Barcelona attack

There some lefties who don't care about what going on in Spain. as usual
Yeah, they wan't to keep talking about Nazis vs Commies fight in Charlottesville.

They just lefties
let me guess COPTS

Let me guess --- the same shit-stirrer that couldn't come up with the link he was asked for in post 2 ----- didn't post one for this claim either.

He must think we're all stoopid.
No, you're the fucking stoopid ignorant moron. The identities have been disclosed, they are Muslim animals. You must enjoy the taste of shit and looking like a total fool in public.

Again --- as waaaaaay back in post 2 -----------

---- Link?
Driss Oukabir


Driss Oukabir, Barcelona attack suspect, had criminal record for domestic abuse

Now there's a pattern.

James Fields also had a record of domestic abuse.
We are talking about Driss Oukabir and ISIS claim the Attack . this is serious people are dead in the street if Barcelona.
this as Nothing to do with James Fields or Trump.
Hell, the authorities have asserted there were at least 5 involved, they accidentally blew up their bomb making house last night and Elpais, their local media is calling it a jihadist attack. What more do you want?
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

Beautiful country. Went all over. As I was watching the busy spectacular treelined streets in Barcelona packed with lively people shopping or hanging out in a cafe, I kept asking myself, "this place is like a ticking time bomb, why have terrorists not struck here?" And as we can see it just happened, less than a week after I got back.

Islam is a cancer to modern civilization.

Me too, I was in Barcelona last summer. One of my favorite cities in Europe.

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

It was sound judgement and clairvoyance. The attacks were done by Muslims, are you still denying that? Or are you going to start talking about separatist movements in Spain, then claim you weren't trying to say the attack was separatists?

BroadBrush says what?

Once AGAIN for the short bus apparently still circling unable to park ----

I never said the attack was by anybody. You and yours did that. And to save us all a search, you just did it again directly above.

I don't make assertions I can't back up.

Prove me wrong.
the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.
Terrorism has hit Barcelona today and left at least 13 dead and more than a hundred wounded in the most serious attack suffered by Spain since 11-M (and the first jihadist since then). That is the balance that at the last minute throws the attack committed before five in the afternoon with a van on La Rambla, in the heart of the Catalan capital. The Mossos detained two people. Terror has spread in the center of the city, which has been evacuated as police search the perpetrators. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack at the last minute. The Mossos d'Esquadra relate the attack with the explosion yesterday of a house in Alcanar.

Of the attackers. Seems it is a cell.
Numerous gas tanks in the house, according to the Prime Minister. From news conference.

sorry I missed it. Who's house?

And what will The Great Orange Douche, do about it?

I'm still waiting for that 30-day ISIS defeated plan to be revealed.
OR Seeing some people dying by American hands somewhere.
Hell, The Douche said he can beat Isis so fast and easy.
Well, 7 months later, still just waiting, for either to happen.
And by IT's failure to get on it, some 13 died and 100 were wound,
if are by Isis hands.

Well, The Great Orange Douche does NOTHANG!
There some lefties who don't care about what going on in Spain. as usual
Yeah, they wan't to keep talking about Nazis vs Commies fight in Charlottesville.

They just lefties
Let me guess --- the same shit-stirrer that couldn't come up with the link he was asked for in post 2 ----- didn't post one for this claim either.

He must think we're all stoopid.
No, you're the fucking stoopid ignorant moron. The identities have been disclosed, they are Muslim animals. You must enjoy the taste of shit and looking like a total fool in public.

Again --- as waaaaaay back in post 2 -----------

---- Link?
Driss Oukabir


Driss Oukabir, Barcelona attack suspect, had criminal record for domestic abuse

Now there's a pattern.

James Fields also had a record of domestic abuse.
We are talking about Driss Oukabir and ISIS claim the Attack . this is serious people are dead in the street if Barcelona.
this as Nothing to do with James Fields or Trump.

That's Phase Two. We're still trying to get past Phase One.

Phase One is the ass-erters showing evidence that "this guy is a Muslim".
Phase Two will be showing how that is a causation.

Because if it is a causation, then we have to know James Field's religion as well. Because religion is a causation.

Or maybe it isn't.

We have yet to hear that case made. Although we have already many apologists for the Double Standard fallacy. So this is where they earn their paycheck.
the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

Rightie' here. Post #288
Barcelona attack
Jihadist by their press isn't good enough for you?
There some lefties who don't care about what going on in Spain. as usual
Yeah, they wan't to keep talking about Nazis vs Commies fight in Charlottesville.

They just lefties
No, you're the fucking stoopid ignorant moron. The identities have been disclosed, they are Muslim animals. You must enjoy the taste of shit and looking like a total fool in public.

Again --- as waaaaaay back in post 2 -----------

---- Link?
Driss Oukabir


Driss Oukabir, Barcelona attack suspect, had criminal record for domestic abuse

Now there's a pattern.

James Fields also had a record of domestic abuse.
We are talking about Driss Oukabir and ISIS claim the Attack . this is serious people are dead in the street if Barcelona.
this as Nothing to do with James Fields or Trump.

That's Phase Two. We're still trying to get past Phase One.

Phase One is the ass-erters showing evidence that "this guy is a Muslim".
Phase Two will be showing how that is a causation.

Because if it is a causation, then we have to know James Field's religion as well. Because religion is a causation.

Or maybe it isn't.

We have yet to hear that case made.
Hell, the authorities have asserted there were at least 5 involved, they accidentally blew up their bomb making house last night and Elpais, their local media is calling it a jihadist attack. What more do you want?
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

Beautiful country. Went all over. As I was watching the busy spectacular treelined streets in Barcelona packed with lively people shopping or hanging out in a cafe, I kept asking myself, "this place is like a ticking time bomb, why have terrorists not struck here?" And as we can see it just happened, less than a week after I got back.

Islam is a cancer to modern civilization.

Me too, I was in Barcelona last summer. One of my favorite cities in Europe.

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

It was sound judgement and clairvoyance. The attacks were done by Muslims, are you still denying that? Or are you going to start talking about separatist movements in Spain, then claim you weren't trying to say the attack was separatists?

BroadBrush says what?

Once AGAIN for the short bus apparently still circling unable to park ----

I never said the attack was by anybody. You and yours did that. And to save us all a search, you just did it again directly above.

I don't make assertions I can't back up.

Prove me wrong.
What they want is to said it is Trump fault and talk about some other thing alway there to defend the muslims terrorists they will never learn there lesson. Trump said : i talk about it since they like to bring up .:thup:
Trump : The Antifa did not have a permit, they did not belong there. but no they have the right to go and Attack for lefties view
They have all the right like the muslims terrorists and they don't like that Trump tell them to get lost.:thup:
rawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

You do miss him.

so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

As I keep pointing out-- Double Standard. They don't want to feel the wrath of the Broad Brush, yet hesitate not a nanosecond to apply it to others.
But wait, I thought it was separatists that did this? Done eating that shit?
the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

Rightie' here. Post #288
Barcelona attack
Are you afraid to admit you support this type of mass murder? Is it because someone will decide it's rational to neutralize you?
Hell, the authorities have asserted there were at least 5 involved, they accidentally blew up their bomb making house last night and Elpais, their local media is calling it a jihadist attack. What more do you want?
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

Beautiful country. Went all over. As I was watching the busy spectacular treelined streets in Barcelona packed with lively people shopping or hanging out in a cafe, I kept asking myself, "this place is like a ticking time bomb, why have terrorists not struck here?" And as we can see it just happened, less than a week after I got back.

Islam is a cancer to modern civilization.

Me too, I was in Barcelona last summer. One of my favorite cities in Europe.

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

It was sound judgement and clairvoyance. The attacks were done by Muslims, are you still denying that? Or are you going to start talking about separatist movements in Spain, then claim you weren't trying to say the attack was separatists?

BroadBrush says what?

Once AGAIN for the short bus apparently still circling unable to park ----

I never said the attack was by anybody. You and yours did that. And to save us all a search, you just did it again directly above.

I don't make assertions I can't back up.

Prove me wrong.
It doesn't matter what the local highly liberal Spanish media say either! What matters is what Pogo and his local fellow Muslims say!
the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

Rightie' here. Post #288
Barcelona attack
Are you afraid to admit you support this type of mass murder? Is it because someone will decide it's rational to neutralize you?

How do you image this in the brain?
The rational posters would like to know.

Btw. Are you one, who thinks all Islamic people are terrorists?
Let's review some of Dumbfuck on a Pogo-stick's initial responses, always very entertaining:

"What's this got to do with "Islam"? You know something the police don't?

You were in Spain and you don't know about Catalonian separatists or what?"
the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

Rightie' here. Post #288
Barcelona attack
Are you afraid to admit you support this type of mass murder? Is it because someone will decide it's rational to neutralize you?

How do you image this in the brain?
The rational posters would like to know.

Btw. Are you one, who thinks all Islamic people are terrorists?
Several things. Just to name a few: Your tacit support of the Jihadists. Your frequent anti-Western either making false claims or spun in a highly distorted manner. Your dodging of direct questions.

No. I think most Muslims, on the order of 99.98%, are too busy struggling to survive or minding their own business to busy themselves with mass murder.
More dumbfuck Pogo, watch how he desperately tries to pin this on "separatists" :

>> Thousands of Catalan separatists gathered in Barcelona on Sunday to protest against a series of legal challenges made by Spain’s government against pro-independence Catalan politicians.
... Polls consistently show that Catalonia’s 7.5 million residents are equally divided on breaking century-old ties with the rest of Spain. Catalonia’s current regional president, Carles Puigdemont, plans to call another referendum on independence by September. << --- Thousands of Catalan Separatists Protest

"September" would mean this referendum should come up next month.
Btw. Are you one, who think all Islamic people are terroist?
More dumbfuck Pogo, watch how he desperately tries to pin this on "separatists" :

>> Thousands of Catalan separatists gathered in Barcelona on Sunday to protest against a series of legal challenges made by Spain’s government against pro-independence Catalan politicians.
... Polls consistently show that Catalonia’s 7.5 million residents are equally divided on breaking century-old ties with the rest of Spain. Catalonia’s current regional president, Carles Puigdemont, plans to call another referendum on independence by September. << --- Thousands of Catalan Separatists Protest

"September" would mean this referendum should come up next month.

Spain's many separatist terrorist groups, can't hire out of town terrorist?
Btw. Are you one, who think all Islamic people are terroist?
More dumbfuck Pogo, watch how he desperately tries to pin this on "separatists" :

>> Thousands of Catalan separatists gathered in Barcelona on Sunday to protest against a series of legal challenges made by Spain’s government against pro-independence Catalan politicians.
... Polls consistently show that Catalonia’s 7.5 million residents are equally divided on breaking century-old ties with the rest of Spain. Catalonia’s current regional president, Carles Puigdemont, plans to call another referendum on independence by September. << --- Thousands of Catalan Separatists Protest

"September" would mean this referendum should come up next month.

Spain's separatists terrorist, can't hire out of town terrorist?
Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but you appear to be even dumber than Pogo. Congratulations on winning this award.

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