Bannon in Contempt


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

229-202, representing another bigly loss for Trump as 9 Repubs joined Democrats. I guess Trump will go after them with a passion.

Hopefully the Justice Department will do the right thing and prosecute Bannon's sorry ass. Bigly!!!
Now let's see what "moderate" AG Garland decides. My money is on Bannon getting thrown in jail. And don't give me that "he refused to comply with a subpoena" crap. Hillary Clinton routinely used subpoenas for butt wipes and not a thing happened to her.

They will spark war, the real thing, this two tier justice shit is really provoking Americans, we will come for them all if they do not immediately course correct, we'll show those fucks what a real insurgency is, fuck their FBI/DOJ, and to think all the while "Hunter Biden" is nakedly selling government access to his psychopathic father, "ludicrously hidden as finger painting's," and they dare target us as terrorists and insurrectionists, they have no idea how dangerous they have made their situation, none whatsoever!
They will spark war, the real thing, this two tier justice shit is really provoking Americans, we will come for them all if they do not immediately course correct, we'll show those fucks what a real insurgency is, fuck their FBI/DOJ, and to think all the while "Hunter Biden" is nakedly selling government access to his psychopathic father, "ludicrously hidden as finger painting's," and they dare target us as terrorists and insurrectionists, they have no idea how dangerous they have made their situation, none whatsoever!

Tree of Liberty March on Washington .... coming soon

229-202, representing another bigly loss for Trump as 9 Repubs joined Democrats. I guess Trump will go after them with a passion.

Hopefully the Justice Department will do the right thing and prosecute Bannon's sorry ass. Bigly!!!
paid trollboy YOU are in contempt of treason being an Ameirican hating commie lover
Hillary Clinton routinely used subpoenas for butt wipes and not a thing happened to her.
Baloney, she testified to Congress for hours on end and turn over thousands of pages of subpoenaed documents.

Trumpybuddies are afraid to turn over documents and testify for two basic reasons. They're afraid of Trumpybear and they're fright fucked of Trumpyberra.
Now let's see what "moderate" AG Garland decides. My money is on Bannon getting thrown in jail. And don't give me that "he refused to comply with a subpoena" crap. Hillary Clinton routinely used subpoenas for butt wipes and not a thing happened to her.

how many times did congress hold her in contempt?

229-202, representing another bigly loss for Trump as 9 Repubs joined Democrats. I guess Trump will go after them with a passion.

Hopefully the Justice Department will do the right thing and prosecute Bannon's sorry ass. Bigly!!!
And, now what?

Who is going to carry out his arrest?

No way in hell does this look good for anyone, especially given the nose thumbing done in the Obama administration.

Banana Republic
9 republicans. That's something new and original.
They must be thinking that this is far enough removed from Trump to be safe.

But probably all for naught when Bannon pleads the 5th. on all questions.
The American sideshow should be charging admittance.

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