Bannon's Next Moves

If that's what makes you sleep better go ahead and think that. The article you posted doesn't show he is a non entity...MANY candidates he is backing are running for office so. That's the whole point behind dark stay OUT of the spotlight.
Like cockroaches and rats--so I guess I agree..he's found his natural habitat.
Keep crying snowflake. While Bannon continues to fund things in the dark and change the course of the country you keep crying about the lost election.
Lol...I hated Hillary--glad she lost..sorry that she lost to Trump, I admit--would have preferred Kasich. I doubt that Bannon is going to change anything..he is tainted..and smells like a loser. The only people who will be attracted to him and seek his support..will be losers, as well.
That's the WHOLE point of dark money....the candidate might know who its coming from but more than likely it will be funneled that Super PAC'S and other groups to the candidates. Kasich is the top cuckservative along with Jeb Bush...his kind of "conservatism" was soundly defeated hopefully forever!
OK..except...Bannon has no money to funnel--his source of income is shot. Big money..the kind that makes a difference...isn't going to flirt with Bannon--everyone knows that he will plant a knife in their back..if it suits his purposes.

I think you will find that Trump's takeover of the Republican party is an aberration--and that main stream Conservatism is alive and well.
Oh its not an aberration,the party will change because of one thing. They see that Trump's policies of Economic nationalism etc are winning them elections! Why would they revert to the same old stupid policies and lose all the people that voted for them? Bannon has plenty of money and he still has backers....sure some will back out that was expected....I don't know who funds him but he has influence and money and name power but will just have to do it behind the scenes now.
It seems he won't just fade away:

"In less than a week, Steve Bannon went from being the self-anointed revolutionary leader of the nationalist, Trumpist movement, to getting shunned by President Donald Trump, ditched by conservative allies and mega-donors, and, ultimately, ejected from his media flagship, Breitbart News.

Now, as he finds himself in a professional nadir, the enigmatic Bannon is already gaming out next steps.

Three sources with knowledge of Bannon’s plans say he intends to launch a new “dark money” nonprofit group in the coming weeks. The organization will be distinct from Bannon’s prior political endeavors, which included documentary films, political data-mining efforts, and more niche political and policy outfits. And unlike virtually all of those efforts, it will not receive funding from his estranged financial backers, Robert and Rebekah Mercer.

There will be some continuity, though. The new organization will focus on Bannon’s longtime pet issues: U.S. policy toward China and the Gulf region, immigration, and foreign trade.

The group, if it launches as planned, will offer an avenue for Bannon to remain involved in national politics after the high-profile disavowals from President Trump and the Mercers. It could also help him draw a salary after losing a hefty one. According to the personal financial disclosure statement he filed upon joining the White House last year, Bannon was paid more than $544,000 in 2016 by Breitbart and Mercer-funded entities Cambridge Analytica, Glittering Steel, and the Government Accountability Institute.

It’s a remarkable turn for a man who, not so long ago, had arguably the most powerful perch in American politics short of the president himself."
What is with the lefts fascination of this guy???

'News to people---Trump people don't care....just like with Mooch, Priebus......we may like them, but it's not important.....
Like cockroaches and rats--so I guess I agree..he's found his natural habitat.
Keep crying snowflake. While Bannon continues to fund things in the dark and change the course of the country you keep crying about the lost election.
Lol...I hated Hillary--glad she lost..sorry that she lost to Trump, I admit--would have preferred Kasich. I doubt that Bannon is going to change anything..he is tainted..and smells like a loser. The only people who will be attracted to him and seek his support..will be losers, as well.
That's the WHOLE point of dark money....the candidate might know who its coming from but more than likely it will be funneled that Super PAC'S and other groups to the candidates. Kasich is the top cuckservative along with Jeb Bush...his kind of "conservatism" was soundly defeated hopefully forever!
OK..except...Bannon has no money to funnel--his source of income is shot. Big money..the kind that makes a difference...isn't going to flirt with Bannon--everyone knows that he will plant a knife in their back..if it suits his purposes.

I think you will find that Trump's takeover of the Republican party is an aberration--and that main stream Conservatism is alive and well.
Oh its not an aberration,the party will change because of one thing. They see that Trump's policies of Economic nationalism etc are winning them elections! Why would they revert to the same old stupid policies and lose all the people that voted for them? Bannon has plenty of money and he still has backers....sure some will back out that was expected....I don't know who funds him but he has influence and money and name power but will just have to do it behind the scenes now.
Well...we shall revisit the conversation after the mid-terms..and see what you think about Trump's "winning strategy' then. It is not looking good right now...and if Bannon takes an active role in attempting to 'Primary' any moderate will be a Democratic landslide.
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
It seems he won't just fade away:

"In less than a week, Steve Bannon went from being the self-anointed revolutionary leader of the nationalist, Trumpist movement, to getting shunned by President Donald Trump, ditched by conservative allies and mega-donors, and, ultimately, ejected from his media flagship, Breitbart News.

Now, as he finds himself in a professional nadir, the enigmatic Bannon is already gaming out next steps.

Three sources with knowledge of Bannon’s plans say he intends to launch a new “dark money” nonprofit group in the coming weeks. The organization will be distinct from Bannon’s prior political endeavors, which included documentary films, political data-mining efforts, and more niche political and policy outfits. And unlike virtually all of those efforts, it will not receive funding from his estranged financial backers, Robert and Rebekah Mercer.

There will be some continuity, though. The new organization will focus on Bannon’s longtime pet issues: U.S. policy toward China and the Gulf region, immigration, and foreign trade.

The group, if it launches as planned, will offer an avenue for Bannon to remain involved in national politics after the high-profile disavowals from President Trump and the Mercers. It could also help him draw a salary after losing a hefty one. According to the personal financial disclosure statement he filed upon joining the White House last year, Bannon was paid more than $544,000 in 2016 by Breitbart and Mercer-funded entities Cambridge Analytica, Glittering Steel, and the Government Accountability Institute.

It’s a remarkable turn for a man who, not so long ago, had arguably the most powerful perch in American politics short of the president himself."
What is with the lefts fascination of this guy???

'News to people---Trump people don't care....just like with Mooch, Priebus......we may like them, but it's not important.....
Well..Bannon is a bit different..he really did have a lot to do with Trump's winning..and the forging of the alt/right into a coherent and effective political force. Will Trump continue his move to the center, without Bannon's input? Can Bannon muster enough power to still be a major player? Will the political infighting benefit the Democrats?

All pertinent questions..and worthy of discussion.
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
It seems he won't just fade away:

"In less than a week, Steve Bannon went from being the self-anointed revolutionary leader of the nationalist, Trumpist movement, to getting shunned by President Donald Trump, ditched by conservative allies and mega-donors, and, ultimately, ejected from his media flagship, Breitbart News.

Now, as he finds himself in a professional nadir, the enigmatic Bannon is already gaming out next steps.

Three sources with knowledge of Bannon’s plans say he intends to launch a new “dark money” nonprofit group in the coming weeks. The organization will be distinct from Bannon’s prior political endeavors, which included documentary films, political data-mining efforts, and more niche political and policy outfits. And unlike virtually all of those efforts, it will not receive funding from his estranged financial backers, Robert and Rebekah Mercer.

There will be some continuity, though. The new organization will focus on Bannon’s longtime pet issues: U.S. policy toward China and the Gulf region, immigration, and foreign trade.

The group, if it launches as planned, will offer an avenue for Bannon to remain involved in national politics after the high-profile disavowals from President Trump and the Mercers. It could also help him draw a salary after losing a hefty one. According to the personal financial disclosure statement he filed upon joining the White House last year, Bannon was paid more than $544,000 in 2016 by Breitbart and Mercer-funded entities Cambridge Analytica, Glittering Steel, and the Government Accountability Institute.

It’s a remarkable turn for a man who, not so long ago, had arguably the most powerful perch in American politics short of the president himself."
What is with the lefts fascination of this guy???

'News to people---Trump people don't care....just like with Mooch, Priebus......we may like them, but it's not important.....
Well..Bannon is a bit different..he really did have a lot to do with Trump's winning..and the forging of the alt/right into a coherent and effective political force. Will Trump continue his move to the center, without Bannon's input? Can Bannon muster enough power to still be a major player? Will the political infighting benefit the Democrats?

All pertinent questions..and worthy of discussion.

See I don't get it, Bannon didn't come on until the later summer of 16, where Mercer recommended Bannon and Kelly Anne.....

so Trump does take advice.....the left says he doesn't
but Bannon was a major leaker......and Trump said buh bye.....

As for the alt right.....I don't believe it's a thing....but even if it is, it's small and no one gives a's not even as belligerent or large as the Nation of Islam
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
Not a liberal. I'm a conservative :p
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
Not a liberal. I'm a conservative :p
If you claim to be a "conservative" you are a CUCKservative...look it up....your kind of "conservative" is leaving the GOP thankfully....Flake,Corker etc....BUH BYE!
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
Not a liberal. I'm a conservative :p
If you claim to be a "conservative" you are a CUCKservative...look it up....your kind of "conservative" is leaving the GOP thankfully....Flake,Corker etc....BUH BYE!
You are living a fantasy....because you fools make up a word..and shout it out..means nothing...the Conservative movement is alive and strong---we have the money, the backing and the experience. A set-back does not signal extinction---I think you'll see the reality of that soon enough..after the Dems sweep the midterms..the party will turn back to it's roots..and kick the alt/right losers to the curb. The process is already beginning.
It seems he won't just fade away:

"In less than a week, Steve Bannon went from being the self-anointed revolutionary leader of the nationalist, Trumpist movement, to getting shunned by President Donald Trump, ditched by conservative allies and mega-donors, and, ultimately, ejected from his media flagship, Breitbart News.

Now, as he finds himself in a professional nadir, the enigmatic Bannon is already gaming out next steps.

Three sources with knowledge of Bannon’s plans say he intends to launch a new “dark money” nonprofit group in the coming weeks. The organization will be distinct from Bannon’s prior political endeavors, which included documentary films, political data-mining efforts, and more niche political and policy outfits. And unlike virtually all of those efforts, it will not receive funding from his estranged financial backers, Robert and Rebekah Mercer.

There will be some continuity, though. The new organization will focus on Bannon’s longtime pet issues: U.S. policy toward China and the Gulf region, immigration, and foreign trade.

The group, if it launches as planned, will offer an avenue for Bannon to remain involved in national politics after the high-profile disavowals from President Trump and the Mercers. It could also help him draw a salary after losing a hefty one. According to the personal financial disclosure statement he filed upon joining the White House last year, Bannon was paid more than $544,000 in 2016 by Breitbart and Mercer-funded entities Cambridge Analytica, Glittering Steel, and the Government Accountability Institute.

It’s a remarkable turn for a man who, not so long ago, had arguably the most powerful perch in American politics short of the president himself."
What is with the lefts fascination of this guy???

'News to people---Trump people don't care....just like with Mooch, Priebus......we may like them, but it's not important.....
Well..Bannon is a bit different..he really did have a lot to do with Trump's winning..and the forging of the alt/right into a coherent and effective political force. Will Trump continue his move to the center, without Bannon's input? Can Bannon muster enough power to still be a major player? Will the political infighting benefit the Democrats?

All pertinent questions..and worthy of discussion.

See I don't get it, Bannon didn't come on until the later summer of 16, where Mercer recommended Bannon and Kelly Anne.....

so Trump does take advice.....the left says he doesn't
but Bannon was a major leaker......and Trump said buh bye.....

As for the alt right.....I don't believe it's a thing....but even if it is, it's small and no one gives a's not even as belligerent or large as the Nation of Islam

Bannon saw Trump could pull it off in 2016 early on, and Steve was in for Trump as soon as he saw how the primaries were shaking out. He's known Trump since 2011, and was just waiting until he saw someone who fit his own agenda the best.
Once he realized that was Trump, he tightened his relationship with Trump. When Trump's campaign began to fall apart after the convention, Bannon was able to step in and put some focus back into the Clown Corral in the nick of time.

That's why Trump made him is most senior advisor afterward. They both vastly underestimated the power of the GOP establishment, and when McConnell laid the law down to Trump, he had to cut Bannon loose. But Bannon stayed close until he insulted Trump's kids. That was his worst mistake.

The Mercers financed Trump, and bought a share of Brietbart. They got what they wanted, but Bannon was only a convenience to them who suddenly became a liability instead of a convenience. So they cut him out of Brietbart, the only power base Bannon had left.

Bannon is going to have a hard time finding another platform for his anarchy now.

But once a pirate, always a pirate. Bannon still is a wealthy man. If he wants to continue, he will be forced to do it on his own dime.
Michael Wolff throws shade at Steve Bannon on 'The View' over ending his career

Looks like Wolff has no real respect for Bannon..just used him..and now is taking credit for his ouster from the White House and Breitbart.

Joining the hosts of "The View" on Wednesday, Michael Wolff opened up about his experience in the White House in regards to Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and others. "Literally, I just sort of slipped in through the cracks," Wolff said about being able to gain access into the White House over the last year.

The View on Twitter

"Michael Wolff went on to say that much of his access came from Steve Bannon. "I don't agree with anything, probably, 100 percent of what Steve says, but I came to appreciate his insights," he said, before explaining Bannon's "enormous frustration" during his time in the White House. "I was the recipient of Steve Bannon's enormous frustration," Wolff said, claiming that "I am the reason he's out" of the White House and eventually his exit from Breitbart News.

Wolff on Trump

When the conversation shifted to Donald Trump's mental fitness, Michael Wolff insisted that everyone he spoke to on staff expressed some sort of concern for the president's well-being. "100 percent of the senior staff of this White House, the people dealing with him on a daily basis" say this presidency is "not just unstable" but also "unpredictable" and "erratic.""
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
Not a liberal. I'm a conservative :p
If you claim to be a "conservative" you are a CUCKservative...look it up....your kind of "conservative" is leaving the GOP thankfully....Flake,Corker etc....BUH BYE!

Nah I'm a conservative by principal....unlike you fake conservatives, claim to be the guardians of morality and are racists, Sexists, bigots, foul mouthed and hypocrites . Liberals have a way better moral compass than you, compassionate, inclusive, just, progressives and most importantly more educated in general.

Jut look at your arrogance and insults in your posts for a second, and think what makes you a conservative? same goes for your pussy grabber who ran as a family man.
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
Not a liberal. I'm a conservative :p
If you claim to be a "conservative" you are a CUCKservative...look it up....your kind of "conservative" is leaving the GOP thankfully....Flake,Corker etc....BUH BYE!
You are living a fantasy....because you fools make up a word..and shout it out..means nothing...the Conservative movement is alive and strong---we have the money, the backing and the experience. A set-back does not signal extinction---I think you'll see the reality of that soon enough..after the Dems sweep the midterms..the party will turn back to it's roots..and kick the alt/right losers to the curb. The process is already beginning.

You are just a bunch of racists and bigots....this nation in few years won't tolerate your bigotry you gonna be alone. all races are mixing up, Latinos and others will be the majority...your voice will be insignificant.
Am I dreaming? Wasn't Bannon a hero to the cons few days ago? So now he's their numero 1 public enemy, just because he spoke the truth about the orange dynasty ?

Remind me when i lived under a dictatorship, everyone that points a finger to the dictator or his circle gets crushed. The Orange has lot of characteristics of a dictator.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
Not a liberal. I'm a conservative :p
If you claim to be a "conservative" you are a CUCKservative...look it up....your kind of "conservative" is leaving the GOP thankfully....Flake,Corker etc....BUH BYE!
You are living a fantasy....because you fools make up a word..and shout it out..means nothing...the Conservative movement is alive and strong---we have the money, the backing and the experience. A set-back does not signal extinction---I think you'll see the reality of that soon enough..after the Dems sweep the midterms..the party will turn back to it's roots..and kick the alt/right losers to the curb. The process is already beginning.

You are just a bunch of racists and bigots....this nation in few years won't tolerate your bigotry you gonna be alone. all races are mixing up, Latinos and others will be the majority...your voice will be insignificant.

Methinks you are mistaken as to my position on this..perhaps a reread of my post might do you some good? I'm pretty sure that you and evidenced by your post before this--are in agreement. I despise the alt/right.
A liberal opens its mouth and stupid flows from it.
Not a liberal. I'm a conservative :p
If you claim to be a "conservative" you are a CUCKservative...look it up....your kind of "conservative" is leaving the GOP thankfully....Flake,Corker etc....BUH BYE!
You are living a fantasy....because you fools make up a word..and shout it out..means nothing...the Conservative movement is alive and strong---we have the money, the backing and the experience. A set-back does not signal extinction---I think you'll see the reality of that soon enough..after the Dems sweep the midterms..the party will turn back to it's roots..and kick the alt/right losers to the curb. The process is already beginning.

You are just a bunch of racists and bigots....this nation in few years won't tolerate your bigotry you gonna be alone. all races are mixing up, Latinos and others will be the majority...your voice will be insignificant.

Methinks you are mistaken as to my position on this..perhaps a reread of my post might do you some good? I'm pretty sure that you and evidenced by your post before this--are in agreement. I despise the alt/right.

I'l take back then, my apologies.
If that's what makes you sleep better go ahead and think that. The article you posted doesn't show he is a non entity...MANY candidates he is backing are running for office so. That's the whole point behind dark stay OUT of the spotlight.
Like cockroaches and rats--so I guess I agree..he's found his natural habitat.
Keep crying snowflake. While Bannon continues to fund things in the dark and change the course of the country you keep crying about the lost election.
Lol...I hated Hillary--glad she lost..sorry that she lost to Trump, I admit--would have preferred Kasich. I doubt that Bannon is going to change anything..he is tainted..and smells like a loser. The only people who will be attracted to him and seek his support..will be losers, as well.
That's the WHOLE point of dark money....the candidate might know who its coming from but more than likely it will be funneled that Super PAC'S and other groups to the candidates. Kasich is the top cuckservative along with Jeb Bush...his kind of "conservatism" was soundly defeated hopefully forever!
OK..except...Bannon has no money to funnel--his source of income is shot. Big money..the kind that makes a difference...isn't going to flirt with Bannon--everyone knows that he will plant a knife in their back..if it suits his purposes.

I think you will find that Trump's takeover of the Republican party is an aberration--and that main stream Conservatism is alive and well.

Serious question: What is "main stream Conservatism"?
Like cockroaches and rats--so I guess I agree..he's found his natural habitat.
Keep crying snowflake. While Bannon continues to fund things in the dark and change the course of the country you keep crying about the lost election.
Lol...I hated Hillary--glad she lost..sorry that she lost to Trump, I admit--would have preferred Kasich. I doubt that Bannon is going to change anything..he is tainted..and smells like a loser. The only people who will be attracted to him and seek his support..will be losers, as well.
That's the WHOLE point of dark money....the candidate might know who its coming from but more than likely it will be funneled that Super PAC'S and other groups to the candidates. Kasich is the top cuckservative along with Jeb Bush...his kind of "conservatism" was soundly defeated hopefully forever!
OK..except...Bannon has no money to funnel--his source of income is shot. Big money..the kind that makes a difference...isn't going to flirt with Bannon--everyone knows that he will plant a knife in their back..if it suits his purposes.

I think you will find that Trump's takeover of the Republican party is an aberration--and that main stream Conservatism is alive and well.

Serious question: What is "main stream Conservatism"?
Well..for me..being a fiscal means paying down the means Entitlement reform...not elimination..but reform. It means serious immigration reform--or more to the point, it means enforcing the laws on the books. It means going after employers in a serious manner..and closing down everything that gives illegals incentives to move here. It does NOT mean stopping immigration..or stopping the considered and reasoned acceptance of refugees.

It means rejecting the fringe--and embracing those whose hard work make this nation what it is. The middle-class. It means serious sanctions against out-sourcing and off-shoring of assets--to ensure that companies pay their fair share.

Smaller government...State's Rights--especially in the matter of legalizing pot and other cultural issues. People should be able to vote with their feet..if they do not like a State's position..move to a State they like.

For me...the culture wars are a distraction from the serious business of governance.

Compassionate Conservatism is the way to go. No racists..and no PC police. No Nanny State--and an acknowledgement that the State does have SOME responsibilities to protect the young and the elderly.
Keep crying snowflake. While Bannon continues to fund things in the dark and change the course of the country you keep crying about the lost election.
Lol...I hated Hillary--glad she lost..sorry that she lost to Trump, I admit--would have preferred Kasich. I doubt that Bannon is going to change anything..he is tainted..and smells like a loser. The only people who will be attracted to him and seek his support..will be losers, as well.
That's the WHOLE point of dark money....the candidate might know who its coming from but more than likely it will be funneled that Super PAC'S and other groups to the candidates. Kasich is the top cuckservative along with Jeb Bush...his kind of "conservatism" was soundly defeated hopefully forever!
OK..except...Bannon has no money to funnel--his source of income is shot. Big money..the kind that makes a difference...isn't going to flirt with Bannon--everyone knows that he will plant a knife in their back..if it suits his purposes.

I think you will find that Trump's takeover of the Republican party is an aberration--and that main stream Conservatism is alive and well.

Serious question: What is "main stream Conservatism"?

Well..for me..being a fiscal means paying down the means Entitlement reform...not elimination..but reform. It means serious immigration reform--or more to the point, it means enforcing the laws on the books. It means going after employers in a serious manner..and closing down everything that gives illegals incentives to move here. It does NOT mean stopping immigration..or stopping the considered and reasoned acceptance of refugees.

It means rejecting the fringe--and embracing those whose hard work make this nation what it is. The middle-class. It means serious sanctions against out-sourcing and off-shoring of assets--to ensure that companies pay their fair share.

Smaller government...State's Rights--especially in the matter of legalizing pot and other cultural issues. People should be able to vote with their feet..if they do not like a State's position..move to a State they like.

For me...the culture wars are a distraction from the serious business of governance.

Compassionate Conservatism is the way to go. No racists..and no PC police. No Nanny State--and an acknowledgement that the State does have SOME responsibilities to protect the young and the elderly.

Callous conservatism exists today, and has been exacerbated by the election of Trump. Fiscal conservatism of today is not responsible, and in fact kicks the can down the road creating more debt and greater needs for our kids and theirs.

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