"We are Hamas": the death of Columbia University

Nope. I win. Often.

When you let people get violent, this is what happens. Hopefully the powers that be will take a harder line in the future. Let that be a lesson to you guys when you try to overturn the next election. Also let it be a lesson to any liberals who try as well; it’s just that you guys have a very long history of violence in the name of your blob.

Wow, broad brush much? And then you roll commie propaganda in as well. I really don't think between the mass riots in 2020 with theses terrorist sympathizers, I don't think the numbers even come close. Political violence is the marxist trade mark.

99% of the time...from MAGA dolts

“Universities are indoctrination centers. We should close them!!!"


“Columbia university closed down...life as we know it is over!!!!”
I'm guessing you have no clue why Columbia U. closed down for the academic year.
Nope. I win. Often.

When you let people get violent, this is what happens. Hopefully the powers that be will take a harder line in the future. Let that be a lesson to you guys when you try to overturn the next election. Also let it be a lesson to any liberals who try as well; it’s just that you guys have a very long history of violence in the name of your blob.

That's right, that's all you care about, winning. Thanks for admitting it. Rome can burn, but as long as you're 'winning', that's all that matters. The mantra of the left.
No, I win because Columbia is still there and Blob-U isn’t.

I do like how you sign off your posts with “Nazi”though... Freudian Slip?

Columbia is still there, still there to propagate hate and violence. Yes, you 'win' indeed.
Wow, broad brush much? And then you roll commie propaganda in as well. I really don't think between the mass riots in 2020 with theses terrorist sympathizers, I don't think the numbers even come close. Political violence is the marxist trade mark.

Only if you’re now saying that the MAGAs are Marxists.
i.e. you support what they're allowing to continue and don't feel any consequences should be paid, quite the opposite, you're cheering them on and want more of it.

He LOVES it.

As I've said, the new slogan of the DemoKKKrat party is "Death to the Jews".
That's right, that's all you care about, winning. Thanks for admitting it. Rome can burn, but as long as you're 'winning', that's all that matters. The mantra of the left.

Well, if I lived in Rome, I’d probably care.

As for your childlike fantasy about America circling the drain...sorry to disappoint you but its only the hard right who are being marginalized.

Whatcha gonna do about it?
Well, if I lived in Rome, I’d probably care.

As for your childlike fantasy about America circling the drain...sorry to disappoint you but its only the hard right who are being marginalized.

Whatcha gonna do about it?

This is your Charlottesville.
He LOVES it.

As I've said, the new slogan of the DemoKKKrat party is "Death to the Jews".
Ironically, the right wing was the ones chanting “Jews will not replace us"

Screen Shot 2024-04-23 at 4.37.38 PM.png

Keep teeing them up for me, I’ll keep parking them 300 yards down the fairway.
Great to see the old people here not knowing whom to hate most --- Transgenders , Russians or supporters of the Hammer Freedom Fighters .
Must be so stressful for you all .

Must not mention Iran , our old friend Kim Jong Un, or sweet Bashem al-Assad .
I do not want to be responsible for any ischemic transient attacks or brain fractures.

What do you guys like best ?
Starvation , rape , torture or death?
This is a failing of America. Allowing foriegn politics and beliefs to gain a foothold in America.

People protesting, rioting and causing problems in America in the name of a foreign nation is bad, very bad. If left to fester eventually we will see bombings and attacks inside America in the name of other countries.

In this instance this is also the fault of the university because they allowed their students to get out of control, and push social and political agendas. It's a university, it's for education and that's all. It isn't a battleground for political agendas. Every student should be expelled for their behavior and the faculty should be fired that's involved.

But nope, universities only care about money, that's why they let things get out of hand because they don't want to lose tuition or donations. They are willing to sacrifice education, safety of students, and so on to make money. And they are also gutless cowards afraid of looking bad by shutting down protests and bad behavior.
This is a failing of America. Allowing foriegn politics and beliefs to gain a foothold in America.

People protesting, rioting and causing problems in America in the name of a foreign nation is bad, very bad. If left to fester eventually we will see bombings and attacks inside America in the name of other countries.

In this instance this is also the fault of the university because they allowed their students to get out of control, and push social and political agendas. It's a university, it's for education and that's all. It isn't a battleground for political agendas. Every student should be expelled for their behavior and the faculty should be fired that's involved.

But nope, universities only care about money, that's why they let things get out of hand because they don't want to lose tuition or donations. They are willing to sacrifice education, safety of students, and so on to make money. And they are also gutless cowards afraid of looking bad by shutting down protests and bad behavior.
Almost certain to happen .
Time will show , but my guess is that the Chinese are deeply involved , with the word , Deeply , being key .

They know how to plan decades ahead , just like Deep State .

But not soppy America

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