Banned from flying because you're a danger? The GOP will make sure you get an assault weapon.

It wouldn't have, doesn't mean it shouldn't have.

You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.

So I guess it was just dumb luck, huh?

Forget about comparing what worked and what doesn't work now. Instead, promote a leftist agenda.

It's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong. So let me ask: how many mass shootings took place under Bush--especially associated with Jihad? How many black riots and burning down of cities did we have under Bush? How many police officers were afraid to do their job under George Bush?

Yeah, I guess you can say it was coincidence, but I would sooner believe it's because of failed leadership that brings us to the point we are at today.

You keep saying that. 'This leftists agenda", hey sporto, by wide margins Americans are in favor of some amount of gun control. It's hardly a liberal plot.
The above shows what it looks like when you don't have a response but feel compelled to reply.

Of course it makes sense for those on watch lists not to have guns.

Another plate of beans? They're FREE!

Why can't you reply with some amount of substance? What issues do you have with banning potential terrorists from having guns? And if it's a big problem for you, what are you going to do about Donald Trump moving Republicans closer to this type of ban?
Let's ban non-citizens also. If we want to willy nilly ban stuff without any oversight, notification, appeal process, etc.

Actually a ban is not really needed for illegals.

All we have to do is fully execute the immigration laws already on the books.
At the very least, having the FBI investigate you should generate a red flag whenever you go in to buy a gun.

And...............maybe being investigated for terrorist threats should get you a 5 year ban from buying anything more lethal than a spitball shooter.
Ahh yes a new way to hurt your political opponents just order an investigation on trumped up charges and then deny them their rights. Great plan. Tell me should we have Hillary barred from running for President since she is being investigated?
You people realize that the shooter was an American born citizen who decided to become radical, who was investigated by the FBI and later they dropped the case.

If you're investigated by the FBI, you should have a red flag attached to your name when you try to purchase a gun.

Especially if the investigation was for terrorist activities.
So Hillary should be barred from buying a firearm?
Are you lost like Saasynoclass? Where in the world that WE decent Americans trying to get rid of 2nd amendment? But what is bothering............. Is people like you LIKE to arm suspected terrorists and criminals.
Like the Orlando shooter if he was in the watch list he should not be able to buy gun legally.

Maybe. But he wasn't on a terrorist watch list when he purchased the guns because the FBI removed him.

Even if he was in the watch list. He can still buy guns legally.
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
Problem is, they aren't doing that. The Obama Administration is doing that. But only with radical Muslims.
The Obama Administration, if you listen to Obama himself, isn't worried one bit about home-grown Islamic Terrorists who want to wipe out every homosexual in America. They just worry about the off chance that some Red-Neck might decide to bust a cap in some negro's ass.

And if you've been listening and pay attention to Obama instead of just starring at it.
You will see that Obama is very upset at home grown terrorism and terrorism in general. Other countries reacted to this massacre........... And it's absurd to make such comments that the president is not concern about this massacre .
Two days later he blasted Trumps stupidity.
It wouldn't have, doesn't mean it shouldn't have.

You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.

So I guess it was just dumb luck, huh?

Forget about comparing what worked and what doesn't work now. Instead, promote a leftist agenda.

It's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong. So let me ask: how many mass shootings took place under Bush--especially associated with Jihad? How many black riots and burning down of cities did we have under Bush? How many police officers were afraid to do their job under George Bush?

Yeah, I guess you can say it was coincidence, but I would sooner believe it's because of failed leadership that brings us to the point we are at today.

You keep saying that. 'This leftists agenda", hey sporto, by wide margins Americans are in favor of some amount of gun control. It's hardly a liberal plot.
We already have tons of gun control on the books.
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

Above shows what can happen when one has far too much fiber in the diet. Yup, erupts from EVERY orifice!

The above shows what it looks like when you don't have a response but feel compelled to reply.

Of course it makes sense for those on watch lists not to have guns.
How so?

How does it make sense to limit constitutionally protected rights by fiat without being convicted of a crime or having any judicial oversight?
It wouldn't have, doesn't mean it shouldn't have.

You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.

So I guess it was just dumb luck, huh?

Forget about comparing what worked and what doesn't work now. Instead, promote a leftist agenda.

It's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong. So let me ask: how many mass shootings took place under Bush--especially associated with Jihad? How many black riots and burning down of cities did we have under Bush? How many police officers were afraid to do their job under George Bush?

Yeah, I guess you can say it was coincidence, but I would sooner believe it's because of failed leadership that brings us to the point we are at today.
Counting 9/11? Two building were shot. Planes were used instead of bullets.
The mastermind was Bin Laden.
So we invaded Iraq.

We invaded Iraq because of faulty intelligence as to their stockpile of WMDs
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

Bad idea- Because of the secret nature of the list, and how one gets on it, and more importantly, how do you get off when errors are made. You do know some pretty high up governmental officials wound up on the list by mistake right? And it took a very long time to get it all cleared up


Could be a good thing though. Just because your denied a purchase doesn't mean it won't happen. Hell, it might fast track a bunch of cases where one is put on the list for a stupid reason. Only bad I thing I could see about it is it gives the got a reason to collect and keep data on who is buying guns.
Even if he was in the watch list. He can still buy guns legally.

So the solution is to forbid anybody on the watch list from buying guns? Do many people on the watch list have committed mass murders so far????

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent--conservative measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
You keep saying that. 'This leftists agenda", hey sporto, by wide margins Americans are in favor of some amount of gun control. It's hardly a liberal plot.

Right, and when they ask the question, they don't tell people what those gun control measures are. It's like when they ask people about the environment. "Hey, do you want cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well WTF would say no to that? They don't tell them the cost to each individual, just make water and air cleaner magically.

Let somebody ask the question with a little more detail, such as do you want government using a black list like the IRS used their power to blacklist people who vote a certain way? Do you want government picking and choosing if YOU should be allowed to own a firearm? Then see how the majority feels.
Counting 9/11? Two building were shot. Planes were used instead of bullets.
The mastermind was Bin Laden.
So we invaded Iraq.

Bush didn't go into Iraq because of 911, Bush went into Iraq to possibly prevent another 911 or worse.

Afterwards Bush kept us safe here in our country. Can't say that about the current administration. Bush organized our protective forces so they worked together instead against each other. So what's going on now? Dumbo is emptying out the prison cells in Gitmo. Even Russia warned us about the Boston bombers and we did nothing. This guy in Orlando was known for his extremist thoughts and worship of ISIS. The Ft. Hood shooter was also known for his sympathy with our enemies. And what did this leadership do? Nothing.
Counting 9/11? Two building were shot. Planes were used instead of bullets.
The mastermind was Bin Laden.
So we invaded Iraq.

Bush didn't go into Iraq because of 911, Bush went into Iraq to possibly prevent another 911 or worse.

Afterwards Bush kept us safe here in our country. Can't say that about the current administration. Bush organized our protective forces so they worked together instead against each other. So what's going on now? Dumbo is emptying out the prison cells in Gitmo. Even Russia warned us about the Boston bombers and we did nothing. This guy in Orlando was known for his extremist thoughts and worship of ISIS. The Ft. Hood shooter was also known for his sympathy with our enemies. And what did this leadership do? Nothing.
W was fairly successful at keeping us safe (After 9-11), but at some damage to our civil liberties, and I dont think it requires a trade off.

We need to focus on who we are at war with and go at them and bring this shit to an end. The American people have never tolerated long dragged out wars and nothing has changed in this respect.

And any strategy that requires us to rebuild a defeated enemy is doomed to fail.

We have to make sure that the enemy realizes we can return and bomb the fuck out of them over and over and over and put boots on the ground to control the ruins long enough to round up the leadership and hang them all.

Our ability to do this is seriously compromised if we try to rebuild every ash heap we create. Simply loan them funds at a good rate and leave them to rebuild so that we keep our deterrent believable. Fuck them if they start shit with us.
The above shows what it looks like when you don't have a response but feel compelled to reply.

Of course it makes sense for those on watch lists not to have guns.

Another plate of beans? They're FREE!

Why can't you reply with some amount of substance? What issues do you have with banning potential terrorists from having guns? And if it's a big problem for you, what are you going to do about Donald Trump moving Republicans closer to this type of ban?
Let's ban non-citizens also. If we want to willy nilly ban stuff without any oversight, notification, appeal process, etc.

Actually a ban is not really needed for illegals.

All we have to do is fully execute the immigration laws already on the books.

It's not wily nilly, these people are suspected of having ties or themselves being terrorists.
It wouldn't have, doesn't mean it shouldn't have.

You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.

So I guess it was just dumb luck, huh?

Forget about comparing what worked and what doesn't work now. Instead, promote a leftist agenda.

It's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong. So let me ask: how many mass shootings took place under Bush--especially associated with Jihad? How many black riots and burning down of cities did we have under Bush? How many police officers were afraid to do their job under George Bush?

Yeah, I guess you can say it was coincidence, but I would sooner believe it's because of failed leadership that brings us to the point we are at today.

You keep saying that. 'This leftists agenda", hey sporto, by wide margins Americans are in favor of some amount of gun control. It's hardly a liberal plot.
We already have tons of gun control on the books.

We're talking specifically about the terror watch and no fly lists.
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

Bad idea- Because of the secret nature of the list, and how one gets on it, and more importantly, how do you get off when errors are made. You do know some pretty high up governmental officials wound up on the list by mistake right? And it took a very long time to get it all cleared up

Sooo, because a list is secret......then.......uh.....I don't get the connection. I give up.
I'm not terribly surprised that you would give up so quickly on trying to understand a reality that counters a Hillary fantasy. If you don't know how your name gets on the lists, and can't easily get it taken off once it's on there, how can you prevent fraud? If getting your name on a list is as simple as an un-elected and unaccountable bureaucrat with an agenda anonymously entering a name on a computer, what's to stop someone from getting you blacklisted for personal reasons?

As always, the devil is in the details, and legislation needs to be fact, not emotion, based.
You keep saying that. 'This leftists agenda", hey sporto, by wide margins Americans are in favor of some amount of gun control. It's hardly a liberal plot.

Right, and when they ask the question, they don't tell people what those gun control measures are. It's like when they ask people about the environment. "Hey, do you want cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well WTF would say no to that? They don't tell them the cost to each individual, just make water and air cleaner magically.

What the hell are you droning on about?

Let somebody ask the question with a little more detail, such as do you want government using a black list like the IRS used their power to blacklist people who vote a certain way? Do you want government picking and choosing if YOU should be allowed to own a firearm? Then see how the majority feels.

The IRS has not black listed anyone.

Speaking of black lists, why are you just now concerned about terror watch and no fly lists? Their civil rights have already been infringed, why weren't you fighting for their right to travel freely as they wish?

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