Bannon may not be the right guy as chief strategist in the WH

As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


All we hear is that he is "alt right" from the standard players, with little to back it up other than "well we say he is, neener neener"
Wrong. Bannon himself said he was alt-right.

he used those exact words? And if he did, does he agree that the definition means "white nationalism", like the left is trying to perpetrate?

and also:

If Steve Bannon Is An Anti-Semite Why Can't I Find Any Antisemitism?

This morning Joel Pollak a senior editor at Breitbart (who I worked for at Breitbart) and an observant Jew tweeted:


I know Joel well enough to say if he thought there was the slightest Antisemitism coming from Steve Bannon he would have left Breitbart a long time ago.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


All we hear is that he is "alt right" from the standard players, with little to back it up other than "well we say he is, neener neener"

I'd never even heard of the "Alt-Right" until the left started yammering on about it.

That's how Steve Bannon described his website, Brietbart.

In his own words: A platform for the alt right.

And does he call it a "white nationalist site" or is that just you tards trying to smear anyone to the right of Charles Shumer?
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


All we hear is that he is "alt right" from the standard players, with little to back it up other than "well we say he is, neener neener"

I'd never even heard of the "Alt-Right" until the left started yammering on about it.

Probably because you were too busy watching endless Fox News coverage of Benghazi and Hillary's email server, Repug goober.

Actually I don't watch TV news anymore, but thanks for playing, you cheap, dime-store hack.
This entire "alt right" garbage was something Hildabeast stirred up to try and stir up her lukewarm didn't work then and it's stupid now. I'd bet 10 bucks 99% of America has never heard of alt right and furthermore they don't care. Give it a rest

I guess you're right, just like global climate change was dreamed up by china.
No, the pseudo religion was dreamed up by globalists on the left for more power and control. The irony is China cares less about the environment and the leftist corporate and political loons create an atmosphere here that sends production over there.
something that isn't fact. called a lie.

Cool. Disprove then.
disprove what? your lies? why, you published for all to see. lie after lie.

Ok. So you can't disprove it. All you can do is throw out your silly one-liners.

Let's see. Has Bannon distanced himself in anyway from the his extremists....

Coyote. Bannon is not part of Alternative Right. He has no extremists to back away from. And apart from a wife who in the middle of a divorce and custody battle decided to turn him into an anti Semite all of a sudden there is no evidence whatsoever that he's an anti Semite.

These charges are false.

Bannon is closely associated with alt-right and white supremicists. He's hosted them on his radio show, and given them an online haven. Many Jews are highly uncomfortable with him, as are many blacks and Muslims, and those feelings seems to run across the political spectrum.
That's some mighty weak shit. When you have a show you have on all kinds of people, putting a Black Panther on would be good for ratings but doesn't mean you sympathize with him.

It's transparent as hell that the left lost and can only do what they always do, try to spread fear and hate. It's the left that creates all the sub groups and tries to use them. It's an old stale 1970s strategy that isn't selling like it was. America is onto it but the left still doesn't get it.
Like you, 007? I think your side of the party is going to have far less power than the GOP establishment, my side. I don't like Trump, but I am willing to see if he will negotiate.
Well, you're wrong, again, of course, because it was "my side" that just elected Trump in a historic landslide, and he, along with his cabinet and those who already are supporters of his in congress, will have more power and influence than the establishment. The establishment is what has been rejected. The establishment is where the corruption and cronyism is. The establishment is the problem, and the solution is on the way.
The white working class goes from left center to right center. Very few are far right or alt right. Your far right side's power is weakening. You can witness it as Trump turns away from the pied piper promises he lured you all in with.
Jake stop lying about the man. You are making yourself look like as big a fool as the others buying into the ADL trashing of Bannon. Think about it. I put this up in another thread.

My heavens Bannon has been surrounded for years by high powered Jews. Do you really think they would put up with him being an anti Semite or a white Nationalist?

"The one lie about Bannon being an anti Semite has had me laughing my ass off all day. The left wing loons obviously don't know Andrew Breitbart was a Jew. Bannon was his friend and advisor.

The Senior editor at large of Breitbart News is an Orthodox Jew. And Steve Bannon helped launch Breitbart News Jerusalem with Breitbart News CEO Larry Solov .

Guess the religion!

For an anti Semite he sure hangs with a lot of Jews. Too funny!

Lying scumbuckets should have done their homework. "
Bannon is all those things, td. He may well not make it to Inauguration Day.

Have you seriously lost it Jake? The gentleman has worked and been friends with high powered Jews all his life. He has their respect and their freindship as a testimony to his pro Jew and pro Israel stance.

You have not given one bit of proof that he is anti Semetic. It's quite pitiful to witness. The ZOA has completely trashed out the ADL over their lies. Bannon never presided over Alternative Right.

Zionist Organization of America: ADL Falsely Alleging Steve Bannon Is Anti-Semitic - Breitbart
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


He's a scary guy.

A wife beater.

No government experienced.

An anti-semite.

A hate merchant.

Piss off with the anti semitism bullshit. Cripes. You left wing loons are pathetic. And of course he's not a wife beater. And he's never been a hate merchant.
The alt right is anti-Semitic, whether Bannon is personally or not. End of story.

First and foremost, everyone going half cocked on Bannon are making fools of themselves. Bannon is no leader in any faction of the alt right movement. Spencer would be the most widely known.

Jake you really need to look into groups before you start labelling them. The alt right isn't just one group at all. So many factions. Many involved are not anti Semetic.

That's just a fact despite the idiotic talking points that are out there. This lie about Bannon is one of the biggest whoppers I've ever seen though.

SassyIrishLass, post: 15823285
You loons and the alt right garbage are getting annoying

Do you deny any white nationalist / Alt Right messaging and propaganda exists on Bannon's Breitvart website?

They exist right here:

Of course but America was a mixture of ANGRY and HOPEFUL that Trump could fix it. He is just bringing along a wonderful messenger in Bannon who speaks to and for the rightful owners of this country. White People.

Do you understand what alt-right is?

There it is - a Trumpist all the way.

Bsnnon is this dude's hero.

You don't understand the people that stand under the very large umbrella that is named alt right. Not at all. And Bannon is not the leader of nor ever has been the leader of any known factions of alt right.

This is a flat out lie about Bannon.

Spencer is the best known. He founded Alternative Right with Colin Lidell. Next up would be Jared Taylor, the founder of the website American Renaissance and Brimelow who founded VDare.

It's been soooooooooo easy to bust this lie wide open. Next time the looney left media should do more research. They really fucked up on this smear.

You didn't bust a lie. You are excusing the rot and hate and wild conspiracy theories of white nationalists on Bannon's Breitbart website.

It's disgusting filth and Bannon owns it an profits by it.

Why do you hate Jews? Why are you lying about the Jews that run Breitbart? Why are you lying about the content on Breitbart that is allowed by the Jewish editors at Breitbart?

You must be anti Semetic.
You loons and the alt right garbage are getting annoying
Bannon self-identifies as alt-right.

I know it must chafe you rubes to learn that your strings have been being pulled by a Nazi all this time, but I have been trying to tell you for a very long time.

Bannon has absolutely depended on the utter ignorance and stupidity of you puppets. You are nothing but useful idiots to him.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


All we hear is that he is "alt right" from the standard players, with little to back it up other than "well we say he is, neener neener"
Wrong. Bannon himself said he was alt-right.

he used those exact words?
Yes. Those exact words.

As I just said above, I have been trying to warn you puppets for a very long time that your strings are being pulled by Nazis. But you don't listen.

You steadfastly REFUSE to listen.

That's what makes you such perfect useful idiots to Nazis like Bannon.
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


All we hear is that he is "alt right" from the standard players, with little to back it up other than "well we say he is, neener neener"
Wrong. Bannon himself said he was alt-right.

he used those exact words?
Yes. Those exact words.

As I just said above, I have been trying to warn you puppets for a very long time that your strings are being pulled by Nazis. But you don't listen.

You steadfastly REFUSE to listen.

That's what makes you such perfect useful idiots to Nazis like Bannon.

Nazi's with Jewish backers and supporters? LOL.

You loons and the alt right garbage are getting annoying
Bannon self-identifies as alt-right.

I know it must chafe you rubes to learn that your strings have been being pulled by a Nazi all this time, but I have been trying to tell you for a very long time.

Bannon has absolutely depended on the utter ignorance and stupidity of you puppets. You are nothing but useful idiots to him.
Bannon self-identifies as alt-right.
Tell US what Alt-Right means?
You loons and the alt right garbage are getting annoying
Bannon self-identifies as alt-right.

I know it must chafe you rubes to learn that your strings have been being pulled by a Nazi all this time, but I have been trying to tell you for a very long time.

Bannon has absolutely depended on the utter ignorance and stupidity of you puppets. You are nothing but useful idiots to him.
Bannon self-identifies as alt-right.
Tell US what Alt-Right means?
I've posted on here plenty of quotes from the Alt Right telling you people in their own words what they stand for.

They are racialists. White Nationalists. Nazis.
Equality is bullshit. Hierarchy is essential. The races are different. The sexes are different. Morality matters and degeneracy is real. All cultures are not equal and we are not obligated to think they are. Man is a fallen creature and there is more to life than hollow materialism. Finally, the white race matters, and civilisation is precious. This is the Alt-Right.

Alternative Right
The more that alt right deny the alt right the more they are mired in their own swamp.
This entire "alt right" garbage was something Hildabeast stirred up to try and stir up her lukewarm didn't work then and it's stupid now. I'd bet 10 bucks 99% of America has never heard of alt right and furthermore they don't care. Give it a rest

I guess you're right, just like global climate change was dreamed up by china.
No, the pseudo religion was dreamed up by globalists on the left for more power and control. The irony is China cares less about the environment and the leftist corporate and political loons create an atmosphere here that sends production over there.

Pseudo religion? Wow. Your brain just ain't right, is it?
As the head of the Alt Right, he embodies the white supremacism that infuses the movement.

He is also anti-Mormon to the bone, and I suspect he is generally anti-Christian as well.

"Mormon friends, the Trump White House's new chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, in addition to championing the "alt-right" (white nationalists) also seems to be an anti-Mormon. He attacked Mitt Romney's sons for serving missions and his website, Breitbart, published an attack on the Church because of its stance on religious freedom and advocacy for humane approaches to immigration reform.

This guy is likely bad news for us and is definitely bad news for America.

Trump draws sharp rebuke, concerns over newly appointed chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon

Trump's new chief White House strategist, Stephen Bannon, was the executive…"


Wow....keep lying...I have started several threads from people who actually know the guy who say you are an idiot and don't know what you are talking about...your democrat journalists can't lie about this anymore...people will expose the lies....

You guys keep trying to make "Alt-Right" a isn't happening because people can actually read a lot of the stuff and see that you are lying....

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