Barcelona attack

13 dead, 100 injured. More dead may come.
Two arrested in the attack. These are not true believers.
They can't be taken prisoners, that bring shame on the family.

btw.. Reports an explosion. That may be part of the attack.TBD?

the scum worshippers of the meccan rapist are OFTEN taken as prisoners-----
even as prisoners the dogs and sluts are lauded as heroes

Not the ones that are on a suicide attack.
This one still loose, so he must do more damage soon.
Or will be captured or shot. You refer to fighters.

As two are arrested now, one a Spanish national and a Moroccan, neither are the driver. Reported

I am fascinated by your explanation of SUICIDE OPERATIVES ------few people here would
know that "THEY END UP DEAD ANYWAY" is the classical justification of Islamic terrorism.
I know because this issue was explained to me by a muslim physician who was keeping
up with the development of Islamic terrorism ----more than 45 years ago. But the fact is that
lots of suicide kids do fail -------and get arrested in the act or after the act-------they do not
all die even if they INTEND to die. --------they end up short circuited to jail rather than JANNAH.
Hopefully the straggler WILL be short circuited

Out of all mass attacks, say in the last 50 years.
Where the chances you will not be alive after, have happened?
How many have gone on trial? How many are in jail? I'll take a shot.
Less than 5% worldwide, go on trial or are in jail.

your post is not clear------ 'where the chances"----is not actually English. I do not
understand what the point of your post is-----or even what you are calling "MASS
ATTACK" ----most terrorist attacks are not actually "MASS" most are random killings
of either one or a few people
According to news conference from Barcelona, those in custody are not the driver. They were involved in an explosion last night, and are also connected to today's attack.
Where the explosion occurred it was like a bomb factory. One died in the explosion. One other inside injured, 5 others injured outside the house.
Looks like one of them stole his older brother's ID to make it look like it was the brother that was renting the van etc. Seems like there are no limits to the depravity of an Islamist dirtbag, even direct family members aren't off limits.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Numerous gas tanks in the house, according to the Prime Minister. From news conference.
According to news conference from Barcelona, those in custody are not the driver. They were involved in an explosion last night, and are also connected to today's attack.
Where the explosion occurred it was like a bomb factory. One died in the explosion. One other inside injured, 5 others injured outside the house.
Looks like one of them stole his older brother's ID to make it look like it was the brother that was renting the van etc. Seems like there are no limits to the depravity of an Islamist dirtbag, even direct family members aren't off limits.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

USMB, where burden of proof is already dead.
According to news conference from Barcelona, those in custody are not the driver. They were involved in an explosion last night, and are also connected to today's attack.
Where the explosion occurred it was like a bomb factory. One died in the explosion. One other inside injured, 5 others injured outside the house.
Looks like one of them stole his older brother's ID to make it look like it was the brother that was renting the van etc. Seems like there are no limits to the depravity of an Islamist dirtbag, even direct family members aren't off limits.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.

USMB, where burden of proof is already dead.

I've counted like at least ten links so far.
Pogo, once again typing while sucking his mosque Imam's dick.
13 dead, 100 injured. More dead may come.
Two arrested in the attack. These are not true believers.
They can't be taken prisoners, that bring shame on the family.

btw.. Reports an explosion. That may be part of the attack.TBD?

Ahh, the apologies start.

For what?

the issue is a mass murder. Most people in the world consider murder a significant sin even if
the victims are not muslims

That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.

what are you calling "cowardly terms"? who is "worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons." If "Some killings are good, some are bad"
how are you evaluating the Barcelona attack?

gods are fake, PERIOD! But some claim one god wiped out life on earth. But for a few first known BOAT PEOPLES and their pets. Only those people on that boat were worthy to let live. I won't get into the whole world repopulation shit. We can just godly factually agree here, all other colors, races can be traced back to these inbreeders. I wonder who was doing what animal then. And made what colored folks. When we know some females were taking on the YUGE options. As they gave birth to them adjusted gene pool types. Following gods is a cowardly act, no better than just following a better one named Allah. Or if helps here, just worshipping the newest ordure laid by a pet in your yard.
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Adolf Hitler claimed to be "finishing the work of the Lord Jesus Christ" so..... :eusa_hand:

Actually so did Eric Rudolph and all those "Army of God" wackos.

Unless of course you're about to tell us you believe everything DAESH says, since they would never tell a lie, no more than Hitler would engage in propaganda. :eusa_angel:

Double Standard; it's what's for dinner.
No double standard, Muslims are committing heinous barbaric terrorist acts on totally innocent civilians all across Western cities, and they need to be stopped. Have you removed your foot from your mouth by claiming it was "separatists" that must have done it, or are you still riding that dick?

I see you weep more for the Muslims and Islam's reputation than for all the innocent people that were killed and permanently maimed in this attack.

You are truly a repugnant human being. Watch out for that Karma.
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

As I keep pointing out-- Double Standard. They don't want to feel the wrath of the Broad Brush, yet hesitate not a nanosecond to apply it to others.
There some lefties who don't care about what going on in Spain. as usual
Yeah, they wan't to keep talking about Nazis vs Commies fight in Charlottesville.

They just lefties
a Turkish restaurant ----no less
A Spanish news chanel has claimed the attackers are of North African origin.

This is so eery because we saw an amazing Andalusian style flamenco show in that exact area and dined there several times.

let me guess COPTS

Let me guess --- the same shit-stirrer that couldn't come up with the link he was asked for in post 2 ----- didn't post one for this claim either.

He must think we're all stoopid.
No, you're the fucking stoopid ignorant moron. The identities have been disclosed, they are Muslim animals. You must enjoy the taste of shit and looking like a total fool in public.

Again --- as waaaaaay back in post 2 -----------

---- Link?
Driss Oukabir


Driss Oukabir, Barcelona attack suspect, had criminal record for domestic abuse
Look who's ahead of the curve on defending Muslim Terrorists - just scroll back up a bit and see, for yourself, the newest Obama wannabe!

Link to "Muslim terrorists"?


Still waiting on that.

But look who's way ahead of the curve in pulling out ass---- umptions.

Yeah, no way it could be a Muslim, I mean, gee, how could it?

It could. But what I asked for was a LINK to the ass-ertion.

Learn how to reed.
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

Beautiful country. Went all over. As I was watching the busy spectacular treelined streets in Barcelona packed with lively people shopping or hanging out in a cafe, I kept asking myself, "this place is like a ticking time bomb, why have terrorists not struck here?" And as we can see it just happened, less than a week after I got back.

Islam is a cancer to modern civilization.

Me too, I was in Barcelona last summer. One of my favorite cities in Europe.

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

It was sound judgement and clairvoyance. The attacks were done by Muslims, are you still denying that? Or are you going to start talking about separatist movements in Spain, then claim you weren't trying to say the attack was separatists?
There some lefties who don't care about what going on in Spain. as usual
Yeah, they wan't to keep talking about Nazis vs Commies fight in Charlottesville.

They just lefties
A Spanish news chanel has claimed the attackers are of North African origin.

This is so eery because we saw an amazing Andalusian style flamenco show in that exact area and dined there several times.

let me guess COPTS

Let me guess --- the same shit-stirrer that couldn't come up with the link he was asked for in post 2 ----- didn't post one for this claim either.

He must think we're all stoopid.
No, you're the fucking stoopid ignorant moron. The identities have been disclosed, they are Muslim animals. You must enjoy the taste of shit and looking like a total fool in public.

Again --- as waaaaaay back in post 2 -----------

---- Link?
Driss Oukabir


Driss Oukabir, Barcelona attack suspect, had criminal record for domestic abuse

Now there's a pattern.

James Fields also had a record of domestic abuse.
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

Beautiful country. Went all over. As I was watching the busy spectacular treelined streets in Barcelona packed with lively people shopping or hanging out in a cafe, I kept asking myself, "this place is like a ticking time bomb, why have terrorists not struck here?" And as we can see it just happened, less than a week after I got back.

Islam is a cancer to modern civilization.

Me too, I was in Barcelona last summer. One of my favorite cities in Europe.

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

It was sound judgement and clairvoyance. The attacks were done by Muslims, are you still denying that? Or are you going to start talking about separatist movements in Spain, then claim you weren't trying to say the attack was separatists?

BroadBrush says what?

Once AGAIN for the short bus apparently still circling unable to park ----

I never said the attack was by anybody. You and yours did that. And to save us all a search, you just did it again directly above.

I don't make assertions I can't back up.

Prove me wrong.
Terrorism has hit Barcelona today and left at least 13 dead and more than a hundred wounded in the most serious attack suffered by Spain since 11-M (and the first jihadist since then). That is the balance that at the last minute throws the attack committed before five in the afternoon with a van on La Rambla, in the heart of the Catalan capital. The Mossos detained two people. Terror has spread in the center of the city, which has been evacuated as police search the perpetrators. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack at the last minute. The Mossos d'Esquadra relate the attack with the explosion yesterday of a house in Alcanar.

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