Bannon calls for deconstructing the US government

Let me be the whistleblower on businesses that pollute. I would love to be a thorn in their side and would love to take em down....we don't need the epa....
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
No really a bad idea, new approach is not bad doing away with Departments that no longer needed or not really doing the job they are expected to do. The Federal gov, has no business in the education arena. The Dept of Energy needs to be done away with and back to what it was before which is zero. EPA is in question as to if they are really doing the job they were suppose to do. Note: they are not. There is room for improvements to how DC is put together.
So I suppose you think the EPA was created to help corporations pollute the water and air, and the Department of Education to make sure poor people don't get an education.
Bullshit, they make career politicians rich... dip shit
Lick the shit on my dip, destroying those agencies make big business richer, and the politicians who take their bribes richer too.

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