Barr: Trump using 'extortion' to control GOP

So you believe that, if the Democrats have enough control, they will seek out and exterminate those who disagree with them?
I think we've seen it expressed in here already....There's been members who have posted that anyone who voted for Trump should be in prison, or worse....

I think given the chance, progressives would absolutely go full on Communist and jail their political opponents.
There are dozens of those who worked for Trump, and seeing the lack of respect for the Constitution and the Rule of Law, walked away.

Call them Turn Coats all you like, they are the ones who actually Not only swore to uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law, but are the ones who stuck by the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Turn coats are the ones who go against the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Know the difference.
Yes, a good example is getting a corrupt Judge that has recused himself previously from the subjects legal affairs, to suddenly approve a general warrant that violates the 4th amendment rights of a former President....
We know your politics:

MAC: I'm a chocolate ice cream, guy! Really! I am! Chocolate all the way!!!

But when you go to the store, all you buy is the vanilla.

Say one thing, do another: that's the politics of a leftwing seditionist.
What I don't get is how he can even say that with a straight face anymore in here, especially when Andrew Yang is his political hero.
Voters Beware !!!!

Former Attorney General William Barr said that former President Donald Trump was resorting to “extortion” to continue to exert influence over the Republican Party, and said he still hasn’t decided what to make of the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago and the government’s recovery of hundreds of pages of classified documents.

In a lengthy interview published Thursday, former New York Times editor Bari Weiss asked Barr why more Republicans did not simply come out and say that Trump’s claims that election fraud had prevented him from winning the 2020 election were, to use Barr's previous word, “bullshit.”

“The tactic that Trump is using to exert this control over the Republican Party is extortion,” Barr said of his former boss. “What other great leader has done this? Telling the party, ‘If it’s not me, I’m going to ruin your election chances by telling my base to sit home. And I’ll sabotage whoever you nominate other than me.’ It shows what he’s all about. He’s all about himself.”

Barr recounted Trump's fury on Dec. 1, 2020, when he learned that his attorney general had given an interview to the Associated Press and told them there was no evidence of widespread election fraud. Trump exploded at Barr over the interview, a clash that reportedly led Barr to tender his resignation on the spot before being convinced by White House counsel Pat Cipollone to wait to announce his departure.

Although Trump once had nothing but public praise for Barr, his has since turned on his former attorney general, calling him a RINO — short for “Republican in name only” — who didn’t “have the courage or stamina to go after voter fraud.”

Weiss asked Barr, who also served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, whether he underestimated “Trump’s disregard for the truth and disregard for the results of the election.”

“I underestimated how far he would take it. I thought on Dec. 14, when I tendered my resignation, the states had all certified the votes. To me, that was it. That was the last stop,” Barr said. “There was no process beyond that which would allow him to challenge the election. I thought it was safe to leave at that point. I was wrong. I did not expect him to take it as far as he did with these very wacky legal theories that no one gave any credence to.”

But Barr’s views on Trump’s actions after the 2020 election are decidedly more sour. He didn’t hold back when Weiss asked what he felt watching the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol unfold.

“I was disgusted and mortified and feeling very angry. I felt this whole thing had hurt the Republican Party and hurt the reputation of the administration even more than before. I was angry about that. Everyone I knew in the administration was angry about that. I also felt that it was just a Keystone Cops exercise. There wasn’t a genuine threat of overthrowing the government, as far as I was concerned, it was just a circus,” Barr said, adding that “the whole thing, to me, was a big embarrassment.”

The riot, Barr said, was “a shameful episode. ... And the president certainly precipitated it.”

As for the current legal standoff between Trump and both the Justice Department and the National Archives, Barr said he is waiting to see what information emerges before he draws a final conclusion about what the government has said was hundreds of pages of classified documents improperly stored at Trump’s Florida estate.

Great interview, whether in agreement down the line or not. Thanks for posting the link or I would have missed it.
What I don't get is how he can even say that with a straight face anymore in here, especially when Andrew Yang is his political hero.

Leftwingers are deranged and delusional, suffering from mass-hypnosis. Maybe it is something subliminal that MSNBC broasdcasts over the air between frames or puts into their progressive green organic carbon-neutral breakfasts.
Voters Beware !!!!

Former Attorney General William Barr said that former President Donald Trump was resorting to “extortion” to continue to exert influence over the Republican Party, and said he still hasn’t decided what to make of the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago and the government’s recovery of hundreds of pages of classified documents.

In a lengthy interview published Thursday, former New York Times editor Bari Weiss asked Barr why more Republicans did not simply come out and say that Trump’s claims that election fraud had prevented him from winning the 2020 election were, to use Barr's previous word, “bullshit.”

“The tactic that Trump is using to exert this control over the Republican Party is extortion,” Barr said of his former boss. “What other great leader has done this? Telling the party, ‘If it’s not me, I’m going to ruin your election chances by telling my base to sit home. And I’ll sabotage whoever you nominate other than me.’ It shows what he’s all about. He’s all about himself.”

Barr recounted Trump's fury on Dec. 1, 2020, when he learned that his attorney general had given an interview to the Associated Press and told them there was no evidence of widespread election fraud. Trump exploded at Barr over the interview, a clash that reportedly led Barr to tender his resignation on the spot before being convinced by White House counsel Pat Cipollone to wait to announce his departure.

Although Trump once had nothing but public praise for Barr, his has since turned on his former attorney general, calling him a RINO — short for “Republican in name only” — who didn’t “have the courage or stamina to go after voter fraud.”

Weiss asked Barr, who also served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, whether he underestimated “Trump’s disregard for the truth and disregard for the results of the election.”

“I underestimated how far he would take it. I thought on Dec. 14, when I tendered my resignation, the states had all certified the votes. To me, that was it. That was the last stop,” Barr said. “There was no process beyond that which would allow him to challenge the election. I thought it was safe to leave at that point. I was wrong. I did not expect him to take it as far as he did with these very wacky legal theories that no one gave any credence to.”

But Barr’s views on Trump’s actions after the 2020 election are decidedly more sour. He didn’t hold back when Weiss asked what he felt watching the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol unfold.

“I was disgusted and mortified and feeling very angry. I felt this whole thing had hurt the Republican Party and hurt the reputation of the administration even more than before. I was angry about that. Everyone I knew in the administration was angry about that. I also felt that it was just a Keystone Cops exercise. There wasn’t a genuine threat of overthrowing the government, as far as I was concerned, it was just a circus,” Barr said, adding that “the whole thing, to me, was a big embarrassment.”

The riot, Barr said, was “a shameful episode. ... And the president certainly precipitated it.”

As for the current legal standoff between Trump and both the Justice Department and the National Archives, Barr said he is waiting to see what information emerges before he draws a final conclusion about what the government has said was hundreds of pages of classified documents improperly stored at Trump’s Florida estate.

🙄 if it isn’t Trump or at least someone I can genuinely support (like DeSantis, for example), I don’t need Trump to tell me to just stay home. I believe most of us are sick and tired and utterly fed up with the old GOP and the notion of “go along to get along.”

Barr calls it extortion and he is being petty and hyperventilating. I don’t want any more McConnells. Conservative voters need to unite behind a candidate who doesn’t just say those pretty but meaningless things we want to hear.

We need to support a candidate who will actually do it. Trump started that and got flayed by the Dims, by the Apparatchik Dim propaganda ministry media and by spineless Republicans.

Our so-called “leaders” need to hear us. The old ways have to get gutted.
Nothing of the sort. Barr and others do know the Constitution and the Rule of Law and are following it and giving their opinions based on that. Nothing else.

Over a thousand people who have worked for Trump have given interviews to the 1/6 commission. When the trial for what has happened to the documents and how they got to Mar O Lago starts, if ever, there will be plenty of witnesses who will tell the truth about it.

Why reject any and all facts?

Be for the truth, please stop with the Nazi calling and comparison because it has nothing to do with what has been happening for the past 2 years.

Let the facts come. You do not wish to believe them, that is another story and your right to not want to do so.
And opinion is all that it is.
Barr is telling the truth based on knowing Trump for many years and having worked with him.

Stop with the drama and discuss what Barr says, based on his knowledge of Trump, the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
That is just Barr's opinion and doesn't mean it is correct. The first thing, was he did not, was not forced to give his opinion, when he got the Mueler report. He could have waited the two weeks and released then characterize it. Bottom line is that investigation led to several prosecutions and admissions and trials, where Trump insiders, were found guilty. I guarantee, I have never been close with that many felons, have.

As for whether Trump had contact and coordinated with the Russians himself, not proven, but people in his circle did supply campaign polling data to the Russians, and a 14 state ad buy was paid for that just happened to target those states. People talk about collusion, though there is no law against collusion, but Russian assets should not be buying targeted ads period, regarding our elections, whether Donald Trump agreed or recommended. He did benefit. Same with the wikileak release of the Hillary campaign emails, though those were not the emails, he asked Russia to find, still he used, campaigned and made sure they were publicized. It is all in the report, just no directed communications. Still, it seems like using stolen merchandise, as it was a vehicle to move the campaign and move public opinion. If they loaned him a stolen car for the campaign, that would obviously be receiving stolen merchandise, but these stolen emails had no intrinsic value, though stolen and used all the same. Law broken? Maybe not. Right or wrong to make advantage of stolen intelligence provided by Russia. WRONG. While not being any fan of the Hill and glad she did not become President, kind of for the same reason stated by Barr, that and the no character low moral thing, same as trump, I have mentioned before, I still think it was dirty politics and a further indication of Trump character. He did come out, appearing to owe the Russians. Appearance can be deceiving and I know it. Still got to wonder if it clouded his judgement on Ukraine from the beginning and what Trump was willing to go along with, making me glad he was caught, holding them to ransom and forcing the release of the support.

I was interested in his opinion of who might or should be in the future for the Republican party. He would support Desantis. Mentioned quickly was Virginia Governor Youngkin. I lean more toward Youngkin as he knew enough not to campaign with the tainted polarizing Trump.
We know your politics:

MAC: I'm a chocolate ice cream, guy! Really! I am! Chocolate all the way!!!

But when you go to the store, all you buy is the vanilla.

Say one thing, do another: that's the politics of a leftwing seditionist.
All that effort, and you STILL can't tell me where I actually stand on the actual issues. No matter HOW many times I post them.

All you "know" is that I don't adore your orange buffoon like you do. That's it. So you base everything on that. You're a sheep.

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LMAO when Dem leaders in congress vowed to impeach Trump BEFORE he was even sworn into office that kind of lack of respect for the Constitution and Rule of Law? You really need to find someone at a much lower level to debate I'm way out of your league.
There was no impeachment of Trump until it surfaced he bribed the Ukraine president and interfered in that investigation.

After evidence of interrence in the Jan6 investigation and his brazened document theft it looks like both impeachment were valid.
I think we've seen it expressed in here already....There's been members who have posted that anyone who voted for Trump should be in prison, or worse....

I think given the chance, progressives would absolutely go full on Communist and jail their political opponents.
More fear of fantasy projection than the actual criminal behavior of Trump. Sigh
Trump's the Don he always wanted to be

All that effort, and you STILL can't tell me where I actually stand on the actual issues. No matter HOW many times I post them.

All you "know" is that I don't adore your orange buffoon like you do. That's it. So you base everything on that. You're a sheep.


What does it matter, what your politics are? All you do here is sigh and whine and twist your hands about Trump.
What does it matter, what your politics are? All you do here is sigh and whine and twist your hands about Trump.
Nope. But I know that's the perception, as sensitive and defensive as you people are. I can't help that.

I have many agreements, full or partial, with the Right, and I often express them. You're just too emotional to see it.

Not my problem.
Nope. But I know that's the perception, as sensitive and defensive as you people are. I can't help that.

I have many agreements, full or partial, with the Right, and I often express them. You're just too emotional to see it.

Not my problem.

Admit it Mac. Trump broke you. You can't let it go

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