Barcelona attack

More Pogo Dumbfuck, it's gotta be separatists!

"Separatism is separatism. It's always about territory and autonomy. Nobody ever characterized the IRA as "Christian terrorists".

"Here's a page on Separatist/Secessionist movements in Europe, way too many to count in over 20 countries.

Here's a map of those movements in Spain alone (from that page)...


Catalonia would be the lighter green on the right including Majorca. And Barcelona.
The Basques would be the darker green extending into France.
The yellow in the far left would be Galícia. It's marked by the same mountain range that separates Spain and Portugal, hence the language thing.
These have been going on far FAR longer than anything contemporary. Yet vacuums like the OP just stick their fingers in their historical ears and go "Moooooooslims!"
Btw. Are you one, who think all Islamic people are terroist?
More dumbfuck Pogo, watch how he desperately tries to pin this on "separatists" :

>> Thousands of Catalan separatists gathered in Barcelona on Sunday to protest against a series of legal challenges made by Spain’s government against pro-independence Catalan politicians.
... Polls consistently show that Catalonia’s 7.5 million residents are equally divided on breaking century-old ties with the rest of Spain. Catalonia’s current regional president, Carles Puigdemont, plans to call another referendum on independence by September. << --- Thousands of Catalan Separatists Protest

"September" would mean this referendum should come up next month.

Spain's separatists terrorist, can't hire out of town terrorist?
Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but you appear to be even dumber than Pogo. Congratulations on winning this award.

There are many factions there. They all have ties. Well, most.

They will always go back to arms and bombs to get gobmint attention.

These types aleway come back
List of ETA attacks - Wikipedia
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More Pogo Dumbfuck, it's gotta be separatists!

"Separatism is separatism. It's always about territory and autonomy. Nobody ever characterized the IRA as "Christian terrorists".

"Here's a page on Separatist/Secessionist movements in Europe, way too many to count in over 20 countries.

Here's a map of those movements in Spain alone (from that page)...


Catalonia would be the lighter green on the right including Majorca. And Barcelona.
The Basques would be the darker green extending into France.
The yellow in the far left would be Galícia. It's marked by the same mountain range that separates Spain and Portugal, hence the language thing.
These have been going on far FAR longer than anything contemporary. Yet vacuums like the OP just stick their fingers in their historical ears and go "Moooooooslims!"

TheI IRA attacks were approved actions, by the criminal organization called
The Roman Catholic Church.
Btw. Are you one, who think all Islamic people are terroist?
More dumbfuck Pogo, watch how he desperately tries to pin this on "separatists" :

>> Thousands of Catalan separatists gathered in Barcelona on Sunday to protest against a series of legal challenges made by Spain’s government against pro-independence Catalan politicians.
... Polls consistently show that Catalonia’s 7.5 million residents are equally divided on breaking century-old ties with the rest of Spain. Catalonia’s current regional president, Carles Puigdemont, plans to call another referendum on independence by September. << --- Thousands of Catalan Separatists Protest

"September" would mean this referendum should come up next month.

Spain's many separatist terrorist groups, can't hire out of town terrorist?

muslims of Barcelona have gone into BUSINESS? It never occurred to me------
a kind of FRANCHISE------MURDER, INC.
I have an important "THOUGHT"------As far as I know----Barcelona was NOT part of Moorish Spain----(do not quote me-----I am not sure if it NEVER was) -----but there are muslims in the
world who see considerable parts of Spain as "muslim land"-------could this current program
More Pogo Dumbfuck, it's gotta be separatists!

"Separatism is separatism. It's always about territory and autonomy. Nobody ever characterized the IRA as "Christian terrorists".

"Here's a page on Separatist/Secessionist movements in Europe, way too many to count in over 20 countries.

Here's a map of those movements in Spain alone (from that page)...


Catalonia would be the lighter green on the right including Majorca. And Barcelona.
The Basques would be the darker green extending into France.
The yellow in the far left would be Galícia. It's marked by the same mountain range that separates Spain and Portugal, hence the language thing.
These have been going on far FAR longer than anything contemporary. Yet vacuums like the OP just stick their fingers in their historical ears and go "Moooooooslims!"

You just quoted my post, verbatim, and put your own name on it.
Why am I not surprised.

You missed the formatting though. My images are always centred.
More Pogo Dumbfuck, it's gotta be separatists!

"Separatism is separatism. It's always about territory and autonomy. Nobody ever characterized the IRA as "Christian terrorists".

"Here's a page on Separatist/Secessionist movements in Europe, way too many to count in over 20 countries.

Here's a map of those movements in Spain alone (from that page)...


Catalonia would be the lighter green on the right including Majorca. And Barcelona.
The Basques would be the darker green extending into France.
The yellow in the far left would be Galícia. It's marked by the same mountain range that separates Spain and Portugal, hence the language thing.
These have been going on far FAR longer than anything contemporary. Yet vacuums like the OP just stick their fingers in their historical ears and go "Moooooooslims!"

You just quoted my post, verbatim, and put your own name on it.
Why am I not surprised.

You missed the formatting though. My images are always centred.
Yes, I quoted your utter ignorance and stupidity. It's your head that is always centered up uranus.
I have an important "THOUGHT"------As far as I know----Barcelona was NOT part of Moorish Spain----(do not quote me-----I am not sure if it NEVER was) -----but there are muslims in the
world who see considerable parts of Spain as "muslim land"-------could this current program
Well Bin Laden - Al Queda / ISIS leaders have repeatedly said that they intend to recapture "Al Andalus".
I have an important "THOUGHT"------As far as I know----Barcelona was NOT part of Moorish Spain----(do not quote me-----I am not sure if it NEVER was) -----but there are muslims in the
world who see considerable parts of Spain as "muslim land"-------could this current program
Well Bin Laden - Al Queda / ISIS leaders have repeatedly said that they intend to recapture "Al Andalus".

the people of Spain are THAT STOOPID? That country is taking their enemies IN?------
Sheeeeesh------what does it take to CLUE THEM IN?
I have an important "THOUGHT"------As far as I know----Barcelona was NOT part of Moorish Spain----(do not quote me-----I am not sure if it NEVER was) -----but there are muslims in the
world who see considerable parts of Spain as "muslim land"-------could this current program
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- interesting Rosie but there was a guy on FOX this morning , a guy name LT. Colonel Tony Schaffer [sp] . He mentioned that Spain or parts of Spain was at one time part of muslim lands or some muslim 'caliphate' . And that is true as far as i know . 'muslims' invaded Spain in 711 and held onto Spain which they called Andalusia until 1492 . If i am correct it is interesting info but i don't think that it means much . After all Spain plus all the Western world belongs to the muslim as the wage their war in ' the house of war ' which is ALL the world that is not under muslim control IRosie . ----------------------------------- correction or comments are welcome !!
I have an important "THOUGHT"------As far as I know----Barcelona was NOT part of Moorish Spain----(do not quote me-----I am not sure if it NEVER was) -----but there are muslims in the
world who see considerable parts of Spain as "muslim land"-------could this current program
Well Bin Laden - Al Queda / ISIS leaders have repeatedly said that they intend to recapture "Al Andalus".

the people of Spain are THAT STOOPID? That country is taking their enemies IN?------
Sheeeeesh------what does it take to CLUE THEM IN?
Too late, most of Europe excluding the UK and Eastern Europe is committing national suicide at this point.
I have an important "THOUGHT"------As far as I know----Barcelona was NOT part of Moorish Spain----(do not quote me-----I am not sure if it NEVER was) -----but there are muslims in the
world who see considerable parts of Spain as "muslim land"-------could this current program
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- interesting Rosie but there was a guy on FOX this morning , a guy name LT. Colonel Tony Schaffer [sp] . He mentioned that Spain or parts of Spain was at one time part of muslim lands or some muslim 'caliphate' . And that is true as far as i know . 'muslims' invaded Spain in 711 and held onto Spain which they called Andalusia until 1492 . If i am correct it is interesting info but i don't think that it means much . After all Spain plus all the Western world belongs to the muslim as the wage their war in ' the house of war ' which is ALL the world that is not under muslim control IRosie . ----------------------------------- correction or comments are welcome !!
Yes, once Muslims have ever ruled any land in history, they should always do anything they can, including use of violence and terror to recapture it. If they are to be considered good Muslims, that is.
A van has hit a crowd on La Rambla. The Mossos d'Esquadra relate the attack with the explosion yesterday of a house in Alcanar
Barcelona 18 AUG 2017 - 02:37 CEST

The Islamic State (ISIS) struck the heart of Barcelona yesterday and left at least 13 dead and more than 100 injured in the most serious attack on Spain since 11 March and the first jihadist since. At 1650 hours, a van was launched against the hundreds of people who were on La Rambla. The Mossos confirmed that this is a coordinated attack. The material perpetrator of the mass outrage was fled and remains unaccounted for. The Catalan police arrested two people. One of them is Driss Oukabir, who allegedly rented the vehicle. The other, whose identity is unknown, was detained in Alcanar (Tarragona), where the Mossos suspect that, with other people, was preparing an explosive device.
Bombing in Barcelona and at least four terrorists killed in Cambrils, latest live news
After the massacre on Thursday afternoon in the Catalan capital, which has caused at least 13 dead and more than 100 injured, a second attack leaves several injured on the coast of Tarragona
Google Translate
By the way, When will....

Call last Saturday a Terrorist attack?
more BS tweets spew.


What?!?!?! Trump was extra judicious on a domestic matter? He did the right thing nonetheless? Well, let's have a cry. Spare us the faux outrage, fucker. People are lying dead because of your capitulation.

Capitulation on terrorist? FFS! Noway. If this a true Islamic faith attack.
I want to keep them alive to be tortured. With EMS service there to make sure.
They live as long as possible. My way to start for a Jihad'ers would start here.

Would be one way.
Rusty 2-3" screws dipped in pig fluids, put in bones slowly, legs first so bell rug

times, 5 times a day, will truly be painful.
3 days later, removed and relocated with drill drivers.
No anesthesia or pain pill killers provided.

btw. Spain police have one suspect in custody.

Trump may have been right. I know it ain't pretty; but if you start killing all family members of terrorists, this shit will stop fast.
Mossos Mossos @mossos · 7m In the next few minutes we plan to make several explosions controlled at #Cambrils. If you hear detonations, do not be alarmed, controlled 65 3.7K 2K Mossos Mossos
@mossos ·
9m 3.20h In the next few minutes we plan to conduct several controlled explosions in Cambrils. If you feel detonations do NOT alarm yourself 65 2.5K 1.3K Mossos Mossos
@mossos ·
10m We work on the hypothesis that the abolished terrorists would be related to the events registered in #Barcelona and #Alcanar 15 556 654 Mossos Mossos @mossos ·
13m We're still working in #Cambrils. Situation under control. 4 perpetrators shot and 1 injured who is detained. Keep safe, follow our tips 16 331 374 Mossos Retweeted EmergenciesCatalonia Emergencies Catalonia
@emergenciescat ·
20m #CAMBRILS a banda 4 terrorists dead + 1 injured: 6 injured (2 serious) 1 @ slight muzzles Transferred to Joan XXIII, Santa Tecla, Reus and CAP 23 1.1K 819 Mossos Mossos
@mossos ·
20m 3.12h Tedax works this time in Cambrils to determine if the alleged terrorists carried explosive belts 45 897 864 Mossos Mossos
@mossos ·
23m 3.07h We work on the hypothesis that terrorists killed in Cambrils would be related to the events registered in Barcelona and Alcanar

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