Banned from flying because you're a danger? The GOP will make sure you get an assault weapon.

It wouldn't have, doesn't mean it shouldn't have.

You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

Above shows what can happen when one has far too much fiber in the diet. Yup, erupts from EVERY orifice!
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

Above shows what can happen when one has far too much fiber in the diet. Yup, erupts from EVERY orifice!

The above shows what it looks like when you don't have a response but feel compelled to reply.

Of course it makes sense for those on watch lists not to have guns.
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
People wanting to ban so called "assault weapons" don't know what they even are, what they think to be so called "assault weapons" or actually sporting rifles. Dumbass
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
People wanting to ban so called "assault weapons" don't know what they even are, what they think to be so called "assault weapons" or actually sporting rifles. Dumbass

It's also a noun.
The above shows what it looks like when you don't have a response but feel compelled to reply.

Of course it makes sense for those on watch lists not to have guns.

Another plate of beans? They're FREE!

Why can't you reply with some amount of substance? What issues do you have with banning potential terrorists from having guns? And if it's a big problem for you, what are you going to do about Donald Trump moving Republicans closer to this type of ban?
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
1. the title is total nonsense as the GOP is not buying anyone an 'assault rifle' let alone making sure that they have it.

2. unless there is some kind of due process, you cannot just strip people of their right to own a gun any more than you can strip them of citizenship or the right to vote.

3. The GOP members are fighting for this because they belief in Constitutional rights, while the GOP Congressional contingent is fighting for this because they know that they will lose re-election if they dont. As it should be.
Trump can easily convert Sanders voters to his side simply by tempting them with free beans. But to reward your persistence, I am troubled by people being arbitrarily put on "no fly" lists without proper adjudication. Too easy for what we used to be called "Nixon's Enemies List" to become The Democrat Party's own (enemies list).

But you'd like that.

Now, want some bananas with those beans? They're rich in fiber, too and, most important, FREE!
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

Bad idea- Because of the secret nature of the list, and how one gets on it, and more importantly, how do you get off when errors are made. You do know some pretty high up governmental officials wound up on the list by mistake right? And it took a very long time to get it all cleared up

But what if:
1. The watched person was notified of being put on the 'No Fly List'?

2. What if they could appeal their name and be taken off?

3. What if a judge had to sign off on the designation and provide some process to ensure the action is not a mistake?
Trump can easily convert Sanders voters to his side simply by tempting them with free beans. But to reward your persistence, I am troubled by people being arbitrarily put on "no fly" lists without proper adjudication. Too easy for what we used to be called "Nixon's Enemies List" to become The Democrat Party's own (enemies list).

But you'd like that.

Now, want some bananas with those beans? They're rich in fiber, too and, most important, FREE!
Beans are good for the heart! High in Protein and low fat too.
And yes, I do think Trump could easily abuse the no-fly list by just copying Democrat Party membership lists onto it. After all, their patriotism is definitely (and at least) open to serious question. But he shouldn't do it. Fun if he did, though!
And yes, I do think Trump could easily abuse the no-fly list by just copying Democrat Party membership lists onto it. After all, their patriotism is definitely (and at least) open to serious question. But he shouldn't do it. Fun if he did, though!
But not if there were a contestable process that allowed for legal representation, due notification and a judge to oversee all of it.
It wouldn't have, doesn't mean it shouldn't have.

You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.

So I guess it was just dumb luck, huh?

Forget about comparing what worked and what doesn't work now. Instead, promote a leftist agenda.

It's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong. So let me ask: how many mass shootings took place under Bush--especially associated with Jihad? How many black riots and burning down of cities did we have under Bush? How many police officers were afraid to do their job under George Bush?

Yeah, I guess you can say it was coincidence, but I would sooner believe it's because of failed leadership that brings us to the point we are at today.
It wouldn't have, doesn't mean it shouldn't have.

You people on the left want to waste so much time with your "feel good" politics.

Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Why don't we concentrate on something that might really work instead of something that just looks and feels good?

How many domestic attacks have we had in this country already under DumBama? When GW was President, we had one--911. That was it.

Against the will of liberals, he put the Patriot Act into place. He gave our agencies full abilities to conduct surveillance activities here and abroad. He didn't just bomb our enemies, he had our military capture them and hold them for interrogation.

You liberals protested all of that. And now that you elected a President that carried out your wishes, we are getting terrorist acts all the time. The DUH factor? Make more firearms restrictions. Forget about what really worked.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.
Feels so good Trump is coming in for a belly rub. But, I digress, it's just common sense. Must suck for you that Trump is even playing lip service to common sense.

Bush didn't put anything in place to prevent our many mass shootings.

So I guess it was just dumb luck, huh?

Forget about comparing what worked and what doesn't work now. Instead, promote a leftist agenda.

It's like I've always said, the best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong. So let me ask: how many mass shootings took place under Bush--especially associated with Jihad? How many black riots and burning down of cities did we have under Bush? How many police officers were afraid to do their job under George Bush?

Yeah, I guess you can say it was coincidence, but I would sooner believe it's because of failed leadership that brings us to the point we are at today.
Counting 9/11? Two building were shot. Planes were used instead of bullets.
The mastermind was Bin Laden.
So we invaded Iraq.
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.
Are you in favor of making the list public so citizens know if they are on the list? Are you in favor of an approach, in which a judge must sign off and the citizen has the ability to appeal?
One last thought. If they are too dangerous to allow on a plane and they are not a natural born citizen, isn't it time for them to leave?
To me, it's common sense. If you have been banned from flying because you are a danger, then why is the GOP fighting for your "right" to own an assault weapon? Anyone?

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

I feel if you are too dangerous to be let on a plane, then you are too dangerous to own assault weapons.

If we put all Muslims on the no fly/no gun list, I'd support that.

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