Ban This Breed

these incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

Graphic photos: Texas man disfigured by savage dog attack

The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported.


One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man.

Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

“He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off,” Omar Sturges, Milton’s nephew, told the news station.
Sorry to hear this but I came here thinking the op was talking about banning the republican breed
Pits are terriers, just like JRT's, and many others......terriers are very tenacious and you're constantly training them for life. It's not a once & done, and many people don't realize this distinction from other breeds. It's not that they aren't smart, but quite the contrary......they are very smart and they know the rules & expectations. They just like to keep testing their limits to be sure you meant what you said. They do need a firm hand.

There are millions of great Pits that would never hurt a fly and there a few hundred or even a thousand that can't really be trusted &/or would or do attack with or without provocation...…'s not really a justifiable reason to ban the breed. Most dogs that do attack, regardless of breed, have irresponsible owners that don't know what they are dealing with.
Pit Bulls are great dogs right up until they kill a kid. A buddy had 2, and they were great dogs. I played with them myself. Smart, they would mind, and they loved to chase a stick. Great dogs until the little girl next door got off the bus and ran to show her mother the picture she drew that day. They buried that picture with her.

I have this one as my avi... well, i found him as a stray years ago and came so close to just taking him to the animal shelter. I sure wasnt planning on having one but he turned out to be the most gentle dog I've ever had unless you are a cat. Now I did the acid test when I first got him. the top his head was bloody and he was skinny as hell and dirty, so I picked him up and put him in the tub. He let me do that without a hitch, without even knowing me i figured right there he wasnt to bad. To this day he wont bark at the mailman, anyone can come in the house or back yard and he greets them with a rub of the nose.

But I will agree that because of their power and what can happen if they tangle with another dog or for some reason or things go sideways... you have to always have your eye on them in public and I keep mine on leash.
Never leave them alone with a kid and make sure you have a secure yard... very simple rules to follow.

The other thing with these dogs I believe is they need to be extremely socialized at a young age I believe... meaning being around lots of people, and other animals .. and going out very often away from the house. I believe it does something positive for their mind. In that respect they are not unlike people, I mean if you kept a person tied to a tree or in a cage their whole life they may develop some unpredictabilities.
And yet there are Millions of them in the Country and you have one attack. Get back to us when 10 or more percent of the breed are accused of attacking people.
One attack? Are you out of your mind?
You don't have thousands now do you? There are millions of these dogs in the US and you would condemn them all because a couple attacked someone.

Yeah, theres about 5 million of them or so
When I was in the infantry, I knew a Samoan who had deep bite scars on his forearm. He said a Pit bit him and wouldnt let go, so he lifted the dog up with his forearm and gutted the dog wioth a pocket knife.

The dog still wouldnt let go. My friend said he was in hellasheous pain, but he knew he had to get that dog off him or he wojld bleed out, so he started knifing the dog in the neck over and over hoping that enough blood loss to the head would make the dog let loose.

Finally the dog let go of him and fell to the ground unconscious and eventually died.

When the medics got to him, he was about gone himself, said he was bleeding like a fountain. The forearm does have a boatload of veins and arteries, lol.

But he lived to tell the tale and all his pocket knives now clip to the top of his pocket and can be opened with one hand and his forearm is a good conversation piece...
Boy were you snowed!
And yet there are Millions of them in the Country and you have one attack. Get back to us when 10 or more percent of the breed are accused of attacking people.
One attack? Are you out of your mind?
You don't have thousands now do you? There are millions of these dogs in the US and you would condemn them all because a couple attacked someone.
I did not condemn any of the living ones! Listen up! I said stop breeding them. One death is one too many! This guy is disfigured for life and if help wasn’t nearby he would be dead! There have been many such attacks. I can remember one of the most recent. Remember the father whose daughter was killed and partially eaten by the two pet pit bulls she owned? Wanna try to justify that?

No one is justifying anything.

Lethal and seriously disfiguring dog attacks are exceedingly rare bit sensationalized. When you take into account that there are thousands of pit bulls, most of whom, never cause problems, calling for a ban is ridiculous. It also does nothing to address the real issue, irresponsible owners who will just find another breed. Before Pits, it was Rotties, before that, it was Dobermans. Tackle the human part of the problem and the part will sort itself out.
Very wise. It is the same solution as it is with our issue with guns.



Just curious.

If you were in the market to buy a new car. You want a new car for $50,000 or less and you're paying cash.

One for $50,000 and has an exemplary record for dependability.

The other car you like also costs $50,000 but it is 15 times more likely to roll over at high speed.

Which do you buy?
Pit bulls are the most overrated dogs. I’d never get one. That said, I’ve known some really nice pits in terms of temperment.
And yet there are Millions of them in the Country and you have one attack. Get back to us when 10 or more percent of the breed are accused of attacking people.
It's not so much the attacking; it's that the attacks are so often lethal.
I blame crappy irresponsible owners.
My friend has one purposefully trained to not be aggressive. That dog is a sweetheart. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Actually quite lazy and would rather sleep.
Most dog owners suck. Mostly my neighbors who let their dogs run loose and crap on my yard. Or bark constantly. Inconsiderate a-holes.
Doesn't matter the breed if the owner sucks.
Pit Bulls Have Been Over-Bred
Even By Reputable Breeders To Meet Demand

Then There's The Un-Licensed 'Breeders'
Living In City Cores
These Animals Have No Pedigree
And There Is No Way To Tell If They Are Cross Bred,
Or Inbred Into Monsters

All That Matters
Is There's More Livestock To Sell
I blame crappy irresponsible owners.
My friend has one purposefully trained to not be aggressive. That dog is a sweetheart. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Actually quite lazy and would rather sleep.
Most dog owners suck. Mostly my neighbors who let their dogs run loose and crap on my yard. Or bark constantly. Inconsiderate a-holes.
Doesn't matter the breed if the owner sucks.

IF that were the case, there would be no difference between the fatal dog attacks from one breed to another among large dogs.
Pit Bulls are great dogs right up until they kill a kid. A buddy had 2, and they were great dogs. I played with them myself. Smart, they would mind, and they loved to chase a stick. Great dogs until the little girl next door got off the bus and ran to show her mother the picture she drew that day. They buried that picture with her.

I have this one as my avi... well, i found him as a stray years ago and came so close to just taking him to the animal shelter. I sure wasnt planning on having one but he turned out to be the most gentle dog I've ever had unless you are a cat. Now I did the acid test when I first got him. the top his head was bloody and he was skinny as hell and dirty, so I picked him up and put him in the tub. He let me do that without a hitch, without even knowing me i figured right there he wasnt to bad. To this day he wont bark at the mailman, anyone can come in the house or back yard and he greets them with a rub of the nose.

But I will agree that because of their power and what can happen if they tangle with another dog or for some reason or things go sideways... you have to always have your eye on them in public and I keep mine on leash.
Never leave them alone with a kid and make sure you have a secure yard... very simple rules to follow.

The other thing with these dogs I believe is they need to be extremely socialized at a young age I believe... meaning being around lots of people, and other animals .. and going out very often away from the house. I believe it does something positive for their mind. In that respect they are not unlike people, I mean if you kept a person tied to a tree or in a cage their whole life they may develop some unpredictabilities.

Lots of fine pitts that never cause a problem. The danger is that you never know if or when that fine animal will just go nuts. Perhaps they are just playing, and don't realize the damage they are doing. Perhaps their long suppressed attack instinct just kicks in. Who knows, but that breed causes more serious injuries and death than any other. A disturbingly large amount of owners whose dog does attack claim the dog has always been gentle and well behaved right up until the tragic incident.
Do you still have dog fighting in the States. There is an underground scene here in the UK where it is illegal. Dogs are bred to fight and the whole thing is run by gangsters.
These dogs are dangerous and should not be around people.
Up around where I live, pit bulls are rare. Many of the communities demand that owners carry liability insurance on them for up to a million dollars each.
Labradors have more attacks on people.....when i was carrying mail smaller dogs attacked more than the big ones,most big ones barked,but stood their ground,little ones ran right up to you and did their thing.......
The FedEx guy insisted that my St. Bernard used his boot as a urinal.

The UPS guy said he once tried to climb into the truck.
these incidents happen far to often. This breed must be banned and anyone caught breeding them or fighting them must be imprisoned.

Graphic photos: Texas man disfigured by savage dog attack

The man, identified as Milton Sturges, 58, was out walking Wednesday when the dogs attacked. A neighbor who heard the man screaming called police, who, upon arrival, reportedly saw the man being mauled, local news station CBS 11 reported.


One officer struck the dogs -- believed to be adult pit bulls, one male and one female -- with a weapon. Eventually, they successfully pulled the dogs off the man.

Sturges was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

“He lost both of his ears. His nose was partially torn off and his bottom lip was partially torn off,” Omar Sturges, Milton’s nephew, told the news station.
10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds: Temperament Ratings and Information

Pitbulls don't make the top 10. Oops, I take that back. Listed at no. 9

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