Barack Obama: The Ghost of Columbia University

Bush WAS fiscally responsible. Compared to oblameya, he was positively parsimonious.


national debt under bush---5T to 9T in 8 years
national debt under obama---9T to 16T in 4 years

So who was more fiscally responsible???????? actually neither, but one is clearly worse.

so Bush double the national debt while Obama only increased it by 50%.

But here's the thing. Most of the elements of Obama's debt were baked into the pie by Bush.

The obscene tax cuts for the wealthy, the interest on the debt, and the obligation to conclude two expensive wars.
Sadly, it is likely we have a foreign NWO Global Elite-plant for our President. Even his most loyal worshippers know very little about the man and his past. Despite the MSM's herculean efforts to ignore or dismiss this, i think this really does say it all...

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national debt under bush---5T to 9T in 8 years
national debt under obama---9T to 16T in 4 years

So who was more fiscally responsible???????? actually neither, but one is clearly worse.

so Bush double the national debt while Obama only increased it by 50%.

But here's the thing. Most of the elements of Obama's debt were baked into the pie by Bush.

The obscene tax cuts for the wealthy, the interest on the debt, and the obligation to conclude two expensive wars.

Obama is a fiscal failure. Just like his presidency


Nope. No sale.

That image has no sourcing behind it other than being a "find" by a project backed by

We have no way of ascertaining its authenticity.

I do see it as funny how you will suddenly accept something put up by Breitbart, however.


Oh no, Failability/welcher doesn't buy it.

^ uh uh uh Jeb uh uh still clinging to that desperate effort to deflect.

A: you cock sucker, it is you who is the fail.
B: you rancid twat, I didn't welsh -- as you would know if you had the ability to use logic and if you had any honesty. But of course, you lack those attributes.

Now, back ON topic:

Nobody should "buy" it.

The only reason a cock gobbler like you even pretends to buy it is that you'd toss Obama's salad anytime and anywhere. You aren't governed by logic, objectivity or reason.

You remain just a fucking sycophant hack lib bitch.


national debt under bush---5T to 9T in 8 years
national debt under obama---9T to 16T in 4 years

So who was more fiscally responsible???????? actually neither, but one is clearly worse.

so Bush double the national debt while Obama only increased it by 50%.

But here's the thing. Most of the elements of Obama's debt were baked into the pie by Bush.

The obscene tax cuts for the wealthy, the interest on the debt, and the obligation to conclude two expensive wars.

Bullshit. the democrat controlled congress authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama continued the bush tax rates---which actually cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

When does obama ever become responsible for anything? Its been 5 years, and you fools are still blaming bush, how about blaming the guy ahead of obama-----oh, that was obama.
Nope. No sale.

That image has no sourcing behind it other than being a "find" by a project backed by

We have no way of ascertaining its authenticity.

I do see it as funny how you will suddenly accept something put up by Breitbart, however.


Oh no, Failability/welcher doesn't buy it.

^ uh uh uh Jeb uh uh still clinging to that desperate effort to deflect.

A: you cock sucker, it is you who is the fail.
B: you rancid twat, I didn't welsh -- as you would know if you had the ability to use logic and if you had any honesty. But of course, you lack those attributes.

Now, back ON topic:

Nobody should "buy" it.

The only reason a cock gobbler like you even pretends to buy it is that you'd toss Obama's salad anytime and anywhere. You aren't governed by logic, objectivity or reason.

You remain just a fucking sycophant hack lib bitch.


:lol: Go wash down your heart meds with another vodka on the rocks before you blow a blood vessel, counselor. Err I mean welcher
national debt under bush---5T to 9T in 8 years
national debt under obama---9T to 16T in 4 years

So who was more fiscally responsible???????? actually neither, but one is clearly worse.

so Bush double the national debt while Obama only increased it by 50%.

But here's the thing. Most of the elements of Obama's debt were baked into the pie by Bush.

The obscene tax cuts for the wealthy, the interest on the debt, and the obligation to conclude two expensive wars.

Obama is a fiscal failure. Just like his presidency


NOpe. That's going to be your Boy Bush. Even Republicans don't want to own him.

Obama is going to be well regarded when he leaves.
Bullshit. the democrat controlled congress authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama continued the bush tax rates---which actually cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

When does obama ever become responsible for anything? Its been 5 years, and you fools are still blaming bush, how about blaming the guy ahead of obama-----oh, that was obama.

Again, why do the rich need tax cuts? They didn't do what Bush said they would do. They didn't expand the economy.
Bullshit. the democrat controlled congress authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama continued the bush tax rates---which actually cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

When does obama ever become responsible for anything? Its been 5 years, and you fools are still blaming bush, how about blaming the guy ahead of obama-----oh, that was obama.

Again, why do the rich need tax cuts? They didn't do what Bush said they would do. They didn't expand the economy.

Govt revenues increased after the tax cuts, check it out.

I never said that the rich needed tax cuts, why did obama continue them? Obama must think they need tax cuts. Why does Obama's buddy Imelt (CEO of GE) get to run his huge corporation and not pay any taxes on billions of dollars of profit?
Both Mitch McConnell and Jon Kyl have recently said that the Bush tax cuts did not reduce overall federal tax revenue and thus could not be said to have contributed to the federal budget deficit.

Are they right ?

Bruce Bartlett, a former Domestic Policy adviser to President Reagan who became a strident critic of the Bush Administration’s economic policies, says that they’re absolutely wrong and that the actual data shows that revenue did go down after the tax cuts went into effect:


More: Did The Bush Tax Cuts Reduce Federal Tax Revenue ?
so Bush double the national debt while Obama only increased it by 50%.

But here's the thing. Most of the elements of Obama's debt were baked into the pie by Bush.

The obscene tax cuts for the wealthy, the interest on the debt, and the obligation to conclude two expensive wars.

Obama is a fiscal failure. Just like his presidency


NOpe. That's going to be your Boy Bush. Even Republicans don't want to own him.

Obama is going to be well regarded when he leaves.

Really? He must have a second wind in him. He has much work to do. Better bury these scandals and get with the program

Obama is a fiscal failure. Just like his presidency


NOpe. That's going to be your Boy Bush. Even Republicans don't want to own him.

Obama is going to be well regarded when he leaves.

Really? He must have a second wind in him. He has much work to do. Better bury these scandals and get with the program


The Liberal Democrat response to the above post will be:

"What scandals?"
Bullshit. the democrat controlled congress authorized and funded Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama continued the bush tax rates---which actually cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, not just the rich.

When does obama ever become responsible for anything? Its been 5 years, and you fools are still blaming bush, how about blaming the guy ahead of obama-----oh, that was obama.

Again, why do the rich need tax cuts? They didn't do what Bush said they would do. They didn't expand the economy.

Govt revenues increased after the tax cuts, check it out.

I never said that the rich needed tax cuts, why did obama continue them? Obama must think they need tax cuts. Why does Obama's buddy Imelt (CEO of GE) get to run his huge corporation and not pay any taxes on billions of dollars of profit?

NO, they didn't. We went from Surpluses under Clinton to 400 billion dollar deficits under Bush.

Supply Side doesn't work. Never has, never will.
Obama is a fiscal failure. Just like his presidency


NOpe. That's going to be your Boy Bush. Even Republicans don't want to own him.

Obama is going to be well regarded when he leaves.

Really? He must have a second wind in him. He has much work to do. Better bury these scandals and get with the program


Ended the Great Recession.
Established Universal Health Care
Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.

You guys will be lucky to keep him off Mount Rushmore.
NOpe. That's going to be your Boy Bush. Even Republicans don't want to own him.

Obama is going to be well regarded when he leaves.

Really? He must have a second wind in him. He has much work to do. Better bury these scandals and get with the program


Ended the Great Recession.
Established Universal Health Care
Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.

You guys will be lucky to keep him off Mount Rushmore.

1. He did? Then why are we still $17 trillion in debt?

2. Nope, it's slowly crumbling around him. More and more states are filing for exemptions. It's more of a disaster than a healthcare plan.

3. Iraq is, Afghanistan isn't. He hasn't closed Guantanamo Bay either.

You guys will be lucky if you get a lawn portrait of him.
Well, Obama is kinda forgettable. For instance, remember all the promises he made, like balance the budget, end the wars, close Guantanamo bay, sunset the Bush era tax cuts, go line by line on bills... end corruption? Yeah, all the Obama-bots forgot about all of them promises, now they defend the war on terror, bailouts, mass money bombs dumped on the rich to play with in the markets and record deficits.

I seriously doubt Obama will be forgotten. We will be paying for years for his mis-deeds.

The Columbia story has me wondering. When a professor who taught the classes that Obama should have attended comes out and says that he doesn't remember Obama something just ain't right. And the fact that his records indicate the wasn't that great of a student at Occidental seems it VERY unlikely that an American could transfer to Columbia.

On the other hand there are those who do say they remember him. So what's up with that? There was a poem, I think, that was published at Columbia credited to Obama and used as proof he attended. All it really proves is that a article was printed that may have been written by Obama.

I think Obama is the Manchurian Canidate.

Nobody remembered seeing Bush at his National Guard Drills, either.

But the records indicate he was there.


Yes, the records that were actually released.
I seriously doubt Obama will be forgotten. We will be paying for years for his mis-deeds.

The Columbia story has me wondering. When a professor who taught the classes that Obama should have attended comes out and says that he doesn't remember Obama something just ain't right. And the fact that his records indicate the wasn't that great of a student at Occidental seems it VERY unlikely that an American could transfer to Columbia.

On the other hand there are those who do say they remember him. So what's up with that? There was a poem, I think, that was published at Columbia credited to Obama and used as proof he attended. All it really proves is that a article was printed that may have been written by Obama.

I think Obama is the Manchurian Canidate.

Nobody remembered seeing Bush at his National Guard Drills, either.

But the records indicate he was there.


Yes, the records that were actually released.

My own suspicion- in Bush's case, it was a case of "Officer's Country". The officers looked out for each other.
Really? He must have a second wind in him. He has much work to do. Better bury these scandals and get with the program


Ended the Great Recession.
Established Universal Health Care
Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.

You guys will be lucky to keep him off Mount Rushmore.

1. He did? Then why are we still $17 trillion in debt?

2. Nope, it's slowly crumbling around him. More and more states are filing for exemptions. It's more of a disaster than a healthcare plan.

3. Iraq is, Afghanistan isn't. He hasn't closed Guantanamo Bay either.

You guys will be lucky if you get a lawn portrait of him.

OMG the low information voter is coming out. The recession wasn't a depression they don't even know the definition yet alone what happened. Every other recession the recovery has been as big if not bigger then the recession, until Obama. That is fact that isn't speculation it is proven by history.

Obama care, who knows what is going to happen. We do know that the thing has swelled to so many pages no one could read the damn thing. My company said they were cutting off at least the retirees after 2014 and letting them swim with Obama care exchanges. Which I am not sure are even set up yet for a person to know how they are going to be screwed. Hey Pelosi the damn thing passed when are we going to really know what is in the bill? Damn liars.

Most of all the remark about the Afghanistan war being over. Can there be a bigger or more direct proof of the low information voter? Three just dies yesterday in Afghanistan and the death toll under Obama and his surge is much higher then it was under Bush. And yet Obama admits failure. But because the MSM isn't posting pictures of those flag drapped coffins they said Bush hid they think there are not people fighting and dying. That's what happens when a low information voter gets their news from the Cobert Report.
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