Bannon may not be the right guy as chief strategist in the WH

Obviously Trump and Bannon boxed messages of White Identity AND hope,unity and a path forward together since they won. This was just the beginning really.....a lot like to think we can build on this I personally saw this as a last grasp before violence had to be used to make sure our race wasn't eradicated....glad we avoided that for now.

That isn't a prerequisite to winning. You can win on anger alone in the right environment.

And who created that environment?
Everyone dude. Everyone.

I can think of about 60 million people, many form reliably commiecrat areas that would disagree.

Everyone's entitled to their own bias :)

You might want to remember that the next time you take it on yourself to lecture someone else, is it coming from facts, or your own bias?
That isn't a prerequisite to winning. You can win on anger alone in the right environment.

And who created that environment?
Everyone dude. Everyone.

I can think of about 60 million people, many form reliably commiecrat areas that would disagree.

Everyone's entitled to their own bias :)

You might want to remember that the next time you take it on yourself to lecture someone else, is it coming from facts, or your own bias?

You might want to consider that in light of your own statement when you imply that only one side is responsible for all this anger.

Commiecrat? That pretty much says bias.
Why do you hate Jews? Why are you lying about the Jews that run Breitbart? Why are you lying about the content on Breitbart that is allowed by the Jewish editors at Breitbart?

Why don't you ask the White Nationalists that fester the Bannon created safe haven news and messaging website called Breitbart news?

Why ask me. I never attack Jews. Bannon lets it happen and has not renounced them or banned them from Breitbart News that I know of.

Force the racist bigoted hatemongers off the website and renounce what is already there.

Breitbart is run by Jews you idiot. Cripes your lies about Breitbart are so over the top it's whacked out.

Jared Kushner will push Bannon out of influence over Trump.

Pfffft. Jared and Ivanka have been working with Bannon the whole time.

Your lies are tedious but so easy to nail. If Bannon is such an anti Semite explain how the Zionists of America back him fully. Oh along with all the Jews who run Breitbart and other heavy hitters like Horowitz and Levin.

Full support. But YOU have the balls to call him an anti Semite.
How whacked out are the left these days? Simple answer. When they can defame a news website run by Jews as being anti Semetic and white nationalist.
And who created that environment?
Everyone dude. Everyone.

I can think of about 60 million people, many form reliably commiecrat areas that would disagree.

Everyone's entitled to their own bias :)

You might want to remember that the next time you take it on yourself to lecture someone else, is it coming from facts, or your own bias?

You might want to consider that in light of your own statement when you imply that only one side is responsible for all this anger.

Commiecrat? That pretty much says bias.

Yep, it does. Something I've never tried to hide. You elected a man you was raised and mentored by communist, his primary counsel, Valarie Jarett was and Iranian born communist. He and the hildabitch were endorsed by the US communist party. Funny how you folks don't think these are bad things. But hey let some white supremacist endorse Trump and he's suddenly the worse man on earth, even though he neither sought their endorsement or embraced their ideology.
You whack jobs that are levelling this horrible charge against Bannon and Breitbart can kiss my ass.

"On behalf of myself and the ZOA, I thus welcome the appointment of Stephen Bannon as chief strategist to the incoming Trump-Pence administration.

I also have to ask: Would President-elect Trump’s extraordinarily pro-Israel advisers such as Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, Mike Huckabee, Sheldon Adelson, and Orthodox Jews Jared Kushner, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt ever allow an anti-Semite/Israel hater to work with them?

Would Trump’s Orthodox Jewish daughter and adviser Ivanka, whose children attend an Orthodox day school, ever allow an anti-Semite to work with her father?

And given that the president-elect’s platform on Israel is the strongest pro-Israel platform ever, would an anti-Semite be appointed to implement that platform?

Of course not."

Many pro Israel Breitbart articles at link.

Bannon and Breitbart: Friends of Israel, not anti-Semites
By Morton KleinNovember 15, 2016 2:32pm

Bannon and Breitbart: Friends of Israel, not anti-Semites
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


This guy just shellacked the shrilary, with one FIFTH the budget, and you think he's not the "right guy". Fakey you need to crawl under a rock for the next four years.
And who created that environment?
Everyone dude. Everyone.

I can think of about 60 million people, many form reliably commiecrat areas that would disagree.

Everyone's entitled to their own bias :)

You might want to remember that the next time you take it on yourself to lecture someone else, is it coming from facts, or your own bias?

You might want to consider that in light of your own statement when you imply that only one side is responsible for all this anger.

Commiecrat? That pretty much says bias.

It is a fact that the shrilary sent thugs into trumpster events to cause trouble. That's a page out of the Sturm Abteilung playbook. It's a fact that 70% of the violent protesters arrested in Charlotte were bussed in from out of the state. The same is true in Portland. These aren't trumpettes causing these troubles, these are PAID "protesters" who's goal is to cause trouble. These are from the progressive side of things Coyote. It sucks, but it is a fact.
Jared Kushner will push Bannon out of influence over Trump.

Pfffft. Jared and Ivanka have been working with Bannon the whole time.

Your lies are tedious but so easy to nail. If Bannon is such an anti Semite explain how the Zionists of America back him fully. Oh along with all the Jews who run Breitbart and other heavy hitters like Horowitz and Levin. Full support. But YOU have the balls to call him an anti Semite.
Oh, can it, td. I did not say he was antisemitic, you did. Bannon is the Alt Right face of antisemitism in the country, whether he wants to be or not. The Zionists of America will support anybody who tells them they are a neo-con. But Kushner has grown in power and experience: he pushed Christie out in the last two days as well as some of the Big Man's allies (do you know why?). Kushner is going to push out all the antisemitics, and Bannon will go eventually, because Kushner wants to be Chief Strategist, unofficially.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"

This guy just shellacked the shrilary, with one FIFTH the budget, and you think he's not the "right guy". Fakey you need to crawl under a rock for the next four years.
That's Jared's call, westwall, not yours. Christie is gone because of Jared. Do you know why?
Everyone dude. Everyone.

I can think of about 60 million people, many form reliably commiecrat areas that would disagree.

Everyone's entitled to their own bias :)

You might want to remember that the next time you take it on yourself to lecture someone else, is it coming from facts, or your own bias?

You might want to consider that in light of your own statement when you imply that only one side is responsible for all this anger.

Commiecrat? That pretty much says bias.

It is a fact that the shrilary sent thugs into trumpster events to cause trouble. That's a page out of the Sturm Abteilung playbook. It's a fact that 70% of the violent protesters arrested in Charlotte were bussed in from out of the state. The same is true in Portland. These aren't trumpettes causing these troubles, these are PAID "protesters" who's goal is to cause trouble. These are from the progressive side of things Coyote. It sucks, but it is a fact.
It's a fact that you are lying when you write "shrilary sent thugs". That is tactic out of the fascist playbook.
I can think of about 60 million people, many form reliably commiecrat areas that would disagree.

Everyone's entitled to their own bias :)

You might want to remember that the next time you take it on yourself to lecture someone else, is it coming from facts, or your own bias?

You might want to consider that in light of your own statement when you imply that only one side is responsible for all this anger.

Commiecrat? That pretty much says bias.

It is a fact that the shrilary sent thugs into trumpster events to cause trouble. That's a page out of the Sturm Abteilung playbook. It's a fact that 70% of the violent protesters arrested in Charlotte were bussed in from out of the state. The same is true in Portland. These aren't trumpettes causing these troubles, these are PAID "protesters" who's goal is to cause trouble. These are from the progressive side of things Coyote. It sucks, but it is a fact.
It's a fact that you are lying when you write "shrilary sent thugs". That is tactic out of the fascist playbook.

Her campaign, she's responsible.
Only in loony heads. You are lying when you insist she sent them.
Guilt by association is a common tactic. It was successfully employed against Obama as well, so it's interesting to see the crying about how unfair this is.

Ok, let's look at Bannon "fairly".

Is he an anti-semite? Is he a racist?

It's hard to separate his personal views from those he supports. I don't really know what his personal views are and there are certainly many who know him who say he is neither racist nor anti-semitic nor mysogonist (according to media on both sides of the political spectrum). However, that same media also points out that you can't totally discount who he's chosen to associate himself with, how long and how intimately he has done so, and his willingness or lack of willingness do distance himself from some of the views he has actively nurtured. If he chose to play with fire in order to push his cause, he runs the risk of being burned or coming out of it tainted - and that is what this really is about.

Breitbart: Bannon took over running Brietbart when Andrew Brietbart passed away. Brietbart differs from traditional media in that it was founded and run by a charismatic figure - with a narrow focus, a distinct cause (anti-globalism, anti-traditional media) which they don't deny Unlike MSM including Fox - they've never retracted a claim, corrected an error or admitted to being wrong that I've found. There is no standard of ethics that binds them even minimally because their cause is more important and that cause is Trump. One prime example - their refusal to support their reporter, Michelle Fields, who was grabbed and thrown to the ground by Trump's then campaign manager. Their reason? They felt it would reflect badly on the Trump campaign. A number of staffers and reporters resigned over this including Fields, spokesman Kurt Bardella and their editor, Ben Shapiro.

That's what Bannon took over and remade into an instrument for the Trump Campaign. When he took over, there were complaints from insiders, that the site took a major turn towards "Alt-right" ideology, more extremist views on white nationalism (which is nothing more than a codeword for white supremacist ideology).

Granted, at this point the charges of anti-semitism fall mainly into a he says/she says category (bitter divorce) and a kind of "guilt by association". But Bannon is playing with fire by skirting so close to legitimizing racist and anti-semitic memes in pursuit of his cause that questioning his views is certainly legitimate.

But "guilt by association" can't be completely disregarded. These aren't long ago relationships that he grew away from - these are relationships fostered right up until he left Breitbart to become Trump's campaign manager. These are also attitudes that found a home in Brietbart where, for once, they were NOT marginalized, but encouraged and protected when they COULD have been marginalized.

National Review has a spot on article on this (in fact, the best) Steve Bannon Is Not a Nazi—But Let’s Be Honest about What He Represents:

The Left, with its endless accusations of “racism” and “xenophobia” and the like, has blurred the line between genuine racists and the millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump because of a desire for greater social solidarity and cultural consensus. It is not “racist” to want to strengthen the bonds uniting citizens to their country.

But the alt-right is not a “fabrication” of the media. The alt-right is a hodgepodge of philosophies that, at their heart, reject the fundamental principle that “all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” The alt-right embraces an ethno-nationalism that has its counterparts in the worst of the European far-right: Golden Dawn in Greece, or Hungary’s Jobbik. (It’s no coincidence that Bannon spent time this summer praising “the women of the Le Pen family” on London radio, referring to the head of France’s National Front and her niece, a FN member of the French Parliament.) And while this by no means excuses smashing shop windows to protest a legitimate election result, as rioters spent the weekend doing in the Pacific Northwest, it’s also the case that not every Trump detractor is as devoid of cerebral matter as Lena Dunham. If ethnic and religious minorities are worried, it’s in part because Donald Trump and his intimates have spent the last several months winking at one of the ugliest political movements in America’s recent history.

Furthermore, as some on the left have been more attuned to than their conservative counterparts, the problem is not whether Bannon himself subscribes to a noxious strain of political nuttery; it’s that his de facto endorsement of it enables it to spread and to claim legitimacy, and that what is now a vicious fringe could, over time, become mainstream. The U.S. is not going to see pogroms or “internment camps” spring up in January. But countries require bonds of trust among citizens — including those citizens elected to be leaders. The Left gnawed at those bonds with its thoughtless commitment to cosmopolitan virtues. But the Right threatens to sever them entirely if it continues to court the proponents of ethno-nationalism, or trade in their rhetoric.

So...what exactly are Bannon's views?

My honest opinion, after reading a bunch more articles? Nah, I don't think he's either anti-semitic or racist. But the fact that he is willing to traffic in those ideologies rather than repudiate them tells me he isn't much better then they are in the larger picture because he legitimizes them and ignores how dangerous they can become when legitimized.
"I don't think he's either anti-semitic or racist. But the fact that he is willing to traffic in those ideologies rather than repudiate them tells me he isn't much better then they are in the larger picture because he legitimizes them and ignores how dangerous they can become when legitimized."

^^^^^^^^^^^^ He is a vile opportunist, nothing more.
something that isn't fact. called a lie.

Cool. Disprove then.
disprove what? your lies? why, you published for all to see. lie after lie.

Ok. So you can't disprove it. All you can do is throw out your silly one-liners.

Let's see. Has Bannon distanced himself in anyway from the his extremists....

Coyote. Bannon is not part of Alternative Right. He has no extremists to back away from. And apart from a wife who in the middle of a divorce and custody battle decided to turn him into an anti Semite all of a sudden there is no evidence whatsoever that he's an anti Semite.

These charges are false.

Bannon is closely associated with alt-right and white supremicists. He's hosted them on his radio show, and given them an online haven. Many Jews are highly uncomfortable with him, as are many blacks and Muslims, and those feelings seems to run across the political spectrum.

The Jews he has worked with at Breitbart respect and admire him. As do many Jews outside of Breitbart. You don't get an endorsement from the ZOA or Israelis and not be liked or respected.

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