Baltimore Mayor: "Who Wish to Destroy Space To Do That"

Baltimore Mayor Gives Protestors 'Who Wish to Destroy Space To Do That'
April 27, 2015 - 10:27 AM

By Eric Scheiner
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Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said that while officials worked to protect protestors taking action over the death of Freddie Gray they also gave “those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.”

During her press conference Saturday, Rawlings-Blake said that she worked with police to make sure they protected the protestors' right to free speech, “ It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they (protestors) were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well,” Rawlings-Blake said.

“We worked very hard to keep that balance and put ourselves in the best position to deescalate, and that’s what you saw.”

The chaotic scene on Baltimore’s streets Saturday night prompted the first public remarks from Freddie Gray’s twin sister, who pleaded for peace alongside the mayor at the news conference that evening.

‘‘My family wants to say, can you all please, please stop the violence?’’ Fredricka Gray said. ‘‘Freddie Gray would not want this.’’

Roughly 1,200 protesters had gathered at City Hall on Saturday afternoon, officials said, to protest Gray's death, which has prompted a series of demonstrations since his death April 19.

According to the Associated Press, storefront windows were broken and police car windows were smashed on Saturday in protests in the city. A protester reportedly tossed a flaming metal garbage can toward police officers in riot gear trying to push back the crowd.

Gray was arrested one week before that when officers chased him through a West Baltimore neighborhood and dragged him into a police van. Gray reportedly requested medical help before being put in the van. He ultimately died from spine injuries.

At Sunday’s press conference, Rawlings-Blake message was somewhat different than what she said on Saturday.

"At the end of the day we are one Baltimore. We need to support peaceful demonstration and continue to enforce in our communities that rioting, violence, and looting will not be tolerated in our city," the mayor said.

Associated Press reports were used in this piece.

Baltimore Mayor Gives Protestors Who Wish to Destroy Space To Do That CNS News
Mayor Clueless is not trying to walk back her comments.
She is blaming....wait for it.....The media for mis-characterizing her statement.
She then flat out denied using those words. "Those who want to destroy, space to do so"....
I liked when she said "protect them from the cars and things".....And "all what's going on"...
From where did this woman get her degree?

I knew she would come back, with the "I-was-taken-out-of-context" bullshit.
Who the hell has the right to destroy other peoples property?
You'll have to ask Mayor Clueless. Of course she will dent making the statement and then place blame on the media for having the nerve to report what she said.
She can deny all she wants but it was caught on video so she can't take it back. She said people are twisting her words, but there was no need to twist her words, what she said stands on it's own.
Baltimore Mayor Gives Protestors 'Who Wish to Destroy Space To Do That'
April 27, 2015 - 10:27 AM

By Eric Scheiner
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Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said that while officials worked to protect protestors taking action over the death of Freddie Gray they also gave “those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.”

During her press conference Saturday, Rawlings-Blake said that she worked with police to make sure they protected the protestors' right to free speech, “ It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they (protestors) were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well,” Rawlings-Blake said.

“We worked very hard to keep that balance and put ourselves in the best position to deescalate, and that’s what you saw.”

The chaotic scene on Baltimore’s streets Saturday night prompted the first public remarks from Freddie Gray’s twin sister, who pleaded for peace alongside the mayor at the news conference that evening.

‘‘My family wants to say, can you all please, please stop the violence?’’ Fredricka Gray said. ‘‘Freddie Gray would not want this.’’

Roughly 1,200 protesters had gathered at City Hall on Saturday afternoon, officials said, to protest Gray's death, which has prompted a series of demonstrations since his death April 19.

According to the Associated Press, storefront windows were broken and police car windows were smashed on Saturday in protests in the city. A protester reportedly tossed a flaming metal garbage can toward police officers in riot gear trying to push back the crowd.

Gray was arrested one week before that when officers chased him through a West Baltimore neighborhood and dragged him into a police van. Gray reportedly requested medical help before being put in the van. He ultimately died from spine injuries.

At Sunday’s press conference, Rawlings-Blake message was somewhat different than what she said on Saturday.

"At the end of the day we are one Baltimore. We need to support peaceful demonstration and continue to enforce in our communities that rioting, violence, and looting will not be tolerated in our city," the mayor said.

Associated Press reports were used in this piece.

Baltimore Mayor Gives Protestors Who Wish to Destroy Space To Do That CNS News
Mayor Clueless is not trying to walk back her comments.
She is blaming....wait for it.....The media for mis-characterizing her statement.
She then flat out denied using those words. "Those who want to destroy, space to do so"....
I liked when she said "protect them from the cars and things".....And "all what's going on"...
From where did this woman get her degree?

I knew she would come back, with the "I-was-taken-out-of-context" bullshit.
lol. yeah only problem was the context was caught on video so no it wasn't taken out of context. We know exactly what she said and what she meant.
At what point will the left no longer tolerate this sort of behavior?
What has to happen for them to say 'enough!'?
Sorry sweetie but you said it and everybody heard you say it. If a white politician gave white protesters "space to destroy" his career would be finished.

Baltimore Mayor Blames Media for Mischaracterizing My Words About Giving Protesters Space to Destroy CNS News

april 28 2015
"I'll say the very blatant mischaracterization of my words was not helpful today," Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told a news conference Monday night, as fires burned and hundreds of "thugs" (the mayor's word) looted and destroyed her city.

On Saturday night, after violence began to escalate in Baltimore, the mayor said she was working with police to make sure they protected the protesters' right to free speech:

"It's a very delicate balancing act, because while we tried to make sure that they (protestors) were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well,” Rawlings-Blake said.

On Monday night, Rawlings-Blake explained, "I was asked a question about the property damage that was done, and in answering that question, I made it very clear that we walk a -- we balance a very fine line between giving protesters -- peaceful protesters -- space to protest.

"And it's very unfortunate that members of your industry decided to mischaracterize my words and tried to use it as a way to say that we were inciting violence. There's no such thing."
I wonder if the owners and employees of that CVS pharmacy that was destroyed, were aware that their store was apparently one of the designated "spaces" to destroy ?
At a minimum 2 officers injured, 1 still critical. 144 car fires, at least 15 structure fires, 1 person critical from those structure fires.

Capt Joe Kowalczyk, Baltimore police conference.
There is a group that is trying to maintain a line between the police and the agitators, to protect the police. It is several people deep. It's great to see.

This is near the burnt out cvs.
She said it straight out in full context! Please 1 loony lib tell me what she really meant?? What other context is there?

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Insurance companies should pull the hell out of Baltimore.
Insurance companies typically exclude coverage for property damage caused by riot or civil insurrection.

I already proved that wrong (see post #99 dis' thread).

The only thing left on the shelves at CVS were condoms..........go figure.........:smoke:......(thatz a 'Vuse' vapor cig, btw...good stuff....ain't that Chinese shit!).

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