CDZ Barack Obama...Greatest President of Modern times

In Obama's last day as President, it is clear that he is the greatest modern President (post war)

If anyone must name a President with more accomplishments


What did he accomplish?

Putting grown men in little girls bathrooms?

Not protecting her?

As another Conservative crashes and burns
This is getting ugly

What can be so hard about naming a President who accomplished more than Obama?

Obama didn't accomplish anything....obamacare is going to be repealed....and the foreign policy mess will be cleaned up by Trump..
President Obama's accomplishments

1. Stopped a depression
2. Saved the auto and financial sectors
4. added 11 million jobs during his Presidency
5 Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist leaders
6. Passed Obamacare
7, Expanded gay rights
8. Recognition of Cuba
9. Iran nuclear deal

OK Conservatives....before you can attack Obama, you need to provide the accomplishments of a modern (post WWII) president who accomplished more

1. Stopped a depression

How did he do that?
2. Saved the auto and financial sectors

He just copied Bush Jr. With GM, Chrysler was bought out by fiat and Ford didn't take a dime

4. added 11 million jobs during his Presidency

How did he do that and why did most of those jobs go to red states.. Be specific

5 Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist leaders

Yea we know the Nobel peace prize President was a killer.

6. Passed Obamacare

The greatest fuck up of his presidency..

Trickle up poor

7, Expanded gay rights

Yup you can dress in drag now and poop in little girls rooms

8. Recognition of Cuba

Yup gotta love those Cuban cigars and piss on JFKs grave
9. Iran nuclear deal

See Bill Clinton and North Korea deal with them having nukes now.
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HW Bush was the last guy that was actually qualified to sit in the chair and/or didn't take a big flaming dump on the office itself through some major cockup or just being a dumbass.

so, his accomplishment, as per the OP, is not being a damn embarrassment in terms of qualifications, or how he conducted himself, or both.

At this point I'd take another one of those in a heartbeat....
In Obama's last day as President, it is clear that he is the greatest modern President (post war)

If anyone must name a President with more accomplishments


What did he accomplish?

Putting grown men in little girls bathrooms?

Not protecting her?

As another Conservative crashes and burns
This is getting ugly

What can be so hard about naming a President who accomplished more than Obama?

Reagan he destroyed the U. S. S. R.

And made the 1980s thru 1990s great
Reagan.....forced the collapse of the evil Soviet Union, gave us the longests sustained economic growth, and made America the great country it used to be before carter took over.


At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise
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As it stands now, Barack Obama will be a top ten President

This is based primarily on looking at what he was handed and what he left his successor

Obama was handed an economy in collapse, on the verge of Depression

If he followed the suggestions of Republicans and provided no stimulus, allowed the banks and auto companies to fail and balanced the budget....we would have entered a Depression
Reagan.....forced the collapse of the evil Soviet Union, gave us the longests sustained economic growth, and made America the great country it used to be before carter took over.


At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise

Yes...left wing revisionist history.....thanks. If not for Reagan the Soviet Union would have gone on and on.....he pushed them over...

Reagan didn't triple the debt.....he had an agreement with the democrats in congress that for each dollar in taxes raised, they would cut 2 dollars in spending.....they lied, took the tax increase and spent the money...and didn't cut a thing....

And Reagan's tax cuts......almost doubled the revenue going to the federal government...sadly, the democrats in congress spent more than double...thus givingt us the debt...
As it stands now, Barack Obama will be a top ten President

This is based primarily on looking at what he was handed and what he left his successor

Obama was handed an economy in collapse, on the verge of Depression

If he followed the suggestions of Republicans and provided no stimulus, allowed the banks and auto companies to fail and balanced the budget....we would have entered a Depression

No...had he done nothing...the economy would have recovered faster and stronger...and he wouldn't have doubled the national debt.
Barook Obongo has done quite well. Enhancing firearm sales and KKK membership. Unifying Whites more than ever before. Providing European Americans proof that Self Segregation is the future of White Civilization. Out of the darkness!!!!!
Reagan.....forced the collapse of the evil Soviet Union, gave us the longests sustained economic growth, and made America the great country it used to be before carter took over.


At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise

Yes...left wing revisionist history.....thanks. If not for Reagan the Soviet Union would have gone on and on.....he pushed them over...

Reagan didn't triple the debt.....he had an agreement with the democrats in congress that for each dollar in taxes raised, they would cut 2 dollars in spending.....they lied, took the tax increase and spent the money...and didn't cut a thing....

And Reagan's tax cuts......almost doubled the revenue going to the federal government...sadly, the democrats in congress spent more than double...thus givingt us the debt...

Reagans greatest accomplishment was to not try to take advantage of a collapsing USSR. That would have led to a military coup.
Reagan developed a close bond with Gorbachev where he allowed Gorby to save face

Reagan tripled the debt by failing to follow a simple economic dictum........Cut your spending FIRST, then cut your revenue
Reagan.....forced the collapse of the evil Soviet Union, gave us the longests sustained economic growth, and made America the great country it used to be before carter took over.


At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise

Yes...left wing revisionist history.....thanks. If not for Reagan the Soviet Union would have gone on and on.....he pushed them over...

Reagan didn't triple the debt.....he had an agreement with the democrats in congress that for each dollar in taxes raised, they would cut 2 dollars in spending.....they lied, took the tax increase and spent the money...and didn't cut a thing....

And Reagan's tax cuts......almost doubled the revenue going to the federal government...sadly, the democrats in congress spent more than double...thus givingt us the debt...

Reagans greatest accomplishment was to not try to take advantage of a collapsing USSR. That would have led to a military coup.
Reagan developed a close bond with Gorbachev where he allowed Gorby to save face

Reagan tripled the debt by failing to follow a simple economic dictum........Cut your spending FIRST, then cut your revenue didn't happen that way....the democrats lied, and broke their deal.....they refused to cut spending that they had agreed to...and then increased spending, out spending all the revenue generated by Reagan's tax cuts...
As it stands now, Barack Obama will be a top ten President

This is based primarily on looking at what he was handed and what he left his successor

Obama was handed an economy in collapse, on the verge of Depression

If he followed the suggestions of Republicans and provided no stimulus, allowed the banks and auto companies to fail and balanced the budget....we would have entered a Depression

No...had he done nothing...the economy would have recovered faster and stronger...and he wouldn't have doubled the national debt.

Bush "Did nothing" as the economy crashed around him. It led to an economic panic and collapse. Bush did not even admit we were in recession until after the 2008 election. It was not till the fall of 2008, that Bush took positive measures

If Obama had done what the Republicans urged him to do.....Allow the banks to fail one by one, allow the auto industry to collapse, balance the budget while we were losing 770,000 jobs a month....we would have had a depression

Which is what the Republicans wanted
Reagan.....forced the collapse of the evil Soviet Union, gave us the longests sustained economic growth, and made America the great country it used to be before carter took over.


At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise

Yes...left wing revisionist history.....thanks. If not for Reagan the Soviet Union would have gone on and on.....he pushed them over...

Reagan didn't triple the debt.....he had an agreement with the democrats in congress that for each dollar in taxes raised, they would cut 2 dollars in spending.....they lied, took the tax increase and spent the money...and didn't cut a thing....

And Reagan's tax cuts......almost doubled the revenue going to the federal government...sadly, the democrats in congress spent more than double...thus givingt us the debt...

Reagans greatest accomplishment was to not try to take advantage of a collapsing USSR. That would have led to a military coup.
Reagan developed a close bond with Gorbachev where he allowed Gorby to save face

Reagan tripled the debt by failing to follow a simple economic dictum........Cut your spending FIRST, then cut your revenue didn't happen that way....the democrats lied, and broke their deal.....they refused to cut spending that they had agreed to...and then increased spending, out spending all the revenue generated by Reagan's tax cuts...

Cut spending FIRST, then adjust your tax rate
Reagan.....forced the collapse of the evil Soviet Union, gave us the longests sustained economic growth, and made America the great country it used to be before carter took over.


At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise

Yes...left wing revisionist history.....thanks. If not for Reagan the Soviet Union would have gone on and on.....he pushed them over...

Reagan didn't triple the debt.....he had an agreement with the democrats in congress that for each dollar in taxes raised, they would cut 2 dollars in spending.....they lied, took the tax increase and spent the money...and didn't cut a thing....

And Reagan's tax cuts......almost doubled the revenue going to the federal government...sadly, the democrats in congress spent more than double...thus givingt us the debt...

Reagans greatest accomplishment was to not try to take advantage of a collapsing USSR. That would have led to a military coup.
Reagan developed a close bond with Gorbachev where he allowed Gorby to save face

Reagan tripled the debt by failing to follow a simple economic dictum........Cut your spending FIRST, then cut your revenue didn't happen that way....the democrats lied, and broke their deal.....they refused to cut spending that they had agreed to...and then increased spending, out spending all the revenue generated by Reagan's tax cuts...

Cut spending FIRST, then adjust your tax rate

He had an agreement to do that...the democrats lied and broke the deal....never, ever trust a democrat.
Reagan.....forced the collapse of the evil Soviet Union, gave us the longests sustained economic growth, and made America the great country it used to be before carter took over.


At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise

Yes...left wing revisionist history.....thanks. If not for Reagan the Soviet Union would have gone on and on.....he pushed them over...

Reagan didn't triple the debt.....he had an agreement with the democrats in congress that for each dollar in taxes raised, they would cut 2 dollars in spending.....they lied, took the tax increase and spent the money...and didn't cut a thing....

And Reagan's tax cuts......almost doubled the revenue going to the federal government...sadly, the democrats in congress spent more than double...thus givingt us the debt...

Reagans greatest accomplishment was to not try to take advantage of a collapsing USSR. That would have led to a military coup.
Reagan developed a close bond with Gorbachev where he allowed Gorby to save face

Reagan tripled the debt by failing to follow a simple economic dictum........Cut your spending FIRST, then cut your revenue didn't happen that way....the democrats lied, and broke their deal.....they refused to cut spending that they had agreed to...and then increased spending, out spending all the revenue generated by Reagan's tax cuts...

Cut spending FIRST, then adjust your tax rate

Nope..... you just do both at the same time.........cut the tax rate, that generates revenue by increasing economic activity.....cut spending....because we give the government way too much money and the politicians steal it, waste it, or lose it....

At least we have one Conservative with balls

Unfortunately, it is a myth that "Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union"
Anyone with any knowledge of economics realizes that Reagan could not have caused the collapse in a little over two years. His Star Wars plans were just pie in the sky and no Soviet counter was needed. The Soviets didn't invest anything in beating Star Wars. The USSR had been collapsing for decades and their ill advised invasion and occupation of Afghanistan pushed them over the brink

Reagan built his economic growth on tripling the debt. A formula Conservatives said they despise

Yes...left wing revisionist history.....thanks. If not for Reagan the Soviet Union would have gone on and on.....he pushed them over...

Reagan didn't triple the debt.....he had an agreement with the democrats in congress that for each dollar in taxes raised, they would cut 2 dollars in spending.....they lied, took the tax increase and spent the money...and didn't cut a thing....

And Reagan's tax cuts......almost doubled the revenue going to the federal government...sadly, the democrats in congress spent more than double...thus givingt us the debt...

Reagans greatest accomplishment was to not try to take advantage of a collapsing USSR. That would have led to a military coup.
Reagan developed a close bond with Gorbachev where he allowed Gorby to save face

Reagan tripled the debt by failing to follow a simple economic dictum........Cut your spending FIRST, then cut your revenue didn't happen that way....the democrats lied, and broke their deal.....they refused to cut spending that they had agreed to...and then increased spending, out spending all the revenue generated by Reagan's tax cuts...

Cut spending FIRST, then adjust your tax rate

He had an agreement to do that...the democrats lied and broke the deal....never, ever trust a democrat.
Some agreement

Let me cut taxes on the rich and pay for it by cutting spending on the poor
The wars are over
Tell that to the soldiers still there taking bullets for YOU.
Not where I live, there is talk of another 700 lay-offs in a nearby town of less than 10k, that on top of about 1400 just this year.
Unemployment, like gas prices, are dropping and we have seen record levels of job growth.
That is if you don't count the people who have quit looking. Gas prices are due in large part to the Balkin Oil Feilds that Obama has opposed from the beginning. Record levels of job growth? Where are you getting your info? CBS?
and the evidence proves that the economy grows more under Democratic than Republican presidents
It's easy to "grow the economy" by spending record levels of deficit money, that our children and grandchildren will have to pay back...
he has supported women’s rights, including equal pay
While HE payed female staffers less than their male counterparts.
And with the Affordable Care Act, known fittingly as Obamacare, he has given all Americans access to healthcare for the first time in our nation’s history.
And put countless small, medium and large companys out of business in the process.

Rousing sucess.

As for the greatest President since WWII? Dispite his many flaws, I would nominate Reagen. Cold War ended because of his policies. Not too bad for an actor.

LOL did someone really say the economy is booming? That's why the new leadership wants to get rid of expensive Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and savings interest rates are sitting at 0.01% at every major bank. You still have to risk your retirement funds in the stock market in order to achieve any kind of growth rather than an IRA. Is the economy better than in 2008? Sure, but hard to get any lower than where it was... Any president was going to see significant growth.

Gas prices don't have that much to do with the president. We aren't in the heat of a war as much as we were when Bush was in office, which contributed to it yes, but oil prices are based off of supply and demand that the president doesn't control along with other market influences, also (mostly) out of the control of the president.

"Women's rights" I don't really care about... Women don't need more rights, they have more rights and privileges than a man does. The nation is more divided than ever because of the catering done to everyone but the white man.
Ranking of Modern Presidents

1. Obama
2. Eisenhower
3. Reagan
4. Truman
5. Clinton
6. LBJ
7. JFK
8. Bush 41
9. Nixon
10. Ford
11. Carter
12. Bush 43
What will enhance Obama's long term legacy will be his being sandwiched between two of the worst modern Presidents. Bush43 we already know and his standing is pretty well cemented. Trump has all the earmarks of one of the worst Presidents ever

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