Barack Obama: The Ghost of Columbia University

Cool story bro. So show us similar records about Obama's time at Columbia, then.

Here you go

Nope. No sale.

That image has no sourcing behind it other than being a "find" by a project backed by

We have no way of ascertaining its authenticity.

I do see it as funny how you will suddenly accept something put up by Breitbart, however.


Oh no, Failability/welcher doesn't buy it.
Please don't try to tell me what I think. Folks who do so are usually intent on skewing things. Or they're just not very good at it.

What I maintain is that Obama has made a concerted effort to hide his past (not counting his autobiographical accounts which may or may not be fiction).

I say it is MORE than passing odd, it is downright strange that a graduate of these Ivy League Schools would be SO damn intent on HIDING his own academic records. The fucking guy was the President of the Law Review at Harvard, for God's sake. It shouldn't be that difficult to imagine that he had some intellectual capacity to back up GETTING to Harvard and getting that Law Review gig.

And yet, no RECORDS.

We DO have an instance of at least one University official (a professor) denying that he ever saw Obama, by the way, so I am not sure why you ask that particular "rhetorical" question.

I can grok that the University would honor the confidentiality/request of a student who denies them the right to release his school records.

What is strange is why a guy who became a success even in Harvard Law would find it so important to conceal his academic history -- including his own financial applications.

Can you list the other Presidents who have released their college transcripts as a matter of course?

for two, Bush II and Gore, neither were particularly impressive.

BUsh II didn't release his college records; they were leaked. Gore was never president.
Does it matter? The guy is saying that he doesn't remember Obama out of 700 students. So, he's implying that he remembers the names and faces of 700 students from 30 years ago. He's full of shit.

He is actually talking about a black man out of what was probably a handful and one with a "funny sounding" name to boot.

A black man with a funny name. Of course. Fuck off, you sack of shit.

LMAO! So this is how a Liberal reacts? YOU'RE RACIST!

Can you list the other Presidents who have released their college transcripts as a matter of course?

for two, Bush II and Gore, neither were particularly impressive.

BUsh II didn't release his college records; they were leaked. Gore was never president.

Gore never released his transcripts either. John Kerry released his AFTER the 2004 election. That's it. He's the only one to voluntarily do so, but it was after he was defeated.

Q: Are Obama’s early records “sealed”?

A: No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted.

Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

More: : Obama's 'Sealed' Records

I was Barack Obama ’83’s roommate at Columbia College in fall 1981. I met him in 1979, when we were freshmen at Occidental College (Oxy) in Los Angeles and our dorm rooms were directly opposite each other.

More: Barack Obama ’83, My Columbia College Roommate | Alumni Corner | Columbia College Today

Birthers claim that no one from Barack Obama's past has come forward saying they knew him. Who were his roommates? No one remembers him in class. No professors remember him. People knew him under different names. He went to college as a foreign student, Barry Soretoro. He never wrote anything. No one has pictures. He never really went to college.

Like everything else Birther, this meme is easily debunked.

California: Occidental College

New York: Columbia University

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Through High School

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: New York, Chicago and Harvard
A black man with a funny name. Of course. Fuck off, you sack of shit.

LMAO! So this is how a Liberal reacts? YOU'RE RACIST!


be honest. who injected obama's color into the discussion first?

The overall discussion? I believe the Democrats did. As for this thread, I try to ignore such puerility. So whenever a liberal uses race, he loses all credibility, he has not a place to call someone racist given the dark history of his party's forebearers.
So you don't think any official at Columbia University would come forward and say that when Obama claims to have graduated from their university cum laude, that he is lying? That's a whole lot of people in on one conspiracy.

no one is claiming that he did not go there and get a degree. the question is how did he pay for it.

how many people would it take for the "bush and cheney did 9/11" conspiracy that some of you libs keep spouting?
a. Did you read the title of this thread?
b. I have no idea why you are bringing up bush and cheney
c. You have no credibility - you can't even answer one simple question posed to you - all you can do is post your racist bs. and yes, calling the President a "half breed from Hawaii" is racist.

As for who brought it up first, you did. In this post. Remember now, you asked for my honesty. Freewill made a passive reference to his skin color, but it wasn't meant as derogatory. The breed and color of skin of a person are irrelevant to one another, so as it stands, you made the connection to race when there was none. Let's not make up definitions as we go. I deplore dishonesty of any kind. As for who referred to him as a "half breed from Hawaii" I cannot find any such reference on this thread, by anyone other than yourself.
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LMAO! So this is how a Liberal reacts? YOU'RE RACIST!


be honest. who injected obama's color into the discussion first?

The overall discussion? I believe the Democrats did. As for this thread, I try to ignore such puerility. So whenever a liberal uses race, he loses all credibility, he has not a place to call someone racist given the dark history of his party's forebearers.

I get it. Liberals are not allowed to discuss Bush or Obama's race. That's exclusively for the right wingers to bring up. Otherwise, it's never pertinent to the discussion. I get it.
be honest. who injected obama's color into the discussion first?

The overall discussion? I believe the Democrats did. As for this thread, I try to ignore such puerility. So whenever a liberal uses race, he loses all credibility, he has not a place to call someone racist given the dark history of his party's forebearers.

I get it. Liberals are not allowed to discuss Bush or Obama's race. That's exclusively for the right wingers to bring up. Otherwise, it's never pertinent to the discussion. I get it.

If you would rather risk being seen as a hypocrite, be my guest, Mondo. I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying it's old and hypocritical for a Democrat to use race in any discussion when the party's history bears out that they were real bad about it. Bush and Cheney are five years ago, and all Democrats do these days is bring them up, for want of an actual argument. Race or Bush, and I'm frankly tired of it. If Liberals in particular cannot fess up to their mistakes, how can they expect those "Racist Republicans" do to likewise?

And as much as you folks bludgeoned people about his race in the 2008 election,and the fact you folks could do nothing but blame Bush, you guys may wish to look for better material.
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The overall discussion? I believe the Democrats did. As for this thread, I try to ignore such puerility. So whenever a liberal uses race, he loses all credibility, he has not a place to call someone racist given the dark history of his party's forebearers.

I get it. Liberals are not allowed to discuss Bush or Obama's race. That's exclusively for the right wingers to bring up. Otherwise, it's never pertinent to the discussion. I get it.

If you would rather risk being seen as a hypocrite, be my guest, Mondo. I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying it's old and hypocritical for a Democrat to use race in any discussion when the party's history bears out that they were real bad about it. Bush and Cheney are five years ago, and all Democrats do these days is bring them up, for want of an actual argument. Race or Bush, and I'm frankly tired of it. If Liberals in particular cannot fess up to their mistakes, how can they expect those "Racist Republicans" do to likewise?

And as much as you folks bludgeoned people about his race in the 2008 election,and the fact you folks could do nothing but blame Bush, you guys may wish to look for better material.
there are two current threads about Obama's college records on this forum. Race was brought up in each one....neither by a liberal. You do the math. I'm tired and am going to bed.
I get it. Liberals are not allowed to discuss Bush or Obama's race. That's exclusively for the right wingers to bring up. Otherwise, it's never pertinent to the discussion. I get it.

If you would rather risk being seen as a hypocrite, be my guest, Mondo. I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying it's old and hypocritical for a Democrat to use race in any discussion when the party's history bears out that they were real bad about it. Bush and Cheney are five years ago, and all Democrats do these days is bring them up, for want of an actual argument. Race or Bush, and I'm frankly tired of it. If Liberals in particular cannot fess up to their mistakes, how can they expect those "Racist Republicans" do to likewise?

And as much as you folks bludgeoned people about his race in the 2008 election,and the fact you folks could do nothing but blame Bush, you guys may wish to look for better material.
there are two current threads about Obama's college records on this forum. Race was brought up in each one....neither by a liberal. You do the math. I'm tired and am going to bed.

First off, a liberal hurled the first r-bomb in his very own thread, very early in the morning I might add.

How did that poor negro afford to attend Columbia? :eusa_think:

Secondly, I am not an oracle, nor do I care to read every thread on this board. In this thread specifically, the only person who mentioned his race here was you. In another thread, a liberal played the very first race card. As I see it, there were two liberals on two similar threads injecting race into the discussion. And I did the math a long time ago, I have 17 trillion reasons why neither party is doing their job. Race has squat to do with it.

This argument has gone beyond the topic of this thread, and I hope you sleep well, Mondo. Good night.
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LMAO! So this is how a Liberal reacts? YOU'RE RACIST!


be honest. who injected obama's color into the discussion first?

The overall discussion? I believe the Democrats did. As for this thread, I try to ignore such puerility. So whenever a liberal uses race, he loses all credibility, he has not a place to call someone racist given the dark history of his party's forebearers.

Wait. So, liberals can never discuss race because early southern Democrats were racists? So, then you can never discuss fiscal responsibility because the last Republican POTUS (and GOP congressmen) was not fiscally responsible?
be honest. who injected obama's color into the discussion first?

The overall discussion? I believe the Democrats did. As for this thread, I try to ignore such puerility. So whenever a liberal uses race, he loses all credibility, he has not a place to call someone racist given the dark history of his party's forebearers.

Wait. So, liberals can never discuss race because early southern Democrats were racists? So, then you can never discuss fiscal responsibility because the last Republican POTUS (and GOP congressmen) was not fiscally responsible?

Why is it always Bush's fault? Why can't you acknowledge that Obama is just as bad if not worse than he at "fiscal responsibility"? Great diversion. You can't discuss it either, JED. Nice strawman, it bears a striking resemblance! You deflect to Bush whenever you cannot bear to acknowledge the flaws of the man you blindly elected into office.
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The overall discussion? I believe the Democrats did. As for this thread, I try to ignore such puerility. So whenever a liberal uses race, he loses all credibility, he has not a place to call someone racist given the dark history of his party's forebearers.

Wait. So, liberals can never discuss race because early southern Democrats were racists? So, then you can never discuss fiscal responsibility because the last Republican POTUS (and GOP congressmen) was not fiscally responsible?

Why is it always Bush's fault? Why can't you acknowledge that Obama is just as bad if not worse than he at "fiscal responsibility"? Great diversion. You can't discuss it either, JED. Nice strawman, it bears a striking resemblance! You deflect to Bush whenever you cannot bear to acknowledge the flaws of the man you blindly elected into office.

Nope. Sorry. You can't discuss fiscal responsibility because Bush wasn't fiscally responsible. Your rules.
Bush WAS fiscally responsible. Compared to oblameya, he was positively parsimonious.

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