Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry

FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
The FISA renewals werent the origins, it was Papadoplous bragging.
This article your replying to says there were procedural errors but overall no "political bias" by the FBI.
And the Attorney General DISAGREES AS DOES DUNHAM....both have subpoena power THAT THE IG didn't and was stonewalled by the FBI REFUDING to give him dicuments

At the end of the day, we just have a disagreement. Given Barr’s belief that Trump is a god among men (figuratively obviously) I’m not surprised he doesn’t find the evidence warrants the investigation.

It’s all just a matter of opinion. Lots of Monday morning quarterbacks.

Horowitz stated the FBI met the extremely low threshold of meeting minimum standards to open an investigation.

Everything after that was an indictment of the. FBI's process.

Everything the FBI found in its investigation, what Mueller found was exculpatory / showed no evidence of a crime, There for no reason to continue.

The US IG stated it found the FBI committed 'Errors of Omission' in its FISA Court Warrant submission.

THAT means the FBI withheld key information it knew would cause its request to be rejected, that the FBI knowingly relied on foreign assets - informants - they knew were lying, Trump-hating, agenda-driven, already-fired foreign ex spies AND information they knew to be false / unverified, and even illegally altered official reports.

The US IG reported it found '17 Significant errors and omissions' snd in 1 case an FBI lawyer illegally changed an official report in its submission of its FISA Court Warrant request, NUMEROUS DEFINITE FISA COURT ABUSES

This is what the Snowflakes are celebrating today.

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FISA warrant and renewals had "significant inaccuracies and omissions"
Horowitz's team of investigators found "significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications — seven in the first FISA applications and a total of 17 by the final renewal." As a result of these 17 inaccuracies and omissions, Horowitz wrote that relevant information was not shared with and considered by decisionmakers at the Justice Department and the national security court.

All of the applications also left out information the FBI obtained from another government agency about its previous relationship with Page.

Horowitz concluded that members of the FBI's team investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign "failed to meet the basic obligation that the Carter Page FISA applications were "scrupulously accurate."
Justice Department watchdog releases report on origins of Russia investigation
This dripps of political bias and a Coup D'etat.
The FISA renewals werent the origins, it was Papadoplous bragging.
This article your replying to says there were procedural errors but overall no "political bias" by the FBI.
And the Attorney General DISAGREES AS DOES DUNHAM....both have subpoena power THAT THE IG didn't and was stonewalled by the FBI REFUDING to give him dicuments

At the end of the day, we just have a disagreement. Given Barr’s belief that Trump is a god among men (figuratively obviously) I’m not surprised he doesn’t find the evidence warrants the investigation.

It’s all just a matter of opinion. Lots of Monday morning quarterbacks.

I’m not much of a theatre buff. I hope the front row wears a parka. There’s going to be gnashing, spitting and some tears.
As an Inspector, Horowitz is a useless tool.

As the swamp creature he is, Horowitz is a useful tool.

Either way you cut his report, the inescapable fact is that he is a tool!
The only thing they disagreed on “There was no documentary evidence of bias’

Horrowitz did not have subpoena power and The FBI repeatedly stonewalled him, but what he did find out was damning. James Comey officially becomes the worst head the FBI ever had and was intentionally negligent in his duties if not downright belligerent.

Horrowitz found all kinds of damning things but chose not to call it a conspiracy. For instance he found 17 occasions just on the Carter Page FISA Warrant alone where they falsified emails, altered testimony, with held exculpatory evidence, filed false affidavits, manufactured evidence and documents.

As long as we have at least one investigation that proves the deep state coup attempts I'm good.
If all investigations came up empty, when we know crimes were committed, then the Federal government would be lost to the swamp creatures.
The problem with an IG is that they are very limited in scope. Plus, given the show currently being all the rage, I'm thinking that this IG was concerned about his next meal if he didn't at least attempt to clear this.

It may be that this is an honest report of limited scope and that would be the reason for the discrepancy between the IG and the DOJ. Time will tell and we'll know more if indictments start dropping.
The only thing they disagreed on “There was no documentary evidence of bias’

Horrowitz did not have subpoena power and The FBI repeatedly stonewalled him, but what he did find out was damning. James Comey officially becomes the worst head the FBI ever had and was intentionally negligent in his duties if not downright belligerent
As long as we have at least one investigation that proves the deep state coup attempts I'm good.
If all investigations came up empty, when we know crimes were committed, then the Federal government would be lost to the swamp creatures.
The problem with an IG is that they are very limited in scope. Plus, given the show currently being all the rage, I'm thinking that this IG was concerned about his next meal if he didn't at least attempt to clear this.

It may be that this is an honest report of limited scope and that would be the reason for the discrepancy between the IG and the DOJ. Time will tell and we'll know more if indictments start dropping.

Most of us already concluded that.

We didn't need a tool like Horowitz to restate the obvious!
Oh, and more-
Additionally, the internal watchdog found "the surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate."

Horowitz's team wrote that while they "did not find documentary or testimonial evidence of intentional misconduct," they also "did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or missing information."

So no satisfactory explanations for their actions...

There are no written or recorded instances of Bias. Basically we just don't wanna look to closely. Barr and Durham will!
Oh, and more-
Additionally, the internal watchdog found "the surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate."

Horowitz's team wrote that while they "did not find documentary or testimonial evidence of intentional misconduct," they also "did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or missing information."

So no satisfactory explanations for their actions...

There are no written or recorded instances of Bias. Basically we just don't wanna look to closely. Barr and Durham will!
The IG report is a lot more damning than people realize.

Horrowitz just cannot make a determination on guilt. What he can do is leave a trail of breadcrumbs to show where all the issues are and show where The FBI tried to obstruct him.
The fact he found as much as he could without subpoena power should make The Left Shit their pants.

Things are going to change both in The FBI and FISA might be permanently shut down.
They are already drafting policies that will prevent the bullshit James Comey and McCabe, Strozk and Page pulled.

So what? Barr has proven to be a partisan hack who will do anything to preserve the power of the Shakedown King! His word is no better that the liar he works to pacify.
Honey, go read what Horowitz was able to find, without access to all documents or players. He couldn’t interview any that had left the dept. and yet he found a boat load. Might want to prepare yourself now for the Durham report, that will have access to all documents and players. ;)
Oh, and more-
Additionally, the internal watchdog found "the surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate."

Horowitz's team wrote that while they "did not find documentary or testimonial evidence of intentional misconduct," they also "did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or missing information."

So no satisfactory explanations for their actions...

There are no written or recorded instances of Bias. Basically we just don't wanna look to closely. Barr and Durham will!
The IG report is a lot more damning than people realize.

Horrowitz just cannot make a determination on guilt. What he can do is leave a trail of breadcrumbs to show where all the issues are and show where The FBI tried to obstruct him.

Sorry. This is akin to doing a shout out on 'Cash Cab'.
They are clueless because The IG Report is very damning and he had no subpoena power.

Horowitz stated the FBI met the extremely low threshold of meeting minimum standards to open an investigation.

Everything after that was an indictment of the. FBI's process.

Everything the FBI found in its investigation, what Mueller found was exculpatory / showed no evidence of a crime, There for no reason to continue.

The US IG stated it found the FBI committed 'Errors of Omission' in its FISA Court Warrant submission.

THAT means the FBI withheld key information it knew would cause its request to be rejected, that the FBI knowingly relied on foreign assets - informants - they knew were lying, Trump-hating, agenda-driven, already-fired foreign ex spies AND information they knew to be false / unverified, and even illegally altered official reports.

The US IG reported it found '17 Significant errors and omissions' snd in 1 case an FBI lawyer illegally changed an official report in its submission of its FISA Court Warrant request, NUMEROUS DEFINITE FISA COURT ABUSES

This is what the Snowflakes are celebrating today.

He had no power but he still uncovered crimes.

Be happy with that because out of The IG Report are Criminal Investigations and Indictments coming.

Oh, and more-
Additionally, the internal watchdog found "the surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate."

Horowitz's team wrote that while they "did not find documentary or testimonial evidence of intentional misconduct," they also "did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or missing information."

So no satisfactory explanations for their actions...

There are no written or recorded instances of Bias. Basically we just don't wanna look to closely. Barr and Durham will!
The IG report is a lot more damning than people realize.

Horrowitz just cannot make a determination on guilt. What he can do is leave a trail of breadcrumbs to show where all the issues are and show where The FBI tried to obstruct him.

Sorry. This is akin to doing a shout out on 'Cash Cab'.
Horowitz stated the FBI met the extremely low threshold of meeting minimum standards to open an investigation.

Everything after that was an indictment of the. FBI's process.

Everything the FBI found in its investigation, what Mueller found was exculpatory / showed no evidence of a crime, There for no reason to continue.

The US IG stated it found the FBI committed 'Errors of Omission' in its FISA Court Warrant submission.

THAT means the FBI withheld key information it knew would cause its request to be rejected, that the FBI knowingly relied on foreign assets - informants - they knew were lying, Trump-hating, agenda-driven, already-fired foreign ex spies AND information they knew to be false / unverified, and even illegally altered official reports.

The US IG reported it found '17 Significant errors and omissions' snd in 1 case an FBI lawyer illegally changed an official report in its submission of its FISA Court Warrant request, NUMEROUS DEFINITE FISA COURT ABUSES

This is what the Snowflakes are celebrating today.

Did you read the whole thing? I’m working through it now.
It’s actually impressive how few people they we’ve heard of are implicated in anything wrong.

The vast majority of the report is about Page’s FISA warrants. The report indicates the improper actions were all with case agents and line attorneys, and doesn’t implicate anyone higher up of wrong doing. Even the low level people has little evidence anything was done intentionally.

Ohr is called out because of his decision not to inform Rosenstein of his conversations with Steele. I guess that pissed off the top brass but is hardly sinister.

This was supposedly the report that was going to expose the coup. In the end, Strzok and Page were completely exonerated. McCabe has a problem with an entirely different matter, but not this one. Comey is exonerated. The crazy theories about spies in the Trump campaign, wiretapping Trump, Mifsud being a plant. All that is put to rest. I don’t suppose anyone is gonna to notice.
Horrowitz uncovered crimes but can not prosecute them or investigate them further as he has no power.

There are criminal indictments coming when Durham and Barr are on deck, and there is another investigation coming just on FISA.
Horowitz stated the FBI met the extremely low threshold of meeting minimum standards to open an investigation.

Everything after that was an indictment of the. FBI's process.

Everything the FBI found in its investigation, what Mueller found was exculpatory / showed no evidence of a crime, There for no reason to continue.

The US IG stated it found the FBI committed 'Errors of Omission' in its FISA Court Warrant submission.

THAT means the FBI withheld key information it knew would cause its request to be rejected, that the FBI knowingly relied on foreign assets - informants - they knew were lying, Trump-hating, agenda-driven, already-fired foreign ex spies AND information they knew to be false / unverified, and even illegally altered official reports.

The US IG reported it found '17 Significant errors and omissions' snd in 1 case an FBI lawyer illegally changed an official report in its submission of its FISA Court Warrant request, NUMEROUS DEFINITE FISA COURT ABUSES

This is what the Snowflakes are celebrating today.

Did you read the whole thing? I’m working through it now.
It’s actually impressive how few people they we’ve heard of are implicated in anything wrong.

The vast majority of the report is about Page’s FISA warrants. The report indicates the improper actions were all with case agents and line attorneys, and doesn’t implicate anyone higher up of wrong doing. Even the low level people has little evidence anything was done intentionally.

Ohr is called out because of his decision not to inform Rosenstein of his conversations with Steele. I guess that pissed off the top brass but is hardly sinister.

This was supposedly the report that was going to expose the coup. In the end, Strzok and Page were completely exonerated. McCabe has a problem with an entirely different matter, but not this one. Comey is exonerated. The crazy theories about spies in the Trump campaign, wiretapping Trump, Mifsud being a plant. All that is put to rest. I don’t suppose anyone is gonna to notice.
Holy Shit!!!!

The FBI knowingly and with forethought LIED to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Paige and Trump... Three of the four warrant renewals were done by blatant FRAUD on the FISA court...
Horrowitz uncovered crimes but can not prosecute them or investigate them further as he has no power.

There are criminal indictments coming when Durham and Barr are on deck, and there is another investigation coming just on FISA.
Horowitz stated the FBI met the extremely low threshold of meeting minimum standards to open an investigation.

Everything after that was an indictment of the. FBI's process.

Everything the FBI found in its investigation, what Mueller found was exculpatory / showed no evidence of a crime, There for no reason to continue.

The US IG stated it found the FBI committed 'Errors of Omission' in its FISA Court Warrant submission.

THAT means the FBI withheld key information it knew would cause its request to be rejected, that the FBI knowingly relied on foreign assets - informants - they knew were lying, Trump-hating, agenda-driven, already-fired foreign ex spies AND information they knew to be false / unverified, and even illegally altered official reports.

The US IG reported it found '17 Significant errors and omissions' snd in 1 case an FBI lawyer illegally changed an official report in its submission of its FISA Court Warrant request, NUMEROUS DEFINITE FISA COURT ABUSES

This is what the Snowflakes are celebrating today.

Did you read the whole thing? I’m working through it now.
It’s actually impressive how few people they we’ve heard of are implicated in anything wrong.

The vast majority of the report is about Page’s FISA warrants. The report indicates the improper actions were all with case agents and line attorneys, and doesn’t implicate anyone higher up of wrong doing. Even the low level people has little evidence anything was done intentionally.

Ohr is called out because of his decision not to inform Rosenstein of his conversations with Steele. I guess that pissed off the top brass but is hardly sinister.

This was supposedly the report that was going to expose the coup. In the end, Strzok and Page were completely exonerated. McCabe has a problem with an entirely different matter, but not this one. Comey is exonerated. The crazy theories about spies in the Trump campaign, wiretapping Trump, Mifsud being a plant. All that is put to rest. I don’t suppose anyone is gonna to notice.

Largely true, but what are you going to say when all the indictments, whether is 1 or 10, are for people none of us ever heard before?
Holy Shit!!!!

The FBI knowingly and with forethought LIED to obtain the warrant to spy on Carter Paige and Trump... Three of the four warrant renewals were done by blatant FRAUD on the FISA court...
The warrant was just Page. Not Trump.
The IG report took so long to come out because the deep state arm-twisted him 6 ways into Sunday!
I can't prove it, but that's how corrupted Gov't works and many a USMB member predicted this!
Just an observation.
Now we KNOW who is a DEEP STATE COUP MEMBER...and who is for the TRUTH.... You Dimwits better do something DRASTIC to stop Trump...or jail time in Trump's second term!...Lolol!


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr sharply criticized on Monday the F.B.I.’s decision to open the Russia investigation, undercutting a major finding in a long-awaited watchdog report and at the same time showing his willingness to act as President Trump’s vocal defender.

The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign, but Mr. Barr highlighted findings that underscored his and the president’s shared view that investigators were nonetheless overly invasive in scrutinizing people associated with a presidential campaign.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

Barr and Durham Publicly Disagree with Horowitz Report on Russia Inquiry
Billy Barr is tRumps loyal muppet. Of course he disagrees.
The report, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found that the F.B.I. had adequate reason in 2016 to open an investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Mr. Horowitz broadly rejected Mr. Trump’s allegations that F.B.I. officials conspired to sabotage his campaign

Screw Billy the Bagman

HE needs to be impeached.

He's not the AG of the United States...he's Trump's personal consiglieri

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