Band disinvited from State Fair due to name

I don't believe it is just over the name. The band's logo displaying the Stars and Bars likely doesn't sit well in the Land of Lincoln, Union state.
----------------------------------- tough zhit . Free Speech in a FREE Country is my opinion '2Penny' .

Free Speech is wonderful, not sure of your point because I'm not the one complaining about the Illinois State Fair board exercising theirs as are others here. The Confederate Railroad in Lincoln's backyard goes over with me like that Mexican flag they raised in Colorado over the weekend.
but worshipper or not . Confederate RR should be fine to play even though you 'lincoln' worshippers like it or don't like it '2Penny' .
I don't believe it is just over the name. The band's logo displaying the Stars and Bars likely doesn't sit well in the Land of Lincoln, Union state.
----------------------------------- tough zhit . Free Speech in a FREE Country is my opinion '2Penny' .

Free Speech is wonderful, not sure of your point because I'm not the one complaining about the Illinois State Fair board exercising theirs as are others here. The Confederate Railroad in Lincoln's backyard goes over with me like that Mexican flag they raised in Colorado over the weekend.
So people are offended, who gives a fucking shit?

It’s like it’s van jones land... We can’t offend the snowflakes.
Yeah, if I name my band "Pol Pot's Henchmen" I should probably expect to explain myself a bit. Same with these Confederate fellows. Notice I didn't say they were racist pigs or anything. Just that some things need explaining.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't find something like that in the underground scene.

Sorry, but being slave owners in the mid 1800's does not equate with killing of 3 million or so of your own people to prove an economic and social point.

The other side doesn't want an explanation, they want us to shut up.

I'm not sure who "us" is in your statement.

If it makes you feel better I'm not a party member and my love of the military, the death penalty, social security. My self awareness and hatred of hypocrisy leave me siding with a reality where I believe a bunch of former slaves and the outcasts of Europe got together and created a superpower which helped defeat tyranny in the 20th century just a hundred years after evolving from slave holders and the virtual genocide out manifest destiny inflicted on the natives.

"Us" is anyone outside the progressive groupthink. They don't want to have a debate because they believe their positions are un-debatable.

Every loud mouth radio talk show host since Rush Limbaugh thinks their position is un-debatable and our President is kind of a "my way or back to your country" type of guy. That wins elections apparently so its a trend.

How as Trump stopped anyone from speaking?

Denying a platform is a progressive thing these days.

Denying a platform is progressive.....the progressives are the ones complaining and removing the "platform" when folks kneel during the anthem like the Catholics do at the consecration of the Eucharist?

Its a two way street here.
I don't believe it is just over the name. The band's logo displaying the Stars and Bars likely doesn't sit well in the Land of Lincoln, Union state.
Did they not know this when hired?

Yes. Yes they did.
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't find something like that in the underground scene.

Sorry, but being slave owners in the mid 1800's does not equate with killing of 3 million or so of your own people to prove an economic and social point.

The other side doesn't want an explanation, they want us to shut up.

I'm not sure who "us" is in your statement.

If it makes you feel better I'm not a party member and my love of the military, the death penalty, social security. My self awareness and hatred of hypocrisy leave me siding with a reality where I believe a bunch of former slaves and the outcasts of Europe got together and created a superpower which helped defeat tyranny in the 20th century just a hundred years after evolving from slave holders and the virtual genocide out manifest destiny inflicted on the natives.

"Us" is anyone outside the progressive groupthink. They don't want to have a debate because they believe their positions are un-debatable.

Every loud mouth radio talk show host since Rush Limbaugh thinks their position is un-debatable and our President is kind of a "my way or back to your country" type of guy. That wins elections apparently so its a trend.

How as Trump stopped anyone from speaking?

Denying a platform is a progressive thing these days.

Denying a platform is progressive.....the progressives are the ones complaining and removing the "platform" when folks kneel during the anthem like the Catholics do at the consecration of the Eucharist?

Its a two way street here.

And he still has a platform because the MSM took up his cause.

What are the percentages of people banned on social media based on their political views?
It looks like some government ninnys at the State Department of Agriculture are trying to out-woke the wokiest.

Country Band "Confederate Railroad" Booted From Illinois State Fair Over Name

"The Illinois Department of Agriculture has removed Confederate Railroad from our 2019 Du Quoin State Fair Grandstand lineup," said State Fair Manager Josh Gross, adding "While every artist has a right to expression, we believe this decision is in the best interest of serving all the people in our state."

Since they are a government entity, they are held to greater scrutiny than say a private theater would be when making content based decisions on who can play at a given event.

To their credit, they are asking the other groups invited to play NOT to boycott the event.
So you think that a protest to demand first amendment rights is bad? Why should soviet style obedience be applauded? I say boycott the fair.
I'm not sure who "us" is in your statement.

If it makes you feel better I'm not a party member and my love of the military, the death penalty, social security. My self awareness and hatred of hypocrisy leave me siding with a reality where I believe a bunch of former slaves and the outcasts of Europe got together and created a superpower which helped defeat tyranny in the 20th century just a hundred years after evolving from slave holders and the virtual genocide out manifest destiny inflicted on the natives.

"Us" is anyone outside the progressive groupthink. They don't want to have a debate because they believe their positions are un-debatable.

Every loud mouth radio talk show host since Rush Limbaugh thinks their position is un-debatable and our President is kind of a "my way or back to your country" type of guy. That wins elections apparently so its a trend.

How as Trump stopped anyone from speaking?

Denying a platform is a progressive thing these days.

Denying a platform is progressive.....the progressives are the ones complaining and removing the "platform" when folks kneel during the anthem like the Catholics do at the consecration of the Eucharist?

Its a two way street here.

And he still has a platform because the MSM took up his cause.

What are the percentages of people banned on social media based on their political views?
----------------------------------- i think that the numbers are getting really high as far as banning because of American thinking on certain 'sites' . Don't know though as i don't use 'social media' but i read about lots of censorship happening on 'social media'.
It looks like some government ninnys at the State Department of Agriculture are trying to out-woke the wokiest.

Country Band "Confederate Railroad" Booted From Illinois State Fair Over Name

"The Illinois Department of Agriculture has removed Confederate Railroad from our 2019 Du Quoin State Fair Grandstand lineup," said State Fair Manager Josh Gross, adding "While every artist has a right to expression, we believe this decision is in the best interest of serving all the people in our state."

Since they are a government entity, they are held to greater scrutiny than say a private theater would be when making content based decisions on who can play at a given event.

To their credit, they are asking the other groups invited to play NOT to boycott the event.
So you think that a protest to demand first amendment rights is bad? Why should soviet style obedience be applauded? I say boycott the fair.
--------------------------- sure , boycott the Fair but then the money grubbers would be crying and whining about the 'economy' .
"Us" is anyone outside the progressive groupthink. They don't want to have a debate because they believe their positions are un-debatable.

Every loud mouth radio talk show host since Rush Limbaugh thinks their position is un-debatable and our President is kind of a "my way or back to your country" type of guy. That wins elections apparently so its a trend.

How as Trump stopped anyone from speaking?

Denying a platform is a progressive thing these days.

Denying a platform is progressive.....the progressives are the ones complaining and removing the "platform" when folks kneel during the anthem like the Catholics do at the consecration of the Eucharist?

Its a two way street here.

And he still has a platform because the MSM took up his cause.

What are the percentages of people banned on social media based on their political views?
----------------------------------- i think that the numbers are getting really high as far as banning because of American thinking on certain 'sites' . Don't know though as i don't use 'social media' but i read about lots of censorship happening on 'social media'.

What I wanted to say is what is the breakdown between progressives being banned, and non progressives.
no idea , and in my opinion i am not interested in 'fairness' or 'equality' in banning . There should be NO Banning Marty .--------------- course 'soc media' can ban who they like i guess so i do know the fecked up Rules Marty .
no idea , and in my opinion i am not interested in 'fairness' or 'equality' in banning . There should be NO Banning Marty .--------------- course 'soc media' can ban who they like i guess so i do know the fecked up Rules Marty .

do you disagree with this site banning people that break the rules?
as i ALREADY said , i know and understand the fecked up Rules on Soc Media . Course , i don't use social media that is all the rage especially used by feckhead ' millenials' hip hoppers , druggies and dopers GGator .
as i ALREADY said , i know and understand the fecked up Rules on Soc Media . Course , i don't use social media that is all the rage especially used by feckhead ' millenials' hip hoppers , druggies and dopers GGator .

do you disagree with this site banning people that break the rules?
but my main thought is that i am not interested in Fairness or Equality in Banning on 'soc media' GGator .
as i ALREADY said , i know and understand the fecked up Rules on Soc Media . Course , i don't use social media that is all the rage especially used by feckhead ' millenials' hip hoppers , druggies and dopers GGator .
---------------------------- and as i said --- by my DEFINITION , i don't use 'soc media' GGator .

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