Bank records now show Lyin' Biden did receive $1M in payments, despite Biden's denial


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
So why is he lying about it? What is he trying to hide? Like the classified documents found scattered all over Biden's locations, was this just the tip of the iceberg?

"President Biden denied that his family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017, even though financial records indicate otherwise.

On Thursday, GOP lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee revealed that they had obtained bank documents showing that Hunter Biden, the president's brother Jim, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his son Beau, received payments from Hunter's business associate Rob Walker and their joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team confirmed the payments Thursday but emphasized that the recipients' accounts "belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else."

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'


"We’ve got the bank records."

bank records.jpg
So why is he lying about it? What is he trying to hide? Like the classified documents found scattered all over Biden's locations, was this just the tip of the iceberg?

"President Biden denied that his family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017, even though financial records indicate otherwise.

On Thursday, GOP lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee revealed that they had obtained bank documents showing that Hunter Biden, the president's brother Jim, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his son Beau, received payments from Hunter's business associate Rob Walker and their joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team confirmed the payments Thursday but emphasized that the recipients' accounts "belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else."

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'


"We’ve got the bank records."

View attachment 767562

Hey, whatever happened to the Ukraine/Hunter Biden investigation? Now it's on to Hunter Biden and China? Good luck.
So it's a crime in doing business in China for the Presidents family?

If you ever wonder why your post count vs reaction score is what it is, well that's why right there.

The Trumpykids did business in China while he was president didn't they? Didn't one of them get some sweetheart Chinese patents fast tracked by the Commies?

Perhaps you think Trumpybear never lied too?

Obviously IF it turned out to be true then it was on the up and up. If it wasn't then democrats would have found it when they tried to impeach him twice unsuccessfully, or any of the other dozen times they spent a ton of money and time and effort trying to nail him on absolutely anything they could in order to keep him from office or paint him as a evil person.

But despite an entire administration, tons of money, and the use of the fbi they couldn't nail him on anything after 6 years of desperately trying.
So it's a crime in doing business in China for the Presidents family?
Yes! its a crime for Joey Xi Bai Dung and is family to do business with China.
You obviously have forgotten you pearl clutching wen you accused Trump of having a bank account in China or falsely accursing him of collusion with
The evidence seems irrefutable bank records don't lie.
If you ever wonder why your post count vs reaction score is what it is, well that's why right there.
I never wonder about reactions from the Rabid Right, ever (or any of those figures. Do you?). I mean those dumbfucks that truly believe in Faux Not News, their opinion is worth less than a pile of dog poop, even if it was shat out in the shape of Donnie dipshits head (including the orange hair).
The Trumpykids did business in China while he was president didn't they? Didn't one of them get some sweetheart Chinese patents fast tracked by the Commies?

Perhaps you think Trumpybear never lied too?

It's okay if THEY did it, so it's okay if WE do it.

You leftist swine are so much fun.

My apologies to any real swine in the room.

Yes! its a crime for Joey Xi Bai Dung and is family to do business with China.
You obviously have forgotten you pearl clutching wen you accused Trump of having a bank account in China or falsely accursing him of collusion with
The evidence seems irrefutable bank records don't lie.
Name it. Trump did have a CHY-NAH Bank account. Nothing illegal there either.
The Trumpykids did business in China while he was president didn't they? Didn't one of them get some sweetheart Chinese patents fast tracked by the Commies?

Perhaps you think Trumpybear never lied too?

Your problem here is that I am not Rumpist. The other problem you have is that the guy you voted for is a full fledged traitor.
So why is he lying about it? What is he trying to hide? Like the classified documents found scattered all over Biden's locations, was this just the tip of the iceberg?

"President Biden denied that his family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017, even though financial records indicate otherwise.

On Thursday, GOP lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee revealed that they had obtained bank documents showing that Hunter Biden, the president's brother Jim, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his son Beau, received payments from Hunter's business associate Rob Walker and their joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team confirmed the payments Thursday but emphasized that the recipients' accounts "belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else."

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'


"We’ve got the bank records."

View attachment 767562

Who is the unidentified "Biden"?

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