"We are Hamas": the death of Columbia University

Well, if I lived in Rome, I’d probably care.

As for your childlike fantasy about America circling the drain...sorry to disappoint you but its only the hard right who are being marginalized.

Whatcha gonna do about it?

Apparently you're not well educated either.

America is circling the drain, once you give the left unfettered power, you think your voice is going to matter to them? Fool. I hope you're young enough to have to live through the consequences of your folly and your arrogant mouth.
Almost certain to happen .
Time will show , but my guess is that the Chinese are deeply involved , with the word , Deeply , being key .

They know how to plan decades ahead , just like Deep State .

But not soppy America

I'd say yes china has a hand in things but I'd bet my bottom dollar it's more about the world economic forum. Time and time again people in there like George soros and claus scwaub have bought politicians in America, had a hand in American politics, soros just bought the 2nd largest broadcasting company in America. Even American members of the world economic forum have had a hand in twisting America like Bill gates. They have companies like blackrock in there with unlimited funds.

Remember they said America is over. The world economic forum declared America over. And the end began with them rotting our nation from the inside out. The open border is a big part of that as well, weaken a nation and depelete it's funds, cause problems in major cities, have crime up all by flooding it with illegal non citizens
Little culture shift to the left. Please remain seated until the fundamental changes take effect.

So? A couple of hundred students are protesting at a university that has more than 36,000 students.

That constitutes an official fart in a hurricane.

The MSM & Trumpbots are grossly exaggerating the significance.
So? A couple of hundred students are protesting at a university that has more than 36,000 students.

That constitutes an official fart in a hurricane.

The MSM & Trumpbots are grossly exaggerating the significance.

This is your Charlottesville.
This is Joe Biden's America, and America under leftist influence.

"Exterminate the Jews" is now the rallying cry of the DemoKKKrat party.

It's here.

Shocking video captures moment protester near Columbia University yells, ‘We’re all Hamas,’ ‘Long live Hamas’​

SICK JOE and his voters think its 1945.
I'd say yes china has a hand in things but I'd bet my bottom dollar it's more about the world economic forum. Time and time again people in there like George soros and claus scwaub have bought politicians in America, had a hand in American politics, soros just bought the 2nd largest broadcasting company in America. Even American members of the world economic forum have had a hand in twisting America like Bill gates. They have companies like blackrock in there with unlimited funds.

Remember they said America is over. The world economic forum declared America over. And the end began with them rotting our nation from the inside out. The open border is a big part of that as well, weaken a nation and depelete it's funds, cause problems in major cities, have crime up all by flooding it with illegal non citizens
The WEF wants to smash the nation state.

Israelis have the strongest sense of nationhood imaginable, and are a strong ally of the U.S.

There are no coincidences.
This is Joe Biden's America, and America under leftist influence.

"Exterminate the Jews" is now the rallying cry of the DemoKKKrat party.

It's here.

Shocking video captures moment protester near Columbia University yells, ‘We’re all Hamas,’ ‘Long live Hamas’​

/—-/ Liberalism is evil.
I'd say yes china has a hand in things but I'd bet my bottom dollar it's more about the world economic forum. Time and time again people in there like George soros and claus scwaub have bought politicians in America, had a hand in American politics, soros just bought the 2nd largest broadcasting company in America. Even American members of the world economic forum have had a hand in twisting America like Bill gates. They have companies like blackrock in there with unlimited funds.

Remember they said America is over. The world economic forum declared America over. And the end began with them rotting our nation from the inside out. The open border is a big part of that as well, weaken a nation and depelete it's funds, cause problems in major cities, have crime up all by flooding it with illegal non citizens

Do not disagree with the drift of your feelings .
But I think well known individual public figures , and even the WEF as an entity , are just day- to day -top management rather than the Deep State Board of directors , metaphorically .

My view is that once the likes of us know a name , we are not dealing with a top power source .
Obviously the Evil of men like Soros and Gates is almost self evident but they are only Gate Keepers to the" Nest of Vipers" .
It may be that those top people are all from the cast of International Settlement Bankers and threfore all Jewish -- which does throw the cat among the Tigers , if correct .
But might explain what otherwise seem to be huge anomalies .

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