Bannon calls for deconstructing the US government

but it is $20 trillion in debt. How stupid is that?

Bannon is right. You Moon Bats don't understand that fiscal responsibility is not treason.

Have you ever voted for somebody who decreased the deficit?
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
So far Bannon's goal is right on target.
Perry for the Dept of Energy, Carson for HUD, Pruitt for the EPA is a wet kiss to polluters and the fossil fuel industries, Kushner for 10 other duties. Ryan Zinke , Sec of the Interior has said he wants to cut down the giant sequoia trees which California has 2/3rd of the world's.
Bannon/ Trump's goal of the destruction of America is going according to plan.
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Bannon is right. You Moon Bats don't understand that fiscal responsibility is not treason

Ahhhhh, but upping expenditures to build more nuclear submarines to fight goat herders in the Afghani mountains is "patriotism"????
So far Bannon's goal is right on target.
Perry for the Dept of Energy, Carson for HUD, Pruitt for the EPA is a wet kiss to polluters and the fossil fuel industries, Kushner for 10 other duties.
Bannon/ Trump's goal of the destruction of America going according to plan.

It also looks like it's Putin's plan.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.

Don't forget the State Department. Hundreds of people fired, no one hired.
Tilliotson is beside himself on how incompetently Trump is running this government. He's too lazy to even take an interest in hiring staff for the SOS. Too busy watching TV so he can see what they're saying about him.
Former administration officials are appalled what the lard ass is doing to this country.
Wait until Bannon proposes to have the orange clown's picture on the one dollar bill.

Tut, tut....

Commenting negatively on one's skin color is:


As a devout liberal you are expected to know that.

Besides, It is infinitely more likely that Obama (whether his face or his ass) will appear on a $3 bill before President Trump's smiling visage will appear on any instrument of currency.
So far Bannon's goal is right on target.
Perry for the Dept of Energy, Carson for HUD, Pruitt for the EPA is a wet kiss to polluters and the fossil fuel industries, Kushner for 10 other duties.
Bannon/ Trump's goal of the destruction of America going according to plan.

It also looks like it's Putin's plan.
Absolutely. Putin couldn't have designed it any better himself
Sounds great! Most of that stuff is unconstitutional. We're better off without it.

You have no idea what the DOE does, do you?

Clearly, you don't.

The DOE is responsible for all of our nuclear weapons. And all aspects from design, to construction to testing and certification.

That is only part of what they do. All the renewal energy nonsense and regulatory capture via administrative bureaucracies can be done away with.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.

Oh yes, they will in fact wreak a lot of destruction before they're gone. But once gone all they do will be built back to normal and drumpf, his colony of lepers around him, and the stain that elected him will be washed away. His only remaining legacy will be schoolgirl tweets about how everyone is so mean to him and how he doesn't like it when girls are mean to him.

Until then it'll be like watching a gang of thieves knocking over a Walmart by driving through the front door and then ransacking the place.
As a devout liberal you are expected to know that.

Besides, It is infinitely more likely that Obama (whether his face or his ass) will appear on a $3 bill before President Trump's smiling visage will appear on any instrument of currency.

What is really, really scary, is that in the limited acumen of your half brain, you actually thought that such a retort was "brilliant".......Behold the intelligentsia of a right winger...LOL
The destruction continues.
The Trump administration just announced they're making new plans to expand drilling off America's coasts.

The announcement that this administration will develop a new Five Year Plan for offshore drilling, made July 3 by Secretary Zinke, reopens plans to drill off our coasts, creating a potential for wide-scale disaster in our oceans. It also brazenly ignores permanent protections put in place for the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, and hits reset on the plan the Obama administration completed only 6 months ago.

Disaster after disaster has shown that Big Oil and Gas cannot be trusted. Their track record includes the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, a failed attempt by Shell to drill in the Arctic Ocean, the Deepwater Horizon tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico, a major oil spill off the Santa Barbara coast, and the oil spill and leak of gas in Alaska’s Cook Inlet. These tragedies can not be allowed to happen again.

Bannon is right. You Moon Bats don't understand that fiscal responsibility is not treason

Ahhhhh, but upping expenditures to build more nuclear submarines to fight goat herders in the Afghani mountains is "patriotism"????

You will have to ask your Boy Obama about that because the sonofabitch was at war everyday of his administration and spent trillions on defense. You voted for the asshole, didn't you?

I am for providing the necessary defense of the US and that does not include interventionism or being the world's policeman. We need to be guarding our own borders against Obama's "Dreamers" instead of fighting other people's wars for them.

I am also against all welfare both domestic and foreign. That jackass Obama was giving away hundreds of billion to foreigners including build Mosques. No wonder we are $20 trillion in debt.

You, on the other hand,don't know what the hell you believe.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.

Treason is ignoring the constitution and making government something it was never supposed to be. Our government is huge and controls every aspect of our lives. That is treason. Obama wanting to "fundamentally" change our country was treason because it meant ignoring laws and arbitrarily creating new ones at will.

We need to roll some things back. The EPA has been creating laws by way of overregulation. They are not lawmakers but have been acting as such to make cap and trade a reality.

Our government agencies have become bloated, wrought with fraud, waste and abuse, and exist to impose the government's will on the people.

It's way past time to reel them in.
I'll be cheering when they take out FDA and the AMA is told to go suck eggs.

The Daily Caller??? Seriously???

I have a middle class friend who lives in the Midwest, who is in her early 60's and who took early retirement because of health problems. She has several pre-existing conditions and her husband's HC insurance through work refused to cover her. She obtained coverage through Obamacare with a partial subsidy - about 1/3 of their $18,000 premium. This couple is still paying $12,000 per year, plus copays, for their insurance.

Under the House plan, their premiums would have been $35,000 over and above their anticipated tax credit. This meant that she would have no coverage because they can't afford this amount. Under the Senate plan, their premiums would be even higher.

Last week she received a letter of cancellation of her healthcare insurance. Her insurer is pulling out of the Nebraska market. Without assurances of coverages for pre-existing conditions at a rate her and her husband can afford, she is now counting down how long she has left - 181 days of coverage remain.
Sounds like they make a decent wage and are making choices. It is not up to others to pay for their choices. That is not intended to be crass or uncaring, it is a fact.

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