Barcelona attack

The Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈmosuz ðəsˈkwaðɾə]); in English: Troopers (literally "Squad Lads", "Squaddies") are the police force of Catalonia.
3: 55h We confirm that the 5th terrorist killed in #Cambrils and who was hurt, has died

The Mossos d'Esquadra have killed at least five terrorists who tried to attack in Cambrils (Tarragona) hours after the mass outrage that on Thursday afternoon has caused the death of 13 people in Barcelona. After 1.30 p.m., Catalan police confirmed that he had just carried out a "police operation" in the town for "a possible terrorist attack", and recommended that people stay at home. The Mossos work with the hypothesis that the terrorists slaughtered in Cambrils would be related to the events occurred in Barcelona and Alcanar, according to the police. Now the agents, they have warned, are conducting several "controlled explosions" in the locality.

A terrorist attack in Barcelona causes at least 13 dead
This second jihadist attack has occurred around 1 am by the promenade of the tourist resort of Cambrils. According to investigation sources, several terrorists were aboard a vehicle and have rolled over different people. Six have been injured; Two of them, serious. Three of the wounded are agents, Interior Minister Joaquim Forn explained. There are no deceased, the sources indicate.
By the way, When will....

Call last Saturday a Terrorist attack?
more BS tweets spew.


What?!?!?! Trump was extra judicious on a domestic matter? He did the right thing nonetheless? Well, let's have a cry. Spare us the faux outrage, fucker. People are lying dead because of your capitulation.

Capitulation on terrorist? FFS! Noway. If this a true Islamic faith attack.
I want to keep them alive to be tortured. With EMS service there to make sure.
They live as long as possible. My way to start for a Jihad'ers would start here.

Would be one way.
Rusty 2-3" screws dipped in pig fluids, put in bones slowly, legs first so bell rug

times, 5 times a day, will truly be painful.
3 days later, removed and relocated with drill drivers.
No anesthesia or pain pill killers provided.

btw. Spain police have one suspect in custody.

Trump may have been right. I know it ain't pretty; but if you start killing all family members of terrorists, this shit will stop fast.
If you wrap their dead bodies in pigskin and let the Islamists know it, that might also help.
the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

the issue is a mass murder.....
That's somewhat true if sins are important to them/you. But thinking in these cowardly terms tells me
they follow the worlds greatest champion in mass murder events, for its righteous godly reasons.
Rational others look at facts, Some killings are good, some are bad. Sin has nothing to do
with the result of either condition or reason why.
What are the "righteous godly reasons" you see in mass murder?

Barcelona attack: van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13, as driver still on run from police
A white van crashed into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police confirmed it was a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured.....

...The afternoon attack in the northeastern Spanish city was the country's deadliest since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

It left victims sprawled out in the street, spattered with blood or crippled by broken limbs. Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.

Rightie' here. Post #288
Barcelona attack
Are you afraid to admit you support this type of mass murder? Is it because someone will decide it's rational to neutralize you?

How do you image this in the brain?
The rational posters would like to know.

Btw. Are you one, who thinks all Islamic people are terrorists?

If all neo-Nazis are terrorists, then so are all Islamists.
Hell, the authorities have asserted there were at least 5 involved, they accidentally blew up their bomb making house last night and Elpais, their local media is calling it a jihadist attack. What more do you want?
so , some common sense and a little bit of 'nation master' tells me and everyone else that 98 percent of 'moroccans' are 'sunni muslim' . --- Morocco Religion Facts & Stats --- so this terrorist in Spain is PROBABLY a muslim eh ??

"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

Me too, I was in Barcelona last summer. One of my favorite cities in Europe.

At this point we have to assume it's an American neo-Nazi and Trump voter, we can't jump to conclusions about it being any one else, that would be "waaaaycest".

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

It was sound judgement and clairvoyance. The attacks were done by Muslims, are you still denying that? Or are you going to start talking about separatist movements in Spain, then claim you weren't trying to say the attack was separatists?

BroadBrush says what?

Once AGAIN for the short bus apparently still circling unable to park ----

I never said the attack was by anybody. You and yours did that. And to save us all a search, you just did it again directly above.

I don't make assertions I can't back up.

Prove me wrong.
What they want is to said it is Trump fault and talk about some other thing alway there to defend the muslims terrorists they will never learn there lesson. Trump said : i talk about it since they like to bring up .:thup:
Trump : The Antifa did not have a permit, they did not belong there. but no they have the right to go and Attack for lefties view
They have all the right like the muslims terrorists and they don't like that Trump tell them to get lost.:thup:

These leftwing hacks will always come to the defense of Islamists. Once you understand what the progressive Agenda is really about, anything they do and say will never surprise you. Progressives number one goal is to see the destruction of whites, Christians, and capitalists. This is why they will always take the side of Islamists even though that would appear on the surface to contradict things like their pro-homosexual agenda, and their women's rights agenda. The destruction of Western civilization takes precedence, and Islam helps the, achieve that goal far more than any other group.
Hell, the authorities have asserted there were at least 5 involved, they accidentally blew up their bomb making house last night and Elpais, their local media is calling it a jihadist attack. What more do you want?
"Statistics" and "PROBABLY" doesn't enter into it. This is a single individual.. That's a concept that's always lost on the broad-brushers.

I've known, I dunno at least a dozen Moroccans, most of them living in Europe like this guy. Know how many of them were reliigous?


But here's the interesting irony of this thread. Check this post for instance:

--- here's a guy who doesn't want to be broad-brushed as "waaaaaycist"............ and rightly so, since Broad Brush is always another fallacy ---- and yet he's willing to put his name on a blatant fallacy of ass-uming, and even asserting as fact --- this guy's religion, with no basis at all except his name and place of birth (two pieces of info he didn't even have when he posted about "waaaaaycist" ---- based on the same Broad Brush he despises.

That's flaming hypocrisy right there.

It was sound judgement and clairvoyance. The attacks were done by Muslims, are you still denying that? Or are you going to start talking about separatist movements in Spain, then claim you weren't trying to say the attack was separatists?

BroadBrush says what?

Once AGAIN for the short bus apparently still circling unable to park ----

I never said the attack was by anybody. You and yours did that. And to save us all a search, you just did it again directly above.

I don't make assertions I can't back up.

Prove me wrong.
What they want is to said it is Trump fault and talk about some other thing alway there to defend the muslims terrorists they will never learn there lesson. Trump said : i talk about it since they like to bring up .:thup:
Trump : The Antifa did not have a permit, they did not belong there. but no they have the right to go and Attack for lefties view
They have all the right like the muslims terrorists and they don't like that Trump tell them to get lost.:thup:

These leftwing hacks will always come to the defense of Islamists. Once you understand what the progressive Agenda is really about, anything they do and say will never surprise you. Progressives number one goal is to see the destruction of whites, Christians, and capitalists. This is why they will always take the side of Islamists even though that would appear on the surface to contradict things like their pro-homosexual agenda, and their women's rights agenda. The destruction of Western civilization takes precedence, and Islam helps the, achieve that goal far more than any other group.
Also, the Left doesn't really care about this country or its people. All they want is to create a greater voter base so they can elect more fascists who can oppress and persecute the populous. And considering that the Democratic Party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, they are on track. That is why they keep pushing for more Muslims and refugees, they're after the votes. Remember, communists and atheists are not loyal to any nation nor do they believe in borders.
Wow. Yeah, just what they have found in a short time, it is astonishing. Thank God for the accident at the house last night. No telling what could have been if not.

My sons friend owns a restaurant there where he ran over people. Said it was horrific. And my son was there just a month ago, walking that strip.
3: 55h We confirm that the 5th terrorist killed in #Cambrils and who was hurt, has died
They found suicide vests which exploded. This cell was a lot bigger and could have been deadlier that anybody ever imagined. Apparently the operation is ongoing.
Wow. Yeah, just what they have found in a short time, it is astonishing. Thank God for the accident at the house last night. No telling what could have been if not.
3: 55h We confirm that the 5th terrorist killed in #Cambrils and who was hurt, has died
They found suicide vests which exploded. This cell was a lot bigger and could have been deadlier that anybody ever imagined. Apparently the operation is ongoing.
They were using Barcelona as a transfer area for terrorists from North Africa and set up point for launching attacks into the rest of Europe. That's why they are finding and killing so many of them.
Wow. Yeah, just what they have found in a short time, it is astonishing. Thank God for the accident at the house last night. No telling what could have been if not.

My sons friend owns a restaurant there where he ran over people. Said it was horrific. And my son was there just a month ago, walking that strip.
3: 55h We confirm that the 5th terrorist killed in #Cambrils and who was hurt, has died
They found suicide vests which exploded. This cell was a lot bigger and could have been deadlier that anybody ever imagined. Apparently the operation is ongoing.
Thank G-d your son and his friend are okay!
Interesting. And sadly they were late to the draw in preventing this. Reminds me of when pulse had 49 murdered by an isis terrorist. The warning signs all ignored.
Wow. Yeah, just what they have found in a short time, it is astonishing. Thank God for the accident at the house last night. No telling what could have been if not.
3: 55h We confirm that the 5th terrorist killed in #Cambrils and who was hurt, has died
They found suicide vests which exploded. This cell was a lot bigger and could have been deadlier that anybody ever imagined. Apparently the operation is ongoing.
They were using Barcelona as a transfer area for terrorists from North Africa and set up point for launching attacks into the rest of Europe. That's why they are finding and killing so many of them.
Thank you. Me, too.

Look at this from today there-

Almost 600 migrants rescued off Spanish coast in less than 12 hours

Authorities say this is largest figure in a single day this year, with rising numbers likely spurred by the temporary closure of Spain’s land crossing with Morocco at the exclave of Ceuta

Wow. Yeah, just what they have found in a short time, it is astonishing. Thank God for the accident at the house last night. No telling what could have been if not.

My sons friend owns a restaurant there where he ran over people. Said it was horrific. And my son was there just a month ago, walking that strip.
3: 55h We confirm that the 5th terrorist killed in #Cambrils and who was hurt, has died
They found suicide vests which exploded. This cell was a lot bigger and could have been deadlier that anybody ever imagined. Apparently the operation is ongoing.
Thank G-d your son and his friend are okay!
Granny says, "Dat's right - the only good jihadi is a dead jihadi...

Police Kill 5 ‘Terrorists’ in Resort Near Barcelona Hours After Van Attack
August 17, 2017 - Police early Friday shot and killed five suspected terrorists in Cambrils, a Spanish resort city south of Barcelona, where a terrorist drove a van into pedestrians, killing 13 and injuring 100.
Four of the suspects were killed at the scene of the operation police said was a response to a terrorist attack. Officials said six civilians were also injured. Police in Spain’s Catalonia region, of which Barcelona is the capital, have not said whether those killed in Cambrils were tied to the Barcelona attack, but they described the Cambrils incident as a “possible terrorist attack.” Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Barcelona attack. Catalan police say two people are in custody — one from Morocco and the other from the Spanish enclave of Melilla, which shares a border with Morocco on the northern coast of Africa. But the van driver is apparently still at large and it’s unclear exactly how the two in custody are connected with the attack.

Catalonia house blast

Police also said Thursday’s van attack is tied to an explosion in a house in Catalonia Wednesday that killed one person. Authorities believe those in the house were building an explosive device that went off, leading to speculation that a larger terror plot may have been in the works. Also Thursday, a car ran down two policemen at a Barcelona checkpoint, but it is unclear if there is any connection to the earlier attack. Witnesses said the driver deliberately drove into a pedestrian area that runs down the center of Las Ramblas, a Barcelona street with shops and cafes, popular with locals and tourists.


Police (not pictured) evacuate people after a van crashed into pedestrians near the Las Ramblas avenue in central Barcelona, Spain​

They said the van was traveling at high speed and swerved from side to side, leaving a trail of blood and bodies with twisted, broken legs. Some witness said two armed men jumped out and disappeared into a restaurant. Police arrived almost instantly and immediately shut down the area. Catalan police say the driver was trying to kill as many people as possible. But Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau said the terrorists have failed. “Barcelona has always been and still is a city of peace, a city of dialogue, a brave city, a city open to the world, a city that’s proud of its diversity. ... To the cowards who tried to spread terror, hatred and fear today: you won’t get it,” she said.

‘Jihadist terrorism’

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy calls the van attack “jihadist terrorism.” “Today, the fight against terrorism is the principal priority for free and open societies like ours. It is a global threat and the response has to be global,” Rajoy told reporters. U.S. President Donald Trump turned to Twitter to say, “The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough and strong. We love you.” U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned, “Terrorists around the world should know, the United States and our allies are resolved to find you and bring you to justice.”


The suspected van is towed away from the area where it crashed into pedestrians at Las Ramblas in Barcelona, Spain​

A spokesman for United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the attack and sent condolences to the victims, saying the U.N. stands in solidarity with Spain. The yellow and red colors of the Spanish flag lit up Tel Aviv’s City Hall Thursday night while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the civilized world must fight terrorism together and defeat it. European leaders, including British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron, are also condemning the attack.

Police Kill 5 ‘Terrorists’ in Resort Near Barcelona Hours After Van Attack
Just saw this on el Pais English-

It has also emerged he was under police surveillance.
From the guardian-

  • Six bystanders were wounded, one critically and another seriously, in a second terror attack in which a vehicle was driven at pedestrians in an echo of the Barcelona attack.
Very sad. I am German and we spend our family vacation in Tarragona, visiting Barcelona, of course, being the most beautiful city ever! In fact last year we were in Israel and though let's go somewhere this year where there is no political turmoil or islamists. Seems there is no escape.

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