Baltimore shipping channel fully reopens after bridge collapse


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Not bad...less than three months to get the harbor open again!

The main shipping channel into Baltimore’s port has fully reopened to its original depth and width following the March 26 collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which blocked most maritime traffic into the harbor.
Officials announced the full reopening in a news release Monday evening. It comes after a massive cleanup effort as crews removed an estimated 50,000 tons of steel and concrete from the Patapsco River.

The channel was blocked by wreckage of the fallen bridge, which collapsed after a container ship lost power and crashed into one of its supporting columns, sending six members of a roadwork crew plunging to their deaths. All of the victims were Latino immigrants working an overnight shift to fill potholes on the bridge.

The Port of Baltimore, which processes more cars and farm equipment than any other in the country, was effectively closed for several weeks while the wreckage was removed. Crews were able to reopen portions of the deep-draft channel in phases, restoring some commercial traffic in recent weeks.

Officials said a total of 56 federal, state and local agencies participated in the salvage operations, including about 500 specialists from around the world who operated a fleet of 18 barges, 22 tugboats, 13 floating cranes, 10 excavators and four survey boats.
“I cannot overstate how proud I am of our team,” said Col. Estee Pinchasin, Baltimore district commander for the Army Corps of Engineers. “It was incredible seeing so many people from different parts of our government, from around our country and all over the world, come together in the Unified Command and accomplish so much in this amount of time.”
I wonder how long it will take to regain the business that the Port of Virginia, NJ, and NY, took away from them?

We were able to handle the extra shipping traffic and not miss a beat.

In fact some carriers reported that it was a cost savings to use our (Virginia) port due to our much advanced facilities.
Unmitigated disaster world wide .
That False Flag must have been the most successful ever.
Added to the continued Hooty Toooty success in the ME hyper inflation and stagflation could be just around the corner

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