Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

You guys keep telling yourselves that but lying to the FBI is not always a crime. It is if you are in an official interview for the purposes of an investigation.

And this was a lie to the FBI, in an on going investigation and about the investigation topic....
Flynn was not lying about hot pink lipstick he was wearing.

Please READ the court transcripts of Flynn's case in court, and read the contemporaneous notes of the Fbi questioning him about their investigation.
You guys keep telling yourselves that but lying to the FBI is not always a crime. It is if you are in an official interview for the purposes of an investigation.

And this was a lie to the FBI, in an on going investigation and about the investigation topic....
Flynn was not lying about hot pink lipstick he was wearing.

Please READ the court transcripts of Flynn's case in court, and read the contemporaneous notes of the Fbi questioning him about their investigation.
You totally missed my point, it is a crime to lie to the FBI in an interview that is part of an official investigation and that is why they are required to tell the person that and avise them to have a lawyer.

They did nothing of the sort and likely violated Flynns Miranda rights as well as soon as he asked about a lawyer and they lied to him.
So Jewel had saved a whole bunch of lives and the FBI treated him like Ossama binLaden and tried to entrap him.
YES, a tragedy, a mistake...! People do make them.... the key is to make as few as possible, and to learn from them... so to reduce your chances of another one.
...because, according to you, Mueller and his 19 lawyers will NOT step forward to expose Barr's manipulation and false reporting of his report if Barr releases a false / doctored report.
of course they won't come out on their own, the rules dictate, that they do not....they follow the rules... unless they are subpoenaed by congress, then they will have to tell what's in it.... behind closed doors.

Why are you so wigged out and against the American citizenry on this? Full Transparency, (outside of top secret classified stuff) is a good thing, for everyone...

75%-80% of the public, wants to see the full Mueller report..... that includes BOTH Republicans and Democrats, and those unaffiliated.
If you think the rat Andrew Wiseman wouldn't leak anything that Barr was 'covering up' you are fucking delusional!
So you're an acquaintance of ...who? Andrew Wiseman?

How do you know him?

Divorced your sister or something?
Wiseman destroyed thousands of innocent peoples jobs and his actions were rejected by the SC nine to zero.
His day WILL come. Karma always wins eventually.
Why did Flynn CHOOSE to lie about a conversation he had with the Russian Ambassador 3 weeks earlier? He was a general, and a Head of Security and Intelligence within our government, previous to his questioning.... where was his allegiance to the USA??? Why did he feel this need to LIE about it? the Judge, damn near called him a traitor, for what he did.
You guys keep telling yourselves that but lying to the FBI is not always a crime. It is if you are in an official interview for the purposes of an investigation.

And this was a lie to the FBI, in an on going investigation and about the investigation topic....
Flynn was not lying about hot pink lipstick he was wearing.

Please READ the court transcripts of Flynn's case in court, and read the contemporaneous notes of the Fbi questioning him about their investigation.
You totally missed my point, it is a crime to lie to the FBI in an interview that is part of an official investigation and that is why they are required to tell the person that and avise them to have a lawyer.

They did nothing of the sort and likely violated Flynns Miranda rights as well as soon as he asked about a lawyer and they lied to him.
they are NOT required to tell the person, according to ALL that I have read on it....

And Flynn KNEW that...

Just READ the court case.... you would not be making all of these comments IF YOU HAD THE ACTUAL FACTS on the case and not just excuses and speculation.... from the internet bloggers and Trump.

Do you want me to find it for you?
Looks like Barr will be served a subpoena today

What will they do when he ignores it? Take it to the courts? The Law says what it says, and Barr is following it.

The laws do not apply to Congress. They have the duty of oversight of the executive branch and being able to subpoena those documents are a part of that oversight. This is not a active investigation anymore so there is no excuse for not allowing Congress to see them. They have the security clearances so that is not a issue.
If you believe letting Shit For Brains get his hands on the undeducted report b/c he has a "security clearance" will not 100% GUARANTEE HE WON'T LEAK THE REPORT TO THE NYT WITHIN AN HOUR YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT!
Sure, Mueller and Rosenstein would just let Barr misrepresent them and say nothing. Maybe in your fantasy world.

Some on Mueller’s Team Say Report Was More Damaging Than Barr Revealed

By Nicholas Fandos, Michael S. Schmidt and Mark Mazzetti

April 3, 2019

WASHINGTON — Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.

Now go jerk yourself off asshole.

That would be "your fantasy world", eh? What a sight...
The 'sources' are second party. Anyone you would accept this as 'fact' has an obvious bias.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

Don't you, lush, and care4none EVER get tired of lying? The lying Dimbos are entitled to NOTHING. Learn the law, then maybe you won't look quite so stupid. By all means, all three of you keep lying and crying as we laugh at you. Poor Dimbos, getting nothing and being told to like it.

You are the lying little weasel. The Congress is entitled to any documents as they have the responsibility of oversight. You need to learn the law and about the Constitution. 77% of Trump supporters want the report publicly released Dumbo.
The 77% want the report released with the lawful redactions.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.

Yes it does in regards to any document that is produced by the Executive Branch.
If the USSC follows the precedents established during Watergate, it will be released to Congress.
Barr will not be allowed to continue his coverup.

The Law was revised since Watergate. There is no coverup, only what the Law prescribes to be released.
If the dems don't like that, they can tee it up in court.
BTW it was the DEMs who changed the law.
I'd post a nice diplomatic explanation of why Barr is redacting the report, and that it will be released in a few weeks, and that the dems' subpoena is worthless, but after the first 10x I'm just going to let the dem posters figure it out for themselves.
The House gets the redacted report when Barr sends it to them, period. Whine all you want until then.

The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.

Yes it does in regards to any document that is produced by the Executive Branch.
If the USSC follows the precedents established during Watergate, it will be released to Congress.
Barr will not be allowed to continue his coverup.
I guess you are not aware that the law was changed, by the DEMs, after Bill Clinton was impeached.
There's lots of information about the change in the law available on Google.

Again Congress has oversight powers and are entitled to see the unredacted report. A law cannot override the Constitution. I would suggest you look at information regarding the White House's refusal to turn over documents to Congress during the Watergate investigation.
I suggest you read the law that the DEMs changed after Watergate.
Maybe then you wouldn't post nonsense. Maybe.
My sources say Manafort was convicted of Bank Fraud, not collusion. He worked for 4 administrations as a foreign relations specialist. I would like to see your source because My sources didn't mention any collusion by him. If he did bad things without authorization, then I am not surprised that he received an instant pink slip even if his information was turned down.

Edit I just found your link, thanks. However, this is not showing any collusion:

Paul Manafort: Prosecutors accused Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman, of laundering over $30 million in overseas income, using a network of companies to mask millions he earned as a political consultant and lobbyist for Ukrainian politicians. The charges were not connected to Manafort’s work for Trump. Manafort pleaded guilty and a jury convicted him on eight counts of tax and bank fraud. In March 2019, a federal judge sentenced Manafort to four years in prison and then a separate federal judge sentenced Manafort to 3 1/2 years related to secret foreign lobbying and witness tampering.

Your Politifact source: Here's all of the charges from Mueller's Russia probe

Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort shared polling data during the 2016 presidential campaign with a business associate accused of having ties to Russian intelligence, and prosecutors say he lied to them about it, according to a court filing Tuesday.

Manafort Gave 2016 Polling Data To Russian Tied to Intel Services

While he was not charged with collusion, he was charged with lying about that fact. If true then that would be strong evidence of collusion.
We have "strong evidence" that you are a fucking idiot. So far you haven't changed any minds.
Any luck selling off all those Mueller 'prayer candles' yet? What about the key chains? The 'Hand's up don't shoot' T shirts/ All those Trayvon Martin hoodies with a photo of when he was ten years old screen printed on them?
Born To Lose! HAAA HAAAA!!!!!
I've done PLENTY of research on it, and only in your right wing conspiracy circle jerk sites, are regurgitating uncorroborated bull crud....

Evidently NOT ENOUGH.

FBI Refuses Records Request For CNN Contacts Before Roger Stone Raid

FBI Rejects Request for Emails with CNN on the Day of Roger Stone Raid

FBI Refuses FOIA Request for Emails to CNN Before Roger Stone Arrest, Gives Nonsensical Excuse

"You’ll probably recall the
dramatic arrest of Roger Stone. For some reason the FBI (and Robert Mueller’s team) thought it necessary to act like they were taking down a drug kingpin, complete with SWAT teams and guns drawn. This was all highly unusual given Stone had no passport, was not a flight risk, and then was immediately released on bail anyway.

The indication here is that Mueller wanted to make a show of it. That appearance was reinforced by the magical attendance of a CNN news crew that just happened to know the exact day and time of the arrest.

While CNN made the ridiculous claim that they just got lucky"

Yeah, CNN JUST HAPPENED to have a full camera crew out driving around in Roger Stone's neighborhood when they noticed several FBI 'SWAT' vehicles being driven by heavily armored agents, followed them to Stone's House, and were the only media on-hand as the FBI 'took down' this highly dangerous criminal with such a display of force / power.

:laughing0301: :lmao:
It was in fact Wiseman, not Mueller himself who tipped off CNN.
Wiseman's day is coming.
The Stone home surveillance camera PROVES that CNN's news crew arrived in front of Stone's home a full hour before the SWAT team arrived. The CNN news team had all their equipment ready to roll when the SWAT team showed up.....right on time.
Someone at CNN is going to be eventually charged with a series of crimes when the new Special Counsel begins their comprehensive investigations.
How many digital (electronic) copies of the Mueller Report exist?

How many are in the possession of individuals rather than under lock and key?

How long do you think it's going to be before one of those copies is leaked onto the internet?

Would that be illegal?

Of course.

Is it likely to happen, nevertheless?
The Congress is entitled to the full UNREDACTED report. It is part of their oversight duties.

"Oversight" doesn't mean that the House can run roughshod over the Executive.
The USSC will probably need to decide on the interpretation of the "Law vs oversight".
Barr will not provide the unredacted report until the USSC says they have to.

Yes it does in regards to any document that is produced by the Executive Branch.
If the USSC follows the precedents established during Watergate, it will be released to Congress.
Barr will not be allowed to continue his coverup.
If you believe the SC is going to rule in favor of the AG releasing the unredacted Muller report to Congress you are fucking delusional.
They KNOW Shit For Brains would leak the report the NYT within 10 minutes of him getting a copy of the report.
So does everyone in Washington!

You are the one who is delusional. The Supreme Court's job is to uphold the Constitution and that is all. Whether it is leaked is none of their concern.

You are the one who is delusional if you think the Supreme Court can uphold the Constitution without caring about leaked information that violates people's Constitutional rights. Your partisanship is making you rabid.

The Supreme Court is sworn to uphold the Constitution and that is it. Over 70% of voters including Trump supporters are not partisan.
No Jim, that's a right wing LIE.
He confessed and plead guilty, because he DID LIE to the FBI about talking with the Russian Ambassador about removing sanctions....
Robert Mueller releases memo summarizing interview with Michael Flynn - CNNPolitics
Whether the FBI decided Flynn was lying at that moment has become a touch point in President Donald Trump's recent attacks on the Mueller investigation. Trump has latched on to whether Mueller pursued Flynn on a criminal charge at odds with the FBI's initial findings. Former FBI agent Peter Strzok's participation in the Flynn interview -- and the fact that Flynn was not warned he could be prosecuted for lying and had no lawyer in the room with him when he met with the FBI at the White House -- has also cast political shadows on the case.
Trump has alleged the FBI determined that day that Flynn hadn't lied. Yet the memo from January 24, 2017, that was released Monday night does not say the FBI agents made any determinations at that time. The memo only outlines what Flynn said in a straightforward manner.
The subsequent criminal complaint, filed by Mueller's office in December 2017, outlined how Flynn's retelling of the conversations was wrong.​

Even Strojk said he did not believe that Flynn intended to lie that day as he recounted, without preparation, a 12 month old conversation.

But he has been ruined for it anyway because of political partisanship.
Jim, that pig don't fly... no one in the world knew more than Gen Flynn, that lying to the FBI is a crime...

he tried to pull off that Trump talk bull crap in court and the judge nearly sent him to prison for 10 more years.... I kid you not...

and one of the reasons he has not been sent yet, is because the judge, after he tried to play his Trump talk crybaby move and chewed him up and spit him out, she showed mercy on him, and said he needed to think about finding a way to cooperate with the special counsel MORE than he did already.... or he could be sentenced right then.... he came out of his lawyer conference with his tail between legs begging for more time before she sentenced him, for him to cooperate more and profusely apologized for his lawyers trying to pull that bull shit, that he didn't know he should not have lied to the FBI and blamed his lawyers for trying that angle, more or less....

the transcripts of the court hearing is out there on the net, available for you to read....

As far as the FBI interview... they DID NOT SAY he DID NOT LIE, what the FBI reported, was that he showed no PHYSICAL SIGNS of lying.... rapid eye movements, blinks, sweating type stuff.... that simply could mean he was a pathological liar... at ease with lying.... because they HAVE THE RECORDINGS of the Russian Ambassador Operative's calls... including all of Flynn's calls to him...

Flynn lied thru his teeth Jim...

AND the FBI interview/transcript with him is also out on the net, the FBI gave him multiple chances to correct his lies...YES, they did....
Flynn is a moot point. President Trump IS GOING to grant Flynn a full pardon just before the 2020 election.
Same goes for Stone and the 'coffee boy' who the corrupt Obama administration set up.
Thus 100% guaranteeing Trump's base will turn out to give him another four years.

By the time twenty plus DEM presidential candidates have diluted the potential donor base no one will have more than a few million bucks to campaign against Trump's billion dollar plus amount.
"I gave fifty bucks I couldn't afford to Warren. Then when she withdrew I gave another fifty bucks to Harris and then she withdrew. Then I gave my last fifty bucks to Bernie knowing he didn't have a chance. That's fucking IT! NO MORE. Let Beta's wife kick in 500 million. Her family wouldn't even notice the money was gone!!!!!!!!!!"
Nicole Wallace on MSNBC said yesterday that all Trump voters are too stupid to understand what's printed on a cereal box.

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