Barack Obama's Legacy

Corruption is when you are abusing your official position for personal gain.
You truly are the imbecile to end all imbeciles. Corruption has nothing to do with “personal gain”, you fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

View attachment 308711

There was nothing fraudulent alleged and defining corruption as simply "dishonest" is insanely broad definition that dilutes the seriousness of the charge.

There has never been and never will be a completely honest politician of real stature.
Yes he did dummy. Trump abused his official powers to go after his PERSONAL political opposition.
President Trump has a “personal” politic? Bwahahaha!!! I’m dying. :lmao:

This imbecile not only doesn’t know the meaning of the world “corruption”, he doesn’t even know the meaning of the word “personal”. Unless Trump literally owns Joe Biden (like an actual slave), then Biden cannot be his “personal political opposition”.

Furthermore, asshat, Joe Biden was never President Trump’s “opposition”. He never received a nomination from the Dumbocrat Party and is just about out of the race. :laugh:
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There was nothing fraudulent alleged and defining corruption as simply "dishonest" is insanely broad definition that dilutes the seriousness of the charge.
Hey, look at that! Dummy here accidentally just woke up without even realizing it.

You’re right, there was nothing fraudulent alleged because there was nothing fraudulent committed. Hence the reason President Trump was exonerated and acquitted. The Democrats couldn’t even articulate their charges. Their Articles of Impeachment stated “abuse of power” but they couldn’t even state what exactly he did that “abused power”.
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There was nothing fraudulent alleged and defining corruption as simply "dishonest" is insanely broad definition that dilutes the seriousness of the charge.
Hey, look at that! Dummy here accidentally just woke up without even realizing it.

You’re right, there was nothing fraudulent alleged because there was nothing fraudulent committed. Hence the reason President Trump was exonerated and acquitted. The Democrats couldn’t even articulate their charges. Their Articles of Impeachment stated “abuse of power” but they couldn’t even state what exactly he did that “abused power”.

Damn, you are so dysfunctional you can't even keep up a conversation - nothing fraudulent was alleged by the whistleble against Obama's administration. The whistleblowing was over a disagreement on policy, not that admistration did it out of some sort of corrupt intent.
According to Glenn Beck (aka Hen Peck) ??? LoL!! :lmao:

  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed a check and loaded emotional headlines.
According to Glenn Beck (aka Hen Peck) ??? LoL!! :lmao:

  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed a check and loaded emotional headlines.
Well that’s a really cute little paragraph. Of course, everyone notices how both it and you failed to give some actual examples of The Blaze being “bias” with “loaded” headlines. Oops.
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Damn, you are so dysfunctional you can't even keep up a conversation
Says the imbecile who thinks corruption means “personal gain” and who thinks asking about Biden’s highly corrupt and unethical actions were “personal gains” for President Trump. :laugh:

Your IQ has to be in the single digits.
Damn, you are so dysfunctional you can't even keep up a conversation
Says the imbecile who thinks corruption means “personal gain” and who thinks asking about Biden’s highly corrupt and unethical actions were “personal gains” for President Trump. :laugh:

Your IQ has to be in the single digits.

What the hell does pushing President of Ukraine to go on TV to announce investigations into Biden and DNC server have to do with "asking about"?

What the hell does holding up millitary aid to Ukraine have to do with mere "asking about"?

What the hell does standing on White House lawn asking China and Ukraine to investigate Biden have to do with "asking about"?

, is the correct answer for all of these and if you weren't such a braindead Trump suck off that much would clear to you as it is to everyone else including a long list of Republicans that admited that charges underlying Article I of impeachment are true - Trump abused his office to go after a political rival.
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Trump abused his office to go after a political rival.
Again, snowflake, President Trump has no "political rival". Joe Biden has never received the nominee from the Democrat Party (or any other party) and he's not even likely to.

So your accusation is completely idiotic even at the most fundamental level. You're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such a shame there is no cure yet.
What the hell does standing on White House lawn asking China and Ukraine to investigate Biden have to do with "asking about"?
What the hell does it have to do with "corruption" by President Trump? That doesn't even remotely rise to the level of "corruption". He inquired about the corruption of Sleazy Joe Biden and his sleazy son, in Ukraine. Nothing wrong with that. 100% legal, imbecile.
Here's to baby black jesus and his legacy

What the hell does standing on White House lawn asking China and Ukraine to investigate Biden have to do with "asking about"?
What the hell does it have to do with "corruption" by President Trump? That doesn't even remotely rise to the level of "corruption". He inquired about the corruption of Sleazy Joe Biden and his sleazy son, in Ukraine. Nothing wrong with that. 100% legal, imbecile.

It has to do with abusing your office to go after personal political opposition dummy. How many times does same shit needs to be explained?

If Trump was not a total degenerate he would use that opportunity to say this:

"Russia, Ukraine, China and any other country listening, I don't need your help winning, stay the hell out of American elections!"

But he is a total degenerate, so instead he openly and covertly solicited foreign election help and got himself impeached.

Trump abused his office to go after a political rival.
Again, snowflake, President Trump has no "political rival". Joe Biden has never received the nominee from the Democrat Party (or any other party) and he's not even likely to.

So your accusation is completely idiotic even at the most fundamental level. You're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such a shame there is no cure yet.

Trump campaign and others on his behalf spent millions of dollars in Democrat early voting primary states SPECIFCIALLY AGAINST Joe Biden...but hey, some guy on the internet told me thats not because they considered Joe political opposition...they just like to burn money aimlessly.


Dumbass, the absolutely 100% sure way for Trump to not lose to BIden (who consistenly polled the best against Trump) is NOT RUN AGAINT HIM at all by sinking him in the primary, preferably to some socialist that has no chance in the general election.
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It has to do with abusing your office to go after personal political opposition dummy. How many times does same shit needs to be explained?
Joe Biden is not his "political opposition", you imbecile. President Trump has no political opposition at this point. He won't until the Dumbocrats nominate a candidate.

How many times do you need something so obvious, explained to you? :lmao:
Trump campaign and others on his behalf spent millions of dollars in Democrat early voting primary states SPECIFCIALLY AGAINST Joe Biden...but hey, some guy on the internet told me thats not because they considered Joe political opposition...they just like to burn money aimlessly.
Let's see if we can dumb this down on the level that an imbecile like you can understand. President Trump's "political opposition" will be the person who has received the nomination from the Dumbocrat Party. Has Joe Biden been nominated by the Dumbocrats? Yes or No?
Obama was a stuttering imbecile...
A Google search of "does Obama have a speech impediment" turns up several pages of discussion among the president's supporters and critics alike. Admittedly, the president is given to a lot of pauses, "uhs" and sputtering starts to his sentences. As polished as he often is before large crowds (where the adjective "soaring" is often applied to his speeches), his impromptu speaking frequently calls to mind a doctoral candidate delivering a wobbly dissertation defense.
Just another part of his pitiful legacy, no matter how hard his devoted media tries to spin it.

Meghan Daum: Obama's fast brain vs. slow mouth

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