Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross

First time I saw the video and I saw Obama cross the turkey I said to myself, "some one is going to try and run with that." I am rarely disappointed. :lol:
First time I saw the video and I saw Obama cross the turkey I said to myself, "some one is going to try and run with that." I am rarely disappointed. :lol:

as we were with horses and dogs from some of you here
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Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross​

By: Judi McLeod
November 22, 2012

‘Father Barack Obama‘ mocked the Sign of the Cross at the White House yesterday.

It was an open mockery of the Christian prayer that is accompanied by the immortal words used by peasants and kings over the centuries: “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”.

Obama, who is left-handed, made the sign of the cross with his left hand, which out of respect for the centuries-long Christian practice, no one ever does.

Obama’s left-handed sign of the cross was made over a gobbling turkey during the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony, that takes place at the White House every year shortly before Thanksgiving, having been resurrected by George H.W. Bush in 1989.

Obama departed from the usual “presidential pardon” granting the turkey a “special dispensation” in words as he twice made his left-handed Sign of the Cross.

There were lots of giggles from the two Obama daughters and lots of gobbling from the turkey recorded during the ceremony now on YouTube.

Clearly using his left hand for all to see, Obama made the Sign of the Cross backwards.

Obama absolves Thanksgiving turkey with the Sign of the Cross - YouTube


Read more:
Barack Obama’s open mockery of the Sign of the Cross

Clearly the OP, as with others on the right, have learned nothing from their election loss and are determined to continue making the same mistakes.
I am left handed and Catholic, in my entire life, including 12 years of Catholic school as well as being a camp counselor at a Catholic daycamp and a mentor teaching the disabled how to take 1st communion ,no one has ever suggested I'm sinful or mocking christianity when I used my left hand to make the sign of the cross.

You people have gone off the deep end.
He's left handed. What hand would you expect him to it with? You're just invoking superstition, a sin in itself.

so is his right hand broken..?
the man is nothing but a mockery

Oh my GOD! Obama made the sign of the cross with his left hand - and over a gobbling turkey even. Clearly, he's a Christian-hating Muslim usurper and the Anti-Christ. Clearly.
obama can make an error by giving the sign of the Cross with his left hand because he doesn't much care one way or other whether he's being insulting to Christians.
Leave it to the wingnut brigade to turn a lighthearted presidential tradition into a sad attack on the POTUS.
Hey, let's at least give our resident 'nuts some credit for evolution.

At least they've moved up from the good old days when they were having many good laugh doing things like comparing Michelle Obama to a gorilla, or making jokes about watermelons growing on the WH lawn.

Maybe there is hope for you people.
So let me get this straight.

The President made a mockery of the solemn and sacred ritual of pardoning a turkey at Thanksgiving?

This what you 'nuts are crying about today?
If mocking the sign of the cross were an issue here at all (which is ludicrous to normal people)

wouldn't it be the use of it - with EITHER hand - in the farcical pardoning of turkey??

You people are too stupid to even get faux outrage right...jeezus mary and joseph!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I were president I'd incorporate a new holiday ritual,

every Easter Sunday I would perform the satirical pardon of a pedophile priest.

Okay, here's a theory, howzabout this:

The President, knowing that this was just a farcical moment with a freakin' turkey, purposely used his left hand to sign the cross because he knew that using his right hand would have a direct affront to Christians everywhere. So really, he was just showing his respect for Christian tradition by not using the correct hand during such an un-Christian moment.

Something like that.

So maybe Christians should be thanking him for his thoughtful consideration.

Just trying to help here.

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So let me get this straight.

The President made a mockery of the solemn and sacred ritual of pardoning a turkey at Thanksgiving?

This what you 'nuts are crying about today?

Are you kidding me!!! Forget the fiscal cliff. We need a congressional hearing on this immediately! (OK, I will label this one as sarcasm just in case. :lol:)
"the sign of the cross'' is not even what Obama was doing....

the sign of the cross is when you touch your forehead, then the center of your chest, then your left shoulder, then your right shoulder....

Obviously the op has NO IDEA what the "sign of the cross" is.... so sad to see such ignorance on this board.

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