Balding White Guy Fails to Blow Up NAACP in Colorado

Blacks interrupt some dinners at restaurants to protest: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

White dude tries to blow up the NAACP: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

In the extreme Right-Wingy-Hinky-thingydingysphere, I am detecting a pattern, here...
Got that phrase from a black conservative radio personality, forgot his name, it's been 20 years. And yes, while the NAACP filled an important and needed function for many years they have mostly become a self propagating entity who uses "race" as part of their continuance plan. Granted they're no where near as bad as the Southern Poverty Law Center, I'll give em that.

And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased assessment......... Got it.

You have self-identified yourself as a Rightie more than once. So, pffft....

Well, since the goal of civil rights is a political goal, it only stands to reason that the NAACP is a political entity to some degree. So, you just kind of stated the obvious.
Funny the only ones who call me a righty or a leftist are those on the fringes.......... Very telling............ If what I pointed out is the obvious, why are you questioning my "motives"?
Yeah, it must be that because it couldn't be your parroting radical Right-wingers' phrases like "Klan with a tan."
Ed, you're one of the most leftist posters on this board and have been since I arrived so it doesn't surprise me you take this "view". Dismissed as brainless stereotyping..... as always.
The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.
He didnt strike a blow. He set off a bomb and ran like the coward he is.

Racist on racist crime must end

The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.

And both of these posting show what unbelievable fuckwads so many on the Right are. And it also shows why so many of us laugh as yahoos like the both of you, for saying such unbelievably stupid stuff.

it shows what hypocrites you are

You need to lay off that sauce, it's causing you to write stupid shit that makes no sense.

is that all you have?


what is pathetic is that a person set off a bomb that could have killed many people and you are not decrying it. Apparently, human life means nothing to you.
The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.
He didnt strike a blow. He set off a bomb and ran like the coward he is.
Feral behavior
Yes, I do think this thread will easily get to 1,000 posts. Alone, Vagisil will proably post 200 cartoons that make no sense.

Yepp, 1,000 is about right...
The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.
He didnt strike a blow. He set off a bomb and ran like the coward he is.
Feral behavior

Feral thug.

The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.
He didnt strike a blow. He set off a bomb and ran like the coward he is.

Racist on racist crime must end

The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.

And both of these posting show what unbelievable fuckwads so many on the Right are. And it also shows why so many of us laugh as yahoos like the both of you, for saying such unbelievably stupid stuff.

it shows what hypocrites you are

You need to lay off that sauce, it's causing you to write stupid shit that makes no sense.

is that all you have?


what is pathetic is that a person set off a bomb that could have killed many people and you are not decrying it. Apparently, human life means nothing to you.

No black conservatives were there so they dont have to pretend they care about anything that happens to blacks.

A bomb. And the response is "tee hee". Smh
The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.
He didnt strike a blow. He set off a bomb and ran like the coward he is.
Feral behavior
Feral balding, pot bellied pig no doubt. The feral simians on this board will no doubt praise and make excuses for him.
Looks like the racists are back to their old tricks as a white guy in the expected age group attempts to blow up a NAACP office but failed to ignite the gas can left next to the bomb. Probably bitter over a wife that left him for a Black guy or upset about AA. Hopefully they catch this home grown domestic terrorist and shoot him while he is resisting arrest.

FBI investigating explosion outside NAACP office in Colorado -

"Henry D. Allen Jr., the branch's president, also raised the specter of a targeted attack, telling KCNC, "Apparently, we're doing something correct. Apparently, we have gotten someone's attention that we are working toward civil rights for all. That is making some people uncomfortable.""

We need to round up these violent tea baggers.

The tea party is truly the American Taliban.
Blacks interrupt some dinners at restaurants to protest: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

White dude tries to blow up the NAACP: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

In the extreme Right-Wingy-Hinky-thingydingysphere, I am detecting a pattern, here...
Squeeze nut and a few others here are obviously trying to do that, I was simply making a separate commentary about the NAACP and the (running joke) among moderates (not righties) that the NAACP and the KKK have a hotline to each other so when one needs press they call the other to get something started.......
If indeed, as it appears, this was one sick individual who tried to blow up their offices he needs to be caught and put away.
Looks like the racists are back to their old tricks as a white guy in the expected age group attempts to blow up a NAACP office but failed to ignite the gas can left next to the bomb. Probably bitter over a wife that left him for a Black guy or upset about AA. Hopefully they catch this home grown domestic terrorist and shoot him while he is resisting arrest.

FBI investigating explosion outside NAACP office in Colorado -

"Henry D. Allen Jr., the branch's president, also raised the specter of a targeted attack, telling KCNC, "Apparently, we're doing something correct. Apparently, we have gotten someone's attention that we are working toward civil rights for all. That is making some people uncomfortable.""

We need to round up these violent tea baggers.

The tea party is truly the American Taliban.

Now wait a minute: we have no idea if this feral terrorist thug is a Tea Partier or just a toothless, illiterate West Virginian who fucks his sister but calls her his "waahf". We really need to wait out the FBI/ATF/Police reports.


And for those report-happy eternally butthurt cons out there: no, I did not accuse any USMB member of incest. Gotcha!
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Blacks interrupt some dinners at restaurants to protest: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

White dude tries to blow up the NAACP: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

In the extreme Right-Wingy-Hinky-thingydingysphere, I am detecting a pattern, here...
Squeeze nut and a few others here are obviously trying to do that, I was simply making a separate commentary about the NAACP and the (running joke) among moderates (not righties) that the NAACP and the KKK have a hotline to each other so when one needs press they call the other to get something started.......
If indeed, as it appears, this was one sick individual who tried to blow up their offices he needs to be caught and put away.

I totally agree with your last sentence. That feral terrorist thug needs to be brought to justice.

However, that you even interjected that the NAACP is somehow the "Klan with a tan" was tasteless at best on your part, imo. I know of no sane person who really honestly thinks that there is somehow a communications line between the NAACP and the KKK. That is just batshit crazy. And you want to accuse others of race baiting? Look in the mirror for a while....
Remember how when those officers got shot, the family of MB and EG BOTH came out in support and asked for peace and not to be associated with that bullshit.

Remember that Wilson said he had "no remorse"

Do you see that a bombing of a America....On blacks illicits laughter?

Thats white supremecy
Don't be surprised if this arson turns out to be just like the rash of black church burnings in the 90s. Done by a black with an agenda to support.

Arrests of Blacks Add to Motives for Church Fires - Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — Four months into an intensive effort by a federal task force to halt arsons at predominantly black churches, the number of arrests has soared and a surprising trend has emerged: African Americans have been implicated in a third of the cases.

Officials in Washington were reluctant to speak publicly about the conclusions to be drawn from black suspects being arrested in a significant number of black church fires.

This has all the earmarks of being the same thing.
Don't be surprised if this arson turns out to be just like the rash of black church burnings in the 90s. Done by a black with an agenda to support.

Arrests of Blacks Add to Motives for Church Fires - Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — Four months into an intensive effort by a federal task force to halt arsons at predominantly black churches, the number of arrests has soared and a surprising trend has emerged: African Americans have been implicated in a third of the cases.

Officials in Washington were reluctant to speak publicly about the conclusions to be drawn from black suspects being arrested in a significant number of black church fires.

This has all the earmarks of being the same thing.

Let me ask you...Is bombing a building a good or bad thing?
Blacks interrupt some dinners at restaurants to protest: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

White dude tries to blow up the NAACP: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

In the extreme Right-Wingy-Hinky-thingydingysphere, I am detecting a pattern, here...
Squeeze nut and a few others here are obviously trying to do that, I was simply making a separate commentary about the NAACP and the (running joke) among moderates (not righties) that the NAACP and the KKK have a hotline to each other so when one needs press they call the other to get something started.......
If indeed, as it appears, this was one sick individual who tried to blow up their offices he needs to be caught and put away.

I totally agree with your last sentence. That feral terrorist thug needs to be brought to justice.

However, that you even interjected that the NAACP is somehow the "Klan with a tan" was tasteless at best on your part, imo. I know of no sane person who really honestly thinks that there is somehow a communications line between the NAACP and the KKK. That is just batshit crazy. And you want to accuse others of race baiting? Look in the mirror for a while....
Notice i said it's a running joke, based on the fact that both sides will use race to further their ends. like I said you only read what you want to read...... Okay, now that you been knocked off it you can get back up on your moral high horse again........
Blacks interrupt some dinners at restaurants to protest: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

White dude tries to blow up the NAACP: "bad blacks, bad blacks!"

In the extreme Right-Wingy-Hinky-thingydingysphere, I am detecting a pattern, here...
Squeeze nut and a few others here are obviously trying to do that, I was simply making a separate commentary about the NAACP and the (running joke) among moderates (not righties) that the NAACP and the KKK have a hotline to each other so when one needs press they call the other to get something started.......
If indeed, as it appears, this was one sick individual who tried to blow up their offices he needs to be caught and put away.

I totally agree with your last sentence. That feral terrorist thug needs to be brought to justice.

However, that you even interjected that the NAACP is somehow the "Klan with a tan" was tasteless at best on your part, imo. I know of no sane person who really honestly thinks that there is somehow a communications line between the NAACP and the KKK. That is just batshit crazy. And you want to accuse others of race baiting? Look in the mirror for a while....
Notice i said it's a running joke, based on the fact that both sides will use race to further their ends. like I said you only read what you want to read...... Okay, now that you been knocked off it you can get back up on your moral high horse again........

And you think it's important to interject a "running joke" of that type on a thread about a terrorist bomb in front of a(n) NAACP building?


Damn, that was just totally funny.

Don't be surprised if this arson turns out to be just like the rash of black church burnings in the 90s. Done by a black with an agenda to support.

Arrests of Blacks Add to Motives for Church Fires - Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — Four months into an intensive effort by a federal task force to halt arsons at predominantly black churches, the number of arrests has soared and a surprising trend has emerged: African Americans have been implicated in a third of the cases.

Officials in Washington were reluctant to speak publicly about the conclusions to be drawn from black suspects being arrested in a significant number of black church fires.

This has all the earmarks of being the same thing.

Let me ask you...Is bombing a building a good or bad thing?

You may be shocked by the answer you get. Be forewarned.
What's wrong? I thought the radical left admired balding white bombers like Bill Ayers.
I'm thinnin' the Klan with a Tan needs some press time and staged a failed "bomb attack"....... Or they called their counterparts with the KKK to set it up....... :eusa_whistle:

"Klan with a tan"?

Did you really mean that?

Got that phrase from a black conservative radio personality, forgot his name, it's been 20 years. And yes, while the NAACP filled an important and needed function for many years they have mostly become a self propagating entity who uses "race" as part of their continuance plan. Granted they're no where near as bad as the Southern Poverty Law Center, I'll give em that.
It was Wally Williams who used that phrase to score points with his Massa MessiahRushie while subbing for him in 1993.
Talk about playing the race card!!!! Dayamn! You can't make this shit up!!!!!!
It's a running joke, based on the fact that both sides will use race to further their ends.

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