Baltimore Mayor: "Who Wish to Destroy Space To Do That"

No first I want you to get to know them and then care :rolleyes: Knowing them doesnt matter. As with most cases when something is outrageous it is so without knowing the people it happens to personally.

Think about when someone kidnaps someone. No one looks at a missing person poster and says "Never knew 'em"

That would apply to instances like Brown where he attacked the officer right? And in the case of Gray here, waiting for the investigation to see what happened?

Sorry, from my viewpoint, it seems to me that they are just using this as another excuse to attack people.

We're talking about the police right?

I'm talking about the violent protests and riots, throwing trashcans and patio furniture on patrons in a bar, by a mob of people protesting Gray's death as noted in the OP here and the statement by ClosedCaption that we shouldn't be outraged with this mob, because Gray died.

AKA If all whites are responsbile for Gray's death, then all blacks are responsible for the mob violence.

I didnt say dont be outraged I said a spine is more important than a window.

That last sentence is just stupid BUT it is the justification that many here give to why its ok to harrass blacks who arent guilty of anything.

As you said, I thought using crime stats was

Sorry, from my viewpoint, it seems to me that they are just using this as another excuse to attack people.
Interesting. Does that give white people a valid reason to burn down neighborhoods because of the knock-out game? Sounds like it does. IOW, the people whose property is destroyed had nothing to do with the suspect's injuries, so why should they be punished?

No they burn down shit when their sports team loses a know, the important stuff.

If the knock out game was soo important wouldnt they react the same way as when one of their teams lose?
Not if they are mature enough to realize responding thusly only leads to more hate, fear and distrust. Apparently, some haven't gotten that message yet.

We're still talking about white people right?
Those who are the targets of the game but don't react violently.

That's the difference between people "part of society" and those "outside of society." We in society expect that IF these officers were in the wrong, they will be punished, however we understand that investigations take time. Those in society wait for facts before they go ape shit.

Those outside society don't care about such details of who is at fault, they use it as an excuse to be violent. I mean seriously look at what they are doing, they are trying to justify attacking random people on the street to protest that police are targeting black's unfairly. Seriously? The whole thing is fucking ridiculous, so why fucking try to pretend to be logical anymore? Why pretend that laws and ethics and morals matter - clearly they do not to these people.

If these mobs think it's alright to attack random whites because they want to believe the police did the same, then let them have at it, but don't be surprised when those random American's (not police) start blowing their shit away for it.
We in society expect that IF these officers were in the wrong, they will be punished, however we understand that investigations take time. Those in society wait for facts before they go ape shit.

LOL!! Since police have a 4% indictment rate how much would you like to bet on a 4% long shot? I mean do you really have to wait and see with a 4% chance?
We in society expect that IF these officers were in the wrong, they will be punished, however we understand that investigations take time. Those in society wait for facts before they go ape shit.

LOL!! Since police have a 4% indictment rate how much would you like to bet on a 4% long shot? I mean do you really have to wait and see with a 4% chance?

That's because most cops are on the up and up. I believe this because I don't think everyone is out to get me.
Supporting Police in the Baltimore Riots

Thats a facebook page run by supporters (insiders or family members) of Baltimore PD. It says BPD has been ordered to protect "lives only"...not anything else.

Let it burn. Let them loot. Let them do anything they want. Protect lives only.

Bunker down. Hold the line. God bless.
The police are in no position to do anything. They should pack it in and go home. Get their families together and leave.
You are really shitting your pants huh, how many threads now?

Haha enjoying it. Why?

1- America now gets to see the type of animals cops deal with every day...AND just how lucky we are to be protected from these thugs.

2- The darlings of the Democrats are now on display for the world to see.

Raw truth coming to light.
Protect lives? Isn't that the #1 priority of Police?

Always. But now in Baltimore. ...its their ONLY priority.

You own a business thats about to be burned or looted? Call the Army or Obama or gather some friends...the cops arent coming.
In my life time I wanted to see martial law declared. It's only 10:38pm. I'm sorry, but I want the libs this mayer and Gov to be analiated to resigned voluntarily for their stupidity and to never be employed in that city again.

I want this political message to go out - Stupidity = libs elected = equals full Gov failure = Martial law.
In my life time I wanted to see martial law declared. It's only 10:38pm. I'm sorry, but I want the libs this mayer and Gov to be analiated to resigned voluntarily for their stupidity and to never be employed in that city again.

I want this political message to go out - Stupidity = libs elected = equals full Gov failure = Martial law.
Meh...there should be no legitimate protesters left tonight. Bring in the troops and show extreme force. End this tonight. No innocent person in their right mind is out in the streets tonight.

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