Barack Obama echoes anti-Americanism of Europe in calling voters stupid


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Interesting and ALL SO TURE.

President Obama and his fellow Democrats are mocking Republicans and the Tea Party as stupid. But they could be the ones who look foolish on election day.

Toby Harnden's American Way
Published: 7:16PM BST 23 Oct 2010
So what is the closing argument of Barack Obama's Democrats before next Tuesday's midterm elections? The President is no longer the self-proclaimed "hope-monger" of 2008, who vaingloriously declared that his vanquishing Hillary Clinton marked "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal".

He has stopped patting voters on the back for choosing, by voting for him, to listen not to their doubts or fears but to their "greatest hopes and highest aspirations". Instead, he is berating Americans (most of whom now do not believe he deserves a second term) for not being able to "think clearly" because they're "scared".

Barack Obama attempts to rally Democrats in Philadelphia speechHaving failed to change Washington or, as he promised that night in St Paul, Minnesota in June 2008, to provide "good jobs to the jobless" (unemployment was 7.7 per cent when he took office and is 9.6 per cent now), Obama is changing tack.

Boiled down, the new Obama message to Americans is: you're too stupid to overcome your fears. To be fair, it's not entirely new. During the 2008 campaign, Obama was caught on tape at a San Francisco fund-raiser saying it was not surprising that voters facing economic hardship "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them".
At a fund-raiser in Massachusetts this month, Obama spoke of Democrats having "facts and science and argument" on their side. As opposed, presumably, to the lies, superstition and prejudice that Republicans rely on.

This year, Democrats have embraced with gusto the notion that Republicans, and by extension anyone thinking of voting for them, are dimwits. Their mirth over the likes of Tea Party figures like Christine O'Donnell, the former anti-masturbation activist who once she had "dabbled" in witchcraft and is now a no-hoper Senate candidate in Delaware, seems to know no bounds.

The most chortling of all about the populist Tea Party and its anti-tax, anti-government uprising against the Republican establishment can be found on the shows of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, the edgy liberal satirists on Comedy Central. Mocking Republican candidates last week, Stewart declared the midterm elections as "the best chance ever for a bowl of fresh fruit" to be elected.

Three days before the elections, Stewart will hold a "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington on the same day as Colbert, who adopts the character of a Right-wing talk show host, leads a "March to Keep Fear Alive". The thinly-disguised message: Republicans are crazies who trade on fear.

In choosing California and Massachusetts, two of the most liberal states in the union, to demean ordinary Americans during election campaigns, Obama did not display a whole lot of his much-vaunted intelligence. But Obama's decision to plug Stewart's rally approvingly and appear on his show three days beforehand is even more foolish.

In the 1990s, Democrats managed to get away from their image as "eggheads" in the 1950s or "pointy-headed liberals" in the 1970s. Bill Clinton spoke like a Good Ol' Boy from the Deep South, ate junk food and enjoyed trashy women. He was clever, but he did not look down on people.

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Barack Obama echoes anti-Americanism of Europe in calling voters stupid - Telegraph
Interesting and ALL SO TURE.

President Obama and his fellow Democrats are mocking Republicans and the Tea Party as stupid. But they could be the ones who look foolish on election day.

Toby Harnden's American Way
Published: 7:16PM BST 23 Oct 2010
So what is the closing argument of Barack Obama's Democrats before next Tuesday's midterm elections? The President is no longer the self-proclaimed "hope-monger" of 2008, who vaingloriously declared that his vanquishing Hillary Clinton marked "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal".

He has stopped patting voters on the back for choosing, by voting for him, to listen not to their doubts or fears but to their "greatest hopes and highest aspirations". Instead, he is berating Americans (most of whom now do not believe he deserves a second term) for not being able to "think clearly" because they're "scared".

Barack Obama attempts to rally Democrats in Philadelphia speechHaving failed to change Washington or, as he promised that night in St Paul, Minnesota in June 2008, to provide "good jobs to the jobless" (unemployment was 7.7 per cent when he took office and is 9.6 per cent now), Obama is changing tack.

Boiled down, the new Obama message to Americans is: you're too stupid to overcome your fears. To be fair, it's not entirely new. During the 2008 campaign, Obama was caught on tape at a San Francisco fund-raiser saying it was not surprising that voters facing economic hardship "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them".
At a fund-raiser in Massachusetts this month, Obama spoke of Democrats having "facts and science and argument" on their side. As opposed, presumably, to the lies, superstition and prejudice that Republicans rely on.

This year, Democrats have embraced with gusto the notion that Republicans, and by extension anyone thinking of voting for them, are dimwits. Their mirth over the likes of Tea Party figures like Christine O'Donnell, the former anti-masturbation activist who once she had "dabbled" in witchcraft and is now a no-hoper Senate candidate in Delaware, seems to know no bounds.

The most chortling of all about the populist Tea Party and its anti-tax, anti-government uprising against the Republican establishment can be found on the shows of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, the edgy liberal satirists on Comedy Central. Mocking Republican candidates last week, Stewart declared the midterm elections as "the best chance ever for a bowl of fresh fruit" to be elected.

Three days before the elections, Stewart will hold a "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington on the same day as Colbert, who adopts the character of a Right-wing talk show host, leads a "March to Keep Fear Alive". The thinly-disguised message: Republicans are crazies who trade on fear.

In choosing California and Massachusetts, two of the most liberal states in the union, to demean ordinary Americans during election campaigns, Obama did not display a whole lot of his much-vaunted intelligence. But Obama's decision to plug Stewart's rally approvingly and appear on his show three days beforehand is even more foolish.

In the 1990s, Democrats managed to get away from their image as "eggheads" in the 1950s or "pointy-headed liberals" in the 1970s. Bill Clinton spoke like a Good Ol' Boy from the Deep South, ate junk food and enjoyed trashy women. He was clever, but he did not look down on people.

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Barack Obama echoes anti-Americanism of Europe in calling voters stupid - Telegraph
That's Right, only America hating CON$ervoFascist scum are allowed to call American voters stupid and ignorant.

December 5, 2007
RUSH: It's ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this. The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered. It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.

September 3, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's a sad shame we've got so many stupid people in this country that we have to deal with, but we do.

December 6, 2007
RUSH: Democratic governments have no choice but to cater to the ignorance/alarm/hypocrisy engendered in their electorates.
Now, what is meant by that is, here we're a democracy, and people run for office and they get elected... on the ignorance the average American has

April 15, 2008
RUSH: Liberalism is the greatest enemy this country faces, because too much of this country is ignorant. It's the most expensive commodity we have, ignorance.
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Interesting and ALL SO TURE.

President Obama and his fellow Democrats are mocking Republicans and the Tea Party as stupid. But they could be the ones who look foolish on election day.

Toby Harnden's American Way
Published: 7:16PM BST 23 Oct 2010
So what is the closing argument of Barack Obama's Democrats before next Tuesday's midterm elections? The President is no longer the self-proclaimed "hope-monger" of 2008, who vaingloriously declared that his vanquishing Hillary Clinton marked "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal".

He has stopped patting voters on the back for choosing, by voting for him, to listen not to their doubts or fears but to their "greatest hopes and highest aspirations". Instead, he is berating Americans (most of whom now do not believe he deserves a second term) for not being able to "think clearly" because they're "scared".

Barack Obama attempts to rally Democrats in Philadelphia speechHaving failed to change Washington or, as he promised that night in St Paul, Minnesota in June 2008, to provide "good jobs to the jobless" (unemployment was 7.7 per cent when he took office and is 9.6 per cent now), Obama is changing tack.

Boiled down, the new Obama message to Americans is: you're too stupid to overcome your fears. To be fair, it's not entirely new. During the 2008 campaign, Obama was caught on tape at a San Francisco fund-raiser saying it was not surprising that voters facing economic hardship "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them".
At a fund-raiser in Massachusetts this month, Obama spoke of Democrats having "facts and science and argument" on their side. As opposed, presumably, to the lies, superstition and prejudice that Republicans rely on.

This year, Democrats have embraced with gusto the notion that Republicans, and by extension anyone thinking of voting for them, are dimwits. Their mirth over the likes of Tea Party figures like Christine O'Donnell, the former anti-masturbation activist who once she had "dabbled" in witchcraft and is now a no-hoper Senate candidate in Delaware, seems to know no bounds.

The most chortling of all about the populist Tea Party and its anti-tax, anti-government uprising against the Republican establishment can be found on the shows of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, the edgy liberal satirists on Comedy Central. Mocking Republican candidates last week, Stewart declared the midterm elections as "the best chance ever for a bowl of fresh fruit" to be elected.

Three days before the elections, Stewart will hold a "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington on the same day as Colbert, who adopts the character of a Right-wing talk show host, leads a "March to Keep Fear Alive". The thinly-disguised message: Republicans are crazies who trade on fear.

In choosing California and Massachusetts, two of the most liberal states in the union, to demean ordinary Americans during election campaigns, Obama did not display a whole lot of his much-vaunted intelligence. But Obama's decision to plug Stewart's rally approvingly and appear on his show three days beforehand is even more foolish.

In the 1990s, Democrats managed to get away from their image as "eggheads" in the 1950s or "pointy-headed liberals" in the 1970s. Bill Clinton spoke like a Good Ol' Boy from the Deep South, ate junk food and enjoyed trashy women. He was clever, but he did not look down on people.

read the rest with comments.
Barack Obama echoes anti-Americanism of Europe in calling voters stupid - Telegraph
That's Right, only America hating CON$ervoFascist scum are allowed to call American voters stupid and ignorant.

December 5, 2007
RUSH: It's ignorance, and we pay a huge price for this. The biggest price we pay for ignorance is electing so damn many Democrats, which is one of the biggest obstacles to progress and success in this country for the individual human being that I have ever encountered. It is ignorance. Devotion to ignorance, bliss, blissful ignorance, is the only explanation for the election of Democrats.

September 3, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's a sad shame we've got so many stupid people in this country that we have to deal with, but we do.

December 6, 2007
RUSH: Democratic governments have no choice but to cater to the ignorance/alarm/hypocrisy engendered in their electorates.
Now, what is meant by that is, here we're a democracy, and people run for office and they get elected... on the ignorance the average American has

April 15, 2008
RUSH: Liberalism is the greatest enemy this country faces, because too much of this country is ignorant. It's the most expensive commodity we have, ignorance.

Here's what makes you L00k stupid. Comparing what LImbaugh says with what obi wan says. You put them on the same level. Now that's stupid. but I don't respect obie any more than you do.
Ed..cynic, when was Rush president? I missed that.

Just gotta laugh there Kid.

I can't get over how some folks think what Rush Limbaugh, an entertainer, has to say is on the same level as what a sitting POTUS has to say. Jeeze.
Ed..cynic, when was Rush president? I missed that.

Just gotta laugh there Kid.

I can't get over how some folks think what Rush Limbaugh, an entertainer, has to say is on the same level as what a sitting POTUS has to say. Jeeze.
Stuttering LimpTard is the mouthpiece of the CON$ervative dominated GOP. Only a complete fool would deny his power in the GOP. When LimpTard says jump, the GOP asks how high?
Ed..cynic, when was Rush president? I missed that.

Just gotta laugh there Kid.

I can't get over how some folks think what Rush Limbaugh, an entertainer, has to say is on the same level as what a sitting POTUS has to say. Jeeze.

I agree. Anything Rush has to say is rarely important, relevant and often, not even true!!! :cool:
EXACTLY RIGHT; when I read postings at other forums by "foreigners," or citizens of country's in Europe they particularly seem to think of Americans as being "stupid" but particularly people on the right of the political spectrum. Of course they read the American press, or it is picked up in the foreign press, and there's a bunch of that sentiment (mirroring Obama) in the American press.
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