Bari Weiss Resigns From New York Times: "it’s become a liability to have an alternative point of view"

Get used to the future of America. You've taken a page out of the Canadian and other socialist systems.

There are signs that the backlash is building, faint signs, but hopeful ones---toward a return to Sanity.

This usually occurs in its repetitive cycles. But, not always, and that's when you get the Pre-Bolshevik French Revolution of 1789 and the True Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Same Sociopathic Types are involved today, as Human Nature doesn't change, but I think Sanity has some fight left in it---in the Heartland anyway. The rotting cities are of course doomed. I am most worried about Voter Fraud there. If they can beat Trump that way.....well, I hear the stores are already running out of ammo.

I hope you are right. Canadians are so compliant, obedient and submissive, that even when you tell them you've been wronged they just assume "you MUST be the bad guy (or a liar), because our country is perfect and would not destroy a citizen". It's spooky, considering our long and horrible history, which unlike America, the Canadian apparatus suppresses and hides (sort of like China or Russia). This is what you have happening now in many respects.

I always use the example of the fact that (most) Americans cherish your constitution. Many of you know it well, your Amendments can be recited and you're very protective of them and what they mean to you as a human being. A free, sovereign citizen created by God. Ask Canadians about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, they don't know a thing, we are dumbed down. It's not promoted or protected.

The government doesn't WANT Canadians to be aware of it. It was the greatest gift given by Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Canadian police in particular (and with great effort from our British masters I'm sure), don't want Canadians to embrace it.

The punishment I have experienced most of my life for being one who promotes a respect for America and tells Canadians, "America isnt just what you see on CBC, I know, I've spoken to many", is too long to express. Whenever I meet an American, I know he assumes I am anti-American by the function of me being Canadian. Imagine living in a system where you are told to be obedient and you must face whatever punishment your government overlords dish out?

Thus, being innovative, creative, original, unique, an outlier is frowned upon. So, media talking heads and politicians don't get out of line over here, or they face what the NYT writer did. Groupthink, stay in line, or be cast off the island. Worse, Canadian citizens are quite happy to be weak lemmings.
She is a "centrist". That used to mean she's middle of the road, open minded and oh so reasonable. Times have changed. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

The times has always been bent to the Left of America.
Remember the NY Slimes lede... "General Betray Us"
I know. I remember when the left pretended that centrist was good. They've progressed. In a way it's more honest. An interesting development for them...
Marathon Mike:

"That is the current sad state of affairs with American Media. The Democrats say "you are entitled to an opinion as long as it is ours". "

The NY Times, WaPo, and other media outlets have lost the impartiality that is supposed to be a hallmark of honest journalism. Maybe it has always been that way, but recently seems to be far more virulent to the point where any deviation from the accepted narrative is denigrated and vilified even to the point of personal attacks on the writer/speaker. And nobody cares, we're only getting the one side that the democrats want us to see. How can that be acceptable? We laughed at Baghdad Bob, remember? But that is the road we are on now; people say that'll never happen - yeah, right. But this how you get there, not tomorrow but it's coming. And here's the thing, these guys are not going to quit.
She is a "centrist". That used to mean she's middle of the road, open minded and oh so reasonable. Times have changed. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

Standing in the middle of the road is a good way to get hit by traffic going both ways.
I don't remember the name, was she important.
NOt to me

I dont read that disgusting rag so I didnt know she existed until today

But I bet she’s a lib

Just not liberal enough to suit the marxist cancel culture Inquisition
“I bet she’s a lib”

however once a liberal for any reason begins to think for themself - even just a tiny bit - they often end up as fully converted to conservative views
I don't remember the name, was she important.
Of course not, she was just a free thinker who dangerously propagated notions of free speech, now you can safely return to molesting the neighbor girl, or boy, or whatever you've convinced them they are... :rolleyes:
I don't remember the name, was she important.

Do you think it's important whether she was well-known or not? Or for that matter whether she was a prog/lib or cons/repub? The point is, she's a journalist who was harassed, bullied, demeaned, and smeared. Actually, this shit shouldn't happen anywhere, right? Journalist or otherwise, right? And yet the NY Times allowed it to happen. Bari Weiss wrote:

“There are terms for all of this: unlawful discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge. I’m no legal expert. But I know that this is wrong,” Weiss went on. “I do not understand how you have allowed this kind of behavior to go on inside your company in full view of the paper’s entire staff and the public. And I certainly can’t square how you and other Times leaders have stood by while simultaneously praising me in private for my courage. Showing up for work as a centrist at an American newspaper should not require bravery.”

There is no excuse for this, NONE. And we all know what would happen if a woman said that about FoxNews, don't we? Or any other right-leaning media. The pitchforks would be out with the tar and feathers, howling at the injustice. This shit right here is why I have zero respect for the Left, for them this is something to be swept under the rug and forgotten asap.

Added: you oughta take the time to read Ms Weiss' resignation letter. It spells out the evils of a free press that isn't really free. I think every word of it is true. If you don't agree, fine. Maybe you should take the time to say why?

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Kudos to Ms. Weiss for her integrity.

Many other journalists would have just continued to work for that "news"paper, knowing that jobs in the media are very scarce.

When the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., becomes President in a few months, the Times will no longer have a reason for its existence as the media Resistance leader. Hopefully, we will all have the pleasure of witnessing its bankruptcy (and its subsequent sale to the Honorable Donald J. Trump?).
I don't remember the name, was she important.

She sort of was. Apparently, not everyone around was entirely in raptures over her work, and so she quit.

Rest assured, the goofs on here also never heard her name before their handlers ordered them to hyperventilate about her resignation. Otherwise, read her letter whining about the "new McCarthyism" at the Times, or check her writing in case you're interested. It's still there, so she wasn't entirely "canceled".
Instead of resigning, to me, she should've said to those who took issues with her, "Thank you for letting me know how much of a difference one person's opinion makes."

God bless you and her always!!!

It will be interesting to see if this gets any traction whatsoever with the top management.
I won't hold my breath.
It will be interesting to see if this gets any traction whatsoever with the top management.
I won't hold my breath.

It'd be more than interesting, IMHO it would be shocking. As with so many of the Left-leaning media, the NYT has no integrity left.
Get used to the future of America. You've taken a page out of the Canadian and other socialist systems.

There are signs that the backlash is building, faint signs, but hopeful ones---toward a return to Sanity.

This usually occurs in its repetitive cycles. But, not always, and that's when you get the Pre-Bolshevik French Revolution of 1789 and the True Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Same Sociopathic Types are involved today, as Human Nature doesn't change, but I think Sanity has some fight left in it---in the Heartland anyway. The rotting cities are of course doomed. I am most worried about Voter Fraud there. If they can beat Trump that way.....well, I hear the stores are already running out of ammo.

I hope you are right. Canadians are so compliant, obedient and submissive, that even when you tell them you've been wronged they just assume "you MUST be the bad guy (or a liar), because our country is perfect and would not destroy a citizen". It's spooky, considering our long and horrible history, which unlike America, the Canadian apparatus suppresses and hides (sort of like China or Russia). This is what you have happening now in many respects.

I always use the example of the fact that (most) Americans cherish your constitution. Many of you know it well, your Amendments can be recited and you're very protective of them and what they mean to you as a human being. A free, sovereign citizen created by God. Ask Canadians about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, they don't know a thing, we are dumbed down. It's not promoted or protected.

The government doesn't WANT Canadians to be aware of it. It was the greatest gift given by Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Canadian police in particular (and with great effort from our British masters I'm sure), don't want Canadians to embrace it.

The punishment I have experienced most of my life for being one who promotes a respect for America and tells Canadians, "America isnt just what you see on CBC, I know, I've spoken to many", is too long to express. Whenever I meet an American, I know he assumes I am anti-American by the function of me being Canadian. Imagine living in a system where you are told to be obedient and you must face whatever punishment your government overlords dish out?

Thus, being innovative, creative, original, unique, an outlier is frowned upon. So, media talking heads and politicians don't get out of line over here, or they face what the NYT writer did. Groupthink, stay in line, or be cast off the island. Worse, Canadian citizens are quite happy to be weak lemmings.

And still you post your bullshit without FACTS, PROOF OR EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING YOU SAY.

I don't remember the name, was she important.
Of course not, she was just a free thinker who dangerously propagated notions of free speech, now you can safely return to molesting the neighbor girl, or boy, or whatever you've convinced them they are... :rolleyes:

She was a fact challenged alt-right provacateur who got called out for her dishonesty and like the snowflake she is, ran away and hid.

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