker if he will make them a wedding cake and, as a favor, the baker will make them an elaborate wedding cake.


The homosexual couple has exacted their retribution, their "consequences", they don't care about the damn cake.


The end result is the same. The baker didn't make wedding cakes for same sex couples before and won't make them now.

I have read he will bake cakes for gay couples, just will not decorate them as such. As long as he sells decorations that allow them to place two persons of the same gender on the frosting, that could resolve the issue. UPDATE! He may sue; in addition, he will sell cupcakes to gay Americans, just not wedding cakes. This is a violation of Colorado law, but his choice.
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The baker isn't going to adulterate the cake. He just won't bake one. A gay couple comes in and asks for a wedding cake. They will be told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A straight couple come in and gets told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A couple from church asks the baker if he will make them a wedding cake and, as a favor, the baker will make them an elaborate wedding cake.


The homosexual couple has exacted their retribution, their "consequences", they don't care about the damn cake.


The end result is the same. The baker didn't make wedding cakes for same sex couples before and won't make them now.

The result isn't the same. The baker is now choosing to lose revenue...of their own volition.
A wise person wouldn't eat the cake of the person that hates them. Who knows what the baker did to the cake.

ah... a lawsuit waiting to happen.


a wise person would remember their business is licensed and not want to lose that license.

the use of religion to justify hate borders on evil....

Bad tasting flavors put into a cake wont get a lawsuit, methinks.

How about a cake made with Hogworts jellybeans?

Mmmmmmm, boogers and vomit jellies for the win!


So I guess the 2nd amendment is not the only one you hate.

Not a first Amendment issue, guy.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Businesses don't have religions. Businesses have to comply with all the laws applicable to businesses.

The people in the business can have a religion, and these laws inhibit their free exercise. What is it about forcing people to do something they don't morally agree with via government action that gives you such a hard on?

Watching these assholes having to do it. That's what I enjoy.

Has nothing to do with the legal point, which is settled law. Businesses don't have a religion.

The homosexual couple has exacted their retribution, their "consequences", they don't care about the damn cake.


The end result is the same. The baker didn't make wedding cakes for same sex couples before and won't make them now.

The result isn't the same. The baker is now choosing to lose revenue...of their own volition.

o he stops making wedding cakes, but would still make birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, etc and attract a whole lot more business from Christians that sympathize with his decision and the harassment he has had to endure from you PC Nazis.
The baker isn't going to adulterate the cake. He just won't bake one. A gay couple comes in and asks for a wedding cake. They will be told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A straight couple come in and gets told that the bakery no longer provides wedding cake service. A couple from church asks the baker if he will make them a wedding cake and, as a favor, the baker will make them an elaborate wedding cake.


The homosexual couple has exacted their retribution, their "consequences", they don't care about the damn cake.


The end result is the same. The baker didn't make wedding cakes for same sex couples before and won't make them now.

And he will likely get MORE business. The only ones that lose out re the secularized personalities like Paula Dean. Christians need to back ach other up and methinks we will.
Fuckin A right they have to make the cake. Here in America we have freedom from religion and the right to choose to be gay but business owners don't have the right to discriminate because of race, creed, color or anything else. What don't conservatives get about that?

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