Barbara Walters Praising Cuba as ‘One of the Freest Nations on Earth.’

Well that is the stupidest most dishonest spin I've ever seen. Oh wait everything you know is, super duper. Cubans do know how to read now, you ought to try it. Try a newspaper that isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch
Well that is the stupidest most dishonest spin I've ever seen. Oh wait everything you know is, super duper. Cubans do know how to read now, you ought to try it. Try a newspaper that isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch
If fascism was the only yardstick Democrats would be the freeest people on earth.
War is peace, slavery is freedom.

Good friend of mine was a Castro political prisoner for years. His crime was signing a petition about some meaningless issue. Second worst President got him out in some deal. He has no reason why, says it was a God thing.

Barbara Walters Praising Cuba as ‘One of the Freest Nations on Earth.’

LOL, when you are over 80, you think Depends are what life is all about!

Ba-Ba-Waa-Waa is honestly Incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial!
War is peace, slavery is freedom.

Good friend of mine was a Castro political prisoner for years. His crime was signing a petition about some meaningless issue. Second worst President got him out in some deal. He has no reason why, says it was a God thing.

Barbara Walters Praising Cuba as ‘One of the Freest Nations on Earth.’

This was 16 years ago

Wait, wait, are you telling all of us that the Left can't even get its time clock correct?

Say it isn't sooooo, lol! And why aren't any of us surprised!
Well that is the stupidest most dishonest spin I've ever seen. Oh wait everything you know is, super duper. Cubans do know how to read now, you ought to try it. Try a newspaper that isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch
If fascism was the only yardstick Democrats would be the freeest people on earth.
Any argument based on reality? Fascism is right wing by the way for as long as it's been a word, and that stupid book liberal fascism is absolute garbage for ignorant brainwashed functional morons only...
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War is peace, slavery is freedom.

Good friend of mine was a Castro political prisoner for years. His crime was signing a petition about some meaningless issue. Second worst President got him out in some deal. He has no reason why, says it was a God thing.

Barbara Walters Praising Cuba as ‘One of the Freest Nations on Earth.’

This was 16 years ago

Wait, wait, are you telling all of us that the Left can't even get its time clock correct?

Say it isn't sooooo, lol! And why aren't any of us surprised!
She is talking about literacy which is extremely high now in Cuba. Jesus you people are dumb...
War is peace, slavery is freedom.

Good friend of mine was a Castro political prisoner for years. His crime was signing a petition about some meaningless issue. Second worst President got him out in some deal. He has no reason why, says it was a God thing.

Barbara Walters Praising Cuba as ‘One of the Freest Nations on Earth.’

LOL, when you are over 80, you think Depends are what life is all about!

Ba-Ba-Waa-Waa is honestly Incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial!
Read the link for crying out loud, she's talking about literacy in Cuba not freedom dumbasses.
The old bat has lost her battle with dementia.
Read the article s*******. She's talking about literacy. How brainwashed and ignorant can you get?

If you read the whole in context it makes no sense whatsoever. Perhaps if you believe peace is war, love is hate, happiness is misery you might find some sense in her remark. I stand by, she has lost her battle with dementia. Too bad so sad for you and your Orwellian beliefs.
War is peace, slavery is freedom.

Good friend of mine was a Castro political prisoner for years. His crime was signing a petition about some meaningless issue. Second worst President got him out in some deal. He has no reason why, says it was a God thing.

Barbara Walters Praising Cuba as ‘One of the Freest Nations on Earth.’

She's lost her marbles!
I read news about Cuba daily and it is still one of the most repressive regimes on this earth. And it is working hard to make things worst in Venezuela and Nicaragua.

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