Balding White Guy Fails to Blow Up NAACP in Colorado

I totally agree with your last sentence. That feral terrorist thug needs to be brought to justice.

However, that you even interjected that the NAACP is somehow the "Klan with a tan" was tasteless at best on your part, imo. I know of no sane person who really honestly thinks that there is somehow a communications line between the NAACP and the KKK. That is just batshit crazy. And you want to accuse others of race baiting? Look in the mirror for a while....

What a POS hypocrite you are, I did not see you attacking asschaplips calling members of USMB white feral simians. You are just another liberal hypocrite.
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?

So, to a crazy assed loon like you: racist = black, what?

Very, very Christian of you!!
I totally agree with your last sentence. That feral terrorist thug needs to be brought to justice.

However, that you even interjected that the NAACP is somehow the "Klan with a tan" was tasteless at best on your part, imo. I know of no sane person who really honestly thinks that there is somehow a communications line between the NAACP and the KKK. That is just batshit crazy. And you want to accuse others of race baiting? Look in the mirror for a while....

What a POS hypocrite you are, I did not see you attacking asschaplips calling members of USMB white feral simians. You are just another liberal hypocrite.
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
I totally agree with your last sentence. That feral terrorist thug needs to be brought to justice.

However, that you even interjected that the NAACP is somehow the "Klan with a tan" was tasteless at best on your part, imo. I know of no sane person who really honestly thinks that there is somehow a communications line between the NAACP and the KKK. That is just batshit crazy. And you want to accuse others of race baiting? Look in the mirror for a while....

What a POS hypocrite you are, I did not see you attacking asschaplips calling members of USMB white feral simians. You are just another liberal hypocrite.
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
No he was a white under educated bunker builder that tried to blow up a gas tank and failed.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was here to cater to your delicate sensibilities and sense of self important moral outrage........... :lmao:

Oh, it has nothing to do with me at all. If you want to act like an ass, by all means, please do so. I am not going to stop you, I promise. :lmao:
If that's the case why are you even bothering to comment/reply at all.........?
Funny how that works, ain't it.......... If you want to take what I post out of context and twist them to mean something they don't men because you lack critical reading/thinking skills I can't stop you, not that I really care to. :dunno:

I took nothing out of context. Not one shred of it. I feel really sorry for you, really, I do. I bothered to comment because I decided to give you a chance again, but I see I was wrong in trying. Ciao.
Give me a chance again??!! Like your misinterpretive bias means I need to prove something to you??!! You really do think too highly of yourself and your opinions.

could you squawk a little louder? I can't hear you over the racists on this thread. Thanks!
What a POS hypocrite you are, I did not see you attacking asschaplips calling members of USMB white feral simians. You are just another liberal hypocrite.
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
What a POS hypocrite you are, I did not see you attacking asschaplips calling members of USMB white feral simians. You are just another liberal hypocrite.
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
No he was a white under educated bunker builder that tried to blow up a gas tank and failed.
Trouble keeping up?

Nevermind :lol:
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
No he was a white under educated bunker builder that tried to blow up a gas tank and failed.
Trouble keeping up?

Nevermind :lol:
Yes you have trouble keeping up.
What a POS hypocrite you are, I did not see you attacking asschaplips calling members of USMB white feral simians. You are just another liberal hypocrite.
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
What a POS hypocrite you are, I did not see you attacking asschaplips calling members of USMB white feral simians. You are just another liberal hypocrite.
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
No he was a white under educated bunker builder that tried to blow up a gas tank and failed.

I will wait to see his Bunker Builders of America membership card.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
No he was a white under educated bunker builder that tried to blow up a gas tank and failed.
Trouble keeping up?

Nevermind :lol:
Yes you have trouble keeping up.

Yes, she does.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was here to cater to your delicate sensibilities and sense of self important moral outrage........... :lmao:

Oh, it has nothing to do with me at all. If you want to act like an ass, by all means, please do so. I am not going to stop you, I promise. :lmao:
If that's the case why are you even bothering to comment/reply at all.........?
Funny how that works, ain't it.......... If you want to take what I post out of context and twist them to mean something they don't men because you lack critical reading/thinking skills I can't stop you, not that I really care to. :dunno:

I took nothing out of context. Not one shred of it. I feel really sorry for you, really, I do. I bothered to comment because I decided to give you a chance again, but I see I was wrong in trying. Ciao.
Give me a chance again??!! Like your misinterpretive bias means I need to prove something to you??!! You really do think too highly of yourself and your opinions.

could you squawk a little louder? I can't hear you over the racists on this thread. Thanks!
Since you can't or won't use critical reasoning I'll put it in perspective for you. Leftists characterize the right as Fascist and/or Theocrats, the right characterizes the left as Socialists or Communists, some whites see racial PCness as racist, some blacks see almost any thing that disagrees with their position as racist. This is normal human psychology, cultural responses, while each have at least a grain of truth all sides act upon/ react to their stereotypical world view, believing that the NAACP doesn't work in the same normal human paradigm is to deny human nature itself.
Last edited:
I'm thinnin' the Klan with a Tan needs some press time and staged a failed "bomb attack"....... Or they called their counterparts with the KKK to set it up....... :eusa_whistle:

"Klan with a tan"?

Did you really mean that?

Got that phrase from a black conservative radio personality, forgot his name, it's been 20 years. And yes, while the NAACP filled an important and needed function for many years they have mostly become a self propagating entity who uses "race" as part of their continuance plan. Granted they're no where near as bad as the Southern Poverty Law Center, I'll give em that.

And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased, objective assessment......... Got it.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
I'm thinnin' the Klan with a Tan needs some press time and staged a failed "bomb attack"....... Or they called their counterparts with the KKK to set it up....... :eusa_whistle:

"Klan with a tan"?

Did you really mean that?

Got that phrase from a black conservative radio personality, forgot his name, it's been 20 years. And yes, while the NAACP filled an important and needed function for many years they have mostly become a self propagating entity who uses "race" as part of their continuance plan. Granted they're no where near as bad as the Southern Poverty Law Center, I'll give em that.

And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased, objective assessment......... Got it.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
Yet the rightwing practices the stereotypical biased tactics....... Go figure........
Is this FINALLY a case of a racist white man? The liberals have been putting all their hopes into so many breaking news stories that the perp would be a white man, but didn't get the results they were hoping for. Finally they can celebrate?
"Klan with a tan"?

Did you really mean that?

Got that phrase from a black conservative radio personality, forgot his name, it's been 20 years. And yes, while the NAACP filled an important and needed function for many years they have mostly become a self propagating entity who uses "race" as part of their continuance plan. Granted they're no where near as bad as the Southern Poverty Law Center, I'll give em that.

And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased, objective assessment......... Got it.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
Yet the rightwing practices the stereotypical biased tactics....... Go figure........
The difference is that right wing bigots come in the form of mostly marginal and marginalized groups like the KKK. The left officially affiliates with their very prominent bigot groups, i.e., the NAACP and all of the left's victim advocate organizations. And they have the megaphone of a biased media to advance their bigotry. Balance would be giving David Duke a news analysis program on a major network cable affiliate the way they prop up Sharpton. I don't think that idea would fly and I hope it doesn't get the chance.
Got that phrase from a black conservative radio personality, forgot his name, it's been 20 years. And yes, while the NAACP filled an important and needed function for many years they have mostly become a self propagating entity who uses "race" as part of their continuance plan. Granted they're no where near as bad as the Southern Poverty Law Center, I'll give em that.

And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased, objective assessment......... Got it.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
Yet the rightwing practices the stereotypical biased tactics....... Go figure........
The difference is that right wing bigots come in the form of mostly marginal and marginalized groups like the KKK. The left officially affiliates with their very prominent bigot groups, i.e., the NAACP and all of the left's victim advocate organizations. And they have the megaphone of a biased media to advance their bigotry. Balance would be giving David Duke a news analysis program on a major network cable affiliate the way they prop up Sharpton. I don't think that idea would fly and I hope it doesn't get the chance.
Definitely agree with your last statement but if this board is any indicator of typical right wing sampling it not just the KKK, and radical Militia and Christian groups, and it is, then they adhere to the biased right wing media advocate voices like Rush. Maintaining division whether along racial, social, educational and/or economic platforms is the lifeblood of fringe politics and while the far left makes the most out of it the very vocal far right reactionaries don't help matters much either.
And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased, objective assessment......... Got it.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
Yet the rightwing practices the stereotypical biased tactics....... Go figure........
The difference is that right wing bigots come in the form of mostly marginal and marginalized groups like the KKK. The left officially affiliates with their very prominent bigot groups, i.e., the NAACP and all of the left's victim advocate organizations. And they have the megaphone of a biased media to advance their bigotry. Balance would be giving David Duke a news analysis program on a major network cable affiliate the way they prop up Sharpton. I don't think that idea would fly and I hope it doesn't get the chance.
Definitely agree with your last statement but if this board is any indicator of typical right wing sampling it not just the KKK, and radical Militia and Christian groups, and it is, then they adhere to the biased right wing media advocate voices like Rush. Maintaining division whether along racial, social, educational and/or economic platforms is the lifeblood of fringe politics and while the far left makes the most out of it the very vocal far right reactionaries don't help matters much either.

The right is voicing outrage at the race hustling coming from black liberals and rightly so. It's un-American nasty shit. Just tell Obama and his stooges to stop it. Rush isn't the problem.
Got that phrase from a black conservative radio personality, forgot his name, it's been 20 years. And yes, while the NAACP filled an important and needed function for many years they have mostly become a self propagating entity who uses "race" as part of their continuance plan. Granted they're no where near as bad as the Southern Poverty Law Center, I'll give em that.

And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased, objective assessment......... Got it.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
Yet the rightwing practices the stereotypical biased tactics....... Go figure........
The difference is that right wing bigots come in the form of mostly marginal and marginalized groups like the KKK. The left officially affiliates with their very prominent bigot groups, i.e., the NAACP and all of the left's victim advocate organizations. And they have the megaphone of a biased media to advance their bigotry. Balance would be giving David Duke a news analysis program on a major network cable affiliate the way they prop up Sharpton. I don't think that idea would fly and I hope it doesn't get the chance.

Basically Republicans have taken the stance that in order to not be responsible for anything that happens anywhere. They have to pretend that "liberals" (whatever that means) run everything around them and they are just poor victims of it all.

College is liberal, Media is Liberal, Reality is Liberal, etc etc etc.

Which not only leaves them responsible for NOTHING it also lets them have the flexibility to quote those same "liberals" as proof of stuff only when they say its permissible.

Basically its a Teflon Bubble
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
Actually he has attacked me for that. We came to an understanding you white feral simian.
Suddenly I have an urge for a banana........ I can't explain it. :D
Maybe you are turning into a full blown racist. :laugh:
He's black?
No he was a white under educated bunker builder that tried to blow up a gas tank and failed.

I will wait to see his Bunker Builders of America membership card.
Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head!

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