Barry and the senile white guys....


Jun 1, 2013
What is it with the marxist muslim and the gray beard geezers he surrounds himself with? Everybody knows Biden is on another planet. Chuck Hagel has to be driven to the Pentagon because he can no longer find it on his own. And then there's James Clapper, age 72, the demented Director of National Security who's running Barry's domestic spying scheme on political enemies and most everybody else too.


You might remember Clapper from two years ago when Diane Sawyer stumped him in an interview:

James R. Clapper, the man charged with coordinating the nation's sensitive intelligence programs, sat silently after an interviewer asked him about the arrest of 12 terrorist suspects in London on Monday.

The reason, simply put, is Clapper didn't know about it. "London?" he asked after a pause when ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer mentioned the police sweep in a suspected plot hours earlier. White House counter-terrorism chief John Brennan jumped in and responded to Sawyer, and later conceded that Clapper had not been briefed on the incident and should have been.

Intelligence Chief James Clapper Didn't Know About London Terror Arrests

Huh? "wasn't briefed and should have been"? Can he read a newspaper? Hello?

So who does Barry run out yesterday to defend getting caught window-peeking on everybody in America? You guessed it....the guy in charge of it.... :clap2:
So he didn't immediately know about one incident and that makes him incompetent? I'm a specialist on Africa, but that doesn't mean that I know all of the breaking news from the continent right away. He probably should have been briefed on it and that was a staff lapse problem, not necessarily his.
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So he didn't immediately know about one incident and that makes him incompetent? I'm a specialist on Africa, but that doesn't mean that I know all of the breaking news from the continent right away. He probably should have been briefed on it and that was a staff lapse problem, not necessarily his.

A "specialist on Africa" eh?

p.s. the London terror takedown was all over the newspapers and TV.....does this old coot live in a bubble?
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A "specialist on Africa" eh?

Yes, primarily Sub-Saharan Africa, I specialize in conflict and economic development.

p.s. the London terror takedown was all over the newspapers and TV.....does this old coot live in a bubble?

Alright, i'll give an example from my own experience. Back when i was getting my masters degree I finished it off by working full time with the US State Department (Bureau of African Affairs). Now my job depended on information from news sources as well; it wasn't my job however to look the news up or to spend several hours watching TV. I had work to do, so i depended (as did my office) on other employees whose job it was (in part) to push to us relevant news usually delivered every morning via email. In addition to that we'd get relevant cables from our diplomatic missions pushed to us as they came in. You could always search the general database, but you don't really have time for that, you depend on these email briefs and even then if say your lunch break (when I usually skimmed them) turns into say a working lunch break during which you have to liaison with someone, your routine gets interrupted. It is very common for that to happen. Meetings can eat up large chunks of your day. For important issues or public appearances there are in-person briefings, or talking points drawn up, if this briefing chain of information fails in its duty to brief you on important info then you may not get it until later. That's the way the organization works.

So once again it seems like a failure in his briefing staff's duties, not sure how that makes him incompetent.
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Listen, Clapper wasn't "aware" of a major terrorist takedown that effected American security....there was nothing more important for him to know at the time. You continue to make excuses for these criminals....yeah CRIMINALS without a care because you worked as an intern or whatever for the Dept. of State? WTF over? Foggy-bottom has been a notorious hotbed for career leftists for years and all this latest scandal does is to reinforce that they put in two hour days and head out on the cocktail circuit. But this time they froze, the WH froze, and then did the chicken dance and 4 Americans are dead. Did you know the Ambassador was sodomized before he was murdered. There is no defense for these criminals and you continuing to try to mount one says as much about you as it does about them.
Listen, Clapper wasn't "aware" of a major terrorist takedown that effected American security....there was nothing more important for him to know at the time. You continue to make excuses for these criminals....yeah CRIMINALS without a care because you worked as an intern or whatever for the Dept. of State? WTF over? Foggy-bottom has been a notorious hotbed for career leftists for years and all this latest scandal does is to reinforce that they put in two hour days and head out on the cocktail circuit. But this time they froze, the WH froze, and then did the chicken dance and 4 Americans are dead. Did you know the Ambassador was sodomized before he was murdered. There is no defense for these criminals and you continuing to try to mount one says as much about you as it does about them.

Still coming across as pretty bitter here and still managing not to be able to actually respond to my direct counter arguments. This is turning into a bit of a trend for you.
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Still coming across as pretty bitter here and still managing not to be able to actually respond to my direct counter arguments. This is turning into a bit of a trend for you.

Stay the hell away from my threads, pinhead.
I sense a pattern;

' Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Clapper denied allegations by panel members the NSA conducted electronic surveillance of Americans on U.S. soil.

“Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” committee member Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) asked Clapper during the March 12 hearing.

In response, Clapper replied quickly: “No, sir.” '
Clapper denied NSA surveillance before Senate panel in March testimony - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

Report: NSA targets credit card transactions - Dave Clarke -

He isn't senile. He is just another Obama administration serial liar.

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