Barack Obama: The Ghost of Columbia University

Does it matter? The guy is saying that he doesn't remember Obama out of 700 students. So, he's implying that he remembers the names and faces of 700 students from 30 years ago. He's full of shit.

He is actually talking about a black man out of what was probably a handful and one with a "funny sounding" name to boot.

A black man with a funny name. Of course. Fuck off, you sack of shit.

Man do I love it when low information voters make asses out of themselves. The "funny name" remark was a reference to what the Obama said but you apparently only follow party not information.

This is one of is quotes that referenced his funny name:

"Part of, I think, the tradition of the Jewish people is to judge me by what I say and what I've done," he said. "Don't judge me because I've got a funny name, don't judge me because I'm African-American."

Read more: Don't judge me by my funny name, Barack Obama tells Jewish voters - NY Daily News

Now run along you little racist Obama doesn't need the protection of slave masters like yourself.

Do you know why Obama changed his name from Barry to using Barrack? He thought Barry sounded too American. (that is a joke)

OMG the low information voter is coming out. The recession wasn't a depression they don't even know the definition yet alone what happened. Every other recession the recovery has been as big if not bigger then the recession, until Obama. That is fact that isn't speculation it is proven by history.

i find it amusing you parrot the Hate Radio Rhetoric of "Low Information" voter, when you aren't even clear on what terms mean.

The thing is, "Depression" never really had a clear definition, while "recession" is defined as a period of two or more quarters of negative GDP Growth. Effectively, they stopped using the term "Depression" after the 1930's, because the Great Depression was so bad no one wanted to use the word officially again.

(Incidently, the word "Depression" was introduced to replace the word "Panic", which is what they called economic downturns back in the oldy days of the 19th century.)

The 2008 Recession was the most serious event in 80 years because of the level of GDP Shrinkage and the amount of wealth that vanished in terms of lost equity, stock value, revenues, etc. The only Recession that was almost as bad was the 1980-83 recession, and that one was INTENTIONALLY triggered by the Fed to get double digit inflation under control.

Obama care, who knows what is going to happen. We do know that the thing has swelled to so many pages no one could read the damn thing. My company said they were cutting off at least the retirees after 2014 and letting them swim with Obama care exchanges. Which I am not sure are even set up yet for a person to know how they are going to be screwed. Hey Pelosi the damn thing passed when are we going to really know what is in the bill? Damn liars.

You actually believe the shit your company tells you. Hint. Your boss is lying to you. You know hot to tell when the boss is lying? His lips are moving.

Reality- If ObamaCare was going to be as bad as the GOP claims, they'd let it happen and reap the benefits. They don't want it to happen because when it is fully implemented, people are going to find they like it.

Most of all the remark about the Afghanistan war being over. Can there be a bigger or more direct proof of the low information voter? Three just dies yesterday in Afghanistan and the death toll under Obama and his surge is much higher then it was under Bush. And yet Obama admits failure. But because the MSM isn't posting pictures of those flag drapped coffins they said Bush hid they think there are not people fighting and dying. That's what happens when a low information voter gets their news from the Cobert Report.

Again, guy, it's hard to take you seriously about "low information" when you can't even master simple grammar.

Clearly, Afghanistan will end on Obama's watch, and most people will be happy for it. If anything, Obama has been behind Public Opinion, which would have had us out of that snakepit two years ago.
FU joe, typing mistakes is the glory of the liberal left it makes it so much easier for them to try and show there superiority.

Low information voter = those who don't realize that we are still at war in Afghanistan. What more proof do you need joe? The left has shown they could care less about our men fighting and dying. After Obama's election he had his surge and did the liberal left make any noise? No, they were as complient as lemmings marching to the sea. You have no moral base to stand on. The democrat party, spelling very intentional, is a soulless political animal nothing more.
FU joe, typing mistakes is the glory of the liberal left it makes it so much easier for them to try and show there superiority.

Low information voter = those who don't realize that we are still at war in Afghanistan. What more proof do you need joe? The left has shown they could care less about our men fighting and dying. After Obama's election he had his surge and did the liberal left make any noise? No, they were as complient as lemmings marching to the sea. You have no moral base to stand on. The democrat party, spelling very intentional, is a soulless political animal nothing more.

I don't think it was a typing mistake. You frequently seem to have problems structuring sentences.

After the election, the liberal left made no noise about the Surge in Afghanistan because Obama promised to do that during the campaign. He argued that Afghanistan was a "War of Necessity" while Iraq was "the war of choice'.

My own opinion, this was posturing. He was riding the wave of anti-Iraq sentiment while still trying to look tough. I would even go further that the Afghanistan War became pointless after Karzai stole the election in 2009.

Of course NEITHER party is willing or able to have a thoughtful discussion about Afghanistan. They don't want to fight the war any longer than necessary, don't want to throw up our hands and give up, and don't want to admit that if they had a free and open election, the Taliban would probably win hands down.

So Obama will do what Americans are famous for doing in war. Declare victory and go home. Except in his case, he did what Bush was unable to do.

He killed Bin Laden.
FU joe, typing mistakes is the glory of the liberal left it makes it so much easier for them to try and show there superiority.

Low information voter = those who don't realize that we are still at war in Afghanistan. What more proof do you need joe? The left has shown they could care less about our men fighting and dying. After Obama's election he had his surge and did the liberal left make any noise? No, they were as complient as lemmings marching to the sea. You have no moral base to stand on. The democrat party, spelling very intentional, is a soulless political animal nothing more.

I don't think it was a typing mistake. You frequently seem to have problems structuring sentences.

After the election, the liberal left made no noise about the Surge in Afghanistan because Obama promised to do that during the campaign. He argued that Afghanistan was a "War of Necessity" while Iraq was "the war of choice'.

My own opinion, this was posturing. He was riding the wave of anti-Iraq sentiment while still trying to look tough. I would even go further that the Afghanistan War became pointless after Karzai stole the election in 2009.

Of course NEITHER party is willing or able to have a thoughtful discussion about Afghanistan. They don't want to fight the war any longer than necessary, don't want to throw up our hands and give up, and don't want to admit that if they had a free and open election, the Taliban would probably win hands down.

So Obama will do what Americans are famous for doing in war. Declare victory and go home. Except in his case, he did what Bush was unable to do.

He killed Bin Laden.

Barry got OBL because of intel gathered under Bush. Intel gathering that obama stopped. Now instead of gathering intel on foreign terrorists, Obozo is gathering intel on innocent american citizens.

We will lose both Iraq and Afghanistan, just like we lost viet nam. American kids will die for nothing because our govt is afraid to fight wars to win them. We forgot that after WW2.

Barry got OBL because of intel gathered under Bush. Intel gathering that obama stopped. Now instead of gathering intel on foreign terrorists, Obozo is gathering intel on innocent american citizens.

We will lose both Iraq and Afghanistan, just like we lost viet nam. American kids will die for nothing because our govt is afraid to fight wars to win them. We forgot that after WW2.

Quite the contrary. Torture actually produced false leads. Under torture, Khalid Mohammed stated the "Courier" who led to Bin Laden was no one important. Perhaps he was misinformed, perhaps he gave false info despite being tortured. Fact is, torture didn't help find Bin Laden.

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