Barackalypse Now: The story of one man’s destruction of the American Dream


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By: Vince

By now you have figured out that Armageddon did not occur on Friday and the dire warnings from the White House that the nation would essentially collapse were, shall we say, somewhat overstated.

That doesn’t mean however that the nation and American prosperity is in any less danger. Barackalypse Now is indeed upon us, and it has nothing to do with the Sequester. It has everything to do with the deranged economic policies of the Obama administration.

Virtually every American would like to be a little better off tomorrow than he or she is today. It makes no difference whether they are rich or poor, or whether they are happy with their current circumstances. Most of us would simply like to be a little better off next year and the years after than we are today. Most of us don’t mind working to make that a reality, but the question is, how we can accomplish it.

One way many people have chosen to pursue the American Dream has been to start their own businesses. The goal of entrepreneurs is often a mix of trying to become wealthy and doing something about which they are passionate. Every single company you know the name of or have interacted with started out at some point as just an idea that someone sought to do something with. Two such companies are Subway, the largest sub sandwich restaurant chain in the world and Home Depot, America’s largest home improvement chain. Both have thousands of locations, do billions of dollars a year in revenue and employ hundreds of thousands of people. Both companies started out with one unit each and grew into the 800 lb gorillas they are today. Interestingly, the founders of both companies say that if they started their companies today they could never have succeeded. And it has nothing to do with the recession, indeed Home Depot was founded in 1978 in the midst of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression.

Both founders cite government regulations for the reason that they could not succeed. Fred Deluca, the founder of Subway says:

It’s continuously gotten worse because there’s more and more regulations and it’s tougher for people to get into business, especially a small business. I tell you, if I started Subway today, Subway would not exist, because I had an easy time of it in the ’60s when I started and I just see a continuous increase in regulation.​

Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot says this when asked why more businesses don’t complain about the regulatory burdens:

They are frightened to death — frightened that they will have the IRS or SEC on them. In my 50 years in business, I have never seen executives of major companies who were more intimidated by an administration.​

Although overregulation has been getting worse for decades, the Obama administration has put the regulatory apparatus on steroids and uses the coercive power of government to intimidate businesses into submission. The result is that large companies like Home Depot, Subway, Google, Wal-Mart and others can hire armies of lawyers to bring them into compliance or find loopholes through which they can maneuver. Small businesses however, the fount of jobs, with their limited resources and bandwidth simply can’t compete. The result is that big companies get bigger and fewer competitors emerge as success as an entrepreneur becomes less possible. It’s ironic that the administration that was so quick to embrace Occupy Wall Street’s disdain for big business has actually helped big business by suppressing potential competitors.


Another way Americans seek to improve their lives is to find a good paying job. Here too the Obama administration has punched the average American in the solar plexus. Perhaps no single regulation has had more negative impact on jobs in the economy than has Obamacare. The regulations are not yet fully implemented but they are already causing a disaster in job creation. Across the country employers are shifting employees from full time (defined as 30 hours or more a week) to part time status so that they can avoid the taxes associated with Obamacare. The result is that fewer people will have full time jobs and must take two or three part time jobs to make what they would have at one full time job. That is the definition of inefficiency. From a quality of life perspective Obamacare is going to result in parents spending more time out of the house as they work their two six hour jobs with two hours in between or they work seven days to earn a full time equivalent paycheck. Even without families, everyone is going to have less leisure time to do everything from go to restaurants, the movies, the beach, play sports, read books or whatever it is they love to do.


Read more:
Barackalypse Now: The story of one man?s destruction of the American Dream | Flopping Aces
Yeah, but every one will be equally miserable. Aren't we all for equality?
Damn and I was expecting to see a fast meltdown. Damn all were going to get is a slow down of about 1.5 % in the coming months. Thank Republicans down the road.
Everyone needs to remember that the economic collapse happened as Obama was coming into office. Which means, the administration before his didn't do their jobs. Although, he could do a better job of leading the recovery.
Here is a guy who had a single mother. Who was on food stamps. Who worked his way into Harvard. Became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. Worked diligently for his community. Became one of the most prolific state senators in Illinois state history. Became one of the most prolific Senators in US history. Successfully ran for president twice and received a majority of votes both times.

And support from the right includes:

Has received the most death threats in US history. The right said their number one priority is to ruin him. The right has the most number of filibusters in American history. The right left him with the worst economy, two unpaid for wars and have worked to oppose him on everything since his popular election.

Obama has lived the American dream, and the radical, racist Confederate Right Wing has worked to turn it into a nightmare. They will bring down the country before seeing a successful black president.
Here is a guy who had a single mother. Who was on food stamps. Who worked his way into Harvard. Became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. Worked diligently for his community. Became one of the most prolific state senators in Illinois state history. Became one of the most prolific Senators in US history. Successfully ran for president twice and received a majority of votes both times.

And support from the right includes:

Has received the most death threats in US history. The right said their number one priority is to ruin him. The right has the most number of filibusters in American history. The right left him with the worst economy, two unpaid for wars and have worked to oppose him on everything since his popular election.

Obama has lived the American dream, and the radical, racist Confederate Right Wing has worked to turn it into a nightmare. They will bring down the country before seeing a successful black president.

I was hoping right wingers could help us out with more ways they supported the country helping Obama.
Here is a guy who had a single mother. Who was on food stamps. Who worked his way into Harvard. Became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. Worked diligently for his community. Became one of the most prolific state senators in Illinois state history. Became one of the most prolific Senators in US history. Successfully ran for president twice and received a majority of votes both times.

And support from the right includes:

Has received the most death threats in US history. The right said their number one priority is to ruin him. The right has the most number of filibusters in American history. The right left him with the worst economy, two unpaid for wars and have worked to oppose him on everything since his popular election.

Obama has lived the American dream, and the radical, racist Confederate Right Wing has worked to turn it into a nightmare. They will bring down the country before seeing a successful black president.
I don't give a flying fuck what color he is.
Why must you liberals always bring it down to such a superficial excuse?
If Hillary followed similar behavior and policies, you'd accuse the right of hating women.
It's never about character, integrity or ideology.
It always comes down to race and sex.
Here is a guy who had a single mother. Who was on food stamps. Who worked his way into Harvard. Became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. Worked diligently for his community. Became one of the most prolific state senators in Illinois state history. Became one of the most prolific Senators in US history. Successfully ran for president twice and received a majority of votes both times.

And support from the right includes:

Has received the most death threats in US history. The right said their number one priority is to ruin him. The right has the most number of filibusters in American history. The right left him with the worst economy, two unpaid for wars and have worked to oppose him on everything since his popular election.

Obama has lived the American dream, and the radical, racist Confederate Right Wing has worked to turn it into a nightmare. They will bring down the country before seeing a successful black president.
I don't give a flying fuck what color he is.
Why must you liberals always bring it down to such a superficial excuse?
If Hillary followed similar behavior and policies, you'd accuse the right of hating women.
It's never about character, integrity or ideology.
It always comes down to race and sex.

Because he's shown himself to be an intelligent man with character, integrity and good American ideals. Republicans don't recognize these things because they believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and they are 90% or more white. The GOP is the home of today's confederacy. It's not a secret.

To pretend something that is, isn't, is simply pitiful. Just pitiful.
Here is a guy who had a single mother. Who was on food stamps. Who worked his way into Harvard. Became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. Worked diligently for his community. Became one of the most prolific state senators in Illinois state history. Became one of the most prolific Senators in US history. Successfully ran for president twice and received a majority of votes both times.

And support from the right includes:

Has received the most death threats in US history. The right said their number one priority is to ruin him. The right has the most number of filibusters in American history. The right left him with the worst economy, two unpaid for wars and have worked to oppose him on everything since his popular election.

Obama has lived the American dream, and the radical, racist Confederate Right Wing has worked to turn it into a nightmare. They will bring down the country before seeing a successful black president.

I was hoping right wingers could help us out with more ways they supported the country helping Obama.

I was raised by a widowed mother since I was 12, along with my 6 siblings who were aged 3 to 18 at the time. No food stamps BTW. We went on to get jobs.

Obama was NOT a "prolific state senator". That's an insult to all who have served that position. I've been a resident of this state most my life. He was as much an ineffective senator as he is President.

Speaking of radical and racist...
Here is a guy who had a single mother. Who was on food stamps. Who worked his way into Harvard. Became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. Worked diligently for his community. Became one of the most prolific state senators in Illinois state history. Became one of the most prolific Senators in US history. Successfully ran for president twice and received a majority of votes both times.

And support from the right includes:

Has received the most death threats in US history. The right said their number one priority is to ruin him. The right has the most number of filibusters in American history. The right left him with the worst economy, two unpaid for wars and have worked to oppose him on everything since his popular election.

Obama has lived the American dream, and the radical, racist Confederate Right Wing has worked to turn it into a nightmare. They will bring down the country before seeing a successful black president.
I don't give a flying fuck what color he is.
Why must you liberals always bring it down to such a superficial excuse?
If Hillary followed similar behavior and policies, you'd accuse the right of hating women.
It's never about character, integrity or ideology.
It always comes down to race and sex.

Because he's shown himself to be an intelligent man with character, integrity and good American ideals. Republicans don't recognize these things because they believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and they are 90% or more white. The GOP is the home of today's confederacy. It's not a secret.

To pretend something that is, isn't, is simply pitiful. Just pitiful.

Wow what GROUNDBREAKING INSIGHT!! If you don't agree with Obama then you're a RACIST!!! Oh, do you realize what you've done? You've broken this whole thing WIDE OPEN!! It's not safe for you here. Travel only at night dressed as a cactus. What REALLY then would they have said about Obama if he was a black female transgendered lesbian who spoke Spanish???!!!!
Here is a guy who had a single mother. Who was on food stamps. Who worked his way into Harvard. Became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. Worked diligently for his community. Became one of the most prolific state senators in Illinois state history. Became one of the most prolific Senators in US history. Successfully ran for president twice and received a majority of votes both times.

And support from the right includes:

Has received the most death threats in US history. The right said their number one priority is to ruin him. The right has the most number of filibusters in American history. The right left him with the worst economy, two unpaid for wars and have worked to oppose him on everything since his popular election.

Obama has lived the American dream, and the radical, racist Confederate Right Wing has worked to turn it into a nightmare. They will bring down the country before seeing a successful black president.

I was hoping right wingers could help us out with more ways they supported the country helping Obama.

I was raised by a widowed mother since I was 12, along with my 6 siblings who were aged 3 to 18 at the time. No food stamps BTW. We went on to get jobs.

Obama was NOT a "prolific state senator". That's an insult to all who have served that position. I've been a resident of this state most my life. He was as much an ineffective senator as he is President.

Speaking of radical and racist...

Radical racist right wingers can't see him as anything but what they imagine. It's impossible. They are simply too full of hate.
I was hoping right wingers could help us out with more ways they supported the country helping Obama.

I was raised by a widowed mother since I was 12, along with my 6 siblings who were aged 3 to 18 at the time. No food stamps BTW. We went on to get jobs.

Obama was NOT a "prolific state senator". That's an insult to all who have served that position. I've been a resident of this state most my life. He was as much an ineffective senator as he is President.

Speaking of radical and racist...

Radical racist right wingers can't see him as anything but what they imagine. It's impossible. They are simply too full of hate.

So if some preening, effete, precious white twit liberal from France had Obama's far left policies, no one would criticize him?
I was hoping right wingers could help us out with more ways they supported the country helping Obama.

I was raised by a widowed mother since I was 12, along with my 6 siblings who were aged 3 to 18 at the time. No food stamps BTW. We went on to get jobs.

Obama was NOT a "prolific state senator". That's an insult to all who have served that position. I've been a resident of this state most my life. He was as much an ineffective senator as he is President.

Speaking of radical and racist...

Radical racist right wingers can't see him as anything but what they imagine. It's impossible. They are simply too full of hate.

I sure as fuck didn't vote for him. Either time.

But when he was first elected, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for the sheer magnitude of the history unfolding before me. At that point I resigned myself to believing that he could at least attempt to bridge racial divide, rekindle a new kind of pride in America, impress the world through diplomacy, and foster a climate of economic certainty and direction.

He has proven to be a major failure on all fronts.

I'm not a racist, nor am I a "right-winger" but I sure as hell am a realist. And this guy is as phony as they come. A phony pony. Screw that little moron.
I don't give a flying fuck what color he is.
Why must you liberals always bring it down to such a superficial excuse?
If Hillary followed similar behavior and policies, you'd accuse the right of hating women.
It's never about character, integrity or ideology.
It always comes down to race and sex.

Because he's shown himself to be an intelligent man with character, integrity and good American ideals. Republicans don't recognize these things because they believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and they are 90% or more white. The GOP is the home of today's confederacy. It's not a secret.

To pretend something that is, isn't, is simply pitiful. Just pitiful.

Wow what GROUNDBREAKING INSIGHT!! If you don't agree with Obama then you're a RACIST!!! Oh, do you realize what you've done? You've broken this whole thing WIDE OPEN!! It's not safe for you here. Travel only at night dressed as a cactus. What REALLY then would they have said about Obama if he was a black female transgendered lesbian who spoke Spanish???!!!!

I will attempt an explanation, but for your kind and others of your ilk, all you'll hear is "la la la la la".

You can disagree with a person's policies without making them out to be a "monster" or "unAmerican". Now, Bush's policies were designed to move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. He tricked America into a war. But he's still American. He simply has a perspective where there is a deserving upper class.
Same with Mitt Romney.
But right wingers call Obama a thug and a drug addict and Muslim. Even a full quarter of the Republican Party believes he is the anti-Christ. This is race based. Nothing to do with his policies.

And the policies, that he's Hitler and wants to be a dictator. Huh? Where does that even come from?

Mitt Romney did say he wouldn't represent 47% of Americans. He said it. He meant it.

If you disagree with Obama's policies, fine, but the policies right wingers assign to Obama are so far out there and ridiculous, it's clear they are imaginary and the product of racist fucks. They don't know Obama's policies and don't want to know.

What percentage of Republicans believe it was Romney who took out Bin Laden? That kind of clues you in.
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Because he's shown himself to be an intelligent man with character, integrity and good American ideals. Republicans don't recognize these things because they believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and they are 90% or more white. The GOP is the home of today's confederacy. It's not a secret.

To pretend something that is, isn't, is simply pitiful. Just pitiful.

Wow what GROUNDBREAKING INSIGHT!! If you don't agree with Obama then you're a RACIST!!! Oh, do you realize what you've done? You've broken this whole thing WIDE OPEN!! It's not safe for you here. Travel only at night dressed as a cactus. What REALLY then would they have said about Obama if he was a black female transgendered lesbian who spoke Spanish???!!!!

I will attempt an explanation, but for your kind and others of your ilk, all you'll hear is "la la la la la".

You can disagree with a person's policies without making them out to be a "monster" or "unAmerican". Now, Bush's policies were designed to move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. He tricked America into a war. But he's still American. He simply has a perspective where there is a deserving upper class.
Same with Mitt Romney.
But right wingers call Obama a thug and a drug addict and Muslim. Even a full quarter of the Republican Party believes he is the anti-Christ. This is race based. Nothing to do with his policies.

And the policies, that he's Hitler and wants to be a dictator. Huh? Where does that even come from?

Mitt Romney did say he wouldn't represent 47% of Americans. He said it. He meant it.

If you disagree with Obama's policies, fine, but the policies right wingers assign to Obama are so far out there and ridiculous, it's clear they are imaginary and the product of racist fucks. They don't know Obama's policies and don't want to know.

What percentage of Republicans believe it was Romney who took out Bin Laden? That kind of clues you in.

I'll give you credit... you put a lot of time, thought, and effort into stupid.

Your mind trolls along a pitiful one-dimentional plane.
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DOW nears all time high!!! :cool:

This is true. But it's also due to the fact that all the major corporations used the cash they brought back to the US during Bush's 5% tax holiday to buy up huge blocks of shares of their own companies - they now set their own prices by creating a shortage of shares. And, as always, the revenues generated are bound for off-shore havens yet again.

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