Banned from flying because you're a danger? The GOP will make sure you get an assault weapon.

The above shows what it looks like when you don't have a response but feel compelled to reply.

Of course it makes sense for those on watch lists not to have guns.

Another plate of beans? They're FREE!

Why can't you reply with some amount of substance? What issues do you have with banning potential terrorists from having guns? And if it's a big problem for you, what are you going to do about Donald Trump moving Republicans closer to this type of ban?
Let's ban non-citizens also. If we want to willy nilly ban stuff without any oversight, notification, appeal process, etc.

Actually a ban is not really needed for illegals.

All we have to do is fully execute the immigration laws already on the books.

It's not wily nilly, these people are suspected of having ties or themselves being terrorists.

What are the criteria to be added to the secret list? How are people notified of being placed on the list? How do they appeal for removal from the secret list? Have innocent people been placed on the list by mistake in the past?

Last question, do you think we should remove non-citizens from the country if they are on the list?
The above shows what it looks like when you don't have a response but feel compelled to reply.

Of course it makes sense for those on watch lists not to have guns.

Another plate of beans? They're FREE!

Why can't you reply with some amount of substance? What issues do you have with banning potential terrorists from having guns? And if it's a big problem for you, what are you going to do about Donald Trump moving Republicans closer to this type of ban?
Let's ban non-citizens also. If we want to willy nilly ban stuff without any oversight, notification, appeal process, etc.

Actually a ban is not really needed for illegals.

All we have to do is fully execute the immigration laws already on the books.

It's not wily nilly, these people are suspected of having ties or themselves being terrorists.

What are the criteria to be added to the secret list? How are people notified of being placed on the list? How do they appeal for removal from the secret list? Have innocent people been placed on the list by mistake in the past?

Last question, do you think we should remove non-citizens from the country if they are on the list?

Those are all very valid questions. Why weren't you asking them 5 or more years ago? Why is it not until now that you are acting so concerned about it? It's not like the people on those lists have the same freedoms today that you or I take for granted.

So, spare me me your pearl clutching.
The IRS has not black listed anyone.

Speaking of black lists, why are you just now concerned about terror watch and no fly lists? Their civil rights have already been infringed, why weren't you fighting for their right to travel freely as they wish?

Oh please, even the IRS admits to their nefarious deeds. Don't act like this administration hasn't targeted conservative groups.

I was not concerned about the terrorist watch list until the Democrats brought it up after this latest shooting. It's their first in many baby steps to restrict guns as much as possible in this country.
The IRS has not black listed anyone.

Speaking of black lists, why are you just now concerned about terror watch and no fly lists? Their civil rights have already been infringed, why weren't you fighting for their right to travel freely as they wish?

Oh please, even the IRS admits to their nefarious deeds. Don't act like this administration hasn't targeted conservative groups.

I was not concerned about the terrorist watch list until the Democrats brought it up after this latest shooting. It's their first in many baby steps to restrict guns as much as possible in this country.

The administration has not targeted conservative groups.

Of course you're not worried about watch lists until it has to do with guns. You could care less, so now isn't the time to start all of the sudden giving a shit because your personal little fetish is at stake.
The administration has not targeted conservative groups.

Of course you're not worried about watch lists until it has to do with guns. You could care less, so now isn't the time to start all of the sudden giving a shit because your personal little fetish is at stake.

Wrong. Now is the time to start worrying about it because the Democrats have brought it up. It's step one of many steps to come, and if we don't stop it at the beginning, there may be no end like any other Democrat obsession as we've seen in the past.

For the last couple of years you and your ilk have been whining and crying about Voter-ID claiming it somehow violates your constitutional rights. Yet taking the right of gun ownership away without due process or even advising the subject is perfectly fine with you people. Believe it or not, before liberalism came along, members of our society were considered innocent until proven guilty.

Republicans Crank Up Criticism in IRS Targeting Scandal
You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.

So I guess it was just dumb luck, huh?

Forget about comparing what worked and what doesn't work now. Instead, promote a leftist agenda.

It's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong. So let me ask: how many mass shootings took place under Bush--especially associated with Jihad? How many black riots and burning down of cities did we have under Bush? How many police officers were afraid to do their job under George Bush?

Yeah, I guess you can say it was coincidence, but I would sooner believe it's because of failed leadership that brings us to the point we are at today.

You keep saying that. 'This leftists agenda", hey sporto, by wide margins Americans are in favor of some amount of gun control. It's hardly a liberal plot.
We already have tons of gun control on the books.

We're talking specifically about the terror watch and no fly lists.
We are?

I am still waiting for someone to acknowledge my point on that - something that every single poster here that supports removing rights refuses to see because it dismantles their argument.
A fact that is and was rightfully pointed out by a lot of 'liberals' during the Bush years was that a lot of people banned from flying were not actual people who broken any laws. Not real criminals! And a lot of the banned from flying are people from muslim nations who haven't broken any laws and if we ban people who the government deems as dangerous to the public without a conviction then they might turn that on their favorite target of right wing extremist. I wouldn't allow this to happen whatsoever for those reasons.
Tell that to the New York Times...they are against denying rights based on Air Marshal monthly quotas too......
And of course you could always have the IRS manage the list....they did so well with vetting conservative groups for tax free status.........
The administration has not targeted conservative groups.

Of course you're not worried about watch lists until it has to do with guns. You could care less, so now isn't the time to start all of the sudden giving a shit because your personal little fetish is at stake.

Wrong. Now is the time to start worrying about it because the Democrats have brought it up. It's step one of many steps to come, and if we don't stop it at the beginning, there may be no end like any other Democrat obsession as we've seen in the past.

For the last couple of years you and your ilk have been whining and crying about Voter-ID claiming it somehow violates your constitutional rights. Yet taking the right of gun ownership away without due process or even advising the subject is perfectly fine with you people. Believe it or not, before liberalism came along, members of our society were considered innocent until proven guilty.

Republicans Crank Up Criticism in IRS Targeting Scandal

And we can't trust the courts either....we were told by the morons in the Republican party that Roberts would end obama care.......yeah, that worked out.......

The left/democrats have now taken the step to openly weaponize the bureaucracy against their political enemies........they are also openly using LawFare against their they did to Palin, and other republican politicians and groups......they will not stop....they are totalitarian assholes....
The administration has not targeted conservative groups.

Of course you're not worried about watch lists until it has to do with guns. You could care less, so now isn't the time to start all of the sudden giving a shit because your personal little fetish is at stake.

Wrong. Now is the time to start worrying about it because the Democrats have brought it up. It's step one of many steps to come, and if we don't stop it at the beginning, there may be no end like any other Democrat obsession as we've seen in the past.

For the last couple of years you and your ilk have been whining and crying about Voter-ID claiming it somehow violates your constitutional rights. Yet taking the right of gun ownership away without due process or even advising the subject is perfectly fine with you people. Believe it or not, before liberalism came along, members of our society were considered innocent until proven guilty.

Republicans Crank Up Criticism in IRS Targeting Scandal

And we can't trust the courts either....we were told by the morons in the Republican party that Roberts would end obama care.......yeah, that worked out.......

The left/democrats have now taken the step to openly weaponize the bureaucracy against their political enemies........they are also openly using LawFare against their they did to Palin, and other republican politicians and groups......they will not stop....they are totalitarian assholes....

I see, because you disagree with a Supreme Court decision that means liberals are trying to 'openly weaponize the bureaucracy'? When are you going to become just another wackjob statistic and get mowed down by the cops while mounting a lone wolf assault on the capital? Leave a pretty note, they are always interesting to read.
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
An ar15 is a sporting rifle...
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
An ar15 is a sporting rifle...

What defines a sporting rifle?
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
An ar15 is a sporting rifle...

What defines a sporting rifle?
Resembles a military grade weapon in appearance only, but will not pass military standards such as not having m-4 ramps, the performance of the gas block not to even mention select fire...
It's all very elementary to know the difference between the sporting rifle in the military grade rifle, one just has to look it up
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
An ar15 is a sporting rifle...

What defines a sporting rifle?

A rifle used for sport...moron.
Remember when the GOP fought to give felons gun rights. They called owning guns a "fundamental right".

New Orleans judge rules statute forbidding felons from having firearms unconstitutional after 'fundamental right' amendment
You didn't read your own link did you?

If you did you might see how misleading the title is without mentioning that the problem is the statute was restricting people from weapon ownership that committed crimes having nothing to do with weapons or violence at all.

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