Bannon calls for deconstructing the US government

We have gone so far away from the original intent and scope of the Federal Government the founding Fathers if alive would think they were in another country.

Stupid ^^^. The founding fathers never had universal agreement on much of anything.
There was an original intent on the scope of the Federal Government only those powers given to it by the Constitution, The Fed has gone way beyond its original mandate.

That's true, are we to toss out 200 + years of law since Marshall and the SC ruled in Marbury v. Madison?

Should JFK have been impeached when he established the goal for American's to land on the moon?

Should LBJ have been impeached for signing the act establishing Medicare and the Civil Rights Acts.

Should Trump be impeached for denial of First Amendment Rights to Muslims, Journalists, Judges and everyone who disagrees with him?

The ONLY real chatters about impeaching the orange charlatan will begin in the first quarter of next year.......IF republicans in congress begin feeling the wrath of voters for Trump's royal screwing on the HC , congressional republicans will begin showing their NEW FOUND ethical rudder.

With the special election failures the Democratic party has suffered its cute that you think that's actually going to happen.

The issue of Gerrymandering, soon to be debated by the Supreme Court. has the potential to repair some of the damage to democracy inflicted by those who voted to repeal the two CU laws passed by The Congress (Citizens United v. FEC & McCutcheon).

The Republican Party, now controlled by extreme conservatives, cannot win on ideas. They need to cheat and lie to win elections and then elect demagogues who promise them everything and never follow through.

The election of Trump, along with the machinations of McConnell have created a high hurdle for democracy in America. Mr. Franklin was spot on when he supposedly said you have a republican if you can keep it.

Only the left, those who represent the common people, need to stand tall and holler "ENOUGH"; then go to the polls and take our country back from treasonous elected officials who put a political party and their job ahead of We the People.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.

Treason is ignoring the constitution and making government something it was never supposed to be. Our government is huge and controls every aspect of our lives. That is treason. Obama wanting to "fundamentally" change our country was treason because it meant ignoring laws and arbitrarily creating new ones at will.

We need to roll some things back. The EPA has been creating laws by way of overregulation. They are not lawmakers but have been acting as such to make cap and trade a reality.

Our government agencies have become bloated, wrought with fraud, waste and abuse, and exist to impose the government's will on the people.

It's way past time to reel them in.
I'll be cheering when they take out FDA and the AMA is told to go suck eggs.

The Daily Caller??? Seriously???

I have a middle class friend who lives in the Midwest, who is in her early 60's and who took early retirement because of health problems. She has several pre-existing conditions and her husband's HC insurance through work refused to cover her. She obtained coverage through Obamacare with a partial subsidy - about 1/3 of their $18,000 premium. This couple is still paying $12,000 per year, plus copays, for their insurance.

Under the House plan, their premiums would have been $35,000 over and above their anticipated tax credit. This meant that she would have no coverage because they can't afford this amount. Under the Senate plan, their premiums would be even higher.

Last week she received a letter of cancellation of her healthcare insurance. Her insurer is pulling out of the Nebraska market. Without assurances of coverages for pre-existing conditions at a rate her and her husband can afford, she is now counting down how long she has left - 181 days of coverage remain.
Sounds like they make a decent wage and are making choices. It is not up to others to pay for their choices. That is not intended to be crass or uncaring, it is a fact.

Seems a good choice for this family is to move to France, where crass, uncaring and callous conservatives won't interfere with her health care.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.

Things are going so well - SS, medicare, the debt, the tax code.

Why change anything , right?
Social Security had a full trust fund, however, the over bloated federal government kept "dipping" into that trust fund and in the process, drained it. Had the feds not dipped into the Social Security Trust Fund, there would still be plenty there. Since the politicians are responsible for draining it, they should be responsible for refilling it, not ending it.
The EPA is important. We live on a small blue/green/brown planet in an infinite universe and the planet has an actual limit to what it has in oil, minerals, gases, fertile farmland and forested regions. During the cretaceous period, our oxygen level was 35% and currently it is at 21%, with our cars across the planet and burning of fossil fuels creating carbon emissions that bind with the oxygen molecules, creating carbon-dioxide which is difficult to separate.
Forests which contribute to the absorption of carbon-dioxide, release oxygen in return. Current estimates are that we can no longer grow enough trees to counter the increase in carbon-dioxide.
Anyway, all these important factors necessitate the existence of the EPA. Bottom line, our planet isn't inexhaustible.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.

Things are going so well - SS, medicare, the debt, the tax code.

Why change anything , right?
Social Security had a full trust fund, however, the over bloated federal government kept "dipping" into that trust fund and in the process, drained it. Had the feds not dipped into the Social Security Trust Fund, there would still be plenty there. Since the politicians are responsible for draining it, they should be responsible for refilling it, not ending it.
The EPA is important. We live on a small blue/green/brown planet in an infinite universe and the planet has an actual limit to what it has in oil, minerals, gases, fertile farmland and forested regions. During the cretaceous period, our oxygen level was 35% and currently it is at 21%, with our cars across the planet and burning of fossil fuels creating carbon emissions that bind with the oxygen molecules, creating carbon-dioxide which is difficult to separate.
Forests which contribute to the absorption of carbon-dioxide, release oxygen in return. Current estimates are that we can no longer grow enough trees to counter the increase in carbon-dioxide.
Anyway, all these important factors necessitate the existence of the EPA. Bottom line, our planet isn't inexhaustible.

I am an extremely green individual.

I love the woods.
And know they need protected.
I am from PA and I see what happens to the land, water, and the air if the free market gets at it with no costs.

But I also know how fawked up the government is.
Everything they touch is a financial nightmare due to a lack of market forces.

The Daily Caller??? Seriously???

I have a middle class friend who lives in the Midwest, who is in her early 60's and who took early retirement because of health problems. She has several pre-existing conditions and her husband's HC insurance through work refused to cover her. She obtained coverage through Obamacare with a partial subsidy - about 1/3 of their $18,000 premium. This couple is still paying $12,000 per year, plus copays, for their insurance.

Under the House plan, their premiums would have been $35,000 over and above their anticipated tax credit. This meant that she would have no coverage because they can't afford this amount. Under the Senate plan, their premiums would be even higher.

Last week she received a letter of cancellation of her healthcare insurance. Her insurer is pulling out of the Nebraska market. Without assurances of coverages for pre-existing conditions at a rate her and her husband can afford, she is now counting down how long she has left - 181 days of coverage remain.
Sounds like they make a decent wage and are making choices. It is not up to others to pay for their choices. That is not intended to be crass or uncaring, it is a fact.

Seems a good choice for this family is to move to France, where crass, uncaring and callous conservatives won't interfere with her health care.
Why France when there are so many other choices?
I am also against all welfare both domestic and foreign. That jackass Obama was giving away hundreds of billion to foreigners including build Mosques. No wonder we are $20 trillion in debt.

Facts are a real bitch for morons...

Many Republicans have long been shouting that Federal spending was “out of control” under President Obama, and that he has “wasted enormous sums” on the economic stimulus effort.

The truth is: - Spending increases under the Bush Administration far exceeded the increases under the Obama Administration to date;

- A large portion of the spending during the Obama Administration is due to actions initiated prior to Obama, including the war in Afghanistan and related spending for Veterans; increases in Medicare due to the prescription drug program; the TARP program to bail out banks; and the increase in unemployment compensation caused by the Bush recession;

Republicans only became concerned about spending levels after President Obama took office.
Stupid ^^^. The founding fathers never had universal agreement on much of anything.
There was an original intent on the scope of the Federal Government only those powers given to it by the Constitution, The Fed has gone way beyond its original mandate.

That's true, are we to toss out 200 + years of law since Marshall and the SC ruled in Marbury v. Madison?

Should JFK have been impeached when he established the goal for American's to land on the moon?

Should LBJ have been impeached for signing the act establishing Medicare and the Civil Rights Acts.

Should Trump be impeached for denial of First Amendment Rights to Muslims, Journalists, Judges and everyone who disagrees with him?

The ONLY real chatters about impeaching the orange charlatan will begin in the first quarter of next year.......IF republicans in congress begin feeling the wrath of voters for Trump's royal screwing on the HC , congressional republicans will begin showing their NEW FOUND ethical rudder.

With the special election failures the Democratic party has suffered its cute that you think that's actually going to happen.

The issue of Gerrymandering, soon to be debated by the Supreme Court. has the potential to repair some of the damage to democracy inflicted by those who voted to repeal the two CU laws passed by The Congress (Citizens United v. FEC & McCutcheon).

The Republican Party, now controlled by extreme conservatives, cannot win on ideas. They need to cheat and lie to win elections and then elect demagogues who promise them everything and never follow through.

The election of Trump, along with the machinations of McConnell have created a high hurdle for democracy in America. Mr. Franklin was spot on when he supposedly said you have a republican if you can keep it.

Only the left, those who represent the common people, need to stand tall and holler "ENOUGH"; then go to the polls and take our country back from treasonous elected officials who put a political party and their job ahead of We the People.
"Mr. Franklin was spot on when he supposedly said you have a republican if you can keep it." I believe the word was "republic" not republican.

"Common people", you mean like communist movements such as black lives matter and antifa?
I am also against all welfare both domestic and foreign. That jackass Obama was giving away hundreds of billion to foreigners including build Mosques. No wonder we are $20 trillion in debt.

Facts are a real bitch for morons...

Many Republicans have long been shouting that Federal spending was “out of control” under President Obama, and that he has “wasted enormous sums” on the economic stimulus effort.

The truth is: - Spending increases under the Bush Administration far exceeded the increases under the Obama Administration to date;

- A large portion of the spending during the Obama Administration is due to actions initiated prior to Obama, including the war in Afghanistan and related spending for Veterans; increases in Medicare due to the prescription drug program; the TARP program to bail out banks; and the increase in unemployment compensation caused by the Bush recession;

Republicans only became concerned about spending levels after President Obama took office.

What happened to the "unpatriotic debt"?
We have gone so far away from the original intent and scope of the Federal Government the founding Fathers if alive would think they were in another country.

Stupid ^^^. The founding fathers never had universal agreement on much of anything.
There was an original intent on the scope of the Federal Government only those powers given to it by the Constitution, The Fed has gone way beyond its original mandate.

That's true, are we to toss out 200 + years of law since Marshall and the SC ruled in Marbury v. Madison?

Should JFK have been impeached when he established the goal for American's to land on the moon?

Should LBJ have been impeached for signing the act establishing Medicare and the Civil Rights Acts.

Should Trump be impeached for denial of First Amendment Rights to Muslims, Journalists, Judges and everyone who disagrees with him?

The ONLY real chatters about impeaching the orange charlatan will begin in the first quarter of next year.......IF republicans in congress begin feeling the wrath of voters for Trump's royal screwing on the HC , congressional republicans will begin showing their NEW FOUND ethical rudder.

You don't know much about politics... remind us again that the Republicans didn't use the Harry Reid option to get gorsuch on the SC.

The rules have all changed.


Lower level judges can be overruled by the Supreme Court. A Justice of the USSC is above the law, is not required to run for reelection and is not held to a code of ethics.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
No really a bad idea, new approach is not bad doing away with Departments that no longer needed or not really doing the job they are expected to do. The Federal gov, has no business in the education arena. The Dept of Energy needs to be done away with and back to what it was before which is zero. EPA is in question as to if they are really doing the job they were suppose to do. Note: they are not. There is room for improvements to how DC is put together.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
No really a bad idea, new approach is not bad doing away with Departments that no longer needed or not really doing the job they are expected to do. The Federal gov, has no business in the education arena. The Dept of Energy needs to be done away with and back to what it was before which is zero. EPA is in question as to if they are really doing the job they were suppose to do. Note: they are not. There is room for improvements to how DC is put together.

Q. Why were these agencies created
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
No really a bad idea, new approach is not bad doing away with Departments that no longer needed or not really doing the job they are expected to do. The Federal gov, has no business in the education arena. The Dept of Energy needs to be done away with and back to what it was before which is zero. EPA is in question as to if they are really doing the job they were suppose to do. Note: they are not. There is room for improvements to how DC is put together.
So I suppose you think the EPA was created to help corporations pollute the water and air, and the Department of Education to make sure poor people don't get an education.
The dept of commerce and dept of transportation should also be gone. Buy bye small business administration too.
Bannon has called for the deconstruction of the US government:
Bannon Says Cabinet Picks Intended to ‘Deconstruct’ Regulation and Agencies

Not only destroying policies, but whole agencies: not only the EPA, but it seems the FCC and Department of Energy are also at risk.

It just reeks of treason to me. Like really really stinks very bad.
No really a bad idea, new approach is not bad doing away with Departments that no longer needed or not really doing the job they are expected to do. The Federal gov, has no business in the education arena. The Dept of Energy needs to be done away with and back to what it was before which is zero. EPA is in question as to if they are really doing the job they were suppose to do. Note: they are not. There is room for improvements to how DC is put together.
So I suppose you think the EPA was created to help corporations pollute the water and air, and the Department of Education to make sure poor people don't get an education.
Bullshit, they make career politicians rich... dip shit

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