Barack Obama.....a man you can count on....Almost


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Having a friend like Barack Obama is more or less like giving the scorpion a ride across the river.

By now the movers and shakers in remember the Birth of the so called ARAB SPRING .....( now more like ARAB SPROING ) must be wondering who the hell Barack Obama is and whether anything he says has any credence or reliability whatsoever beyond the momentary self promoting fluff that he is so well know for.

I can remember being embarrassed by GWB's lack of social graces, his somewhat impoverished vocabulary and his penchant to say " Nukular" instead of drove me crazy in fact. But you know I never once had a moment when I thought that Bush didn't at least mean what he said...though admittedly I was a staunch critic of his policies for seven of his eight years including the Patriot act which I hated from day one!! Internationally however no one doubted Bush...stupid or not....or what he stood for. He did say what he meant and acted on what he said.

With this current POTUS we have a situation internationally and domestically where he is just plain and simple the world's lousiest salesman. He oversells and then under-delivers on a constant basis. Partly due to vanity and egotism and partly due to cluelessness and ineptitude. No matter what the split is ....the end result is that nobody believes what you have to say anymore.


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